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Everything posted by Bobby_2021

  1. It's going to be a challenge for Biden to make it out alive till 2024, forget the next election. They fucked up the moment they stopped Bernie from running for president.
  2. Great to know that she is slowly recovering.
  3. I think we are having a wonderful time compared to most of human history. But with all these opportunities, my only fear is if I fall short of utilising my full potential.
  4. Some of my comments I made seema to have been corrupted and deleted. Probably due to the server outage a few days ago. Just listened to JBP. 1) Be the most useful person in times of trouble. 2) Respond with positivity when someone shares a good news with you. Else people will stop sharing their wins with you. People need so little in support. And they are scared if they will ge them. Peterson is unnecessarily scapegoated by the lefties. I don't really know how exactly to respond when people share their wins or any good news with me. I like to hear that they are expecting a baby. Or some big life event like that. To be really honest I don't really care. Because I myself have huge standards for what I consider to be a win. Any thoughts anyone?
  5. "My understanding of the self-ID view is that you're a woman if you identify as whatever you think a woman is," As you have said. I am saying that a women is a concept much like Santa claus. A woman is someone who identify with the concept of a woman. Just like you are batman if you dress like batman and identify as such. So what is a batman? It's a fictional concept. Likewise a woman is also a fictional concept. It isn't a circular definition is what I am saying. Because a woman isn't a definitive object to point to.
  6. A woman is a concept/idea. You cannot point to a thing and say that's it's a woman or not. Just like santa claus. You can identify as a santa Claus simply by wearing a red dress and a beard and you expect people to treat you like a santa claus. Likewise you can also wear a skirt and people should treat you like a women, regardless of your sex(m or f). A female is an object. Like a rock or a tree or a house. Although normally you cannot identify as a female since, it's a definite object, reality is that even female is a concept, if you dig deep enough. Just like human is also a concept. The problem lies in the fact that all of them are social constructs. But there are crucial distinctions even within social constructs. I agree to the fact that they will collapse once you start questioning them, whether they are traditional gender roles or LGBT gender. But if you value that distinction between concept and objects then gender could have some legitimacy.
  7. You have often emphasised the role of "Truth" in relationships. Basically if you have to lie to your partner (for eg about cheating), the relationship isn't grounded in Truth. (Although not the same intensity as that of cheating) Well, hiding information also amounts to lying. Even in the case of previous partners. I think both parties must have complete disclosure and proceed with the relationship only if both are comfortable.
  8. Quite informative. UBI should make a difference. People are not born tk to work. The only concern is thag it will result in a steep power divide between those who own the capital and those who don't. I say the government had to assume some level of control over the machines and redistribute the profit generated to the masses so that they are complacent and controllable. A huge power divide is just around the corner.
  9. Well first of all the significant question is if language has any inherent meaning. Since you jse language to communicate with me on this forum I am assuming that you think language is meaningful. Since there are only 1) finite number of words in the English language. 2) you use words to define and give meaning to other words We can safely say that language is itself circular. Circular things can still convey meaning. (With a large enough circle of course). With that said, Female is a human with the sex organ vagina and boobies. XX chromosome blah blah... The typical biological definition. It is a socially defined definition, the social circle being a bunch of nerd scientists. A woman is also a person who identifies with the characteristics of a biological woman. For most females, they already identify as women. But some males also identify as a woman. Which means that a woman is anyone who identifies as a female. A woman and female are two entirely different things. Hence it is meaningfully defined without being too circular.
  10. Good representation. There is no problem with the self Id view, if you define "woman" like this: Woman = Male/Female/Intersex person identifying as a female. This isn't circular. But males can identify as woman, which is what transwoman is. What do you think @Carl-Richard?
  11. 1) You can confidently say that you have slept with many girls before. 2) If lying makes you uncomfortable, say the truth straight to her face. Observe her reaction. She is probably not going to leave you. But you can't be insecure. Women smell insecurity. And insecurities are not attractive. Being a virgin or not isn't a problem. It's not like you are a monster. So it isn't worth making a big deal out of. Many girls don't like men who have beem with many girls before her. I have said to my gf that I was a virgin. Guess what happened? Nothing. Things moved on as usual. Any quality of your life is fine. Just don't be insecure about it. But people are allowed to have preferences. Nothing wrong in having preferences.
  12. Sex and gender are both social constructs. Sex is more strongly coupled with reality, hence more useful in daily life for pragmatic purposes. Gender is used mostly social situations and only in such situations.
  13. Justice served. Glad that there is still some sanity left in this world. Trans women athletes banned from participating in women's sports. (Including Lia Thomas)
  14. Two Genuine Questions: 1) If pregnant lady being killed amounts to double homicide, then why is abortion not considered as murder? The mother, virtue of her bodily Autonomy, has the right to end a life, which would be considered a murder if someone else did it. Does different people doing the same act, change the fact of the matter? Should the death be classified as a single murder instead? One person doing it means bodily Autonomy while someone else doing it amounts to murder. 2) Why didn't #MyBodyMyChoice did not apply for vaccine mandates? Why was vaccines was forced on everyone undermining their bodily autonomy? Many people who simply sided with Anti mandates were casted as anti vaxxers by the pro vaxxers. Now the same people is bringing the issue on abortions. I myself am pro abortion and pro vaccine. But serious questions from the other side must be addressed.
  15. I value personal autonomy all the time above all costs. Not only mine,but also others. But it should apply to all the situations. Not nitpick on where to have autonomy and where it should not. Else the conversation will get muddled so badly where everyone gets to project their baggage and explain why it is okay to violate others autonomy while simultaneously crying about their own autonomy geting violated. Hypocritical tbh.
  16. On a collective level, if you are going to take the opinions of millions or billions of people, then I can assure you, clarity will be the last thing you are going to get. Nothing is clear at the collective level, not just abortions or vaccines. They way that the masses think itself isn't Clear, then how come they can be clear about complicated issues. We will lucky to get some clarity at individual level, atleast.
  17. My overall conclusion from all the interactions is this: 1) You must let people have sovereignty over their own body. The state has no right to intervene or make laws that will violate bodily Autonomy. 2) We must discourage undesirable outcomes. But never force people who do not trust you to use their product. People don't take into account how TRUST plays into this. Most of the "misinformation" problems are actually trust problems. You cannot force people to trust a product you made. Small ways to discouraging un vaxxed people are fine. But some measures that go too far must be avoided.
  18. Here the context is already clear. The different people are also clear. Not the fear of pregnancy. But it will prepare them to prevent unwanted pregnancies. In a responsible way. Yes in response to Roe vs wade. I don't know about these streamers. ?
  19. Isn't it kind of implied? Anyways would you support Abortions with the state dis-incentivising them?
  20. The true potential of masculinity undermined to such astonishing levels. Everyone says they love feminity and being soft and them go watch movies about psychopaths. They deeply carve a strong masculine model. Someone whom you can Trust and forget about everything else. Something that makes you feel like a kid again. Can you find such a person for you?
  21. ??????
  22. If you are not getting a huge ass BIG BONER looking at your own journal, you are doing it wrong.