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About Soulife96

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  • Birthday 08/29/1996

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    Odense, Denmark
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  1. I'll be a lower secondary school (teaching 7 to 14 year olds) teacher in English as a second language, and social sciences. In the past half a year to a year, I've had a dilemma, or an inner debate: Are interculturality, democratic values, egalitarianism etc, (aka. Stage Green values), something that is learned due to development or education? Or both? And does the answer to this question say anything about how these values should be taught to 7-14 year olds? There's no doubt that these values should be taught, but how should they be taught if it's more of a developmental challenge rather than an educational focused challenge? If any teachers here can shed some light on this with their own experience, I'd highly appreciate it
  2. It's funny how the saying "with great power comes great responsibility" hits on so many levels (individual, collective, implicit, explicit...). So my first thought would be that yeah, the times we live in are pretty rough, in a sense. Yes, there's more loneliness, depression, anxiety, fear of death (I am guessing here, but it's a reflected guess) and other things that are more explicit. But I think there's something to be said when considering societal and of course personal problems. Let's take this one area at a time: Societal challenges (I don't think problems is accurate, it has a negative connotation): these, yes, they can be rough, and create some pretty nasty stuff, but then again, who creates this? It's all YOU. I guess both You and you. If we can for a moment picture the process of socialization to have a specific direction (society--> individual), there's another process, that I don't know the word for (or even know if there's a word for), which goes from individual--->society. The word would be influence? impact? Also, Remember the whole "God forgives devilry" thing. So yes, on one hand, make this illusion we live in the best (constructive - damn, I sometimes wish language was a bit more helpful with such explanations haha) illusion we can imagine it being, by being selfless, caring, giving, loving. At the same time, on the other hand, remember that life is messy, everything is messy, yet so orderly. Mess vs order haha, an orderly mess. That takes me back to a video of Leo's. Personal challenges: What makes you feel this way, personally? What makes you feel empty about the world today? What is it that you're lacking, or think you're lacking? What do you want? Like REALLY WANT? (You probably know what You wants, but what do you want?) For example, I'm striving to be an elementary school teacher, to help us all face the societal challenges. That will also fulfill me personally, cause you could say I get off on pulling people up. In addition to that, I am writing a book at the moment, and that's also giving me a sense of purpose, both to face the personal challenge of finding purpose, and the societal challenge, by showing ideas, inspire. All the best, Soulife
  3. I'm going to be a teacher for the 7th to 9th grade in English as a second language, social sciences and cooking classes. I live in Denmark and will be teaching in Denmark. As a whole, at a societal level, I would categorize Denmark as a very solid green and a possibly yellow emergence. Here are the thoughts I have gathered, specifically for the subjects I will be teaching. These thoughts will be integrated and supplementary in most cases, to the school's an national syllabus and curriculum. ESL (English as a Second Language) - explaining how Language is not only based in rationality and emotionality - language is not objective - Making students aware that language as well as culture forms the way we perceive reality (linguistic determinism) - Pointing out that Universal Grammar (explained simply for the sake of the target audience) combined with linguistic determinism shows how we are different expressions of the same Thing. - interculturality - how we need to accept all perspectives as valid to the conversation, but that this also includes also being critical of our own perspectives - culture is a verb Social sciences: Sociology: - approaching the material holistically with regards to the various extents to witch identity reaches out (including spiral dynamics) - connecting material to relativism and reflection on own opinions, beliefs... - excercieses and practical experiments and activities linked to how methods in social sciences aren't as rational as one would think - culture is a verb and constructed and in constant development Politics: - politics is made to become each time more inclusive - beyond the voting power - how individuals and collectives have a say in society beyond their voting right - Ecology combined with personal- and trans-personal responsibility and integrity - and how we can possibly contribute to this in and out of the school boundaries - Reflection on the school culture, and how this impacts them and others - is it a culture where everyone is given a voice? Is it a culture that is equally teacher- and student centered? is it a culture that creates emotional regimes (term coined by my ex professor - følelsesregimer), where there's an outer- and inner group? how does democracy play out in the classroom and school? Economics - how growth hierarchies are not the same as structural hierarchies (growth hierarchies is the Wilberian term) - how capitalism works, what the down, and up sides are, and what it expects of them- and then ask them critically about what they personally think about it - How economic growth and economic development are interdependent and not necessarily interconnected - and ask them if they consider these as a healthy way to qualify society Cooking classes - connection between eating habits and health - Food consumption and its environmental impact - aesthetic development through cooking - how cooking is a way in which culture is a constructed verb Added very important question: how to tackle what I call the pluralistic paradox - the paradox of tolerance. For example: how does one explain to students that racism, is intolerance, but that we should meet racism with love, not hatred, and not play the racist's game, without being misunderstood? Or should that not be even brought up with this age group?
  4. @eggopm3 thanks a lot
  5. @Leo Gura Thank you. That is helpful to know. I think I tend to worry a lot about physical health and that sometimes inhibits me from evolving psychologically and personally.
  6. Hahaha that does sound about right ? I mean I've taken about 10 trips in my life so you're probably right in my case ?
  7. Definitely. My concern sometimes is if there's a reason cause it's difficult to know if it's possible to "run out of insights" that can be induced by psychedelics.
  8. Hmm well I definitely don't have a problem of overusing but I sometimes hesitate and wonder if I take too long between trips cause I feel as if I over interpret it and my memory of the experience gets very vague. I've never taken two trips with a lesser interval than 6 months. Thank you
  9. Using psychedelics: with what frequency is it most effective for spiritual development? I know there is such thing as too often, but is there a "too rarely"? I also know that it probably depends on the person and stage but would you say that once or twice a year is too infrequently? I feel as if I really try to get the most reflection and "mental digestion" out of the trip and therefore wait 6 months or more. Any recommendations? Experiences?
  10. @WonderSeeker Thank you!
  11. Most powerful and impacting way of doing spiritual autolysis? (Writing) what is the wording?
  12. JBP is an INTP from my observations But I'm guessing the dynamic you describe that comes about when these two get together is due to the Te-Ti balance.