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Everything posted by Mixcoatl

  1. I came back to my home country (México) a few days ago and decided to do some 5. So I want to share with you my experience. I was sitting and started to vape some regular DMT. I started to have very weird black-colored visuals, after that I started to feel numb all my body and my hands while they were kind of disappearing. Following act, I decided that was the moment to vape the bufo. I can barely remember what happened in that moment but it was like my body started to rust in very colorful stains until the point I was not even conscious of my body, just the sounds in my surroundings that were clearly and without any doubt pure consciousness. The rest is very unexplainable but it's like I became everything and my ears were in all the space. I could hear to the voices of the distant neighbors that usually i can't hear. I was aware of everything but in a completely new way. It was just beautiful ❤️, full of tranquility, happiness and peace. Words are simply useless to try to explain this experience. After that I vaped again DMT and I felt pretty much the same but this time I was a fractal and I was aware of visuals rather than sounds. I think it was not a high dose and I'd love to experience it again with a higher dose. But anyways... ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ My lesson learned about this trip is that Everything is completely alright and it will always be and it always was. There's nothing to worry about. I can't disappear, there is nowhere to go.
  2. Well, just a few months ago I was watching some Neuroscience videos and I found a channel called "professor Dave explains" which is basically a scientific guy that makes compendiums of science topics. I made a comment on one of his videos and he just answered me: " you know nothing. go watch my neuroscience videos and learn something". I also discovered he made a video where he criticizes Leo Gura's channel. He says something like: "i detect charlatans and destroy them". My point is the following. Is science dedicated to be an ego authority that aims to destroy other beliefs? I deeply feel like nowadays this is the spirit of science. The worst thing is that this guy criticizes so bad spirituality, accusing it to be just a bunch of dogmas. But he is in fact doing it: he is blindly believing all the things science is saying and repeating them like a ? without testing them himself. He criticizes reiki for being an arrogant activity but in one of his videos he says science has the legitimate authority to generate knowing. The main problem with scientific people is the they think spiritual people are against them but it's completely the opposite. ? Ok I just felt hurt for his comment and for the things he says about reiki because I have many reikista friends and I wanted to express it elsewhere.
  3. I personally believe every moment is the truth no matter what you're doing. Even when you are elaborating a lie, that's the truth.
  4. Make a video about memory. I believe ego lives in the memory but i don't know where is it. Is it in the brain? Is it in every cell? Is it in everything?
  5. Recently this paradox came into my mind in a different fashion: If God (consciousness) is absolutely omnipotent. Can it create a universe made out of matter as fundamental substance? My thoughts are the following: 1. God is not absolutely omnipotent. Or 2. God can imagine this universe within itself (imagination) and imagine it's own disappearance, and thus, disappearing that universe (which is not quite correct because this universe would still remain inside consciousness). Or 3. It can and it can't at the same time. I wanna read your thoughts and insights about this. Thank you!!
  6. My gosh. I just got it. The idea of matter is made of consciousness. Anyways. I still believe consciousness constraints itself in certain ways.
  7. Well. I saw your video about paradoxes. Also, you've been saying that absolutely everything is possible within consciousness. I'd like to know what you mean when you say "absolutely everything is possible" but you are also excluding this possibility. I want to clarify that I'm not a materialistic person. Yes, matter is a figment of consciousness, I agree. But how can't it make that universe possible ?? There must be something outside God that is preventing it to happen, which is also a paradox. It seems that consciousness in some way constraints itself I mean, I'm trying to make sense of it and I find very interesting the things that you say in your paradox video, specially when you say that when you go beyond the limits, things become paradoxical.
  8. Why can I remember the past but not the future? I mean. The answer "memory is imagination" doesn't convince me since everything is imagination. Let's say me & my brother had scrambled eggs in the morning. Later during the day I ask him: do you remember we had scrambled eggs? He will answer: yes. But if I ask him: do you remember that tomorrow we will have salad for breakfast? He will answer: i don't know. Or even worse, he will answer: i can't remember the future! My doubt is: why is there a mach between his past memory and mine but our memories about the future don't match?
