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Everything posted by johnlocke18

  1. @OneHandClap Which is why I’m speaking up. It’s a really big problem that he doesn’t put enough emphasis on it if it influenced even on suicide.
  2. @Andyforreal And you say whining on here won’t help anyone. Yeah if people on his forum consider and actually commit suicide it can help them think twice about him being an unquestionable authority. Which is what you believe saying you have no right to speak out against him or “command” him. Yet he can say whatever he wants and you take it in without question. You say he’s not your guru but you’re literally on his forum following him. So, yes, he is in a way.
  3. You’re doing exactly what I said you did. Again. You’re justifying something that’s not right by saying he’s not perfect. You can say the same thing about even the most evil people. Then you’re trying to make it out like I’m “just whining” when his words are factually ruining lives and causing suicides. He’s a corrupt leader and you’re saying you can’t “command” him in his work. You’re basically saying you can’t say anything because he’s an authority. It’s a real problem and I’m speaking out against it.
  4. @Andyforreal Lol so you don’t care about other people whats your point? Your guru isn’t perfect but if you want to pretend he has no flaws then have fun in fantasy world.
  5. @Adrian325 And sure I did assume you sit around meditating, but that’s because you literally follow a dude that preaches that. You’re just making full blown assumptions when I’m criticizing factual problems he’s caused
  6. @Adrian325 “There’s women out there that will bring you to your knees.” You get mad like a child when I criticize someone you look up to for problems he’s factually caused and start hurling assumptions and acting condescending. Sure maybe there is, but you’re the one being egoic here. I point out things he’s factually done, then you turn it into a game of “oh I’m above you because I went to prison” which has nothing to do with what I said and a flat out assumption. You’re painting others with your own insecurities.
  7. @SgtPepper No he doesn’t. He puts the disclaimers in maybe 3 seconds of the video, then carelessly encourages the exact opposite of what the warnings say the entire video. Literally just watch them without bias or assuming I’m deluded and you’ll see that’s just how it is.
  8. @Batool I didn’t even mention anything about me. Im talking about him not being careful and factually ruining mentally ill people.. It’s not about me not handling it, it’s that he’s factually ruining people just with his wording, and he won’t change knowing that. And you’re projecting your close mindedness on me, when you’re deluded enough to believe Leo never makes mistakes. The fact that you said he doesn’t bs when I’m criticizing problems he’s actually caused shows this.
  9. @Thought Art @Andyforreal @OBEler @Dayo @Thought Art You guys are just justifying Leo making mistakes that aren’t okay to make, multiple times. Influencing ruined lives and a suicide. It’s like back when there were slaves the justification was just “that’s just how it is” which is what you guys are doing. You can’t change your views on Leo after he’s become corrupt, because you think highly of him, and then you project that closed mindedness on anyone that questions him. Then, you just try to make it out that they’re deluded and make assumptions.
  10. @Adrian325 I didn’t misunderstand anything. You literally bragged about going to prison which shows you’re behind me in maturity considering I’m proud of fixing things. All I did was criticize Leo, and you started all of the egoic bragging. You’re just projecting the whole scared child thing.
  11. Before people start condescending again for me ranting I had a friend go through something similar to Conor Murphy where he quit his job and went homeless to “raise his consciousness”. Then, he started calling himself a zen devil for what he was going through. So, this stuff hits close to home is why I’m ranting.
  12. @Loba He literally quoted Leo before he did it. I’m sure his family would like you smarting off about it have you ever had someone close to you be mentally ill or commit suicide? I’m being a “white knight” so stuff like this doesn’t happen again. Lol I hate when incels throw around that term my post has nothing to do with you dehumanizing women from your lack of sex.
  13. @Contrast It’s not letting me you can literally just scroll down Leo’s comments or on the spiritual forum.
  14. @Ry4n That’s weird it’s not welcome when the dude that runs the site smarts off like a kid when someone criticizes him for literally anything and then bans them.
  15. @Adrian325 That’s sad. Me and my friends went through hell to fix our mistakes and that’s insulting you’re proud just for making them. Lmao talking about who’s egos dumber and bragging about screwing your life up. Since you’re trying to alpha up here I do roofing during the day and train mma at night and I’ve handled a lot of people’s ass that have been to prison it don’t mean jack. I work one of the hardest jobs and train one of the hardest sports and you think you’re better for messing up your life. Think about that.
  16. @kinesin So basically you changed sides because it offended you I said meditation isn’t that hard and called out the dudes passive aggressive gas lighting. Do you know how ridiculous that is?
  17. @Adrian325 Lmao stfu. trust me sitting around meditating all day will make you fold under any kind of pressure in the real world so I’m actually the one sensing fear buddy. Leo’s your crutch to make you feel special I’ve been there. Then you think people that are doing things with themselves are just egoic while you become a shut in.
  18. @Leo Gura Oh that’s right you worded it different. Man you can dish out criticism but you sure can’t take it lmao. Have fun in your echo chamber and try hanging out with people that hold you accountable, not some nerds that suck up to you all the time. You do realize you influenced someone to kill themself right? Idk if you care or not but it’s better to actually be someone than pretend to be for others.
  19. @Leo Gura You could’ve just told him to sneak and do it occasionally. That’s a good way to ruin the dudes life. You have a crazy experience on 5meo and don’t even consider it could be subjective, then you push it on people. After what happened not to long ago you should’ve realized you need to change. You’re solipsism ideas really makes you think everyone should be like you.
  20. @Mips You can just sneak and do it occasionally. Leo is careless and can ruin people’s lives so don’t make any life changing decisions based on his opinion because he doesn’t care and still won’t take criticism. If he’s saying stuff like this after what happened to soonhei he’s not going to change.