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Everything posted by Bobby_2021

  1. Is figuring and deciding where to invest labour in, as important (or even more) as labour itself? Money itself is not physical, although it's representation is physical. Money is abstract. Just like value is also abstract. But labour is physical. Any labour will not result in value. Decisions to invest labour is what is of real value. It's fair to equate two abstract quantities(money & creativity/decisive ness/vision). Not equate one abstract and physical quantity. ( money & labour). That would complicate the situation a lot more.
  2. If throwing billions at your pet project for a playStation 2 graphics is what you call as innovation, I might be a little biased against him. He was never serious enough to make it work like Musk or even bezos who is hell bent on blue origin project. Apart from Facebook most of the revenue they generated came from either acquiring or imitating rival companies while selling your privacy to corporations which is why threads are banned in the EU. ---------- I have used threads and I must say it's not bad for an app that is a week old. All the issues could be fixed with the talent they possess. Musk is scared for his life here. Competition in this space is good for the end consumer however you see it. So I think launching threads is a big win for users. I am going to use it to post woo woo soy "safe" content on threads while using twitter to be more real and authentic. Musk has killed a lot of small business recently by over pricing their api. Now I heard that he is rolling out the free access again. ?
  3. You can have 20 different disagreements of Musk. That's fine. But no one champions free speech as much as Musk. That alone is far more than enough for making twitter a better site than threads. Freedom is not supposed to be safe space for ideas. Threads will give no safety for your ideas, while compromising your economic and social safety. (They will ban your ideas and come for your identity) Twitter safeguards your identity and protects your ideas. This is as better as free speech could get given the development of human consciousness at this point in time.
  4. Twitter has bigger job prospects than LinkedIn, which is severely biased to recruiters, ie the corporate. Threads is going exactly the same way, made by the corporate clone zuck himself. You will be allowed to post content that is within the highly curated mould of corporate approval. Anything mildly outside and it's going to be goodbye. That's not a system made for people. His entire motto is why innovate when you can imitate. Twitter's capacity has so much variability that you give it credit to. I have 5 accounts on there each with 5 different purposes, one of which is a community that talks about consciousness. That's not a twitter problem. That's a human problem. You could easily build a good small community on twitter based on any content, literally any content. And you can attract people of similar calibre. Twitter offers the best solution as reasonably possible as far as tech is considered. It takes work and lot of blocks, but it can be done. Threads is going to be a site for corporate clones. Say something minorly offensive and they will even ban you from threads your connected Instagram accounts, metaverse etc.
  5. And end up like LinkedIn with full of normie content and "safe space". No thanks. Twitter will always remain as the public intellectual space for important discussions. Zuck can do nothing. He can do his part by absorbing away some normies. So that's good overall.
  6. This is one of the most profound paradoxes that I am battling with. When you are a human being born and doing things, the biggest joys you can experience is to let the universe happen to you. It is like going to the zoo or planetarium and simply marveling at life. But if you want to sit and marvel at life, you need to make it happen. Because there are enemies that could get in the way of your things which may not let it happen. The enemy is your own Ego mind. It brings its own biases and needs onto you that you cannot simply sit and enjoy reality. So you need to take control and get things in order. If you want to happen to things, then you cannot sit and marvel at reality. You are always in the drivers seat always in observation of the most minute things happening in reality that you simply enjoy the beauty life in the passenger seat. The integration of the paradox entails that you will be able to enjoy life equally in the drivers seat and passenger seat as well. Newbie drivers cannot enjoy while driving. But newbies cannot enjoy as much as the driver while being in the passenger seat as well, if you have noticed. It is a beautiful paradox.
