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Everything posted by Bobby_2021

  1. A brief summary of the entire thread till now for new people reading this: 1) Writing things down is understimulating the mind. You can improve your cognitive processing power, memory, speed, and visuo spatial capability by forming a mental picture in your mind and computing things without writing down. 2) When your mind feels disorganised, confused or overwhelmed, then you should write down the things you are feeling to declutter the mind. This is extremely important. In other words write, minimally, not zero. Don't take "Don't write" as a rigid dogmatic advice, because it's not. There exists exceptions to every rule. If your objective is to communicate insights to a lot of people then you have tk write it down and organise it well. Be organic & effortless in your approach. I am not telling you to never write anything down ever again. If you can't remember a phone number or a date when you see it, then it makes sense to write it down. But you can also train your mind gradually to remember numbers and names instantly after you see it. Totally possible. 3) Thinking and contemplation is going to help with understanding rather than writing. If you want to understand more, write less and contemplate more. Find more connections. 4) Writing down things is slow on top of being relatively understimulating to the mind compared to contemplation. Thinking and finding relationships between distinctions is fast when your capable enough to learn & generate insights without writing anything down. 5) You need to slowly and steadily build mental constructions, concepts and form new brain wirings to increase the capability of your mind. The benifit of training this way is a) improved short term & long term memory b) Faster pace at which you learn new things, form connections, do mental computations and work in general. You can think faster. c) You can generate more insights on an absolute level. By feeling less compulsion to write things down immediately as you see it, you are allowing the muse to reveal itself to you as much as possible. Integration of insights is faster. By writing down insights you are postponing the task of integration, which is even more crucial than generating insights. Write one or two words to point to insights if you want something to write down. This way you stress the mind to work to develop the insight further instead of writing everything down. Diagrams are also more effective in conveying more information that block of texts. Write less, so that your words will contain more depth. They will convey more information per word. 6) With respect to personal development, we are dealing with materials that are immensely complex and have lot of depth to them. It's faster to make these subtle connections in your mind and dwell on it to savour it completely. Resist the temptations to write everything down. Understanding happens when you find connections and relationships that existed that you didn't know of previously. Typing is better alternative to writing by hand because it's faster and doesn't interrupt the flow of insights. Reality is fundamentally meant for exploration, and nothing else. Reality is not meant for anything else. You are in tune with the fundamental purpose of reality when you are merely exploring and not concerned on writing things down. You will be living with your mind for the rest of your life. So it makes sense to utilise the mind's potential to the maximum.
  2. Thanks for all the replies and suggestions. I will make use of it. Most if them were quite helpful.
  3. I re-watched Leo's forgiveness video and I could easily forgive others for their ignorance/selfishness. But I can't get myself to forgive myself for the ignorant ways I have acted in the past and let others around me, down. Ignorance in not really an option when you have unlimited amount of information a google search away. Or even a simple contemplating for 30 min should have given me the answer. But I still couldn't get the answer. Ignorance should not be an option. Thoughts?
  4. If the mind is too polluted or overwhelmed with random ideas, then writing them down helps clear the mess. But if your thinking itself is well organised, then you would not be needing a pen and paper in the first place. You need pen and paper to make up for a disorganised mind. Also you can't write anything that the mind can't think. But yes, writing them down may give you a new insight you couldn't find from thinking. But I am asking you to train your mind's capacity in such a way that you don't have to write it down. {See Magnus Carlsen playing blindfolded chess} It's not merely memory that you can improve by stressing your mind more to think. You can literally think faster. Speed is crucial for producing real world results. You can also think clearly and in an organized way. You can also process more information on an absolute scale. Your Brian's neurological landscape would have changed if you train it like this. You will be an expert problem solver. For eg a newbie chess player need to see a chess board to play chess. But as soon as you increase your mind's capacity, you can play moves without actually looking at the board. Increase the power of your mind.
  5. Leo should consider buying Hustlers University.
  6. What the actual f??
  7. @zurew you can memorize the Bible by writing it down a 1000 times monotonously. That doesn't mean that you properly understand the essence of Jesus's message. I can contemplate on the essence of the message of Jesus and still manage to remember 70% of the most important words of the bible. The latter is a much organic approach and doesn't involve writing everything down. First approach is rote memorization. Second approach is organic understanding. Same with a physics textbook. Being able yo repeat a piece if text doesn't mean you understand it. You can repeat an entire physics textbook by simply reading and writing it over and over again. Infact this is what many people do in universities sadly. But you can also try to understand the essence of the text instead of attempting to repeat it. Memorising by writing will NOT help you solve difficult problems in physics. If you don't write down anything at all, you will be forced to calculate difficult problems in your head. And if you can't you can use pen and paper minimally. Look at Magnus Carlsen. He can remember 10 chess boards simultaneously while blindfolded. He didn't achieve it by writing it over and over again. He forced his own mind to remember the chess board from a young age. This literally changes your brain's wiring. This is true learning. You have alos mentioned google maps. It's possible to look at the maps of a location and remember everything you see. And then you don't have to use google maps, when you have a screenshot of the location you are going to in your mind. How awesome is that. I myself have tried this before. This is not a debate. I told you what works. It has given me splendid results personally in real life. I only regret not using my brain's capacity to the fullest. I am not going to let it happen again in future. Underutilising your mind's enormous capacity should be a crime.
