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Everything posted by Bobby_2021

  1. Egypt could have chosen not to put up the blockade. They could have taken in their fellow arab civilians seeking asylum from war. US government even agreed to forgive their huge debt they took on to build their new capital.
  2. Why would the best therapists lower themselves to the standard of someone with a basic psych degree who don't know what they are doing. But if you want free therapy, then there should be a seperate section that offers that, which would obviously be of lower quality. Also we forget that all the free stuff that we are enjoying right now are NOT the result of your petty politics or your policies. It's all due to capitalism and scientific/technological breakthroughs. So if you want more free stuff, that's where you should be looking. The solution to the problem will not be in the problem plane itself. That's where I am personally looking forward to. Find a breakthrough that would make cancer drugs easy to manufacture. Invest more to research and development of Nuclear fusion and quantum computing. All these may be fads, but if they pay off, we would be much better off that any of your conscious politics. Conscious politics can solve problems that technology has already solved but politicians are lagging behind due to their degeneracy. For eg not forgiving student loans while bailing out big corporations. Not lowering the prices of cheap drugs. You should put your focus on stuff that you can solve within the realm of politics. And leave the rest to tech bros.
  3. This will only result in decreasing the quality of graduates. You need to be a lot more clear in what you mean by free college. I don't want to make STEM education free at all. Maybe some scholarships for students from poorer backgrounds or waving fee for outstanding students inside college are good moves. Also making healthcare free for all across the board may result in you not getting any treatment at all. When conservatives fear monger against these they are not doing to to block your conscious policies. There are serious problems with the implementation. I don't want to make it free at the degradation of it's quality. I want a meritocratic system with incentives for high performers of various kinds. We should not incentivise unproductive behaviours.
  4. I don't think China will attack for the time being. Their military is a paper tiger just like Russia, but now they have to make an amphibious swift attack against a trained enemy. China will make themselves a joke it they attempt this invasion of Taiwan. Leaked US intelligence says that astronomical levels of corruption has drained the infrastructure of their military and it could be a lot worse than what meets the eye. So it is something to be happy about at the moment.
  5. You can't make a move against ISIS in the international court. They are unreasonable. They don't care about what other countries think about them. Only Israel sets that standard for themselves in the middleast.
  6. After thinking a bit about it UBI will be nothing more than throwing money at their problems. For example if you give UBI per month of 1200 usd, then they would simply increase the rent because there are more people who could pay that money and soon exacerbate the problem. We need to get the system corrected first, which starts from affordable housing. This is the bed rock of any good social policy. We need to build more affordable housing. Housing crisis is an everything crisis. And restrict blackrock and other trillion dollar firms from playing in the property market. It's cruel to use places for peaceful families into tools for speculation and profiteering. I remember Leo saying that most people today live like cornered rats hindering any chances of the being conscious citizens. Housing seems to be a good way to keep them grounded. This is not a democrat vs conservative problem. And the solution comes in policies that are neither going to neatly fit into any one category. The solution comes in innovative ways that requires out of the box thinking. The current system doesn't give a pathway to solve the problem that it creates on it's own. It's not that advanced. You need to come up with a solution and promote it regardless. One such example is using nuclear energy to solve the climate crisis. Not many people think about it and liberal hate it while conservatives love it. So the solution can piss off either side depending on the scenario. Anyways that's is not of our concern. You need to nail down the policies so simplistically and they should be fairly easy to implement. I don't think UBI will work in this rotten system. Removing corporation from buying up properties as investments is a good move. In fact some progress has been made in this realm. This is also an increasingly blue states problem. Forgive the student debt. The tution costs has been jacked up recklessly and forced upon kids who weren't even old enough to know what they were getting into.
  7. @Devin I understand your concern but we actually have the opposite problem. The reason for Nuclear energy projects taking so long is because of the over stringent standards, precautions and safety measures you have in place. Cutting costs is the last thing that you can possibly do. Because the government is too scared of messing it up that it hurts the development. Lax authorities are not the problem. The problems is government trying too hard to make it safe. We should fasten up the paperwork and proceedings. People building this knows what they were doing. Even without these standards the nuclear disasters were negligible in numbers. The standards for setting up the plants are hard to cut costs on.
  8. You should push policies that are easier to administer. Tax the rich is not easy to administer to reduce inequality. The best thing you can do it is to push for UBI atleast for bottom 80% of the people. UBI is fairly easy to get by. Affordable housing is another important thing but it's incredibly difficult to come by.
