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Everything posted by Bobby_2021

  1. I understand, but my position is that there isn't anything to understand. Reality itself can be simply imagined since there is nothing to place limitations on it. You can understand something when the components that make up for it has to accomodate limitations and balance each other, as in the case of doorknob. I am just playing devil's advocate here. I don't see how there is anything to understand reality as a whole. It's just pure imagination/perception. Is there any mechanics to reality? I remember you saying that reality is a mechanical. You can comprehend finite things though. Thoughts? I get that you understand finite things. I don't understand how you can comprehend infinity. There isn't anything to comprehend since it's everything. You can dream about a demon riding a bicycle having an elf on his shoulder and there isn't anything to understand about it. It's simply one configuration of the infinity of imagination/perception or you can even say it's infinity itself. Maybe it's a different type of comprehension. Damn I need to take psychedelics fast.
  2. If reality is merely perception, then is there anything to comprehend. In the case the of the doorknob, you can make up some human bullshit about how the knob works, but how do you know that it's true. Does reality require that kind of understanding to exist. What if the deepest way that you can comprehend a doorknob is merely the perception of it and nothing more. Does reality need an underlying mechanics to function?
  3. Shouldn't have deleted that video. ?
  4. She doesn't look happy for sure. This relationship isn't going to last long.
  5. Hmm.. intriguing. Is understanding in fine detail worthwhile or is it a lesser use of your time and energy? It bothers me that God is so unconditionally selfless and has an infinite capacity to remember/forget aspects of itself. Do you deeply fear that all the consciousness work you do can simply be forgotten by God in an instant and suddenly God imagines itself to be a rat in some sewer after imagining alien consciousness? This is a deep existential crisis for me. Why do all this work when you simply can forget all of it as if it didn't even exist. Has God put enough pointers in the imagination just so that it can find its way back? Are you familiar with the concept of countable and uncountable infinities? Natural/whole numbers are countable infinity while real numbers are uncountable infinity. Do you think that the absolute infinity is countable? In other words, if reality is made out of distinctions, and these distinctions are absolute, then it should be possible to count these infinities or infinite distinctions. Or atleast distinguish them definitively. Can you count these absolute number of distinctions given that you can fairly strongly comprehend/understand them? Or are they uncountable even after understanding them completely? Thoughts.
  6. Awake is somewhat convergent. Alien consciousness is divergent. Is what I understand. @Leo Gura Leo 1) can/have you comprehensively and conclusively understand/understood reality? 2) Can you achieve COMPLETENESS in a way you clearly know that there is nothing more to explore. Have you functionally exhausted all the nook and cranny of infinity/reality?
  7. Ditch this thought completely. You are being unnecessarily hard on yourself. Normal asian tendency to be honest that I can relate. ? Having additional burdens only hampers your money making power in the future. You have to abuse whatever privileges you have at the moment, instead of putting restrictions on yourself. For me personally I have been very cognizant of my own privileges that I had and took care to not use than and follow the general route and I have found that me peers who used their advantage are far ahead of me. It was a big mistake from my part to not use whatever privileges I have. If you get super rich in the future, then you can happily pay your parents double that money with nothing to worry about. Asian parents never expect the money anyway. Now if I were you, I would develop myself and try to develop my parents as well and to fortify my mental health so as not let parents impact my mental health too much. Then I would continue working from home, and stack up money. In this sort of wretched economy it's not worth it to pay rent. You are just paying someone else just to have a space. I would rather put that money into making more money. This is afterall, a huge balancing act depending upon your priorities, needs & values at the end of the dat. Are your working in IT industry if I may ask?
  8. If she can satisfy his sexual needs and vice versa, then that's completely fine. The problem is that men of high sexual drive find it impossible to have their sexual needs to be satiated by a single woman. The only problem is a mismatch of sexual needs. You can see how billionaires usually have this sort of thing going on in their lives. They usually cheat on their wifes because they are driven men with high testosterone which forces them to take risk for sexual variety. Well, even in this scenario, it doesn't mean the cheating is okay. Cheating is never okay wherever it is. Hiding information is never okay, whatever the realm of life you are taking into account. With that said, I would ask the man to discuss this with their partner if he finds his sexual needs unable to be satiated by one woman. This is a whole different scenario. Because such men are capable of having sex at almost all the time while the woman may have periods, mood swings, not being in the right mood etc. On the other hand, the man is willing to have sex is she is down, most of the time. This is the biological mismatch of sexual needs of males and females. You can address this in depth. Is she is not down, then compensate the man in other ways, instead of making him sexually repressed.
  9. Most people if given a choice will choose to be a the adorer. Because the adorer is the one getting all the excitement and emotional cocktail of adoring their partner. I would always choose to be the adorer if given the chance whether I am a man or a woman. This is an easy choice. That's why I want to give her the chance of being excited to be with me. This is like getting a selfi with your favourite celebrity. Getting a pic with a celebrity is a huge deal for the fan. But it doesn't do much for the celebrity who is probably tired of posing for photos. The fan is who is making most out of the moment by being with their favourite musician or actor. Get it?
