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Everything posted by Bobby_2021

  1. For me understanding with respect to language is to create an elaborate mind map that would explain the thing you are trying to understand. Now, language is a bunch of letters grouped together to form alphabets. We are defining a group of arbitrary distinctions which can help us build a map that can loosely correlate to the reality. That is what understanding is about. Creating mental models that are reasonably accurate. Now, these distinctions exist in reality itself. You do not create an extra set of distinctions to play with, when reality itself is the set of distinctions that you are trying to play with. This is the real understanding. I would like to know how would I understand reality in case language did not exist. Understanding can still exist independent of language. So that would be the memory of reality itself that has interconnections to other workings of reality. The map is the image of the reality in your memory. This is all you have to understand reality outside of language.
  2. To put it bluntly, I do not want women putting any limitations on me that may slow down my ambitions in any way. I want to choose my own limitations and not let women let me choose the limitations I can have for me. Yeah. This is not asking from an achiever stage though. Material accomplishments are not my end goal although they do consume a lot of my time and energy. Recently I have grown intolerant of dealing with people in real life. There is too much dogma and baggage that people hold. I do not talk to anyone for an extended period of time. People are always involved in their silly games and it disgusts me. That is why I am more cognizant of who gets to share my intellect with. I cannot allow anyone to have authority over my intellectual authority. I have alluded to it somewhat abstractly above. For the sake of simplicity, lets say that you have a huge awakening experience and needs to go to some forest and meditate for a month straight. You are super into consciousness work. Now, if you are not in a serious long term relationship, you do not need to ask anyone. You can simply go and do whatever you want. But when you are in a relationship, the woman may ask questions and you may not be explain to her in a way that she understands. Notice that a good relationship takes work to maintain it on its own. Will you be able to strategically allocate your resources (time and energy)into managing relationship and consciousness work? What if the woman thinks that you are going insane? What if she doesn't appreciate what you are doing because she does not understand the significance of this work?What if she has needs which should be taken care of at a time when you go for work? What if these sow tiny seeds of resentment and make your life miserable and suffering induced? There could be a lot of issues that will hinder your work. Now, having kids takes this to a whole new level. All of that is just new things to manage. What if you simple cut out all that and double down on your own work to dedicate the last remaining time and energy to build something that the world has never seen before? It would be beautiful if it ends like this. What would that kind of girl look like?
  3. I am merely questioning if a relationship is worth having. After the enquiry I can opt for the possibility or not. The straw man you are making is labelling it as a "belief". NO. This is a serious inquiry. I am open to whatever possibility that can give me maximum self actualization. When I see the most brilliant men in history and even during current time have broken long term relationship that should be discussed. Why do ambition men have difficulty with long term relationships? Worth asking. Wholly agree with this. Life is all about tradeoffs and sacrifices. I want to know to what extend will a relationship will restrain a man and what kind of relationship will give max self actualization. Why do you want to believe in lies?
  4. "Nothing can be loved or hated unless it is first understood." -Da Vinci
  5. Are there any advanced/complicated but not dangerous stuff that you can talk on YT?
  6. This just never happens to me. I am never ever lonely. I enjoy contemplating about life too much. Not having to deal with people and their bullshit while having all the benefits from society is an underrated privilege. With that said I do not want to be a complete loner. I do enjoy being with classy people as well. Just that this loneliness issue never occurred to me. I suppose that is not a remote possibility. Yes that is what I meant. All limitations are not the same. Relationships can be a world of limitations within itself. In a way it is a bigger limitation than building rockets for example. You can choose to not build rockets and do something else if you want. That is not the same with committed relationships though, especially if you have children. Moreover building rockets or some other wild limitations like that could perhaps grow you further than a relationship. Notice that path B still allows short term relationships with women. My question is if a committed relationship is really worth it in its ability to actualize you as a man. A lot of men I see are not actualizing in relationships beyond a point. And the biggest geniuses are not getting into relationships as well. I haven't reached any conclusion yet. Just thinking about it.
