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Everything posted by Bobby_2021
Dont be too eager to record all your insights. To be fair, most of them are trash, if you are really honest. Most of my insights I had from 5 years ago seems childish compared to what I have now. Insights are meant to be generated and lost. I use google keep, to store my insights. I periodically review them and put them to the trash once I have integrated them, in my free time. Being too eager to record them will also hamper your ability to generate them in future. Instead integrate and savour the insight while you have them. It serves as a foundation for better and grander ones in the future. Also, do you mind sharing them in future? @Sincerity
What are you even saying? Saying moderate feminist shit in alpha male™ podcasts would receive the same reaction. So what? What does this has to do the "the narrative"? Women are too picky to that she picks only shady characters to sleep with. They are more exciting, charming and make up for a great first impression.
Listen, no single person, entity, or group controls "the narrative". It's a messy mixture of all of those. Nowadays plenty of women have added their own narrative into the mix. Billionaires can exert more influence on the narrative a lot more for sure. There's that. But that's all.
Creatine. 3 grams/day.
Great video. The masculinity crisis gives no shit about the structural problems of the system. They are constantly looking for a scapegoat to offload their problems to. Discussing such complex structural problems should be work of the modern intellectuals of our time. But conservative intellectuals simply happen to be grifters and con artists who found another was to milk money from their followers. Most conservative dudes are not in a place where he can worry about the pitfalls in the global system when he can barely take care of himself and his family, not to mention the extreme pressure set on him by society.
Experience also makes for a better leader who can make better decisions regarding the future of the relationship. As a man, I should have some authority to dictate the general direction in which we take our relationship. It doesn't mean that I am going to be completely dismissive of her and make her jump through hoops just for self amusement. They are paid differently based on the complexity, skill, supply and demand of the work they are doing. In the same way men and women have different skill sets they bring into the relationship. If the reason for paying people differently is because inequality, then inequality is the best thing to happen in the world. Because treating everyone equally is the best way to crash the economy. lmao Will you claim that you are oppressed and exploited because you are not getting paid as much software engineers for flipping burgers or some shit? Your notions of equality are quite silly and dangerous, not merely unhealthy. False Equivalency. Relationships are an order of magnitude more complex systems than friendships. Friendships are much more fluid and there is not a lot of intimacy or interdependence as that of sexual relationships. Which is why people are able to manage friends more than they do with relationships. The analogy of corporate and employee is perfect. The corporations want submissive employees. Both of them get their needs met. She should ride along for the majority of decision I take. And my decision making in accordance with making the best of our relationship. And I am not saying this is the optimal way to run a relationship by any means. This is applicable to majority of the people in the world who come from less privileged backgrounds who has to worry a lot of things to get the relationships going. Obviously if you have plenty of money laying around and government take cares of your bills and college to some extent, then I too can appreciate this sort of hippy notions. I am from a third world country.
It is not. Then don't use other words please. You are using other words to add crap on top of what I said & I have nothing to do with it. If I used any adjectives, it was "mildly". But hey, you see what you want to see. It seems like you love being triggered by your own words projecting to me as if I have said it lol. Don't let me get in the way. I beg to differ. I assure you that I will not let a single need of my women go unmet. I will go above and beyond to make sure they are met. I am sorry for what you have gone through. And I hope you recover soon from that trauma. However your experiences are not the same for other women. Think of it like this: In a corporation different people have to do different work to make sure that it stays in business. For this purpose the employee has to obey the orders of their boss and finish the tasks they are assigned. Enforcing equality on this scenario as if everyone has to work on equal things is not the correct strategy. And yes, some employees are abused and exploited in the work place. This is not the scenario for majority of the employees. Not everyone grew up in privileged environments that you could entertain liberal notions like equality in relationships. Such are merely out of touch luxury beliefs. You past experiences have severely biased your views of men, in general. A leader is in a position of power that he can choose to abuse his followers if he chooses to. But a honorable man will not. Which is why I often warn women to not submit to every other man they see and to exercise a consequence approach to dating. They call me too controlling for saying it and then end up assholes who abuse her. This distorts your perception of men. If you want men to treat women as equals, then women must also treat men as equals. This almost never happens. Women always prefer want a strong man who is better than her in whatever metrics she is interested in, whether be it experience, decisiveness, money, IQ etc. Women will say they prefer older men. When I say they prefer younger women, suddenly everyone looks at me like I am hitler, even though what I said is exactly as same as the women said, from my perspective.
Your suffering is God's guilty pleasure.
