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Everything posted by Bobby_2021

  1. Oh this ties in well with all the suffering Leo has been experiencing.
  2. He is an opportunist. He would do things first and then will find justifications for it. Why would a Top G subject himself to the attack of the matrix? He escaped to Romania just to escape from the shadow figures in the west, so that he can be the Top G, in a smaller league. But it turns out that it's not true. Now he has to clean up the mess.
  3. They should know about it before taking it. Ignorance is not an excuse or virtue.
  4. Wut? Posting evidence on demand is difficult. You can find evidence in this thread if you are willing to do the work to follow it. There is evidence. That's the heading of this thread. And I have linked atleast 10+ sources and twitter account that monitor the situation and post facts on the matter unlike Tate. They do professional work even better than mainstream media. You have Tristan Tate boasting about having sex with a 16 year old girl citing age of consent in Romania to be 15/16. While the latter part is true, there is clause in the law which states that if you are using your power and influence to get sex, then the age of consent drops back to 18. If that isn't worthy of evidence, remember that Tates are still US citizens who hold US passports and they are required to follow US laws even if they are living abroad. US can prosecute them for having sex with minors if they want. "What's the evidence?" Well, he said it on camera. That's the greatest evidence of all. Evidence exists. But you have to go in search for it. It will not come to you. Asking repeatedly for evidence is a sneaky tactic called sealioning. It is tiresome to explain the same things over and over again. Please follow the sources which I have linked up in this thread. There are people meticulously monitoring the situation and dona great deal of work to dispel the lies of the Tate PR team. He will definitely think about escaping to Dubai and living the rest of his life as a fugitive. He simply have to give up his assets in Romania and do some aggressive PR campaign claiming the the matrix was out to get him with rigged court and his fans would eat it up in no time. But he doesn't have any passports at the moment and they have to report at the local police station every other day or so. "THE TATES RESTRICTIONS FOR JUDICIAL CONTROL: Not allowed to leave Bucharest or Ilfov county without the judges approval. Not allowed to contact Luana or Georgiana. IF NOTIFIED BY POLICE MUST COME TO POLICE FOR SUPERVISION. they remain under judicial control until 2.10.2023." He can only move around the local county. Pretty restrictive. This is where he can be now. He has connections to the local gangs and even local police so it's not completely out of his control either.
  5. It is black and white. If you want to get a drivers licence, then you need to prove yourself medically fit for it. We all know that. Psychedelics wouldn't be an exception. It's understood that you need to be physically and mentally fit. It's assumed that you are already fit. Lol. Not everyone should be taking them anyway.
  6. Are those the only kind of people that psychedelics wouldn't work. Obviously you need some clearance from the medical side if you want to do anything. And also stage blue people may have too much dogma that they wouldn't benefit from it. Everyone else should be okay with it, with consent of course.
  7. What would that kind of society look like? Will it have hippies everywhere with s bunch of grumpy non psychedelic takers.
  8. All the screenshots that are circulating here are only from 300 pages out of case file that has a few thousands of pages. Tate can't stop confessing about crime on his twitter account and courses that are available to the general public, now imagine how much more evidence DIICOT has. They are taking their time. They also have wiretapped his conversations in prison where he has instructed the war room members to fly the girls to Dubai and make videos saying that Tate was innocent. And she did make that video. They have plenty of evidence as such. Infact almost every girl that posted videos claiming Tate was innocent was forced to do it by his warrom members. In court anything can happen. But as of now, this is a very specific case with clear evidence pointing to the same. Also Video evidence exists of them confessing to the crime which was not the case with Trump. That should amount to something definitely. They treated his quite badly. They have no honour in treatment of guests. But hey it's a dangerous cult.