  7. The artist is nice until people start corrupting his art. His intolerance is a virtue of how hard he got all the revelations from and how he values it so much and would not allow others to corrupt it by being fake compassionate. Get over it. Master are never nice.
  8. BLUE LIGHT. That's it. Exposure to blue light is the only reason why you struggle to fall asleep at night. We all have probably heard this but we underestimate the degree to which it affects our sleep timings and sleep quality. And lack of proper sleep leads to a myriad of health problems like stress, fatigue throughout the day and even cardio vascular disease. You would also need to eat more food to stay awake, when you had poor sleep. I have restricted by blue light exposure from 6 pm onwards and my sleep quality have never been so high. So let's get to the root of the problem. What is the single biggest source of blue light? It's LEDs. Namely two sources. 1) LED lights. 2) Phone/Television screens. If you want good sleep, do not use these things after 6 in the evening. The LED lights are too bright. It will easily disrupt the circadian rhythm and supress the release of melatonin which relaxes your body and makes it fall asleep. Phone screens do not emit nearly as much blue light as led lights used for lighting rooms. If you cannot avoid them completely, then use them at low brightness and turn on the blue light filter. I work till 10 pm and still fall asleep immediately when I get to bed. So that should not be too much of a problem falling asleep. That could still disrupt the sleep quality in my observation. So it is advisable to completely avoid blue light past 6 pm if you want to sleep well. Following this has done wonders for my sleep quality and is a great improvement to my life in general.
  9. @Recursoinominado I am not placing freedom above all else. I am placing freedom as a basic requirement for life. It is only fair that everyone has true freedom to do whatever they want we see real progress in culture. I can be in complete control of myself. I can put in constant amounts of work and get steady results. Doing it with a partner is only going to needlessly complicate things. To each their own.
  10. I cant bear these normies who can't digest these stuff and feel like a youtube video is "dangerous". lol. Imagine Leo teaching alien insanity on YT. Would be real cool imo.
  11. I am not talking about the teenage version you hear from libertarians. There is no guarantee that a partner will grow in the same pace as you. People are not simple machines. They have to grow and evolve in their own time. A relationship can grow you, but it will rather be slow and bumpy. Go alone and you will go blazing fast.
  12. Definitely not. I want to know if it's worth in the future so that I can allocate energy to find a good one. I have a couple of options. I think I will put it on hold at the moment. My creative aspirations are the most important. I do have anxiety of finding a long term mate. It's such a pain in the ass. But I will never ever feel lonely. I am too comfortable with myself now.
  13. Addressing a few objections. 1. "What if the woman is bad? What kind of woman are you talking about?" That's the point. Relationships are uncertainty. It depends upon the woman. Take into account the uncertainty of having the right Partner, whatever your definition of being right could be. 2. What is freedom? Freedom to pursue whatever you want without being answerable to anyone. Literally being able to purse whatever self actualization goal. I am not talking about chasing mindless material goals. That is not of too much interest to me. I mean freedom in the most objective and reasonable meaning of the word. Not some retarded libertarian fantasy.
  14. Very interesting. I don't like to think that they had a commitment to the collective though. They just had a commitment to themselves that they would bring the best out of their potential and work they ass off on one thing. And their work just happened to serve the collective well. Newton probably had no idea on how humanity would have made use of calculus. He was simply exploring math and written down whatever he saw. His commitment was to himself. He was a virgin and probably for a good reason. Understanding reality and then, admiring reality is the only real purpose that I have. For me freedom doesn't mean having zero limitations. That's is death. What I mean by freedom to choose whatever limitations you can get. Society is living under external limitations. That's a terrible way to live. Here is the crux: You are a single man who is seriously into self actualization work and making serious progress. You are sitting on a Chair and you are thinking into the future, and you come up with two parallel realities. One where you were committed (path A) and one where you did not(path B). Which path is the one worth taking? which path has the potential to actualize you more?
