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Everything posted by Ayham

  1. @royce because I am curious about your viewpoint Which side are you on? how would you define terrorism? For me, I tried to debate for each side and be able to see from both perspectives, I am trying to collect perspectives, at this point I hold a neutral opinion, I can understand why each side wants what they want, though I lean a bit to Hamas, I really sympathize with them and their cause, but at the same time, they have become a terrorist organization that won't actually be stopped, so I can see why Israel wants to completely eliminate them, yet Israel is also being genocidal with zero regard to civilians. I am debating with myself whether to call Hamas as terrorists or not, I would like to hear both perspectives, from anyone here.
  2. @royce I want to hear a definition of terrorism from you
  3. @integration journey hitler is very different, here you have a number of groups, in lebanon, syria, iraq, iran, yemen, and so on, all with the same fundamentalist religious extremist beliefs, their belief is so strong that they won't give it up no matter what, it is literally their whole identity, when you kill their leader, many people will pop to avenge, to continue the legacy of their very dearly held leaders, to fight against the "evil enemy". That's basically their primary motivation, because there is no way in hell they can let go of their identities or just scatter, that's quite literally ego death for them. That's what makes those groups pop up again and again, you can't extinguish them, the more you extinguish, the more there will be people trying to continue on what the others did. and in this case, when they align their political and terrorist agendas with a dogmatic belief in religion, it is much more dangerous because it is quite literally the absolute truth in life for them. it goes on much deeper, it is disastrous recipe.
  4. @Leo Gura After careful reflection, I was able to conclude that you were right, organizations such as Hezboallah don't work in the way where you can just attack the leader and scatter the rest, but rather, they have very strong motivations that are at the core of their identity, killing Nasarallah will only create 50 more Nasrallahs. Fuck how did I miss this.
  5. @Thought Art got you, being able to understand and integrate all lenses, taking from them what you wish without adhering to the dogma of any of them.
  6. @Thought Art Yes, that was one of my favorite videos of his, I consider it the path towards real knowledge and wisdom. Yet I believe it must be accompanied by direct contact with spiritual reality, whether through spiritual practice or psychedelics.
  7. I see, following your heart and intuition without forcing yourself into one, that makes sense, actually. I always had the tendency to try to find the effective thing and brute force myself into it lol, even though deep down I can sense it is not supposed to be like that. Thanks for the insightful answer.
  8. @Leo Gura damn! most random thing ever, but it is cool.
  9. @Leo Gura how do these organizations work then in your opinion? I suppose they are united with a motivating goal, but leadership is still important for them to function. For example ISIS still exist in Iraq, but are very weak and scattered, not an actual force to worry about, they still hold on to their dogmatic beliefs and try to act on them, every once in a while they would do an attack, but they lack good leadership to unite them, so nothing is coordinated or meaningful. That's how I thought about it, I don't know.
  10. What do you guys think are the odds of an all out war including Syria, Iraq, and Iran?
  11. yes but now it is 10x weaker, kill the shepherd, and the sheep will scatter.
  12. @Leo Gura from what I know, he was the leader of Hezboallah for decades, he is an extreme shia. Therefore, I am seeing sunni muslims happy for his death, and shia muslims sad for it, lol. From what I know, his main work was focused on combatting israel, but he also hurt a lot of the Syrian civilians in the past.
  13. my body is a stage turquoise community, all my cells are turquoise. You are welcome.
  14. As an Iraqi, I agree, all of this. But hey, first world country people take for granted all the knowledge and spiral development they get, we get to build ourself up. I always try to look at my culture with sympathy, care, and understanding, rather than judgement, it is hard, but your condition is actually perfect to test how serious you are in personal development. Good luck brother, I know it is hard, I am going to escape from here too but I am trying to use my time here as an opportunity to develop. Your country might have its own history, beliefs, authors, etc. For example I know Iraqi authors in sociology who are so underrated and not known in the west, but are spirally developed, or at least offer amazing perspectives. Find the gems in your culture, discard the rubbish.
  15. okay I did need that, thank you. I would still appreciate a logical one.
  16. Leo is an old school boomer with his onenote
  17. I wanted to do the same, I am going to a software engineering/Ai engineering/something computers and practical degree, but I know I have a strong passion for knowledge so I will just self study pure physics with philosophy, along with spiritual practice, and other stuff, I am already doing this. Since college would make me lose interest. A lot of people who did great things were autodidacts, don't let that stop ya, it's an advantage.
  18. step 1: uninstall it step 2: downlaod obsidian
  19. @Husseinisdoingfine do you want to get on call with someone? maybe leo? someone else?
  20. @Fadl can you share in more detail, did you find any? have you been to any orders? which books would you recommend? how did it benefit you?
  21. @Forestluv do you like your job? who would you say it is for? what sort of person would enjoy it?
  22. To be honest, a lot of them hold Islam in bad regard, the key is to think of Islam as something that evolves over time. Check out Mufti Abu Layth on youtube Check out Progressive Islam on Youtube, And check out my long reply in another thread: In general, I would say the western culture is better for most people, but if you wanna use Islam for real spirituality, this is the way. Or if you want to use it to integrate blue, also helpful.