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Everything posted by Bobby_2021

  1. Don't do illegal stuff bro. Whatever Tate did was not illegal. That's a whole different issue. Those "sex slave women" did earn a lot of money. That's a lot better than being broke and working at some shitty company lol. Those men who got their services online paid for their services. That's how all capitalistic systems work. It works on top of slavery and exploitation of the bottom tier slaves. Tate just happened to be on top another system. On the other hand, many men who were otherwise lonely, got a chance to talk to a woman and feel an emotional connection because of Tate and his "sex slaves" via his onlyfans company. You can choose to see that at different angles.
  2. A few tips. 1. Develop a disgust to the act of smoking. Picture yourself smoking, while the smoke entering your lungs, turning it into charcoal, and you getting cancer later in life, while coughing like hell. Seriously picture this. Maybe check out pics from the internet. Develop a disgust to the act. 2. Pick-up a healthy, less toxic distraction. This time whenever you want to smoke you immediately eat an ice cream. Or take 15 push ups.(the best)( Each push ups reverse the effects). Do fasting if you are into it. 3. Don't use your will power. You will lose. Instead be strategic about it. Allow yourself to smoke x times a week, then bring that number down slowly and steadily. It's not a necessity that you should smoke to reach that number lol. Smoke only if you have a strong urge. Else carry on with your life. Resist the urge at most times. You have a purpose to get done. After one month or so, just promise yourself to never smoke ever again. All the progress will be lost, if you go back. Hope this helps.
  3. Male role models must check every single box of masculine values. Missing out on one or two may be forgiven. Any man that checks all these traits are fit to be role models. Charismatic & Social, especially with women. Sexual abundance and high status. Able to amass huge wealth to provide for his people. (Rich af) Able to win a fight with another man. Best at his craft. Intellectual sharpness. Generates results fast. Integrity and consistency: Man of word. Walks the talk. Displays emotional strength. Do not crumble under pressure. Now how many famous men out there checks on all these. Almost none. Most are soyboys who might accidentally make it to one of these but far too behind in all else. Too weak.
  4. I am not clear on that. I usually reach out to be colleagues and even superiors in the company before starting work, after my recruitment is confirmed. Perhaps they could clear out the specifics of the local community.
  5. Sounds exciting. Good luck. English would suffice for your communications within the company.
  6. If you really have an intention to understand Tate, then you need to listen to hours of his podcasts from his YouTube channels. Tate Confidential TateSpeech I heard that they were taken down recently. Everyone else is just loading their own baggage of hate onto him, instead of rationally evaluating what he is saying as a person.
  7. Noone will ever openly endorse that. Certainly not Tate. He replied "wifey" to this post from his anonymous twitter account(now banned). It's obviously done in a playful way. Only That's how far he goes.
  8. Affiliate marketing is not a grift, as long as you promote good products.
  9. First of all I do NOT advocating for cheating. It's terrible to experience being cheated on for both sexes. But both sides don't see it the same way. 1. Higher sex drive. When a heterosexual man and a heterosexual woman is in a relationship, the woman simply cannot keep up with the sexual drive of the man. She can have sex almost anytime she wants. The reverse is not true. She may have periods, mood swings etc which means she won't be ready for sex. Highly ambitious men, whom women love a lot, also will have naturally high sex drives due to high Testosterone levels. So one woman can't satisfy his sexual needs. The woman can have her sexual needs satisfied by one man. So men having more sexual partners is accepted, because one woman can never satisfy a man. 2) Lack of emotional attachment to sex. Men can have sex without being emotionally attached to the woman. When men have sex, it's mostly to blow off our loads. We do not become emotionally attached to the woman we are fucking. We can hate or love the woman we are fucking. We can fuck a woman and completely not give a shit about her. Women fall in love with the man they are fucking. Exceptions exist. But this is largely true as she grows older. Teenagers may fuck purely for sex. 3) Difference in male vs female loyality. Female loyality is about sexual exclusivity. Male loyalty is mostly about giving his support, protection, care and resources to the woman, not particularly sexual exclusivity. Men can fuck 10 women and still gather all his resources to protect one women and their offspring, without being emotionally attached to 9 women. If a woman fucks 10 men, then the question arises, who is the father that will take care of the baby? If you do not show loyality to the biological father, then he is not required to protect you or the baby. Men can have any number of babies from any women and gather resources to protect them, given that he is ambitious and lives up to the masculine expectations. It's hard for, say a single mother, to live up to those expectations of protecting the baby. ...... These are some of the reasons why society gives a blind eye to men cheating it's not that big of a deal. It's a matter of meeting their biological and emotional needs of the parties involved. (Man, women, child)
  10. Nancy Pelosi is reported to visit Taiwan in the next few hours. The exact time has not yet been publicised. This has angered China, according to whom Taiwan is their own territory, to which Nancy Pelosi is "invading". That, apparently gives PLA the freedom to strike down the airplane or even start an invasion of Taiwan. The tensions are sky high. PLA has posted video in WeChat indicating that they are war ready any time. The next few hours are going to be extremely crucial. Is Nancy Pelosi visit that necessary given the possibility that it could incite a war? Thoughts?
