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About Arje

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  1. Lol, a few weeks ago I was at the nightclub getting wasted and chatting around with people when I noticed this massive LED-sign saying "IT WAS ALL A DREAM"
  2. Amazing, sounds like something definitely clicked. Make the most of it
  3. Instead of taking action and responsibility of your life, you distract and delude yourself by mentally masturbating to some advanced techniques. I find it very alarming that someone who is probably on their twenties thinks about fucking transcending their basic survival needs What you need is a good old kick in the ass. Action, action, action. Create something beautiful.
  4. @Scholar @Leo Gura At the point when it is made clear that you are not open for each others ideas, I find it weird that instead of just moving on you just keep arguing? Why?
  5. Interesting. Sorry this sound awful but from my low stage of consciousness and lack of understanding I cant help but to see your experience as something I would expect to read if I went to some psychiatric hospital, asked the most mentally fucked and beyond insane patient to take a break from painting the walls with shit, gave them a pen and a paper and just asked them to write
  6. This is like trying to fix a broken jet engine by guessing which one of the million moving parts is busted
  7. Just out of curiosity, is there a purpose for having an opinion about sociopaths, psychopaths, narcissists, etc? You will probably realize you're dealing with a person who has a dysfunctional way of operating according to your standards of functional and dysfunctional without having an opinion about the words you mentioned. Also looking through the lens of my biased view of functional and dysfunctional, that video is not trying to suggest that the psychopath of the story is full functional at all But hey, that's just my opinion
  8. Exactly the same thing for me. I find it so so beneficial to start the day with a good morning routine. I've noticed how it builds momentum for the day making it easier to stay focused and to not spend time in futile distractions. Of course there is a place and time for some good old entertainment but the key is moderation and not using it for escaping what is. In the first month or two it does not feel pleasant, at least for me because I was strongly addicted to this sort of quick stimulation. If you fight through the cravings it will then become easier week by week. I've done this for almost a year now and the urge to grab my smartphone and start scrolling mindlessly is close to zero. Being painfully aware of how it affected my mood and productivity makes even the thought of going back to the old ways feel utterly insane.
  9. This is so mentally frustrating and what ends up happening is you pulling the toxic folks around you because they quickly notice your inability to say no, witch easily leads to them trying to use you. I'm trying to figure this out too. Best of luck for you.
  10. @Nahm@mrPixel @BipolarGrowth @Rahul yadav Thank you all for your advice, I really appreciate it. I will educate myself more about the theory side of meditation and spirituality. This way I will hopefully be better prepaired if mental states like this occur in the future.
  11. Hello, I was wondering if anyone has any idea what is this about? I am generally a really stable person, never had any mental disorders but this really fucks with my mind. For the last 2 years have been meditating for at least 60min every day. One month ago I started experiencing a strong feeling of completion and bliss. It came literally out of nowhere and hit me like a train in the middle of a day. I immediately lost any intrest in any kind of normal human activity other than sitting and experiencing this. It was by far the best thing I have ever felt. I felt so complete with the present moment that it brought tears in my eyes This went on for couple of days, until something hit a psycholocigal switch and out of nowhere came the deepest, darkest wave of emotional pain and suffering I have ever experienced. It was so strong and vicious that the pain became physical too. Everything lost its meaning in such a deep level that words can´t explain. This went on for two days and then the phenomenon started to disappear. Problem is that I haven´t felt the same after this. It has been 3 weeks. I feel empty of emotion, not depressed tho. "Humanly obligations" feel hollow and meaningless. To be honest, after this I don´t know if I want to continue on the spiritual path. I am scared that this has just partly ruined my mental well being. Any suggestions or help?