  10. That's why I said *loosely fit*. It's an archetype used for theoretical discussions. This doesn't have a direct correspondence with reality. Just pay attention to the admiration part. A a lot of the confusion in this thread is mixing up love with adoration/admiration. Leo loves all his audience, but he doesn't admire them. That's why he calls them rats and dogs. Well he probably still loves them. But sometimes the respect is lacking. And that's perfectly fine. On the other hand most of the audience of Leo *loves and admires* him. Adoration has more to do with reverence, respect and being happy that you got to see/listen or to be with that person. Love is a much more purer abstract and less human notion than adoration. Adoration is purely a human thing.
  11. Do you have proof?
  12. Wow such an accurate analysis of everything I have said. Thanks for your advice. Now I am a male feminist.
  13. I dunno. Just feels like it. ?
  14. I do agree that men are good at giving advice on how to initiate a relationship. Men are good at keeping other men accountable for putting in the work and get results when it is in their control to do so while doing the maximum work. But the same cannot be expected of women. According to women other women are just queens and men should all the work and be responsible for everything. They all purport some version of that which I do not agree at all. Many women can't even describe the list of things to be expected of a woman in a relationship while they are more than happy to give a list of things that men are required to follow.
  15. The dude in the video is not talking about attraction or falling in love but rather maintain a long term relationship. For initiating attraction, men do not fall in love by receiving adoration. The man has to put on his romantic chaser hat and shoot his shot. The giver is NOT the adorer. The adorer is the taker, emotion wise. The adorer gets/takes a lot of emotions from adoring the woman or the man. I personally love to adore someone else since that is way more exciting than being beloved. And women particularly want to feel the roller-coaster of emotions. This is a privilege extended only to the adorer. Most people would want to be adorers if given the chance. Being the beloved doesn't involve much work. It's just standing there thinking if you are ready to be loved by the dudes around you. Which is what is happening in the attraction phase. You love to love others simple because of what it makes you feel. All the beloved has to do is to give the green signal for allowing herself and opening herself up to be loved. You can have heterosexual relationships to loosely fit two of the abstractions given below. 1. The father-daughter dynamic. 2. The mother-son dynamic. The dude in the video is talking about the first dynamic where the woman respects and adores her man like would a daughter adores her father and sees his as her hero. The man loves her as if she is a child. He loves her for what she is. He takes care of things so that there isn't anything too harsh that she has to worry about. In return he requires her to be a good girl, not cause too much havoc, do her simple duties etc. Adoration should not be mixed up with love. And the dude is not saying that one should not adore the woman. Both can adore and love each other as much as they want. It is just that it is better when the woman adores the man more. If you want another way to think about the dynamic, then think of the 3. Celebrity-Fan dynamic A celebrity loves his/her fans, but they do not adore their fans. And they do not get a roller coaster of emotions when they are signing at a concert. They are just doing their job and getting paid for it. But the fans attending the concert are having an intense flow of emotions of their lifetime that they consider it worth paying hundreds of dollars for dancing in a crowded venue full of strangers.
  16. It's not. They are not able to get verification for obvious reasons.
  17. Owned & ratioed Hilary Clinton ??
  18. Here is a real life incident where I observed lots of balancing take place. I just met a man who was engaging in a verbal fight with the cashier in the hospital because she demanded 200 bucks extra from him and he didn't really had that money with him.(or barely had it) Someone else in the administration told him earlier the total amount was 200 less of what was actually demanded of him later. He was slightly drunk, pissed off and his eyes were red and the veins were clear. He was outside the radiology department awaiting the scan report of some brain disease that he or his close relative was facing. This is the setting and I was watching in awe of the balancing people had to do in that scene. 1. He was struggling to balance his finances. 2. He was struggling to balance his consciousness, trying to stay clear without getting out of control in the hospital. 3. His mother was near his trying to keep him acting out of control. She was struggling to strike a balance to him. 4. The cashier was busy counting the money and typing on a screen trying to balance the cash, while also balancing herself so as not lash out against the man. 5. Everyone in the hall, was looking at him trying to predict his next move, which is balancing his current behaviour with the future behaviour. 6. He was struggling to balance the mixed emotions from reading the possibly not so good brain scan report and calculating what would happen in the future. For me all the intense balancing was visible to me in his cold red eyes instantly. And it was such a revelation to me that so much was happening at all.
  19. Lately I have been noticing the excusite balance around me and boy it's so scintillating things I have ever seen. Generally speaking the more intense the experience of something, the stronger the opposing forces of balance would be. This was a frame of viewing reality that was so distant to me and I almost never exercised it except when I am in nature and trees. But balance is everywhere. Especially among humans. And the sheer amount of balancing present in day to day is mind boggling. I can't believe that I didn't notice so much of what was happening around me. Lately I have been noticing that I am also struggling to balance my life as well. Every interaction with people is a balancing act. Generally speaking it's a good idea to balance thing that are similar to each other or requires same skills steps at one time. If you are engaged in balancing people and work both of which are demanding, then that can destroy the balance which you already had in your life. Balance is delicate and fragile. It's a good idea to be aware yourself that you are about to engage in a balancing act, when you are about to do certain stuff. And make it completely clear to you what you are doing. This can make things less overwhelming significantly.