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Everything posted by Bobby_2021

  1. It's rare to come across a paper of substance and value. Great work. @Cosmin Visan
  2. Try new things. Baby steps mean a lot. Sometimes that is enough. Start Trying.
  3. France has 70% of it's energy from Nuclear has the lowest emissions in Europe and cheapest electricity.
  4. Now it looks like Russia is making actual progress in Ukraine. Russia will eventually win as the support from the west is dwindling. The real winner in any war is, as usual, the US military industrial complex. West got what it wanted at the cost of immense causalities. Ship out the old stockpiles. and destabilize the Russian economy. In the long run, Russia had to lose. So lets us just hope for that. But they don't. Now what?
  5. Merry Christmas everyone.
  6. Moving to unitive level understanding. You can understand how a lock works intuitively without using language. This is the best way to learn without generating too much suffering. Let me try it out at my work.
  7. Nuclear plants being too expensive is also pretty overrated. It's not that expensive. You basically need to invest $10 billion USD for nearly a lifetime of clean energy with minimal operating costs since the fuel itself is cheap as compared to coal or gas. The capital costs is huge. Which is opposed to conventional energy generation, where fuel is Costly with little capitals costs. To put it in context, Netflix in this year alone allocated $7B for making trash movies and series. And you think governments are too poor for setting up a power plant that cost around the same. The intend is lacking. Plain and simple. Apart from the logistical challenges, and R&D almost everything that is used to counter the development of Nuclear energy is crap. Including disposing nuclear waste. All of those could be easily done with modern tech and infrastructure. Not to mention that we can hit a breakthrough in technology at any time that would significantly reduce the costs. But there is no interest and too much fear mongering that they force you to drink paper straws that dissolve in your juice rather than do something of substance. That's the fundamental problem. They lack in substance. That's why it's wise to not take them seriously at all. As long as they don't even talk about serious solutions, they will keep jerking each others off to feel good after convincing themselves that they are doing something. If you think long term, you will invest in infrastructure. If you think short term, you will chase cheap energy and blame China.
  8. Fear mongering against nuclear energy is total bullshit. It is our only hope to net zero by 2050, if we have any chance at all. All these renewable energies is going to cost us a shit ton of money and a ton of waste to manage. People are shit scared by nuclear disasters that happened years ago with ancient technology. Nuclear plants are super safe so as disposal of nuclear waste given that it is a relatively unpopulated area. For a reasonably serious person, it is out only bet to combat climate change. Yes, it is expensive and take decades. But it works. And we do have a few decades in hand comfortably. It is lunacy to waste time on a cheap solution that does not work at all. Future generations will thank us for investing in nuclear energy right now. And who knows, maybe after we put a lot of money into R&D, we might get a breakthrough that brings down the cost significantly. Expensive and works >>> Cheap and does not work.
  9. Bing is just pulling up articles from the internet and it's reasoning is just trash.
  10. If you can get till college without having to burn everything, then you are definitely from an upper class setting.
  11. Family wealth is one of the biggest predictors of success. Not talking about not having to make money. But making money itself is easy when your family is already established.
  12. I agree. But many people think that racism can only go on way.
  13. The self that you have had in mind for yourself was too demanding for you to reach given your circumstances, genetics, family, menta health, maturity, money, etc. And there are tons of other factors which you don't take into account. We all battle with this problem. I got excited to answer since that is also the solution to the problem I was facing. And i feel so much lighter when I was freed from my own expectations. It was tampering my capacity for existing in this world. Hurt people cannot go so far. The world is quite harsh. Heal and march on.
  14. I am battling with the same problem. The problems of not having enough love. That's all there is to it. You were not given the love you think you deserved and that's why you were hurt. No life was wasted. You technically cannot waste an experience. But you expect you to have money, kids, house, babies, and other Little stuff. All these things you expected from yourself, but you were not capable for whatever reasons to give it to yourself. You are hurt for the love that you yourself failed to give you. As long as you don't acknowledge this, you will keep going into the downward spiral of hate. You hate yourself for not having worked job went to college and not having the life you deserved. But you being you did the best of what you could based on the unique situation that you were in. You couldn't have done any better, really if you think about it. That's why it's pointless to brow beat yourself over and over again. You did the best you could. Things can only get better from now on. Watch this video and forgive yourself. Walking around with all the hate is like walking with a thorn stuck in your foot. It will keep getting worse until you start to get clinical health problems. And please beware that even overachievers are also plagued by the same problem. That's why it's a lack of self love not because you didn't put in the work to build your life. But you did the best you can given your unique life circumstances. Maybe you can write down your life circumstances and see that it was all justified. And then, start putting in the work after you have made peace with yourself. Godspeed. DM me anytime.
  15. Take some action right now. It's the only way to get out of the rut. Some action at all. Maybe get a job or skills. Do something. I recommend college only if it definitely helps you secure a solid job, and not drown you in debt. Plenty of companies hire based purely on skills these days.
  16. We brown/blacks don't have a problem. Sun only burns whites. So it's not racism.
  17. The point is that when things are totally meaningless, you can do whatever you want according to your own rules. Drinking water is as meaningful or meaningless as drinking petrol. You can choose either as you wish. Negative meaning is not the same as meaningless.
  18. I am pro nihilism and pro solipsism. These are not bad things.
  19. That's a bit too much. I don't recommend getting brain damage for no reason lmao. Sports is a good try and some mild form of combat sports if any at all. Many more patterns are at play here. Whichever you choose to latch on to, is your bias. Also notice that the sheer number of such implicit patters makes it easy for anyone to pegion hole you into faction and not address your questions and concern at all. It's a slippery slope that's not nice to tread on. Because it will also be used against you one day. On the other hand, talking directly to the point is clean, simple and straightforward. That's my style. Either they are born into wealthy families or due to fluke luck. Men need to fight hard. That's just easier than using spiritual woo woo to bypass the grunt of everyday work. Spirituality can make you happy and that might improve the quality of your work, but it doesn't directly impact the work that you do.
  20. Scary. These atrocities are not forgivable no matter what the context is. A little less blood would be a lot more nice.
  21. Cool. I don't miss any of that implied information. But that's subject to your experience and your interpretation of that person. My bias is to engage with the merit of what's being posted regardless of past or the individual who is posting it. The OP has such biases and it will take at least 3-4 years to get over given the work is put in. It's hard to get over the biases. In the meantime, let it pass. β˜―οΈβ™ΎοΈ
  22. Leo, just because he said that men need to fight to survive does not mean that he implies that other beings do not need to fight to survive. It just means what it says and nothing more. That statement is wrong, and that fighting mentality is lacking in men a lot nowadays especially in spiritual circles. It is a good reminder to be able to fight. Of course, other organisms need to fight to survive, but that is not mutually exclusive to his point.