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Everything posted by Bobby_2021

  1. Kanye west is suspended from twitter for incitement to violence.
  2. Have more far right memebers in the forum to increase diversity ?
  3. Me and the OP disagreed on some issues which led to a lengthy discussion on PM. We shared our perspectives and got a lot of understanding on the other side.@bejapuskas is a well meaning, nice guy who is fighting for the ideal he believes in and I have a lot of respect for him. Mild disagreements is not hate nor being phobic about the issue. Note that sort of radical behaviour screams privilege and it might evoke actual disgust from normal people, who are otherwise well accepting of trans people. So it's a real possibility that your behaviour might be indirectly transphobic. Calling people as transphobic if they don't bend over backwards in support of trans issues decreases the intensity of real issues faces by trans people. It has also become a sort of reverse slur that you can use on people. This makes the whole thing name calling with no real substance om the matter. At the end of the day, this is Leo's forum and he owes no explanation to you me or anyone else on how he runs this forum. Still he is doing a pretty good job at it, given how hard it to do. Most platforms like twitter has literally become a set of echo chambers which repeatedly validates things you already believe in. We have diverse perspectives on this forum being exposed to everyone all the way from racial IQ disparities to everything being racist and bigotry.
  4. You take IQ for granted. Many of the things you pull off are only possible because of your IQ. Philosophers have the highest average IQ (130) of any majors. The work you do and your obsession with philosophy is itself because of the gentics privilege of IQ you had at birth. And then you sit here wonder why most people don't take philosophy seriously. Well, the simple answer is, philosophy is of no interest to low IQs. Their brains are not capable of such computations, which you can do and take for granted. No amount of "intelligence" can make up for a lack of IQ. The correct thing is to see IQ as a subset of Intelligence, no matter how insignificant IQ as a concept maybe. Tall jacked guys say "looks don't matter bro...".
  5. You can design the algorithm such that it diminishes the reach of a tweet if it contains the phrase "fuck you" for example. AI can detect the sentiment behind a tweet and control it's reach. An AI will determine the sentiment behind a tweet. But polarising and self validating tweets usually brings good engagement and user retention. So twitter may make less profits by shadow banning such tweets. Human mods are always sloppy and can't deal with hundreds of millions of people. You need to introduce tech and reduce the reliance of people as much as possible. As a end user, the reason I hate staying on twitter is due to the poorly maintained features and lag while using it. This must be changed from the inside out, first. That's what Musk is upto.
  6. God needs to take a break from the infinite bliss. That's why suffering is imagined by God.
  7. I don't want to make this a pro vs anti musk debate, because I am not a Musk fan. Leo raised some good points on why content moderation is overlooked by Musk. I agree with that idealistically. Realistically speaking, the situation is a little complicated. I want to raise a few points. 1. Get profit first. Twitter is one of the worst managed companies that also managed to make it relatively big. There are many toxic elements already in the management that made sure that twitter will not ever survive as a company. You need to maximize profit at the end of the day. This was inable to be achieved by the previous management. All the bad shit that Leo is predicting will happen under Musk(like Nazi coups) have already happened under the previous management. Taliban has used twitter to help them takeover afganistan. Twitter spaces were already poorly moderated that results in plenty of bullying, harrasment, terrorism etc. It is clear that the previous management did a shitty job overall. You need to give him time to fix this whole mess. 2. 3500 people for managing content moderation raking in insane salaries is a huge drag on the company. I don't even think most of the people who were fired were from the content moderation team. Most of them were sloppy engineers. 3. A tech company is run best by a tech bro like Musk. He can use hate speech detection by some AI run software instead of having people do the job which they are terrible at. There is a lot of untapped power in tech which twitter failed to make use of. Twitter has absolutely terrible features and user interface. Twitter will now have more features like long format threads, long videos etc. Despite all of this he will also bring down hate speech levels. If Musk was truly stupid, he could have removed content moderation policies as a whole. Instead he just fired the complacent staff, which is happening in almost literally every other big tech company. 4. The altruistic "content moderation" team is a bunch of woke lefites. I do agree that a well moderated platform will lean left because they are biased towards good behaviour. But twitter actually went too far in getting actual woke left to power in their team. And Big Tech became a tool of the left to stifle freedoms. They literally found #staywoke T shirts in their closet. They were getting too unnecessarily political.
