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About Garay

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  1. An insight about placebo that may break some illusions.... (hope is not off topic) [Please note that I speak in general and about a typical western scientific-minded mindset example, which was triggered by content in this post but is not a personal answer to any coment per se, so no reason to feel pointed, judged or take offense] To my eyes it is kind of funny how many times I've seen and heard of people that really got really significant results from various and varied alternative medicine therapies and practices. Nonetheless, the mind always needs to consider that perhaps it was the placebo effect. Knowing myself that real uncertainty is a great value (a result of personal development I would say), I think this is different... I mean, e.g., if you drunk beer regularly, then you drink non-alcoholic beer (thinking it was alcoholic) you may feel tipsy or get drunk due to the placebo effect, as your subconscious mind completely believes that you're drinking alcohol and you experienced its taste, feeling and effects several times before. However, the motive for that you doubt about the results of a non-understood and previously unexperienced healing method, as I see it, is because your past experience conditioning that conforms your picture of reality pushes you to think that most likely it must be placebo, since otherwise the believe system that shapes your model of the reality could be threatened. Now, if the placebo effect is based on a set of present subconscious beliefs (more powerful than those you are conscious of), how it can be that a placebo effect worked in favour of a reason you rather not believe in the first place?
  2. Hi there, I was just wondering how mental health and discipline are opposite forces in your understanding, what do you mean by mental health in this case?