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Everything posted by johnlocke18

  1. @Gesundheit2 No we’re not. He said he’s being groomed by the universe. He said he expedited telepathy. He said he CAN heal people. Not that it’s just a possibility. There’s video evidence of all of these criticisms and he gave it.
  2. @Adamq8 Thinks for giving loads of evidence that this runs like a cult lmao “just be a good boy and meditate and don’t question anything” lmao this is ridiculous
  3. @Adamq8 Sure and if someone attacks my family I’ll just shut off my mind and let it happen since nothing is real. As a matter of fact, you shouldn’t be on here commenting. Just be quiet and meditate and let me say whatever I want. You’re delusional for interacting with me because I’m not real.
  4. @Adamq8 When did I say I followed him? I literally just found him and agreed with what he said because he gave video evidence. You’re no different than calling someone a Biden supporter because they criticized trump. You just gave evidence of the cult claims. This mob like mentality is personally why I stopped following Leo closely. Why not address what I said instead of making assumptions? A guy recently said he’s considering suicide on a post and even after an actual suicide you guys still take criticisms lightly.
  5. @ROOBIO You don’t have to do it, stop letting people preaching it pressure you, they’re not experts on life. And enlightenment may not even be real, if most of these people haven’t experienced it then they’re blindly believing it.
  6. @Blackhawk It even makes people feel suicidal, which is why you should take what they say with a grain of salt. This is why it makes me so angry when these people blindly follow and then don’t take anyone’s criticisms seriously, because they think they’re special. Just get help from a therapist man and figure out what you want to do with your life. These gurus aren’t experts and they need to stop giving people advice that isn’t all meditation.
  7. @Blackhawk The way I see it, mediation is proven to make people happy so I do it without worrying about enlightenment, which like you said may not be true. And I do feel like a lot of these people blindly believe it, and then preach it which causes problems. I personally don’t believe in it. I think the gurus are just really happy from mediation like the monks they did brain scans on, and then they turned it into a dogma.
  8. @OneHandClap It didn’t offend me. I’m trying not to let you make it out that’s it’s just my opinion when these I’m saying things that have factually cause problems. It’s not like shouting in the middle of a political rally because it’s not just my views. He really influenced a suicide and really influenced my friend to go homeless. That’s not just my opinion.
  9. @Adrian325 I was talking about problems Leo has factually caused. You came here making assumptions so I made them back. Then you sized me up and gave me your resume and then called me egoic when I gave you mine and started talking about how I don’t know the unknown. You’re being a hypocrite when I play a game that you’re the one trying to play. I think you’re just painting others with you own insecurities. You’re the scared child here and I think people have called you that when you brag about screwing up your life.
  10. @OneHandClap It’s not just my belief or opinion. This stuff has actually happened. I’m not accusing you but people do this as subtle gas lighting so they can say the person questioning Leo is deluded.
  11. @OneHandClap Okay this is another problem. You’re saying this is just what I believe. It’s not. My friend went homeless and he’s factually influenced a suicide. And other people have come out saying he’s ruined their life. It’s a problem and all he does is smart off about it.
  12. @OneHandClap Like I said, it’s not jus tha our changing his mind. Even if he once again deflects, it might help someone think twice about doing something that would mess up their life jus the because Leo thinks they should do it.
  13. @OneHandClap Saying this ain’t productive is silly when I’m coming right to where people are following him closely and can help them think twice. Telling me to go to one where people agree with me is what would be unproductive.
  14. @OneHandClap Well I feel like you get understand me then. The thing is me saying something can help, even though it isn’t going to stop him. If that person that committed suicide would’ve seen someone questioning Leo, it may have helped him reconsider.
  15. @johnlocke18 You agree that you see teachings giving recklessly which this whole thread is about. He never adjusts Or takes criticism, them even after a suicide, like making a dude feel like he has to choose 5meo over his family. It’s a problem and saying “that’s just the way it is” And letting the same things continue is why so many horrible things happen in the world. Even another person posted not too long ago about considering suicide, and instead of suggesting a psychiatrist, Leo just gave his unprofessional opinion knowing he influenced a suicide just recently.
  16. Uh yeah it is his fault if he advocates it multiple times with very few warnings and smarts off when multiple people tell him to be more careful. He literally said you have to physically die to awaken fully and even Said it again after influencing a suicide. This is why people stay in abusive relationships, because they are constantly told it’s their fault that their partner is getting angry or whatever. Leo’s careless wording to an audience with a heavy amount of vulnerable people, which he constantly gets evidence of, is no different. You are responsible when you know you have influence.
  17. @OneHandClap How do you know it’s not just a belief they’re spouting that silence is some deep truth? You can’t really know that without considering it could also be imagination. But to stay on topic this is about the problems Leo has factually caused people. All of the cult behavior that unsettles people is when Leo and his followers waffle around the problems he causes when people address it, and then turn it back on the person saying it’s their own issues the same way an abuser does.
  18. @Byun Sean When did I say I haven’t? In my opinion we can’t know it’s the truth and it’s just your guys and Leo’s belief that it is. You guys need to learn to stay on subject and making assumptions is one of the many things that makes this look like a cult. It is corrupt though because of the things I mentioned this whole thread that have factually happened.
  19. @Thought Art That’s the thing, he knows it’s caused problems now. He needs to change and stop thinking too highly of himself to take criticism from anyone. It makes me wonder if he has limited life experience aside from what he’s told us.
  20. @Thought Art I’m glad you’re aware of the confusion it can cause. That’s another thing he does wrong, he has a lot of his followers hating on experts. If people are being made to question themselves to debilitating confusion, by a guy that doesn’t know them, it’s gaslighting plain and simple.
  21. @Thought Art Yeah. He literally just needs to adjust his teachings instead of getting into arguments and talking down on anyone that disagrees. It’s so infuriating he’s causing such things just because he can’t adjust his wording a little. I think from where he used to follow pickup he’s got it drilled into his head not to take criticism because of the whole authority thing. It’s a bit of naive ness on his part not realizing he was following a bunch of slobs that think they’re a big deal for being able to go from socially awkward to acting normal.
  22. @Thought Art But I respect you’re not holding a shallow position on it.
  23. @Thought Art Saying “that’s just the way it is” is the reason so many corrupt things through history were accepted. People need to speak out against this crap if it’s ruining lives.
  24. @Thought Art You’re doing what I said the other guy did. I didn’t once mention anything about me. I’m speaking out for the mentally ill people on here that follow him like my friend that went homeless. And you’re not in the position to give that advice when you’re here on his forum going out of your way to follow him.
  25. @Thought Art And there’s a difference between a fool and someone mentally ill, which Leo knows he has a following of. You’re saying it doesn’t matter how careful he is when it really would save thousands of lives if he just worded things differently. Which he smarts off if anyone tries to tell him to. Saying stuff like “you won’t fully awaken until you physically die” or “you either care more about 5meo or your family” is just completely careless of him and ruins lives. You can’t justify that or just say I’m just being a snowflake unless you’re delusional.