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About LifeLife

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  1. Has anyone applied/used the supplements mentioned in this video after watching it. I'd love to hear a case report of someone who's tried to supplement on all of these or if anyone knows a thread where someone has. I am experimenting with Modafonil and neural feedback brain training and currently take maybe 5 of the supplements he mentioned on his list. I don't have the money at the moment but I am curious if anyone has experiences using the supplements mentioned in this video and what was your experience like? How did it affect your meditation or self actualisation/whatever habits you are doing to develop yourself?
  2. In your recent video you talked that you do neurofeedback brain traning. What do you mean by that? What practice do you do or service that you use? Do you use a specific product? etc. Thanks
  3. Wow that's very empowering. And really good advice. Okay I will do that . & Mmm I contemplated that hard. It kept me up it was funny. I found alot of my anxiety ( which I was creating ) was trying to look famous - I think it was just subconscious thing from watching too much self developmemt on youtube. I'm going to try to be more aware of that and drop that. Aswell as trying to accomplish things with people, causes alot of resistance -that could possibly have something to do with pick up. I will keep questioning and stay open to being wrong or in a blindspot - continue my exploration.
  4. Well I did it and it wierdly led to me finding what I love to do - which is alot but mainly being creative and film making. I found quitting it impractical and impeding my ability to communicate with others but now my view to stimulation is different. I basically only use technology for my purpose and constantly keep being aware when technology is using me and snap out of it. One thing I did notice was that the amount of CONNECTION and how fast it evolves is ridiculous. Actually scary. 1. We are so desentisized to things like facebook etc. But 2. We all becoming more and more connected so rapidly and this networking system is just becoming so advanced so quickly. When you take a break you will realise this and it will kinda scare you a little bit. ( my experience.) Looked at what you said and very interesting perspective I will field test that thoroughly and come back to you.
  5. Hey guys. I am really cornered into a box at this moment and I don't know how to escape this mess. Hopefully someone can help me or at least offer their opinion. All my life I have been dealing with completely debilitating anxiety - and I am not exaggerating. I haven't been able to make any friends or connect with people because of this. To keep optimistic I have always neglected looking at my problem as anxiety, to strive to accomplish things. Whenever I bring up the problem people always refer me to see a psychologist. This is my problem. I have no other problems in any other area apart from severe social anxiety. But what do you do when (this is the situation I am in ) when you are 20 years old - Your parents are kicking you out, you cannot make friends, you have no job, all jobs you have been fired from due to your anxiety - so no experience, no one wants to hire you (I have literally applied to hundreds and changed up my resume multiple times), no money to consult medical help you are literally completely debilitated from society. Seriously scared I can go homeless soon here. Thanks
  6. Hey guys. I am really cornered into a box at this moment and I don't know how to escape this mess. Hopefully someone can help me or at least offer their opinion. All my life I have been dealing with completely debilitating anxiety - and I am not exaggerating. I haven't been able to make any friends or connect with people because of this. To keep optimistic I have always neglected looking at my problem as anxiety, to strive to accomplish things. Whenever I bring up the problem people always refer me to see a psychologist. This is my problem. I have no other problems in any other area apart from severe social anxiety. But what do you do when (this is the situation I am in ) when you are 20 years old - Your parents are kicking you out, you cannot make friends, you have no job, all jobs you have been fired from due to your anxiety - so no experience, no one wants to hire you (I have literally applied to hundreds and changed up my resume multiple times), no money to consult medical help you are literally completely debilitated from society. Seriously scared I can go homeless soon here. Thanks
  7. You know. It got me thinking. After I just wasted the past four months from my life, wasted away on the internet. Addicted. That maybe a change is needed. I am writing this to the internet and throwing my thoughts into the void of infinite streaming and data. That I "anonymous person" am going to quit the Internet completely for a year and end all artificial stimulation. I have quit social media for quite some time and trying to establish a good routine of keeping up with my daily monk mode postings. But just coming on for the purpose of blogging, has tempted me to fall back into old ways. So what does this mean? What am I going to do for an entire year? What are the rules? No: Web browsing Surfing the Net Social Media Forms of artificial entertainment - for e.g. games etc.. What are my plans from now into the coming year 2017? Make Films Work side jobs. Do a Meissner course Live as a monk for three months. And the rest I will figure as I go. Obviously I will need to use my email for work. But given that I am 20 now, I don't really have that many bombarding obligations or spams. The only emails I get will be from work The aim of this is to truly come to terms with myself and reverse the process of my addictive and fearful self. I am signing off on the 25/11/2016. And I will return when I am 21. On the 3rd of December 2017. Goodbye.
  8. What really conquered my fears was going a to a vipassana meditation retreat. There you learn how to REALLY understand what your fears and emotions are on all different levels.
  9. Where do you get all your information from spiral dynamics and maslows heirachy of needs? is there a book the founders of those ideas published? Where did you get your info
  10. Leo, if you read this, you talked about spiral dynamics. Where did you get your information about it. Did you read a book? or ? id love to get to the source and read about it for myself it seems really interesting! Same thing with maslows heiarchy of needs, where did you get your info haha Cheers good work for the video
  11. @Leo Gura Very good point, couldn't have said it better myself !
  12. @Beam that's very interesting. Have you dealt with this in your experience?
  13. @Samuel Garcia I'm not saying its the purpose for joining a charity but as a side tangent it's when it's your job to interact with so many people on a daily basis it forces you to become an expert in communication. Go for what excite you man, you are your own person
  14. @Bubba66 Which ever inspires you ! Look into charities, see what they're about, if one resonates with you go for that one. Or just take a shot in the dark and go for any
  15. If your looking to develop your communication skills do sales within a charity. It literally is talking to people on steroids. You'll come out it a completely different person.