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Everything posted by ZzzleepingBear

  1. The best advice I can come to think of, is to try to take one day at a time to gain mental clarity. It's hard to find the right answer each and every day, because we feel and think differently. But it's impossible to find the right answers in a projected future. Especially if we start to believe that only doom and gloom awaits us. Even if we plan or have a plan in motion already, we stil need to move forward in that plan one day at the time. If possible, try to make your work into a meditation of some sort. You can gain deeper understanding about yourself and others just by paying attention to what happens in a workplace environment as well. With mental clarity comes greater optimistic and creative thinking abilities, so who knows what your outlook and plans for life could look like. Start there, gain that clarity, make a plan on how to get more of that clarity. One stepp at the time. A bonus thought on mental clarity. It is not a uncommon thing that you also may realize that you need to cut down on costs that just has served as bad habits. So you could end up saving some money as well, or atleast cut down on some prior costs.
  2. Can you guys keep it down, will ya?!! I try to get some proper sleep in here..
  3. This seems like a prime example of a good thread imo, and @Bobby_2021 does a great job keeping it that way. It has already been said. But it's a case in progress.
  4. @LSD-Rumi I get the feeling that alot of users don't come here for serious or practical reasons when it comes to spirituality. But rather for various other reasons. And that is fine too. It's more like people are confused, and wants a quick answers to that confusion. That is my overall impression at least.
  5. Yeah that sounds a bit more reasonable I'd say.
  6. @Someone here I can't explain the whole christian teaching to you. But if you looked at my previous example with the car analogy. You could atleast suspect that they point to the different parts of the christian teaching, that makes up the whole. If you just want to see everything as God without acknowledge the parts, then thats fine too. But then what would religious teaching do you any good? If everything explicitly says that It's God every time you ask a question? It would all, already be said and done at that point, don't you think?
  7. I would say that it is spiritual chaos. But that can be fun in it's own right you know.
  8. @Breakingthewall Ok sure. But if you had broken your neck and was rushed to the hospital. You wouldn't like to hear from the doctor there that everything is perfect as it is. And send you home with a namaste.. Right?
  9. @Someone here A car, is a car, is a car, is a car? You could think about the car as THE thing, the vehicle it is, but the car stil have many parts and ways in which it functions as a whole. The understanding of anything needs to be broken down in pieces before you can understand the whole. For example, If your car broke down and you where to call a mechanic who ask what the problem is with your car. You cannot just say "car", to the mechanic and expect to be understood. It's about the same with religious understanding, the parts makes up the whole. While the parts is contained within the whole.
  10. I would say that It's a point where your beliefs are comming into the light of truth. The belief are what is judged, and if you are too attached to one or more belief that you have kept with you all the time up until the day of judgment. Then you will see that belief in the undeniable light of truth. You would not be able to keep false belief for yourself, if that was to be the case. A belief can easily be mistaken for truth if you cannot be honest enough with yourself.
  11. @Breakingthewall sure. But how would your desire be a expression of who you really are from a depressed state? You can talk all you want about how everything is one and perfect. But then what even is perfection suppose to mean if everything is already perfect, despite the experienced flaws in life. I could say that everything is tomato in the end, your human self just don't grasp this profound truth that everything is tomato. You see the problem with this kind of thinking?
  12. Ok cool, seem like it could work out for you then.
  13. No worries. But I agree with that there probably are alot who cheats. I was Just curious about what @Someone here feels about those rules since he seem to want to be fully dedicated to the religion as how it is supposed to be practiced.
  14. There will of course be alot of people who cheats, but I would not be so sure that everyone cheats. Especially if they are very serious with their religious faith.
  15. @Someone here Just curious here, but how do you feel about no sex before marriage and no more drinking if you decide to commit?
  16. Thats good. This brings some nuance to what you mean when you speak of awakening. I typically don't assume alot about spiritual claims, but I have my suspicions on what may be going on. And there are usually stuff to poke at without jumping to conclusions, to gain some clarity on the matter. In your case, peak experiences are your claim to the highest awakening. So It's good to know that this is what you mean or refer to when you speak about the highest awakening. Fair enough.
  17. @Leo Gura But you have repeatedly said that you are the most awake in the world ever. So what is true for most people should not be applied to you then, right?
  18. It may depend on how deep the addiction is. But if I where to speculate about the differences in why addiction tend to be more sticky to the mind. I would say that a addiction has a higher and faster reward peak when it hits. While the reward that comes from genuine effort or eating clean comes in a more moderate hit over a prolonged time, and most importantly after you have done or eaten something. So genuine rewards is understood and gained with knowledge how it works its way through you, it lands softly in your experience. You can work with it and develop it. While something that is addictive rewards you through directly hitting your emotions here and now. No wait is required. And so addiction as a experience hits you. It does not come in as a soft experience. And the rewards are higher the shorter they come. Just my 2 cents on the matter
  19. @KatiesKarma So you are young and it seems like you have been introduced into spirituality through the means of a existential crisis. This is not a uncommon way to find out about spirituality, but it is also not a end conclusion. But rather a beginning for deeper understanding and insight. My suggestion to you and your current situation, is that you find very grounded spiritual teachers to lay the foundation for yourself before you dive straight into all kinds of ideas that are being thrown around here and in many other places. Eckhart Tolle and Rupert Spira have very good and grounded practices and advices, and they also align with each other in what they speak about.
  20. @KatiesKarma If you dont mind me asking. How old are you? Ideas that other people are "bots" is quite a limited and naive view to hold, even if there can be some validity to the question itself.
  21. Your awards are on their way, they should arrive tomorrow. So no worries.