Take it from my experience. Dating harcore blue girls is a pain in the ass. They are usually rigid and have extremely low openness to new experiences. They cannot give you the "experience" you want. Silly status games are a bonus. Managing her drama is too taxing on you. And dragging you into her own religious baggage. The plus side is that she will be willing to submit to whatever you say when you are with her. Note that rigidity in thoughts and emotions is not exclusive to blue girls. Green girls have plenty of un integrated blue shadow. And these women have not genuinely evolved to green, in the sense that they have no experience in the below stages. They grew up in a privileged household, mostly in a city, hoed out throughout their 20's, never made any money, nor the discipline to run a household, living off of daddy's money. This is your typical "Green" girl. Basically an accumulation of loads of baggage. I would prefer a mildly orange submissive feminine girl who grew up in a blue household and had to face some struggles growing up, and didn't hoe out in her youth and accepts me as the leader in the relationship. It means that she was tired of blue dogmatism, evolved to orange on her own, and we together can work on green and beyond. Avoid women with baggage. This is medical and financial advice. Science and statistics are on the internet for you to verify.
False equivalence fallacy my friend. Trains are an order of magnitude more powerful than legs. They are specifically designed to solve much bigger problem than what your legs are capable of. You can't write down something that you can't think. Writing is never going to give you something that thinking or contemplating can't already give you. You are just looking at your mind while writing. Comparing it to the trains and legs situation is incorrect. I can't tell you how unless you define a specific context, like chess for example. Chess masters have trained their brains to play chess without even looking at the board. How they manage to achieve that is a bit complicated. (They breakdown the most repeating patterns called chunks and store them in their head.) But my point is that it can be done. Increasing your minds capacity has many benefits.
A brief summary of the entire thread till now for new people reading this: 1) Writing things down is understimulating the mind. You can improve your cognitive processing power, memory, speed, and visuo spatial capability by forming a mental picture in your mind and computing things without writing down. 2) When your mind feels disorganised, confused or overwhelmed, then you should write down the things you are feeling to declutter the mind. This is extremely important. In other words write, minimally, not zero. Don't take "Don't write" as a rigid dogmatic advice, because it's not. There exists exceptions to every rule. If your objective is to communicate insights to a lot of people then you have tk write it down and organise it well. Be organic & effortless in your approach. I am not telling you to never write anything down ever again. If you can't remember a phone number or a date when you see it, then it makes sense to write it down. But you can also train your mind gradually to remember numbers and names instantly after you see it. Totally possible. 3) Thinking and contemplation is going to help with understanding rather than writing. If you want to understand more, write less and contemplate more. Find more connections. 4) Writing down things is slow on top of being relatively understimulating to the mind compared to contemplation. Thinking and finding relationships between distinctions is fast when your capable enough to learn & generate insights without writing anything down. 5) You need to slowly and steadily build mental constructions, concepts and form new brain wirings to increase the capability of your mind. The benifit of training this way is a) improved short term & long term memory b) Faster pace at which you learn new things, form connections, do mental computations and work in general. You can think faster. c) You can generate more insights on an absolute level. By feeling less compulsion to write things down immediately as you see it, you are allowing the muse to reveal itself to you as much as possible. Integration of insights is faster. By writing down insights you are postponing the task of integration, which is even more crucial than generating insights. Write one or two words to point to insights if you want something to write down. This way you stress the mind to work to develop the insight further instead of writing everything down. Diagrams are also more effective in conveying more information that block of texts. Write less, so that your words will contain more depth. They will convey more information per word. 6) With respect to personal development, we are dealing with materials that are immensely complex and have lot of depth to them. It's faster to make these subtle connections in your mind and dwell on it to savour it completely. Resist the temptations to write everything down. Understanding happens when you find connections and relationships that existed that you didn't know of previously. Typing is better alternative to writing by hand because it's faster and doesn't interrupt the flow of insights. Reality is fundamentally meant for exploration, and nothing else. Reality is not meant for anything else. You are in tune with the fundamental purpose of reality when you are merely exploring and not concerned on writing things down. You will be living with your mind for the rest of your life. So it makes sense to utilise the mind's potential to the maximum.
Thanks for all the replies and suggestions. I will make use of it. Most if them were quite helpful.
I re-watched Leo's forgiveness video and I could easily forgive others for their ignorance/selfishness. But I can't get myself to forgive myself for the ignorant ways I have acted in the past and let others around me, down. Ignorance in not really an option when you have unlimited amount of information a google search away. Or even a simple contemplating for 30 min should have given me the answer. But I still couldn't get the answer. Ignorance should not be an option. Thoughts?
If the mind is too polluted or overwhelmed with random ideas, then writing them down helps clear the mess. But if your thinking itself is well organised, then you would not be needing a pen and paper in the first place. You need pen and paper to make up for a disorganised mind. Also you can't write anything that the mind can't think. But yes, writing them down may give you a new insight you couldn't find from thinking. But I am asking you to train your mind's capacity in such a way that you don't have to write it down. {See Magnus Carlsen playing blindfolded chess} It's not merely memory that you can improve by stressing your mind more to think. You can literally think faster. Speed is crucial for producing real world results. You can also think clearly and in an organized way. You can also process more information on an absolute scale. Your Brian's neurological landscape would have changed if you train it like this. You will be an expert problem solver. For eg a newbie chess player need to see a chess board to play chess. But as soon as you increase your mind's capacity, you can play moves without actually looking at the board. Increase the power of your mind.