  15. @universe Lets say about pursuing consciousness, you can't go all in when a lot of your energy is expended in managing the relationship. You could do things as you wish with no one to answer to, but once a woman comes in the picture, now she is going to need explanations of what you are doing or she may disagree with you. It brings all this uncertainty which I see as hindering your freedom while before you didn't have anyone to answer to. Life was completely an open game before women. Heck you can even choose to have endless sex when you are not in a committed relationship. I want to know what do you lose by not being in a relationship. What is the worth of the sacrifice. I agree with this. If I have to ask, then it's probably not for me. But what if you were going to invent calculus or some world changing discovery and the relationship is getting in the way. This sacrifice is worth for most normies since they are immature and getting in a relationship might be a net gain for them. They can develop maturity and wisdom from the relationship. But what if I already have all that? Will I get anything truly amazing and astounding from a relationship from a woman? What kind of woman would I need? What kind of work do I need to make it worth the sacrifice? Lets say you are facing a huge creative endeavours where you cannot afford to dilute your energy by expending it on a relationship?
  16. @Ulax I have already said the kind of men I am referring to. It's those men who put in efforts to build their lives to the maximum potential, individually. With women, it could literally be any women. Take the best case you want to. I want to see if a woman can really add to his life, especially for best case woman or even an average case for example. Because you cannot really judge women before you live with them and commit to them. So that's kind of ambiguous on purpose. What kind of woman will give you the maximum freedom as a man? What kind of woman will add more than freedom to your life? What kind of tangible things do woman add to your life? These are the things that are up for analysis.
  17. Taxpayers shouldn't be responsible for someone's else loans.
  18. Is anything truly describable at all? I guess not. At some point you just get it. Be it math or awakening after dealing with the pointers for so long.
  19. How about conducting a democratic poll with all the lesser beings? That should add up to something bigger.
  20. Worked well so far.
  21. Leo brands his videos as advanced even though the content and subjects of the videos are not truly advanced/original in the truest sense of the word. Subject like Truth, love, consciousness, reality, learning, psychedelics, politics, awakening, wisdom, maturity are all great things, but they are ideas that existed around for thousands of years. Granted, they ought to be discussed when there is an ocean of shallow self help content out there that is not really serving any real purpose other that some motivational content. Leo's content has been one order above such content definitely. My question is when do we get to see truly original and advanced content. If standard self help content is arithmetic, Leo is releasing algebra. When do we get to see multivariable integration? Like something two orders of magnitude above normie self help content. I have to emphasis how important a good foundation is and I have recently decided to give a rewatch of old videos and have gotten new insights from them since I have grown so much from the last time I saw them. When do we get to see real advanced content? I mean stuff that is actually complicated, having intermixing of contents from older videos and require hours of contemplation to scratch the surface of. Curious.
  22. It also makes me wonder that I already knew all this stuff as God and I forgot it all just when I became a finite being so that I can figure it all out again. Also I think you will get to experience all of that anyway as you keep on imagining as all these things for eternity. Once you are physically dead, if you did enough spiritual actualization work, consciousness will imagine itself as a life form of higher intelligence. And so on. This is giving me the feeling of watching astronomy on Discovery channel as a child. Exploration of the limits of the unive was my craze back then. Now it's exploring the depths of human consciousness.
  23. I always strategically try to do the least work as possible to get results as fast as possible. Whatever work I am able to do don't even come close to what I understand by simply watching Leo do it. I do make a lot of progress, but comparing with Leo there is 20 times more to go as much as I have come. So it is simply more efficient to watch Leo when he already did most of the work for me. It's just being strategic not lazy. I want to know about reincarnation, aliens and demons. I want to know the farthest extend of goodness and evil. I want to know what's the worst that can happen? Real mythical shit. But I don't want a cultural dogma attached to it. That ruins all the fun.