  9. I wonder how of this can be solved with simply uploading lectures to the internet. This wouldn't work for medicine or law, but they probably make enough to pay off their loans. But for other fields similar to tech all of that can be learned from the internet for free. I think we need to innovate more to find ways to make education accessible yo everyone. For doing practical stuff, you need to set up labs and infrastructure for doing practice. This should really be the only function of college. Doing research, getting society forward and doing lab work. Not teaching theory. People should lean that on their own. This should bring down the costs.
  10. Modern reactors have passive cooling features without manual intervention. It's completely automated unlike the reactors built in the 60s. So basically what happens is that when power gets turned off, and/or temperature of the liquid gets out of control there is a plug that melts automatically and the fluid drains into a emergency dump tanks to cool. (Almost like the electrical fuse that melts in high temperatures.) There is no possibility of leakage nor having generator which are still vulnerable to failure and needs manual intervention. Reactor design can compensate for all of these, completely automatically. You can criticize them for not having generators and if they did, for not using it when they needed it. But we don't even need that in modern reactors. There is nothing to be scared of. Yes because that's the example of the worst that can happen in the worst possible scenarios, that too in the technology of the 70s and all that happened was a some radio active fuel leaked. Even that is mitigated for in current designs that you really couldn't do any better. Even with all this knowledge if you are still fear mongering against Nuclear energy, then you are effectively causing climate change.
  11. Universal college is not necessary although it's pretty good. I don't think it's needed. People who want to learn things will learn on their own in the age of interest. We need to set up a lot of labs & infrastructure for building and practice. It's okay even it's partially govt subsidised. Free health care yes. But you should not have to wait 5 days to see to see a doctor. I think we need a combination of both. For mission critical injuries and medical care we need paid ones and free is for other ailments. Health care delayed is health care denied. And UBI will also be nice. These are really the only solutions we have at the moment.
  12. It has been mitigated now. There are automatic passive cooling systems that switch off in the event of earthquakes. The reactor was made in the freking 60s and sanctioned in the 70s so the tech was not advanced engineering enough to take account of disasters. Even Japan has been building more reactors even now. If they are so unsafe and they had their lessons they should have stopped building it but they only accelerated it. Even if a Tsunami/Quake happened in a wind farm or solar power plant, that would still kill people. But you would attribute that to the plant itself. It was a natural disaster. Also, realize that what you saw was not a "Nuclear Explosion". It's just some mixture of hydrogen gas filled with other gas that escaped that exploded. People expected a lot worse to happen which didn't even with an ancient nuclear reactor that too in a 9 magnitude earth quake with Tsunami combined. Modern nuclear reactors don't have that problem at all. They are remarkably safe. Nothing of the sorts of Chernobyl happened in the worst possible circumstances. That goes on to show how safe they are. Which is why they are building even more. Even the Fukushima reactor was safe enough that no one was directly killed from it. All of this is not to mention that nuclear waste disposal is so spectacularly easy. It can be done on site deep underground. It's too safe and too clean.
  13. Fukushima is a testament for how safe the nuclear reactors are even for those from 1970s. There is no case for them exploding like bombs or like Chernobyl but merely a leakage of radioactive waste that too in 9.0 earthquake and Tsunami combined. Most places on the earth do not have this Problem. It all boils down to how much you want to solve climate change and the length you go to deny the obvious solution that is lying dead in your face.
  14. Go check the stats. Although green energy deaths are minimal, it will start to get a lot higher as the overhead of scaling comes into picture. It's in the same range as nuclear, although singular events have caused the mammoth share for the deaths of nuclear energy. It's not even representative of the current state of nuclear energy technology which has grown manifold. All deaths from Nuclear energy has to do with ancient technology which is meaningless in this day and age and you keep citing them to keep them in fear.
  15. Still the lowest of all the energy sources. Japan has built reactors within 4-5 years. What's stopping the US from building? Their own regulations. So it takes longer to build which adds on top of the expenses. This is on top of being the safest of all energies. It take decades to build because you don't allow them to work as fast as they can. Not because it takes inherently so long to build. What's the alternative? Coal? Wind? Solar? Renewable are not even scalable and cause even more damage to the environment if you try to scale it. It can be pushed to work for even more than 40 years. All wind/solar farms will work for half of that time, so you are looking at shit tons of waste and the challenge that come with recycling it. Look at the alternatives. And they say which is better.
  16. Jews with all their remarkable talent and skill choose the middleast east as their place. The world would have benefited immensely had they built their homes somewhere safe. As of now endless wars are the only thing in sight. I can only hope the finish what they started for good. Peace must be enforced with violence. Peace and order is of primary importance.
