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  1. Hi All - I was curious if anyone on the forum has experience with Microdosing? This involves taking a very small dose of a psychedelic such as mushrooms or LSD every few days in order to induce flow states. This seems to be a very interesting area. I stumbled upon a site called the Third Wave which provides resources on this? Also read an interesting book over the holiday call Stealing Fire (Steven Kolter). Great book!
  2. Hello All - Just curious if anyone on the forum has experience with float or sensory deprivation tanks. I tried yesterday for the first time. Fabulous experience.
  3. Good Morning All (from Alberta, Canada) - I watched Leo's video this week (being a victim part 2). It never ceases to amaze me how his work hits home. I stumbled upon this 2 minute you tube called the "fly" that brought a tear to my eye. It really drives home what Leo was talking about with the inner vs. outer world distinction that we must make and why we must take mediation, mindfullness, truth seriously. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9l-YYqjhVi4 Thank you so my much Leo!
  4. When I consider this issue I am not sure that I want to get wrapped up in the debate, so much. I don't think anyone would disagree that we don't have 100% freewill. What is important is what the last paragraph the in the article on the link on the previous post suggests: When you realize this—that nothing could be different than it is—the habit of incessantly worrying about past and future decisions can finally come to an end. Thoughts surrounding the notions of selection and choice need not to occupy our consciousness anymore; instead, their absence signifies a newfound freedom: anything but constant perfection is starting to become unthinkable. In the absence of these thoughts surrounding the notion of “free will,” we can at last rest assured that everything is always unfolding exactly as it should. As Leo suggests in his video if you assume you have 100% control you will live in a kind of hell. When I reflect on this in my own life I see truth in this. I think this is why I love this video so much and it has been so transformational for me. When I accept the idea that I may not be in control 100% and let situations unfold my level of anxiety with respect to events and situations is reduced significantly and I am much more effective in the moment. I have experienced a sense of liberation with this which is huge. Can't thank Leo enough for this one...
  5. Here is some good food for thought on freewill from the Bhagavad Gita... https://auromere.wordpress.com/2009/11/01/gita-chapter-18-verse-60-61-illusion-of-free-will/
  6. Arik - Like you I was also quite inspired by Leo's video on this topic. I think this is my second favorite (behind the Free Will video) Leo video. I have been meditating for many years as I was taught Transcendental mediation in the early 1990's. I thought Strong Determination Sitting (SDS) sounded a little odd because the TM people suggest that you shouldn't meditate more that 20 minutes. After giving this a whirl I can see huge value in this and what is does for mindfulness. It seems like a lot of people have trouble getting over 90 minutes. After practicing this and watching my thoughts what I found interesting is all the excuses that would come up in my head about why I should look up at the clock, maybe get up and have my morning coffee, why I should get up because I have already done enough ect.....After this I started to notice how thoughts would come up in the day that were truly limiting in nature (just excuses popping up about everything) that I never paid any attention to. It has really been quite an eye opener. The experience of the sitting and being with discomfort is quite interesting as well. My knee was really getting sore in one sit and I stayed with it. It was really odd because as I sat with it I had the experience of the discomfort actually being distinct from me and it floated away. It was quite something. Anyway - there is something to this foresure. Peace out.
  7. Good question. I am in Alberta, Canada. Things are bleak here right now with the price of oil. I feel like I am continuing to make break through in my business.
  8. My take is enjoy your self and have fun. I know my journey has lead to more enjoyment of life and social situations however I have cut back drinking alot. As your awareness expands I think you will naturally drink less over time so there is no need to force this on yourself. It will happen naturally in due course for you.
  9. My take and understanding is part of the path is an opening up of the nervous system. There is a physiological component to enlightenment (which is why physical yoga postures are one of the eight limbs of yoga). Anything that causes damage to the nervous system is a no no.
  10. Eckhart's work is great. If you ever have trouble sleeping listen to the Power of Now in audio book before bed. You will be asleep in 5 minutes. It works awesome.
  11. I loved the video on free will. I think this is Leo's best piece of work. I think it's important to recognize what is opens up for us when we recognize we really don't have free will while thinking we do. What opens up is we become more at ease with things, more light hearted. Like "enjoy getting the ride" rather than resisting. With this relationships and life in general are easier and just flow. It's good very good stuff.
  12. Has anyone anyone read any of the material on the AYP (Advanced Yoga Practices) web-site? I have listened to some of the audio books by Yogani. Powerful stuff. Anyone else read these? Thoughts?