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Everything posted by flyingguitarist

  1. I think there's a book called 'Systems thinking for social change' by David Peter stroh , maybe that would help you
  2. Yup she is , like her father .. Here's an interview of her :
  3. Happy Earth Day! Recently i stumbled upon this song which really clicked me and made me to watch the whole webseries.Shows how natural ecosystems are getting affected , The visuals ,narration are just AMAZING The Below link is for the whole series playlist , Netflix has provided it for free to reach wider audiences ..
  4. "How do you know this.. (judgment, belief,conclusions)?" What does that mean ? How can this be interpreted in another way?what's another way to look at it? Guide them to some scenario make sure that it's not too farfetched but something closer to their existing beliefs
  5. @nuwu @vizual Do you think Stage yellow People are better to cope up with such people and design systems in such a way which helps to transition and maintain overall health of spiral? such that narcissist people have very low chance to exploit @aurum Lol , watching Leo, curt jaimungal's videos has made me feel that such time length is the normal one Woah , thanks I'll check that out I also feel "How" are we gonna shift
  6. What do you think of this? This Cleary looks like a Stage green move from orange in terms of economics and technology,( Opensource , sharing & Gift economy, from linear to networks based(IOT),Social Entreprenuership, from Geopolitics to Biosphere consciousness,..) Anybody here working on a similar vision?
  7. Lots of TVP and Fresco's Wisdom
  8. Leo's practical advice videos, Mj de Marco's Unscripted books (read either of them ) .
  9. Yeah few days ago , even i stumbled upon late dr Jacque Fresco and his project and I felt excited about it, sounds so interesting .Wow atlast there's some hope for humankind ... until i found this and then stumbled upon TROM and its books,videos educating us about many problems,Creating a Trade-free society etc.. The Books ,nice animated ones:
  10. Aye aye !
  11. @JosephKnecht it will almost take a life time for most of us to complete every book??
  12. Nice ! ?
  13. @itachi uchiha I meant Modi and his party ,he promotes and does yoga , meditation ,has a spiritual component (atleast the way he projects in media )yet he is still hindu nationalist
  14. It sounds so strange on one hand they promote yoga meditation,ayurveda and on the other hand these kind of stuff
  15. Hello guys i got this question because there is a subject called Control Systems , Control Theory for engineering undergrads in their syllabus.. and is related to cybernetics , seems similar to 'systems thinking' , so I thought "well engg is usually in stage orange and such topics are "stage yellow",its been taught to us who aren't much developed to yellow .. so if somebody knows Systems theory ,systems thinking, cybernetics , Networking etc.. etc..(lets say if he/her develops more curiosity to get deeper.. ) does that mean he/she is in stage yellow?even though his/her stage orange environment has taught him about cybernetics and does systems thinking limited to Stage Yellow ? why not green and Orange ?..
  16. @Bernardo Carleial Okay so how can we all start to embody these principles , sure everyone's gotta figure on their own to embody , btw how did you figure out to embody it? coz all these theories,words,concepts are in my head ,but lack of embodiment
  17. @Carl-Richard How can we expand our construct , context awareness/ have a mature systems view ? like do we have to read,explore bunch of theories ,example ken wilber stuff and apply in day to day life ? or is it something more.. Meanwhile what some good resources to learn community psychology ?which you'd mentioned in the post , that sounds interesting
  18. Hey leo , could you make videos discussing various philosophies ,strategies of education ?
  19. Hey guys , what are your thoughts on this? He is challenging idealism..
  20. That's similar to development of your Warrior archetype from "King Warrior Magician Lover" framework
  21. @puporing I'm looking to dive into classical music ,to listen .. Do you have any suggestions to get started with?