  9. I think enlightenment is just a word, a symbol. Each teacher (and student) has their own definition of this word.
  10. Hey folks. I'm recently struggling more than usual to have relationship with others. I wanna start this topic explaining something that always has happened to me. When I was at elementary school I struggled a lot with my coexistence and relationship with my classmates. I had serious problems at home. I have been raised as Jehovah witness and my father was a violent alcoholic. These things made a veeeery introverted guy that in time my classmates used to bully me and take advantage of me. But also I think these things helped me a lot to look forward for something more in my life. Since I was a kid I had many interesting insights (which I won't expose in this post) that later, during my life, I understood why they happened to me and also, I've been corroborating that many people in the world have had the same insights. Now, I'm trying to expose some of my understanding and insights with my closest friends and family but they don't even understand what TF I'm talking about. Latest incident was with my own blood brother. He is an extraordinary historian. I tried to talk about my latest insights with him but as response I have just been classified in a series of philosophical currents (sorry for my English) like: "everything you are talking about is postmodernism and ______". And things like: "it is true that during human history when people doesn't understand something, they appeal to God. It sounds like religion" "you don't know what you're talking about" "science is noble because, blah, blah". But he also doesn't even understand that I'm not even against him. I don't wanna expose my relationship with others either. But it seems that nobody understands what im talking about. Some have told me I'm autistic or Asperger or weirdo, etc. Some even think I should look for professional help XD. I'm currently studying music and it's the same with my teachers. They don't understand how I see music and they just keep on telling me that I don't know music just because I don't fit in that boring, academic approach of music. The reason I'm exposing my struggle here is because I know there's many people here that cope with the same issue and maybe you can give me some advice on how to not feel frustrated with keeping my mouth shut and just pretending I'm a regular guy that talks about any regular shit and fits so well like everyone else around me. Thank you guys and it will be a pleasure to read you
  11. Now it's my turn to reply to you, bro. What's the hurry? Once I saw a Rupert Spira video where he says something like: "we are all enlightened but perceptions and appearances don't let us sometimes see the light" Also, I truly believe there isn't an absolute enlightenment. There's always something bigger to grasp. How many times Gura have said "I reached a new level of total awakening".
  12. I feel they do love me but not enough to even respect what I think. Thanks for the things you said. I'm enforcing myself to be more consistent in my daily socialization. It's crazy because today at work I had that understanding! it's just my ego that feels the need to be understood. At the end of the day, I think that's why we call it PERSONAL development.
  13. That's precisely the problem, bro. That I don't feel comfortable with no body around me. Although I know they love me, i can't open myself to them and it makes me feel frustrated and shy. Anyways, i understand what you're saying. I think I need to make an effort to go find different kind of people who not only loves me but also don't make judgements about my way of thinking
  14. Hello everyone. I found in my journey this information about nonduality and ancient beliefs that comprise the idea of the consciousness being the most fundamental substance of reality. Although for me it is a very logical conclusion I cannot grasp it. So here is the problem: when I meditate and focus my attention on my awareness I notice that in fact I'm being aware through my senses. I can hear, I can feel, etc. But I still can't be aware of my awareness without my senses (I don't even know if it is possible) and it makes me feel that my body is more fundamental than my awareness. the problem lies on that point: if I am aware through my senses, it makes me think that awareness is only through my body. How can I leave my senses aside to feel awareness indeed? And the other question is: if awareness is the immutable substance of the whole, what happens when I'm not aware, let's say in a deep sleep? Or, in other words: if awareness is everywhere. Why it seems that my body is always attached to the "same part" of awareness? Why I am always aware that this awareness is always the same? I mean, I moved from Mexico to California and I still feel that I am I. The same part of the whole consciousness. Of course there's a lot of information out there in the world but I don't want to just believe it dogmatically. I want to grasp it because if not, it is only a bunch of information that only confuses me