  9. My G, rule number 1 is to not listen to a compulsive liar. He will only fool you. Take it for granted. Everything Tate says is a lie. Get that. As usual the liar lied to you. This is totally how Romanian law works. First the DIICOT needs hard evidence to arrest them. The investigation started on April 2022. Once they saw that the evidence was sufficient, then arrested him on Dec 29, 2022. Then what happened is according to Romanian law. 1. 3 months in prison. 2. 3 months in house arrest. 3. 60 days in judicial bail. They are allowed to roam around a specific county in Romania and they have to report to the authorities at predetermined times. So the next hearing will be on October to check if they are behaving well like good boys that they need not be confined to house arrest. THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE EVIDENCE BEING CIRCUMSTANTIAL. It's possible that DIICOT is taking their time to build their case as strong as possible so that the 2 defendants are convinced after trial. If Tate tries to pull anything fishy by trying to escape then their freedom can be revoked. They will be confined to house arrest in case that happens. This is the same law which allows even attempted murders to roam free in a specific area until the trial. This is how it works. Tate would report the incident completely twisted so that he can delude his own fans. It's sad that he is doing it.
  10. And walking is a good alternative to driving or taking a flight. ?
  11. What's the alternative? Steroids is used in bodybuilding. Adderall is used in productivity. We use potent chemicals to cure all diseases. Doesn't have to be the "holy grail". But it beats the rest by far.
  12. 1. You can never understand someone else's genetics. Understanding oneself is itself a challenge so you are always cut short. There is no winning when you are trying to bend to the whims of genetics of others because it is so complicated and out of control anyway 2. Some people are genetically prone of bullshitting themselves. Any added trauma will only make it worse. How often do you see a human so unapologetically pursue Truth at all costs. It's could be most likely that people have shitty genetics and so much bullshit up their head that they can't be saved. 3. The best methods are independent of genetics, really. But people have varied personality, Creativity etc. Just because a low creative person likes meditation doesn't mean that mediation is the correct technique for them. What works is so clear and simple. --- Apart from all of this, genetics play a cruical role in one aspect: Sensitivity. Sensitivity is genetic, as far as I can see. Some people are naturally more sensitive. Such people are always more intelligent. Sensitive people can develop intelligence, even. This is like the g factor of spirituality. People with low sensitivity need more harsh brute force methods where you train them like sheep or a dog. That's doesn't mean that they are the best methods suit them. They should look forward to increase their sensitivity to life so that the best methods actually work for them.
  13. Don't. Just give us your best methods. Straight to the point. No bullshit. Save me from all the mistakes you did. This would serve everyone better in the long term.
  14. Well, my mind is not blown. Lame real life story.
  15. If you are not able to connect the dots, contemplate more.
  16. Leftists are far more abstract thinkers than right wingers. If any the problem is that they become too abstract that they lose touch with reality.
  17. Everything in the universe revolves around hunter Biden's laptop.
  18. Can we have some footage? Also can Leo confirm Alien insanity from them?
  19. Making an idea successful is all about the specifics. It has to do with how much the user base is emotionally addicted to the platform that they will resist hopping to a new app, when they can conveniently have the same feature without hopping. ----- Take the case for short form content. Instagram is addictive that YT. That's why reels became somewhat successful and YT shorts did not. YT is full of devoted professionals making videos whereas twitter has a lot of semi professionals and professionals making content. And it is so easy to make content by typing whatever you want on twitter rather than making videos on YT. So if your favourite creator posts a video on twitter as opposed to YouTube, you are much more likely to stay on twitter and watch it. This has been my experience since I follow numerous small creators. They simply cannot fly off on YT. Users need to feel closer to the creator to prevent them from switching apps. Twitter is in a good position to do that.
  20. When can we see the footage of an alien body
  21. The "Everything App" is the next big thing definitely. This is what Meta and Zuck is working on as well. I personally do not see a reason why people need to go to YouTube to watch videos. There are many individual creators who built audiences on Twitter who do not have a YouTube channel nor the audience on YT. Twitter spaces and videos are focusing exactly on this. Even YouTube has enable community posts were people can post things similar to what we post on Twitter and Instagram with pictures and captions. So things are moving in the direction of an everything App.
  22. The Truth about his kickboxing and chess championship records. These guys did a ton of digging. Tate simply has to waste a breath. These guys did the dirty work to deconstruct his lies. And it won't sell like the lies Tate sold.
  23. This is not your average narcissist. He is 99%ile narcissist. And sociopathic too on the same levels. --- @something_else Thanks. I may update this thread later with relevant information.