  8. Or maybe lefties are sexually repressed. Else why would you censor something normal in the left.
  9. Why did twitter censor the NY post story then, convinently before the elections?
  10. As of now Musk has not meddled with the existing content moderation policies. The hate speech simply increased just by the people reacting to Musk buying the platform. Now it's coming down to it's normal levels as was the case before the deal. Even the definition of what constitutes hate speech is exactly as same as was before the deal. I have a strong feeling that you are going overboard with your analysis which is quite narrow. Making twitter feature rich, removing child sexual abuse content are among the most important priorities of Musk. There were plenty of flaws with twitter before Musk. Even more importantly twitter was already a dying platform that was losing money. So no matter how altruistic, was the woke lefitsts before Musk, it would not have mattered anyway since there would not have been a twitter. Musk and his team is single-handedly trying to save a sinking ship. Tiktok says hi. Obviously a nerd like Musk won't be best when it comes to managing socio political aspects of anything. But he thinks like a normal person with common sense. It's becoming increasingly hard to ignore the abuse of power from the left. The lefitsts media is openly celebrating a fraud sam bankman fried who stole billions worth of common man's money. I wonder where is all the objective reporting has gone. NYT is even inviting him to speak at a conference with Zelensky. Someone using the N word on twitter is more harmful for society rather a fraud stealing billions of dollars of common man's hard earned money, according to leftists media. FTX is also, quite convinently, the biggest donor of the democrats it seems. Isn't the left playing the same dirty politics as Musk? And you can't just accept that Musk is playing it better than them. Musk is chasing the ideal of true free speech. It's worth it to support it at any cost.
  11. Musk is certainly overrated and he operates within a bubble. According to the prediction of the "intern", twitter should crash because of Musks incompetence. I don't think so. Results speak for themselves. Not to mention you don't make all the decisions yourself in a big ass company. There will be plenty of people around him aiding him in his work. What else do you think? He would be dumb if he is trying to do everything by himself, which many Musk fanboys think is the case.
  12. If we can't kill anyone, how is there any freedom?
  13. Yeah I do follow it. NSFW content is usually soft and artistic on social media. Twitter doesn't crack down on it because it brings clicks and revenue. It treats people like humans and not animals in many porn sites.
  14. Absolutely. It's possible to conduct a totally anonymous platform solely for the discussion of ideas. It is possible and that would be my dream come true. Although making it a restriction to not show your face is unnecessary in my opinion. If they are fine with posting a pic of their face, I can't stop it.
  15. 400k followers in a day. Tate is uncancelled, back on twitter along with Jordan Peterson and Babylon Bee.
  16. The real question is, should her baby be also sent to prison? Isn't the baby innocent?
  17. Pls PM me some stuff if you don mind. Twitter isn't going down. WhatsApp runs with less than 100 engineers. Instagram has over 300 I guess. A tech company dosen't need thousands of employees. All they are doing is to run a website and a couple of apps. It's nearly not as complex as a rocket. Even kids make websites and apps. The only issue is managing scalability. Still, not that big of a deal. There are plenty of shitty hiring practices plaguing tech companies. Like based on race, affirmative action, gender etc instead of talent & competency. Most of such employees are a drag on the company. It's usually not a issue since they rake in millions in profit anyway. But twitter can't possibly do that with 7000 employees. Needs to lay off the unnecessary workers who were a drag on the business in the first place. You really don't need this much people to run a website lmaoo.. most of it is to done to appease the public and to show that they are liberal and progressive. That's exactly why they were running at a loss in the first place. Once this continues for years, twitter needs ro resort to donations from wealthy investors who push their own political dogma into it. Twitter needs less than a thousand engineers at max, if they are being run by decent businessman who wants to make a profit. It was basically running at a loss before Musk. Fixing a billion dollar shitty company ran by far left weirdos for years is not a simple task. He will emerge as a clear winner when the dust settles.
  18. Absolutely. All regimes has some level of authoritarianism inside them. Democracy and freedom is just a facade. People who speak with a face attached have to self censor. They could never truly express themselves. I do agree that it's a problem that trolls take advantage of this situation and spread truly hateful stuff. That must be dealt with somehow. I am only talking about well meaning people and protecting their interests. These people are the only people with true freedom of speech.