  11. "Befriending the mind" gives the false notion that there is a you and then there is a mind that is distinct from each other. There two people then make friends with each other. In reality, only the mind exists. There is no one else to make friends with.
  12. When you look up at the stars, you should be instantly awe inspired. Or find something like that which will naturally make you curious. For me it's the sky and the stars. Then I link everything else in my life to that one experience. For eg: "The room I am living in, is as awe inspiring as the stars." "My mundane drive to work is as beautiful as the night sky and the northern lights." For the most part you are naturally curious. It's hard to develop it as far as I know. Just be genuinely more curious about the world. This unquenchable curiosity was one of the secrets of Da Vinci's mastery.
  13. The moment I write some insight down, I forget it, and it loses it's potency compared to when it was purely an idea in my head. So I just keep contemplating it repeatedly till I instantly integrate it. Much of what I have written down before simply don't make sense when I take a look at it again. ?‍?
  14. I couldn't get myself to watch this.. it's so shit lol.. Tate is not a great debater as he thinks he is. He can destroy normies, but not someone who has well prepared arguments.
  15. United States always profits from wars. They don't really mind if tension escalates and turns into a war. The pressure and blame is all on China, as it should. Plus this is a visit driven by her own personal interests.
  16. If you want an accurate definition, you need to allow a detailed study and it's possible to accomodate for the edge cases quite accurately. That's what scientists devote their entire life into. In the case of the man you have shown above you don't have enough information about his/her biology, genitalia, any complications or mishaps at birth etc You have to provide all such information to have an accurate definition, which is absolutely possible, biologically and scientifically. You are not really undermining definitions here.
  17. Pelosi lands in Taiwan. Waiting to see how China responds. Brink of another war?
  18. This is true. But I can't get myself to accept this and play fisher random, which would get players to put their brains to full use instead of blitzing out computer moves. It is indeed a cult in many ways. Chess players are weird. The players moves pieces on a weird board and accepts certain configurations of pieces as winning and losing etc. Astoundingly similar to ouija boards and stuff. I got similar vibes when playing tournaments the first time. The people are quite distinct from the normal culture that it's so obvious that you now belong to some weird cult with it's own rules. So true. More than half of the game is computer moves at the world championship level.
  19. This is true. But I can't get myself to accept this and play fisher random, which would get players to put their brains to full use instead of blitzing out computer moves. It is indeed a cult in many ways. Chess players are weird. The players moves pieces on a weird board and accepts certain configurations of pieces as winning and losing etc. Astoundingly similar to ouija boards and stuff. I got similar vibes when playing tournaments the first time. The people are quite distinct from the normal culture that it's so obvious that you now belong to some weird cult with it's own rules. So true. More than half of the game is computer moves at the world championship level.
  20. According to reports, they will attempt to intercept it with fighter jets initially. If they fail, they will resort to shooting it down. China is well aware of the logistical nightmare involved in waging an invasion on Taiwan. But you underestimate how ideologically invested, the chinese are in making Taiwan a part of themselves. If there is an invasion, China will give in everything they have and more. Winning or losing comes second. Yes. The chinese do understand how weak they are compared to NATO and US dominance. A small point of failure can humiliate China. But they won't hesitate to go to war, because they see Taiwan as a part of themselves. It is an emotional and ideological battle. Not logical one. The major problem is going to be the semi conductor manufacturing industry which Taiwan dominates. That's the last thing you would want under the control of an authoritarian communist government. The stakes are high for the entire world, not just the US. We have allowed ourselves to be too dependent on Taiwan for high end semi conductor chips.
  21. He is not able to handle the pressure of playing consecutive games. Too much to lose, too little to gain. I mean, he already proved the point. He is the champion of the world. And people will continue to believe even after he stops defending the world championship. He decided it was time to step aside as a king, instead of being dethroned as a pleb. Classy move be Magnus. This has nothing to do with green behaviour. He still loves to see his opponents scramble to find the moves lol.
  22. What is stopping you from getting more experiences? Is it anything but your self? I know our culture places a lot of restrictions, but that is something we have to work with. Wanting to change things you have mo control over will surely make you sad all the time.
  23. He is talking from the pov of his readers. From the pov of the readers, he will certainly die.