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  1. <quote> If someone worships some mythological figure then will they ever know the Absolute Truth. </quote> @machiavelli If he/she really worships them thinking of them as god(s), then no, they will not know the underlying realities. If it's just a mere practice, like some east Asian masters did with buddha, making an idol of him to embody what he tried to teach. If they make an idol and use it as a signpost for themselves and others, it's less of a problem. The scent-sticks and the fire and the bells and the good food are for YOU, not for a stone. But it rarely happens. Even in West and Middle east, all house of worships are made to propagate dogmas. You don't find peace in churches, mosques, temples, synagogues. Only fear that if you don't do what the God advised, you are in big trouble. In east asia, it's less predominant, but it's not pure either. Let me tell you a secret. Out of all the major/minor religions, only a few have reached the end of spirituality. The list goes like : -Gautam Buddha -Some unknown sages from the late Vedic period. -Some east Asian Zen/Buddhist masters like Bodhidharma, Jianzhi Sengcan etc. -Lao Tzu What is common in all of them? All of them were Godless Atheists lmao. In some cases, ignorant people attached god and concept of a god with their teachings. You might say that there is a lot of truth in Bible, Quran, Torah, Gita, Scriptures etc. Except there isn't. Not to say they are completely false, but they haven't reached the end. Half Knowledge.
  2. @machiavelliThe whole point of asking what does God look like ignores the point whether there is such a thing(looking like a human or otherwise). You choose to assume there is a God because you assume the religions are fully right. I ask, Have you heard about LEO? The latest God in town. Leo controls every frickin thing in the universe. Leo is omnipotent, omniscient, omniwhatever. Leo makes every man and woman wet. Leo is all powerful, pervading, origin of the universe, killer of the evil, upholder of the virtues, master of humans, freedom bringer, the prophet, a spiritual missile penetrating everybody's heart, the great sacrifice. the reincarnation, the caliph, the light bringer, the king of kings...................... but do you know what Leo actually is? All the things above are words. You don't know what Leo actually is.
  3. @sethman Idol worship is you believing that believing in Leo would somehow make your ED go away the next time you sleep with a woman.
  4. Let's guess the possibilities @Milos Uzelac : 1) The Taliban does not come into full power. The situation either remains a stalemate for years or some sort of power sharing agreement comes into place. The Uyghur Separatists get the full support of Taliban to help them around Kabul. Terrorists attack happen in China/Pakistan and it still remains a weird stalemate between Taliban, Kabul Government, China and Pakistan. Minor actions happen from all the sides but nothing solid takes place. It's important to consider both China and Pakistan as one entity here since the area which the war is about comes under China Pakistan Economic Corridor. 2) The Taliban comes into power. They look to China for developing their nation. China provides a cheap loan, better provides them military and economic infrastructure in exchange of minerals, makes the Taliban system dependent of the Chinese money(like Pakistan is today) and forces Taliban to handle separatists to them or shut down their operations in Afghanistan. Game over for Separatists. 3) The Taliban comes into power. China offers them help, they reject it on the fears of colonization. Or take them partially. The ego of being a nation who defeated America kicks in. A superiority complex. So they indirectly support every terrorist organization fighting for injustice and occupation. Afghanistan becomes a hot bed for terrorist organizations, especially for Uyghur separatists. Terrorism happens inside China, Pakistan and the economic corridor. China realizes it has become a big problem. But having learned from US, it does not invade, but uses Pakistan instead. China talks to Taliban, Taliban does not care and won't compromise on it's values and keeps the separatists safe. So what actually happens? China backed Pakistan invades Afghanistan to put the region under it's banner , and all hell breaks loose along the border between Afghanistan-Pakistan(which btw, is still not agreed upon, see Durand Line on Wikipedia). From one war to another, the Afghans have no peace. Of all the above possibilities, I personally believe the third is the most probable. Any other scenarios? write them down.
  5. Such an interesting documentary dating 2011. The channel has some of the most amazing political documentaries. You can see, where the US lost the war to Afghan people, not to the Taliban. A great explanation of how Afghan Spiral Dynamics work right now. The best thing for Afghanistan right now is peace/no war. However it comes.
  6. And here enters Spiritual Enlightenment on the topic of Taxation and Wealth inequality.
  7. because it's better to start a proxy war in Xinjiang to distract China than to give weapons to an island nation
  8. Remember, Leo said a few weeks ago, that if Osho was a pragmatic person, he would've never allowed such a stupid cult to be formed around him? well well well. Spiral Stage Purple.
  9. 0 Aid. Let mexicans handle things in their country. Don't let them enter here. The mexicans will find a solution to the drug cartels themselves over a period of time.
  10. Much of it is still for natural resources. But much of it is also due to the underlying fear of 'enemy' getting an advantage and trying to do everything to not let the enemy gain ground. A good example of latter situation is Afghanistan in 1970s
  11. @Vynce There are tons on the market, but try what's manufactured in your country. A good look on Amazon may be enough, And Might be cheaper in the long run. As for the taste, trust your own buds than mine haha. oh and try Hemp Protein if you haven't tried. You can also have a whole Hemp powder, that includes some fat in it too.
  12. @Vynce Have you tried Vegan Protein Powders? some of them are really good. but if looking for a whole food, try beans and lentils.
  13. Important thing here to realize is that Politicians don't take such big decisions independently. They have teams and groups of people working and calculating out every possibility. So just because your fav politician is in power, doesn't mean he will do what you want to happen.