  17. I can comprehend that. You can comprehend that. But I don't think actual terrorists would compreh that. They are living in a one dimensional world. If both sides are terrorists, then the bigger terrorist should eventually win. You don't need to bring relativity into war. You appreciate the concept of relativity because there is a big bad govt with disproportionate power who will fuck anyone up in case they are disrupting the peace and social order. That peace was established only through violence.
  18. They didn't die directly because of the explosion at Fukushima, but due to the tsunami and earthquake that accompanied it. Also the real deal toll is only 1 dude who died from radiation and they way they estimate these numbers are highly disputable. Except for Chernobyl, none of these reportings are explosions. They are accidents. Often working with ancient technology which are not relevant to our discussion in 2024.
  19. The world is not going to go down, though a lot of species might go extinct. We are letting this happen in front of our eyes when the solution is laid out so obviously and clearly. Our lack of will is the only thing letting this happen. This is also a reminder for the average folk to not get too carried up about climate change. The elites are only interested in expanding the size of their purse and to reach some immediate goal. Sustainable long term thinking will only come from solid yellow minds, who are not even close to getting in power. Not in the next 50 years. Maybe after that we might start seeing a lot of yellow thinking pop up, because who will put up with this crap anyway? So save yourself. The planet will not forsake us.
  20. The number of people killed by nuclear energy explosions is a whopping 1 dude, that too in the most extreme circumstances possible, a combination of 9 magnitude Earthquake and Tsunami combined. Even though Nuclear is by far the most safest and cleanest of all energies hippie/capitalist propaganda might cost us not meeting the climate change goals by 2050. It's about to get hot.
  21. Did some digging and it seems that you don't have to waste decades to build nuclear reactor. A reasonable time frame is just 5 years. Japan has built reactors within 4 years. 21% of the reactors Take 5 or less years to build. The median time for building a rector is only 7 or 8 years. And the reason reactors are expensive is because of insurance and regulations and strict standards for safety. The more regulations and safety checking there are the more time it takes to build. It's not expensive only due to the sheer volume of steel and concrete. Overall if there is political will, you can fasten up the process and heavily subsidize it which will see the costs of nuclear power coming down significantly. And then we get clean constant voltage for nearly 80 years with minimal operating costs.
  22. I didn't say there isn't any oppression. But if you want to control the oppression, you need to first establish law and order, by force. Or both sides must be willing to back off without the use of force. And be happy with the land they have at the moment. This is extremely hard to come by, if you appreciate the ground reality of it. The Houthi terrorists have already started launching rockets at container, gas tanker ships in the red sea because of what Israel is doing. I guess even that is justified to you because some people are oppressed. Thank Goodness the US navy exists to impose peace in international waters. Without the US navy projecting it's force in the international waters we would all bend to the whims of the terrorist. At the moment most ships have rerouted via cape town instead of the Red sea because it's not worth getting bombed. And be prepared to pay significantly more for oil. Even that should be okay.
  23. This is a justification of terrorism. Plenty of terrorist groups exist while no one has oppressed them. If bad policy is enough of a reason to start terrorism, then we should have l lot more terrorism in this world. These people want to exterminate Israel. They have funneled in millions of dollars from Iran to build a trained terrorist group. This does not happen because they were too oppressed. The only reasonable solution is to set up an international Committe that would be responsible for enforcing law and order in the region. As long as that is not the case Israel, can and should take matters into their own hands. If you cannot do that, then things will resolve itself through war on its own. Is there a Palestinian state? Do they have a military? Do they have a border? Get these things in order. A common theme is that terrorism never ends well. So end it as soon as possible.
  24. The controversial position on occupation by displacing the Palestinians. This is really tough position I admit. I cannot blame Israel for occupancy of the Gaza, West Bank and th Golan heights. Those positions are of high strategic importance and vital for the security of Israel. Also why is governance in Palestine so incompetent? There must be some powerful entity like the government to rule over Palestine. Whoever ruling them has to ensure they don't harbour terrorist activities in their state. And put an end stop firing rockets onto the other side. Can you really blame Israel for firing rockets when there are rockets coming down to Israel as well? You can always negotiate with Israel to stop bombings. But can you do the same with an unreasonable side. So Israel too matters into it's own hands and took control of the governence of these strategic places. I say that some international entity with significant arab presence must establish law and order in Palestine to make sure that Israel doesn't expand occupations further and don't commit more oppressions. This occupation thing is really complex.