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Everything posted by sara373

  1. @Anahata so we are an illusion in this illusion? nothingness?
  2. when we say God what do we really mean? The universe/reality or the Father?
  3. What are some tips to heal sorrows and anguish? I notice as an overly sensitive person words, things and people can emotionally bruise me in some way. As someone who can take self-criticism crazy well, when others criticize I can see how it's delivered. It breaks me down. I think the answer is not giving a fudge ?
  4. i dont get it. what is supposed to awaken? Am i to understand lifes sufferings cause awakening? Aren't we already conscious to this when undergoing the grueling of life itself. And so greater suffering= higher consciousness (being awake) ? clarification pls..
  5. @Carl-Richard I dont know what that would be like.. Do tou know?
  6. @Endangered-EGO very sad to read about your mother. I hope she heals soon ? will just share my thoughts. There are different kinds of sufferings. All under same name but still different intensity and cause. Self-inflicted punishment as opposed to self-inflicted discipline for example, is a suffering that will not provide enlightenment unlesss you surrender to: forgiveness, love and self-respect. Because youre coming from a place of hurt is why you're perpetuating a suffeirng. there are other paths of surrender besides islam, like the one i mention avove. So, other sufferings can be poverty, illness, loss of worldly things.. maybe the diamond is in the rough,: enduring a hardship you can appreciate. If you change the word suffering to endurance, you will realize how much will to endure and persevere that you have. Spiritual deprivation is one of the toughest sufferings of all I think. It cannot be self-imposed (unless bc of carnal reason). It just happens at a time in your life and is up to you how will you respond, by going within and seeking truths or what. Anyway so tou get the idea. Life has its fair share of personal training. Now, you are exhausted. Be good to yourself and if you can learn anything is of it is love, patience and fortitude.
  7. Hi, I found this forum via googling spirituality. While the questions are sparking in my mind before it goes blank I would like to know what's self-actualization- is it consciousness? I have been reading up on the 7 densities, that we are in the 3rd/4th and is this related to self-actualization? Is yoga and meditation necessary for higher consciousness? Of recent I want to eat clean and possibly go vegan, now when I think about it wondering if this choice is to do with a state of conscious expansion or merely out of practicality and reasoning. It's not like my intentions to change in life only out of wish for spiritual ascension. Sometimes I want self-improvement, because it's sensible thing to do. Some other questions.. Our past lives and future lives are intertwined with this current incarnation? Would like clarification on how best to understand this. Thank you
  8. @Tim R hi do we reincarnate? and hopefully to a better family and life if we lived in positive and high vibration in this current incarnation. Is this how it works?
  9. @Strangeloop me too. Even over phone my voice is almost a whisper. With others I don't really have a voice. Kinda sad to put it like this, might be due to upbringing. I'm an introvert. If we don't talk then we won't exchange ideas, experiences and spontaneous mind-reading. Like "how did you know?? I was just about to say that!"
  10. pet a cat. I have always consider cats as spiritual teachers because they meditate so well if you have a favorite plushie then give it a hug. Mine is a star plushie. Tea goes so well with gratitude, the first sip always does it. then look at the sky especially if there are clouds drifting by. I find myself up at 2AM for this
  11. @Javfly33 this means you are me. In a different life story expressing itself, yourself? So... wow.. interconnectedness is surreal.... Hi there
  12. so, there is no truth? in other words, our self. Its nothing? Clarification pls
  13. Hi Thhough not very good withh words, I would like to find out about something. Can you be a part of religion and also have a higher consciousness? Not 2nd or 3rd. It may seem shallow. My intention for asking this is because I don't want limitations in spiritual freedom and peace. Perhaps I have a lot of fears to overcome. And, religion is ofcourse fill of it. Maybe even more the seperatism. I think it shouldn't be that just because your part of a particular people that you seperate from All. In a way, we really cannot go by the holy books in this case because it is contradictory. Still, faith is also a beautiful thing. All of it is beautiful, subtracting the negative parts.
  14. @Thought Art I also think this is my solution but to love yourseltf might involve distancing from what is invoking negating feelings by others. For ecample clear or cut karmic cords. Personally i am trying to bring my love and light forward to my mom, so it scrubs out any negativity I've ever recieved or felt from her. Of course this is tremendous effort if your self-love reservoir isn't maintained. I'm a big talker here. When all is said I go to a corner and have a little cry. Lol. Just sharing my rusty 2 cents, pls accept :>
  15. @Preety_India thanks for the insight. My question is if God is life itself? I mean, the universe?
  16. so in a way, fear or a belief that is fear-based causes chain reactions.. yes quite like a loop..
  17. so does this imply that you, me, We are real? And everything is an illusion or distortion? Is our current life a story that is being dreamed by the One. I AM. Idk Clarification please.
  18. this is very beautiful. I"m a beginner in this spiritual journey. Sometimes I don't know what to call it, or what questions to even have. Those enriching words of yours is what I needed to read. Beautiful ♥️