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Everything posted by Bobby_2021

  1. Have one more child. ☺️? Me and my brother have 10 year difference. And that works fine. You can even offload some parenting duties to your daughter and she will love it. Plus your experience would mean that it would be far easier to raise another child. Go ahead. Best of luck. Edit: I don't think there is anything to regret for not having a second child. Both are totally and equally fine. I am only telling to have a second child regardless. Your daughter would love it.
  2. I remember trying it halfway and stopped it. What's your experience?
  3. She didn't respond because she doesn't know. She implicitly admitted that she doesn't know. That's pretty admirable. Making up crap about death is what most people do. ____ You cannot judge people's development by their verbal responses. You should look at their behaviours, impulses, actions, world views and abilities. That's a much better scale for assessing their development. That's why I harshly judged her for feeding junk food to kids. That's much worse than believing in God. Verbal responses are at best some vague pointers. You cannot really judge much from a few answers. I have met some real animals today. This mother would look like an angel compared to them.
  4. Trauma is not a gift. You can still love and enjoy like an animal with loads of trauma, but the best things in life will elude you because of the trauma.
  5. To be fair to her, these responses are not that bad. You really need to see low consciousness people who live in close connection to the jungle to see how much underdeveloped they can be. This mother isn't that bad. 1. She didn't make up some bullshit about death. 2. She believed in God. That's totally fine. Feeding junk foods to kids is such a bad habit, but again she is in a culture that does that.
  6. Yeah that's why God's have to constantly reimagine themselves in different forms to distract them from infinitude. The curse was that you would be stuck in a finite form for infinity, unless you break the curse. Watch the Telugu/Hindi Film Tumbbad, 2018.
  7. Have you heard stories of ancient mythical Gods cursing people with immortality as a punishment? If immortality for infinity was totally fine, I would have to imagine myself as a finite being. Also the other problem is that you lose your work. You can do consciousness work, and then you will re imagine yourself to be a dog trapped inside a kennel. This shit has no end in sight.
  8. Sensitivity is the biggest gift, but you need to selectively tame it down as necessary.
  9. Is it recommended to hit on family members who are not blood related?
  10. My position is that men are better in chess because, well because men win more games and tournaments compared to women. Pretty self explanatory. The entire thread has been started because op want to disprove this with debunked studies and no mathematical basis. I don't have to prove anything. If you need proof go look at the top 100 players and you will get proof of my claims.
  11. Of course everything is not biology, you also need to have wealthy parents to afford you chess training from an early age. That's pretty much it. Biology and Wealth. Both of which is determined by pure luck. Luck is the best predictor of chess success. You should be lucky enough to have the correct biological/genetical traits and be loaded enough to be trained by your parents when you literally 7 years old.
  12. What's depressing is that I will keep imagining this shit for infinity. Like think about it. For infinity. You will imagine yourself as a human, then as a dog, as logan paul, as a bacteria for literally infinity over and over again. This shit has no end. It's the same imagination over and over again. It's truly depressing to be God level perfect. So it makes sense that God had to come up ideas to forget entire aspects of himself and wipe it off from memory. Not having memory is crucial to keeping this imagination alive and running.
  13. I can give you more than 5 but that's besides the point. This is so disappointingly myopic view. If I tell you the number predictor of success in chess is studying chess for long hours, you still need an article/study to believe it. --- There isn't anything new in this type of conversation. It all goes like "Women have been oppressed and suppressed for billions of years, so that explains, and only that, why they can't do better." And then there will be *some* studies which does sneaky manipulations to justify this among themselves and anyone who disagrees has to a sexist. This is an age old template and it has gotten very boring. It's amusing to me why SD green people which is a relatively high stage can mistakes and fail to see things the lower stage does not.
  14. There is also studies which shows that your T levels spike when you are up against a stronger (higher rated) player. As I said, do more research. What I am saying is a culmination of experience, research and studies. Citing a few studies means nothing to me. And I didn't say to restrict yourself to chess specific studies. See what Testesterone does and it's benefits. And then realize that men literally have 10x the T levels than that of women. Then everything will make sense.
  15. Yes. Please do some research before subscribing to such harmful stereotypes.
  16. I don't care. I just wanted some drama. Also all war lords will eventually be killed by other war lords. This is the gane they signed up for.
  17. I was talking about the Elo Rating. On top of that high testosterone has a huge impact on your ability to sit and concentrate for hours on end in high stress situations.
  18. Update: A 300 page document made by the prosecution was accessed by the BBC and reports some of it here. If this document becomes public, it's so over. They wouldn't need the court hearing. They would lose in the court of public opinion even before that. The only way they can get out is if they bribe the Judge. Even that is ruled out since this matter is already the subject of international attention and more traffickers (Vlad Obu, a war room members and students of Tate) has been arrested and Tate case would set the precedent. In short, it's so over.
  19. It would have been really amazing if he managed to go through with the coup. Now he is dead. Honestly I didn't think he was this naive. Some other forces were at play the moment he retracted from the coup.
  20. Isn't the human memory itself being hallucinated? There is no reason to accurately remember all the details from the 30 years of experience he had hallucinated. You probably do not remember all the details of your nightly dreams.
  21. @Sidra khan did you understand anything for real? ?
  22. There is some Truth to this. But its not true that you will never be addicted to anything ever again. You gain a lot more control over your own existence because you learn a lot more about your existence. Even a dog barking has enough stimulation as much as watching a move. You learn to find so many things in simple things, that watch stimulation overloaded entertainment becomes overwhelming. In spite of all this, you can still get addicted to videos and chocolate. But your baseline awareness will be higher even when you get addicted so that the intensity of your attachment to the addiction is lower and it gives you a lot of control if you want to break out of it. At the end of the day, even addictions is life. There is nothing fundamentally wrong even with addiction, existentially speaking.
  23. It would be nice if we could implement a nice decentralised transparent protocol for government institutions. Of course not all govt institutes, but a subset of them
  24. There is no risk or hazards if you are referring to explosions. Only a few explosions happened throughout history only due to severe lapse of judgement or/and extreme circumstances. We have solved all these problems and technology has advanced enough to deem these risks as trivial. We need to talk in terms of what works and stop running on patterns. What's the status of hydrogen powered cars? I thought it was impossible.