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Everything posted by Alysssa

  1. Is impulsiveness always means pure authenticity? What is authenticity at all? Imagine 2 scenarios: 1. You walk on the street and you see a parent abuses his child, everyone on the street pretend as if they didn't notice it. Lets assume that you are this type of person who hates children and you usually don't care about children, but this time you look at this child and he remains you something that you really love, you don't know why but you have the impulse to protect this child so you screaming on his parent for abusing his own child. 2 days ago you saw another parent who abused his child but it didn't affect you emotionally so you did nothing about it. 2. You walk on the street and you see a parent abuses his child, again, everyone on the street pretend as nothing happening but you believe that it's wrong, It one of your core values: Never hurt someone who can't protect himself. Every time you see someone who can't protect himself, like a child who get abused by his parent, you take an action. You approach to the child's parent calmly but assertively and say: "I called to the police, don't dare to hurt this child again" or something like that, the main point is that you figuring out the situation with calm mind. In what scenario your behavior considered more authentic? The first came from impulse (You took an action impulsively because it affected your emotions) , the second from value (You take an action out of value no matter if it triggered your emotions or not). I'm struggling to see an action from an impulse as pure authenticity, because impulses are automatic, you don't choose them mindfully, you just act by them when in the other side you do chose your values.
  2. @LastThursday Pure authenticity. Interesting definition. I heard people saying that authenticity it's to actualize yourself and striving to be better version beyond your impulses. if I understood it right. What do you think? @hyruga I'll watch it @Swarnim So you saying that Impulsiveness is good or bad related to circumstances? That makes sense. What does it mean?
  3. Man: I want to find the truth, I want to be free. spiritual and blah blah blahvdhbkdjbkszcv God: So push this door and you'll be man: Yak it's a pink door, I hate pink, It's not masculine!!!!!!! I am a man, are you kidding me? I'm not going to do it
  4. Source:
  5. You give me good material here, I'm not sure I understood all of it but the videos are very helpful. Thank you.
  6. What is spiritual ego? How one can know if he uses spirituality as an excuse to escape life?
  7. @Someone here No problem:)
  8. Anxiety is awful. I suffered many years of social anxiety, general anxiety& depression which affect my life a lot. People didn't understand me and I felt like what's wrong with me? Am I the only fucked up person in this world? Then I figured out that it's very common in our modern society, Some people struggle with it more, some less, but you are not alone my friend. Today I rarely have anxiety/depression attacks. I can list you the things that helped me to cope with it, maybe something will be helpful: 1. Breathing exercises 2. Long walks everyday 3. Writing a journal 4. Cutting toxic people in my life 5. Avoiding stressful places like stressful work places and environments 6. Meditation/Yoga 7. Educating myself about anxiety and depression 8. Spirituality 9. Art 10. Music
  9. This post made me cry. I'm sorry, I have no good answer for you because I myself have no clue how to cope with this. I have an old and sick dog that I'm very love and attached to. She doesn't have a lot of time probably and I feel the same feeling like you described: I want to help but I have no control. I don't compare my situation to yours, what you went through is unimageable for me. it's like a nightmare. It definitely caused you trauma and it's something that has to be handled carefully, It takes time
  10. Why I mostly prefer to talk or be in a relationship with gay/bisexsual men: 1. They usually open minded 2. They are authentic. They don't give a fuck about men stereotypes (How men should behave and be) which is fucking attractive 3. They aren't women haters and some of them admire us sincerely 4. I can be who I am around them without feeling judged 5. Many of them are at stage green+ compered to non gay/bisexsual guys who mostly have very weak green stage 6. They don't give a fuck about red pill dogma and tend to see women as an individuals 7. They usually good listeners and have good social skills, even the introverted ones
  11. @hamedsf It blows my mind to think how small and not important we are compered to the infinite universe. @Leo Gura What if our MAGA isn't aliens MAGA? Their MAGA may refer to something higher than ours @Pateedm What it looked alike? was it close to you enough to see details? @m0hsen I can understand why they don't want or interested to have contact with us. But one or two formal visits just in order to shock us a bit would be nice @Loving Radiance We are aliens, to other aliens @Waken Do you mean to Bashar Al-Assad the villain alien?
  12. I watched Leo's last video and I really can't understand what women haters gain from being mean toward women? What they gain from sarcastic comments, gaslighting, toxic and arrogant even violent behavior to women who did nothing to them or women who just stand for themselves and talk about what's in their mind? I'm not surprised when I see unintelligent men who talk shit about women but I surprised to see men who considered intelligent who have such a low opinions about women. I can understand why they act that way in less developed countries more or less because those countries often have very limited view point but what about developed countries? We have much more freedom and there is so much more perspectives so why do they insist to be so ignorant and keep putting down the other sex?
  13. @Gesundheit2 Lol, I don't know how they would be but I think they are much cuter
  14. @impulse9 Oh your description reminds me of this: IV73Wdjtbf0 Is this similar to the UFO you saw?
  15. @impulse9 People who want to experience enlightenment in order to realize they are God are included in this category?
  16. @Preety_India Life in India as a woman seems unbearable, the fact that your life and safety are at danger so often very disturbing. I'm fascinated by your spirit and personality. Please take care of yourself.
  17. @Preety_India Those who called themselves spiritual people without fully embracing their feminine and masculine sides are simply deluding themselves. Those so called spiritual personalities who assume that presence of women cause them suffering because it arises sexual drives in them, are probably stuck at stage blue. I feel pity for them. I've been exposed to Hinduism a bit and I felt disturbed by it's toxicity towards women and how it covers it with a sweet blanket of spiritual vague explanations. There was something I read about abortions that woman has no right to do that even if she gets pregnant by violent rape and there were some vague spiritual explanation, I couldn't keep reading it. Unfortunately Hinduism isn't the only toxic religion to women.
  18. @Preety_India I think that this thread is useful because I have a question and I look for answers like anybody else here. I didn't post it in order to speared my ideas about feminism but simply to make things for myself clear. Maybe I put a mirror in front of some women haters but it's not a big deal, eventually it's hard to live a full life without triggering someone. I probably trigger some men on daily basis just for being alive LOL, I can live with that. I have to admit that I didn't expect from spiritual men or men who prone to spirituality, to have hatred for women. But it was a naïve thinking of mine probably. In other hand, I also appreciate those who answered to the point without insulting women or without being triggered, so it's not black or white. Yes arguing with people has no use, I avoid it when it become too toxic for me to handle. The good thing about the internet is that when someone is nasty to me, I can ignore him.
  19. @Karmadhi @ryangold I see. @gettoefl I shared my point (as you shared yours), do what you want with it.
  20. @gettoefl I have no right to judge you. you right. but if you hate women you do already judge women as a whole, isn't that? I mean. you have already some perceptions about me which aren't positive, just because I'm female, Is that the case right? I also have past by the way and my past also wasn't shine and brilliant. (full of pain) You don't have to love women but hatred is a very radical thing. I don't know what your past was like, I'm sorry that you had to come through this, I wish you to heal and be your best self. I hope you also realize that you don't have to continue this negative cycle and you can brake it. Because if you won't brake it you just keep bring pain to other people and it hurts as fuck as you know. @Goldzilla Yes, I agree that women aren't clean from hatred. Some women hate men and other women hate women. But in general speaking woman hatred is more common as a social phenomenon. It's more normalized. @Leo Gura I remember you saying this on the video but I'm not sure I fully understood this. I think I need to watch the video again. @mandyjw I'm sorry, English isn't my native language so I got lost somewhere between the words