  8. Trump was right in banning this crap. Don't know why they reversed it. It's a national security threat.
  9. I don't have any understanding of music either. So I can't comment on that. I can assure you on my statements on logical subjects. lol
  10. Einstein or Newton can do the entirety of you calc problems 40 times faster than you. And it's not because he has higher understanding of physics and mathematics than you?
  11. Do you take notes when you are watching a movie? No. Because your mind can effortlessly retains everything you see. Now, why can't you apply this in the context of a history lecture. Histroy is nothing more than a movie. If you have a disorganised mind, the more you need to write. My suggestion is to build mental constructions which allows you to do computations without writing them down. Time and your mind is the most valuable asset. Have a strong mind, save time. You are not adding anything to history by writing it down. Just read and retain what is already there. I never took any notes nor underlined or marked my books at school. Yet, I had near perfect scores in history throughout my schooling. My books looked clean and neat, exactly as they looked from the time I bought them. Self development material has even more depth, nuance and complexity compared to your history or calculus classes. So not writing them down is even more important.
  12. To all guys whining, complaining and having a full mental breakdown over some comment you read on the internet, GROW A PAIR OF BALLS. Stop being so defensive. Grow some thick skin. Don't be pussy. I sincerely hope that Leo continues this style of teaching. "beating you bunch of degraded dogs with a crowbar" lmfaooooo That reply was so badass and creative. I love it.
  13. This is not true. It's applicable in academia. When you do mental maths, for ex in solving differential equations, you will definitely understand the concept more , when you have to do computations in your head. You can literally do things faster when you are not hell bend on writing it down. You might even find new ways of solving problems when you don't immediately write things down. Writing is doing & thinking is being, relatively speaking. Spend more time in being state. Listen, if you are a beginner then, you have to go slow by all means. But you must slowly try to level up the capabilities of your mind. Normal school and college is merely a memory test. You can not understand a concept and still pass the examinations quite easily. But as you advance in academia, understanding becomes more important. For ex, standardised tests don't care how much you are able to write to arrive at the answers. You can pass the test by simply looking at the question and selecting one of the options for your answer. Not writing down makes you FASTER. The real world is all about speed. More faster means you are able to get ahead of others faster. And obviously more money. Again, I am not telling you to never write down anything. If your mind can't process it even after trying, write it down. Then, build the mental constructions required to process it without writing down next time. If your mind can process it, then don't write it down. This is the best way to slowly increase the capability of your mind. You will feel stronger that you don't have to rely on something external to get things done. Yes. You got clickbaited. You can say that now from a meta perspective. But if you really need to solve physics problems, then you need to believe that world is made up of atoms. They asked you to write it down a hundred times and memorise it to program your mind for solving problems. Repeating something by writing it, is effectively indoctrination. If you need to memorize huge bodies of knowledge by writing, then it's practically programming your mind with a particular kind of ideology. You can make an argument other way, but that's not how it happens in reality for most of the time.
  14. I used to write everything down for 5 years or so. But then I stopped almost completely. The problem is this: 1) Insights are generated from a specific state of mind. You can write them down while you are in that state. When you look back at what you wrote later from a different state, it doesn't really make much sense. The state of mind is more important. I would try to stay in that state for as long as possible and savour the insight as much as possible. 2) An insight properly integrated doesn't require to be written down. 3) Writing them down is an attempt to *save* the insight for later. Insights are like a shy cat. If you try to catch them completely they are going to elude you. I feel like I was able to generate an order of magnitude more insights when I was simply care free whether worrying I would lose them or not. It's from my personal experience only. I haven't tried psychedelics nor do I have to communicate my insights systematically to others, in which case it's helpful to write them down. If my mind is overwhelmed with Insights, then I write one or two words pointing to the insight, so that my mind needs to work further to unpack them as opposed to attempting to write them down completely, which you can't.
  15. In that case the things you write down have no serious depth to them. Writing things for the sake of repeating later is not particularly admirable either. You are indoctrinating yourself with some piece of information. Ending creativity is a legit concern.
  16. This is not to taken as a rigid point. If your mind is overwhelmed, then it's better to write things down so as to aid the mind. Else just think and generate insights.
  17. Well said. I agree. For communicating insights properly to other people, it helps to write things down, minimally. I will simply write down words to act as pointers to the actual things I want to communicate. To make my mind think more and rely less on external texts. I just don't see it. I occasionally write things down, but only when it's too overwhelming for my mind. At all other times, it is better to just think. I completely agree. But my point was tangent to what Leo tried to communicate using the blog post.
  18. When thinking about things from an existential point of view, it makes so much sense, so much clarity. I think I should let time heal myself or wait for my development to reach this level.
