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Everything posted by Bobby_2021

  1. This is true for any IQ test. If you practice it again and again you can improve your scores. It doesn't mean your actual IQ is improving though. It's also adding work ethic and Conscientiousness into the mix both of which are brilliant predictors of future success.
  2. @Husseinisdoingfine I already explained. The answer is no. Instead of wasting your skills in academia I would rather suggest you use it to build an awesome life for yourself.
  3. Because gifted kids have high IQ and SAT has scores are closely coorelated with IQ. Also people with high IQs tend to earn a lot more than people with low IQs over the long run.
  4. Having tons of money have the potential to solve 90% of the problems in your life. They will literally vanish into thin air as if they didn't exist. This is assuming you are wise enough to not create additional problems when you make money. The rest 10% of the problems are what makes life really interesting and challenging to solve.
  5. The pseudo psychology part just cracked me up. ??
  6. Sign of elite performance: Zero gap between ideas and action
  7. I used to create a lot of content in the past, but they all devalued me and did understand my capabilities. No problem. I will go to somewhere where I can deliver more value. This forum is only a small outlet for my insights. Old things should be written down for historical reasons. It helps with externalizing a lot of the thought processes and you will not be attached so much. But I am not a huge fan of writing down new plans and insights. It's mostly because I am complicated thinker and my mind is all over the place while I come up with a plan.
  8. Movement is the cure for a sedentary lifestyle and nothing else. You need more movement and be in connection with your physicality so much. Especially as a man. Now I am dealing with a ton of back problems. This is something I didn't expect to happen at all but came out of the blue. Some people even in their 30 doing desk jobs do not have such problems while I am having them at 24. I did a lot of adjustments to my chair bought a pair of tailbone supporting sitting pads. Hopefully this will get the job done. The final solution is always to move more. This is what God intended humans to do. To move around and be a physical force of nature. Not to sit in a room and press buttons all day. But God completely accepts you as who you are. Now work your magic darling.
  9. Damn what a life. Still better than living in cities though. At least he gets fresh air and clean water. I want to know what living in the wilderness of Siberia is like. One day.
  10. Whenever you realize that there is something new to learn you need to allow it some abstract space allocation. This space is where the abstract model develops in the mind. Not willing to this will turn into a learning disability. you constantly need to allocate abstract space of the mind for new ideas to come to fruition. This is like creating a new node in the knowledge graph. This is important when you discover entirely new fields of knowledge that has much lesser relation with the existing knowledge graph. Always take action. ACTION.
  11. it is important to note that I do not expect everyone to understand everything I speak about. It is complicated or may be half baked. That is just my style.
  12. Good scores say that you are smart. Bad scores don't say anything at all. It's that simple. Plenty of people study hard and improve their standardized test scores and that can be done. That doesn't mean that they were dumb to begin with. They were not conscientiousness enough. But I suggest a different approach. Basically, SAT and any standardized exams for that matter is a filter to find out ideal work slaves. And you are worrying and wasting your energy thinking if you are not enough to be the ideal slave. It is pointless. Define what skills you want to have and aggressively pursue it outside of university. Dedicating your life to standardized scores are a waste of time and what is not measured by them is pure creativity. And to succeed in reality you do not need to be exceptionally smart or have a high IQ. You need to be above average smart (like 80 percentile) and ruthlessly take action. Being too smart can hamper your ability to succeed believe it or not. That few years in college will go past by in an instant and now you are in the real word without having any teachers or scores to judge you. So, get outside the frame of academia. Focus on building your life like Leo said. This has to do with identifying your skill sets and taking action on it. You will far outpace your peers if you start early. And its too energy consuming to compare yourself to others. Feel free to ask for any clarification if you want any.
  13. It's a filtering mechanism for filtering students based on IQ and Conscientiousness. It select students who are high in IQ and high in Conscientiousness.
  14. @OBEler If you say "buddhists are not awakened, I am awakenend" what am I supposed to infer? That his awakening is partial, just like the buddhists he criticised for not being fully awakenend? He should take greater responsibility to express his awakenings in nuanced way. There is a lot of ambiguity here. For eg, he should explicitly make it clear that he do not completely understand reality and that his understanding is limited, partial & incomplete, if that's actually the case. As long as he doesn't say that, he is implicitly claiming absolute understanding of reality. I am genuinely asking one question, Is Leo's awakenings absolute or not? I never heard anything like that from him. When I asked him about completeness, he says there is more to understand of reality, but he also got a feeling of completness. More clarity is required of all this, which is exactly why people on the forum are making a fuss about it.
  15. In a democracy, you always have an "other" party to blame. So no one is really responsible for anything.
  16. Inequality of outcomes isn't a problem. This will always remain as long as capitalism is there, which isn't a serious problem. The problem is inequality of opportunities and basic living standards. This is the inequality we should seek to eliminate first.
  17. Given that almost every interaction where men and women interact on matters where they disagree ends up in chaos, can we create a woman only subsection with access only to women. And maybe men who are approved by those women. This could create a safe space for women where they can talk about stuff in their own ways who are otherwise unheard and oppressed by the overwhelming masculine voice in this fourm. You can put in the "other" subsection below Journals.
  18. Social democracy is functional with democratic values and property rights. Refer to Scandinavia/Northern Europe for policy success. It's just that government offers a safety net for dudes like you and not for just multi billion dollar corporations like mid/late stage capitalism.
  19. Bread is also highly processed and have harmful chemicals in them. I am going to stop eating bread on a regular basis. Occassionally eating them is fine. Generally speaking, food is meant to be consumed by 90 min after you cook it. In order to make it last long they add harmful chemicals and process it. It's a good rule of thumb to stay away from processed foods.
  20. Preach for change, but never change things too much is the playbook of every master level Machiavellian politician. "45: Preach the need to change, but never reform too much at once. If change is necessary, make it feel like a gentle improvement on the past." Law 45, from 48 laws of power. The normies dread change but they are in love the idea of change. You can only sell the idea of hope and change. They are dogmatic af when it comes to making real changes. Especially for progressives for eg who always cry for affordable housing, but bribes the local govt bodies for constructing houses in the least efficient manner so as to keep the rent high, in their own backyard. 1. Time is the only solution here. You can merely aid in it movement by advocating for policies. Get rich, and advocate for policies for the greater good. 2. A lot of these old pathetic boomer politicians has to die off. There is no other solution. I really wish the human lifespan was capped at 60, or atleast politicians must be forced to retire at 60. That would mean that we would make progress much faster and shed there conservative boomer ideas faster. But for our misfortune, these idiots are here to stay with us for a lot of time. And they are the ones getting in the way of the progress. Progressives included.
  21. That's definitely progress. I think peace comes from the fact that you realise that banging or not banging your sister doesn't make a lot of difference. No matter how demonic these desires may seem a lot of people have these but they won't express this since it's a taboo. You would be surprised to see that a lot of mothers secretly want to fuck their sons for whatever thet couldn't do with their husbands. These stories are real whatever your opinions on it may be. It's about internally making peace with your desires. There is nothing bad about desiring anything. You don't even control it for the most part. You simply accept who you are as itself. With all that said, I would advice you to not make any advancements on your sister or cousins.
  22. You have to make peace with the fact that society, atleast the US will take another 50 years to reach the developmental level of progressive politics, if not more. They need to go through a lot of pain to reach that. We can only hope that AI will accelerate that pain so that they may advocate for change.