Leo should consider buying Hustlers University.
What the actual f??
@zurew you can memorize the Bible by writing it down a 1000 times monotonously. That doesn't mean that you properly understand the essence of Jesus's message. I can contemplate on the essence of the message of Jesus and still manage to remember 70% of the most important words of the bible. The latter is a much organic approach and doesn't involve writing everything down. First approach is rote memorization. Second approach is organic understanding. Same with a physics textbook. Being able yo repeat a piece if text doesn't mean you understand it. You can repeat an entire physics textbook by simply reading and writing it over and over again. Infact this is what many people do in universities sadly. But you can also try to understand the essence of the text instead of attempting to repeat it. Memorising by writing will NOT help you solve difficult problems in physics. If you don't write down anything at all, you will be forced to calculate difficult problems in your head. And if you can't you can use pen and paper minimally. Look at Magnus Carlsen. He can remember 10 chess boards simultaneously while blindfolded. https://youtu.be/H0n69pDaUaY He didn't achieve it by writing it over and over again. He forced his own mind to remember the chess board from a young age. This literally changes your brain's wiring. This is true learning. You have alos mentioned google maps. It's possible to look at the maps of a location and remember everything you see. And then you don't have to use google maps, when you have a screenshot of the location you are going to in your mind. How awesome is that. I myself have tried this before. This is not a debate. I told you what works. It has given me splendid results personally in real life. I only regret not using my brain's capacity to the fullest. I am not going to let it happen again in future. Underutilising your mind's enormous capacity should be a crime.
Trump was right in banning this crap. Don't know why they reversed it. It's a national security threat.
I don't have any understanding of music either. So I can't comment on that. I can assure you on my statements on logical subjects. lol
Einstein or Newton can do the entirety of you calc problems 40 times faster than you. And it's not because he has higher understanding of physics and mathematics than you?
Do you take notes when you are watching a movie? No. Because your mind can effortlessly retains everything you see. Now, why can't you apply this in the context of a history lecture. Histroy is nothing more than a movie. If you have a disorganised mind, the more you need to write. My suggestion is to build mental constructions which allows you to do computations without writing them down. Time and your mind is the most valuable asset. Have a strong mind, save time. You are not adding anything to history by writing it down. Just read and retain what is already there. I never took any notes nor underlined or marked my books at school. Yet, I had near perfect scores in history throughout my schooling. My books looked clean and neat, exactly as they looked from the time I bought them. Self development material has even more depth, nuance and complexity compared to your history or calculus classes. So not writing them down is even more important.
To all guys whining, complaining and having a full mental breakdown over some comment you read on the internet, GROW A PAIR OF BALLS. Stop being so defensive. Grow some thick skin. Don't be pussy. I sincerely hope that Leo continues this style of teaching. "beating you bunch of degraded dogs with a crowbar" lmfaooooo That reply was so badass and creative. I love it.
This is not true. It's applicable in academia. When you do mental maths, for ex in solving differential equations, you will definitely understand the concept more , when you have to do computations in your head. You can literally do things faster when you are not hell bend on writing it down. You might even find new ways of solving problems when you don't immediately write things down. Writing is doing & thinking is being, relatively speaking. Spend more time in being state. Listen, if you are a beginner then, you have to go slow by all means. But you must slowly try to level up the capabilities of your mind. Normal school and college is merely a memory test. You can not understand a concept and still pass the examinations quite easily. But as you advance in academia, understanding becomes more important. For ex, standardised tests don't care how much you are able to write to arrive at the answers. You can pass the test by simply looking at the question and selecting one of the options for your answer. Not writing down makes you FASTER. The real world is all about speed. More faster means you are able to get ahead of others faster. And obviously more money. Again, I am not telling you to never write down anything. If your mind can't process it even after trying, write it down. Then, build the mental constructions required to process it without writing down next time. If your mind can process it, then don't write it down. This is the best way to slowly increase the capability of your mind. You will feel stronger that you don't have to rely on something external to get things done. Yes. You got clickbaited. You can say that now from a meta perspective. But if you really need to solve physics problems, then you need to believe that world is made up of atoms. They asked you to write it down a hundred times and memorise it to program your mind for solving problems. Repeating something by writing it, is effectively indoctrination. If you need to memorize huge bodies of knowledge by writing, then it's practically programming your mind with a particular kind of ideology. You can make an argument other way, but that's not how it happens in reality for most of the time.