  19. Suffering oneself is one thing. What if I see some other creatures suffering and it is bugging me to the core? What most people do is to turn a blind eye to it. By willful ignorance you can have peace thinking that the world is sunshine and rainbows. But that's not true isn't it. Many people are starving to death right now. Puppies are shivering in the cold. Mothers haven't eaten in days. They go through excruciating pain every single moment. But if I am the only being in the universe, only I can suffer. "Other" creatures can't suffer because there is no "other", but me. Can I use solipsism to find solace from having to experience the suffering of others? Thoughts?
  20. It is possible to simply turn off my mind from having to experience suffering of others, and a lot of suffering of yourself. But I am not sure I even want to do it. Solipsism is powerful. I can lean into it and deconstruct the suffering of others. It's quite possible and I am tempted to escape suffering by brute forcing solipsism. It feels wrong somehow somewhere. I won't do it. You should be able to dictate the terms of how your own mind works. I don't believe that suffering comes externally and you have no choice whatsoever in regulating it. Is this really the case? I don't think so. Buddha was living a luxurious life of a king before he met and emphasized with the sufferings of normal people. Like that mouse state you had? There will always be a higher state that will change your understanding. You can do a lot of things to minimise the suffering, but do you really want to do it? You can certainly save many individuals and puppies from suffering.
  21. They were literally virgin men lol. No. He is not willing to marry anyone. What's the point of dating if it's not to marry?
  22. People need to calm the fuck down and seperate the wheat from the chaff. Tate can say really valuable things and also do plenty of despicable things. That's dosen't invalidate the validity of the things he is saying. It's no doubt that he has said plenty of commendable and worthwhile stuff. I highly despise the way he made money. These things are not contradictory to each other even though it might appear likewise initially. Even if Leo ends up in jail tomorrow that dosen't make all his teachings wrong.
  23. Leo, I greatly appreciate the time you spend with us. You have formed a caricature version of Tate in your head and it's not how it is in reality. Did you watch the 5 hour interview Tate had with Patrick David? Imagine for a moment, that Patrick left his wife & Tate in a room after the interview. Maybe Patrick have left to somewhere long away for some emergency. He obviously trusts Tate. Do you really think Tate would use that opportunity to get some action with Patricks wife? I mean come on. He is not that stupid. He can think of the consequences for his actions. Sociopaths are cold and calculating. If his wife says no to Tate's advances, and she let her husband know of Tate's behaviour, then he will simply lose all friendships and possibly other business deals with people worth hundreds of millions of dollars. A simple cost benefit analysis could make this clear. You think Tate is unaware of the consequences of making such a move? You are forming a caricature version of Tate where he is pussy hungry dog who is a manipulative sociopathic criminal literally all the time. Plenty of people who spend time with him talked greatly about his behaviour. It's hard to let go of the image in your mind about him. That's ok. I don't intend to Change it. What you are saying is true, but to a lesser degree. He would fuck you over when he gets the chance, but not to get some sex by forcing a close friend's wife to cheat. Even sociopaths/psychopaths can have a sense of honour, even when they lack empathy. The matrix narrative is stupid and critical thinking is basically nill. And I don't agree with Tate's views morally or ethically. HU2 is literally "pay me money so that I can tell you to be rich" kind of thing. I know it's nonsense to a large degree. Obviously you are not so masculine if everything needs to be explained to you and you are going to follow it like a sheep. Part of masculinity also means that you have to take responsibility to weed out the crap from your teacher/role model as well. That's the responsibility of the student. Obviously Tate is not Jesus. He is a model with countless flaws. I think the ideal role model would be 50% Tate, 30% Da Vinci, 20% Goggins or someone else that you like. Being a masculine role model is no walk in the park. Ok good. Can he also urge people to develop themselves intellectually. Tate plays chess. Emphasis on utilising IQ. Intellectual strength is as important as physical strength. Also, it's different when Goggins motivate people to improve their strength. Pro fighting is the peak of strength. Goggins is just mostly endurance and pushing yourself. Slight advantage to Tate in that respect. @zurew do you think any sex work, at all is morally and ethically, perfectly okay? There is always some degree of scheming and manipulation inbuilt into this system. Simps pay you money to dance to their fantasies. This is what all onlyfans girls take advantage of. They are selling a personal connection or the girlfriend experience, not nudes. Here is the trick, most onlyfans girls are not talking all the time. They have other people to talk on their behalf. That's how they appear "online" most of the time. Tate lying about this and that is morally bad, but is it illegal though? He said a bunch of lies to women. He even tattooed them "owned by Tate". Is any of these illegal? I really don't know. Let's leave that for the courts. If he raped women in the "workplace", then surely he is guilty. But we don't know that. @lxlichael why are you so triggered? Why can't you write a calm response? I don't mean high value or low value individuals in some sort of objective sense. High/low value people exist relative to the domain/hierarchy of interest. It is certainly true in the real world whether you like it or not.