  19. You are supposed to have an honest conversation with your potential wife/husband before you marry. Complete disclosure regarding everything, even if you support nazi ideas. Everything about their past must be available to each other. This is the way. But the whole world do not need to know about your opinion on everything. This is true fairness. As far as employers are concerned, the primary aspects should be competency. I don't think that the employees worldview affect their competency in working at a company. What matters is hardwork, teamwork, IQ, personality, treating each other nice and respectfully etc. Even a nazi can do this. I am not saying you should hire a nazi anyway. According to your statement, businesses should have the freedom to not hire nazis just like they have the freedom to not hire people based on gender ideas. What if a business decides that people who promote gender ideas are not a good fit for the company? This should be illegal. Companies should not make hiring decisions based on your social media accounts. It's your personal life. Plus, you can lock your account any time so that no employer can search you. It's not like they have to know every detail of your life to get employed. Just screen for talent and competency in whatever they are working in. Maybe attitude and personality. Nothing more. Bringing up nazis in every debate isn't smart. I don't approve of Nazis. There are exceptions to every rule. Nazis are an exception. Nazism shouldn't be tolerated in any form. Jack knows ?
  20. Yes. Absolutely. But this also implies that a business should be allowed to run even if they have a nazi ceo. A business can run just fine even with a Nazi CEO. In reality, the government wouldn't allow it. The government isn't a neural entity and it's not supposed to be. You are talking idealistic things. And Nazism shouldn't be tolerated since it's an ideology of violence. Yes, even for anon accounts. In todays world you may be banned from companies for posting men can't get pregnant. The levels of delusion are super high. If you say that you are facing discrimination as a man, or even worse, as a white man, then you maybe blacklisted for life. You can be fired for not wanting to participate in pride marches. This happens in many tech companies and people are afraid to talk about it. Celebrities and famous people who own companies like you can live and provide for the people just fine even if you are banned. But that also means you will get death threats for you and your loved ones, even for spreading truthful ideas. The common man has no time and resources to deal with this kind of stuff. Being fired or blacklisted could mean the end for him.
  21. @Leo Gura The minority of the best accounts on twitter are mostly anon, small or big. They even produce intellectually original content and can grow an audience while requiring little capital as compared to YouTube. Overall the quality of ideas isn't that much high as your standards. But you are not supposed to rank ideas based on their quality in a marketplace of ideas like twitter. All ideas should be allowed to exist, theoretically. Trolls are acknowledged and ridiculed as they rightly deserve. It's impossible for you get to even 100 followers by trolling alone. That's why block feature exist. Individual human trolls aren't even a serious problem while bots are the real pain in the ass to deal with. The real serious problem is allowing only one sided views to propagate the platform and any minor disagreements the "current thing" and you are immediately a racist/fascist. For ex if you are not in complete support of the west and Ukraine, then you are a fascist. There is no way nuance can happen in such an environment. This is the problem with twitter and social media in general where short form content is the main thing. People should be less triggered with ideas and must be able to discuss things with a calm mind, first. Then I will happily come out with my face like Sadhguru. Also Sadhguru is already a millionaire. It's not like he has too much to lose by saying the wrong thing. This isn't the case for most of the people. Having to submit your id to the service provider platforms won't break the anonymity, if you trust the people running it of course. They can track you easily anyway. What matters is that is, that information shouldn't go public at any cost. Not only you, but those depending on you will have their lives sabotaged if sensitive information get out of your hand.
  22. I strongly disagree with him on the matter of anonymity. In a world were people lose their careers because they posted something on social media 13 years ago, anonymity is the only thing that can guarantee some degree of free speech. Whether you have your real face attached along with your opinions will not give any validity to your claims. Infact the opposite is true for many of us. You can speak more freely an openly without having random people on the internet judging you for your ideas. This won't happen in an ideal world. But in reality people are just waiting to be triggered and get all personal about random opinions of random people. This makes speaking your mind out harder. That's why anonymity matters although sufficient moderation is also necessary. "Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face".
  23. His presentation in videos is perfect. People need to toughen up and not get triggered with the slightest disagreements.