  7. "It had long since come to my attention that people of accomplishment rarely sat back and let things happen to them. They went out and happened to things." -Leonardo Da Vinci
  8. That's beautiful. Ramanujan also was the same. For me I had zero creativity/intuition. I absorbed textbooks just like that. For me every page was a painting written in symbols. I studied systematically. Proofs didn't make any difference to me at all. I don't care. But reading the proof gave me some solace and peace of mind. I could never fly off the seat completely detaching from proofs either. I just like to marvel and admire mathematical work. It's like a painting to me
  9. Sadly true. I made a stern decision to not let academic bullshit corrupt the beauty of mathematics. I used to half heartedly listen in classes and then come back home to teach myself the real way. In the end I topped it of course. Mathematics is as beautiful as a beautiful painting.
  10. Some good points in there I understand. But I am in a very vulnerable stage at the moment. I am unwiring my psyche that even the slightest annoyance with people is making me doubt myself. I am making a mess out of irrelevant things. It is even making me physically sick and neurotic. Solitude is my only savour now. Contemplating is the only way out.
  11. Genius is a specific thing. It is the knowledge and understanding of all things. Math is an integral part of the world and it's understanding is necessary to the understanding of everything else. It fits in so neatly. They also had high IQs.
  12. Indeed. Thank you. I got inspired by reading a Da vinci quote on similar lines.
  13. I took it from one of my personal notes as I was contemplating the future of my life with regard to relationship. Being in a relationship is a huge sacrifice. For men it is the sacrifice of their freedom. My question is if being with any women at all is enough to justify the sacrifice in freedom. With freedom men who put in work to build themselves are absolute forces of nature. I feel so powerful in this state. I also feel like a lot of men feel like they miss this unbounded freedom they used to have after getting in marriage, especially after a decade or so after the initial excitement have dulled out. What is the cost-opportunity analysis of freedom and relationship with women? Is either one worth more. I want the opinion of older men who have experienced both worlds here.
  14. You need to work so hard and make things happen so effortlessly even for all the edge cases, that nothing can really get in your way, which allows you to enjoy the process as well.
  15. “So vile a thing is a lie that even if it spoke fairly of God it would take away somewhat from His divinity; and so excellent a thing is truth that if it praises the humblest things they are exalted.”
  16. I need to write down these insults to my giga list of insults because these might come in handy elsewhere.
  17. Affirmative action: US Supreme Court overturns race-based college admissions No more race based admission in college. These affirmative action policies always disgusted me. Right from removal of gifted programs for kids to race(or caste based here in India), affirmative action policies are kind of secretly racist. If this does not sound racist to you I do not know what will. Affirmative action policies are discriminatory to students who work hard and excel. They prioritize kids who belong to 40 percentile over meritorious students from 90 percentile. Several Asian students who reported near perfect scores in SAT were left depressed because their scores were not enough for them to make into Ivy leagues. Affirmative action is never a stage yellow policy to overcome the oppression of the past. It is a knee jerk green reactionary policy (including the removal of gifted programs). The problem with admitting with students with weak scores is that they cannot keep up with the rigid curriculum ,so they tend to drop out or underperform since they are surrounded by over achieving counterparts. This is weird and humiliating in many levels. It is humiliating and depressing for the kids who get admitted into elite schools and for those who could not get into elite schools despite having meritorious scores. What could be a stage yellow level policy that could replace affirmative action? Thoughts.
  18. I guess a lot of trial and error is needed to find the right partner. Also do you have any image of the best case girl that can aid you in this kind of work? Women are generally not too into this stuff or else they are too indoctrinated by one ideology or another so it is kind of hard finding the right partner. going to rewatch it.
  19. There is no solving neediness altogether in life. You need to solve them one aspect of life at a time. Each of those aspects might have a different strategy for solving neediness. Where are you feeling needy in?
  20. Can you understand something without thinking at all? It is possible, but instead of mental maps you have mental images which aid in your understanding.
  21. Take as much time and even more than that as you want. I am pretty excited about it.
  22. More wars. Escalate. Accelerationism FTW.
  23. @Leo Gura Well, lets say that you are comfortable not being in a long term relationship(LTR). Now imagine for the sake of it that you did get into a relationship. How would you max out that relationship for maximum self actualization. For the girl, you can imagine the best case scenario. Can you even give a crude view of how that would look like?