  15. That's exactly the problem that I'm trying to solve. If there isn't anybody to listen to the sound of a tree, then nobody experiences the sound, but it doesn't change the fact that there is a sound, waiting for someone to be heard. Let me explain little bit more: let's say I'm grabbing a stick of wood. From the materialistic point of view, my brains generate consciousness inside my body. There isn't consciousness in that stick since it doesn't have a brain. Then, when I grab this stick, some nerves tell my brains something is being touched by my hand. Then the brains generate this experience in my consciousness, which sounds plausible for me. From the nondualistic point of view, both "I" and the stick are made out of consciousness. So, when I grab the stick I have the experience of having something on my hand, which is also plausible for me!! But it seems that the prerequisite for the statement "consciousness is ever-present" to be true is that the same statement is true (also happens for the materialistic point of view). Let me explain why I think this way: if I grab that stick, in order to have the experience of feeling that stick, it has to be true that consciousness is ever-present. But think on this: let's suppose we have a stick outside consciousness, nothing and nobody knows that there is something outside consciousness because nothing can experience it, (unless the materialistic point of view is true!), but it doesn't change the fact that there is something outside consciousness. Therefore, either consciousness is not infinite or consciousness must be infinite in order to be infinite... It's like saying that the Bible tells the truth just because the Bible says that it tells the truth. Please don't think I'm trying to argue against nonduality teachings, in fact this understanding seems more possible for me than the materialistic understanding... But I need to have all the pieces of my puzzle. Thanks
  16. Today I listened to a video where Gura makes this analogy of Lego bricks and how the ego identifies itself with the body. It really helped me a lot. Now I understand that the body can be also unattached to the true self. I just got this insight where every particle on this reality is made of these little bricks of consciousness that in time are made of literally nothing. Isn't that beautiful that consciousness doesn't cease to exist when the body dies? Isn't that beautiful that consciousness is not delimited by the body? Wow! I'm literally amazed Thank you everyone for your words and for helping me. I mean, there is a lot of things to learn but these primary insights are very necessary to keep discovering
  17. Oh! I guess it would be also my mind. But that's the point. Why I can't be aware of every infinite aspect of my body? Awareness is here in my body. Isn't it? If I don't need my eyes to experience in a certain level, let's say, in dreams, why my eyes exist? From my experience I can say that I need my ears to hear a sound. I need my eyes to see. If I take em from my body, I cease to see. Where this visual awareness goes? If I die today, can the awareness still be able to see and hear?
  18. Oh man. I think you got my point. I feel like awareness is not only inside my head but also in my whole body and, in a sense, outside my body but only in my closest space, let's say the space where I can hear a sound from. But some piece is missing on my puzzle. How can I realize through my experience that awareness is everywhere. Rather than that, how do I know that consciousness is more elemental than matter. Or, in other words: how can I conclude that awareness is ever present? Or: why just can't be a "space" or "something" without awareness. What is the grounding of awareness?... Maybe this is ungraspable I'm just trying to deconstruct my materialistic idea of the universe not for the sake of nonduality but for the sake of my own truth but I still feel trapped on this idea that consciousness come from the interaction between matter... Something like pansychism... I've been doing meditation and I think that this is a very powerful tool to approach little bit into truth.
  19. Thanks for the answer! I think it confuses me a little bit. Yes, I don't need my eyes or senses to be aware of a dream but it seems that the dream occurs in my mind, not in anyone else's mind. Therefore, it makes me think again that I need my own mind to have my own dreams. Today I meditated pretending that I was born one second ago in order to fade away any meaning of my experience. i.e. if I hear a dog barking I still don't know what a dog is, hence, I don't know that the sensation I'm having comes from a dog. And it was crazy to notice that the only thing I had was awareness! Not even a body, because I still don't know my body. But I started to have a sense of the space that my sensations were occupying. Again, I felt that the awareness I was experiencing was just limited by the information that comes from my senses that in time, are inside of my mind. I cannot be aware of the senses that, let's say, Lady Gaga or you are having at this moment.
  20. Thanks all of you for these explanations. I've been reading them all the day trying to understand more about what you are saying. It makes me have more and more questions which is very good because I think questions and doubts are the beginning of this self development journey. And of course, I will read that article that you mentioned. Sending much love from Mexico and thank you again!!
  21. Hello there. This is my first post on here. I'm currently having a lot of doubts about existence. One of them is about nothingness and how the existence of nothingness is just a paradox (I also think that this is the most elemental paradox in the universe). I've been watching many times this Gura's video "why there is something rather than nothing" to understand a little bit more about the existence of everything. In some part of the video he says something like "what could prevent nothing to turn into something?... Nothing". Yes, I think I understand what does he mean but my question is: if there's nothingness, what could push nothing to turn into something? I mean, if there is absolute nothing (but nothingness) what would decide or have the initiative to turn nothing into something? Even more. If nothing can prevent nothing to turn into something, then. Do all the infinite possibilities of universes occur in nothingness? It would mean that all the infinite possible universes are occurring in this precise moment. am I right? I know this journey of self development takes years and probably for you this is a very basic question but in my journey I am very stuck with this issue. Please help me. Thanks a lot