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Everything posted by Bobby_2021

  1. They will cause problems wherever they go. Even against their allies if you piss them off enough. Infact they hold former allies with greater contempt than straight up enemies. Russia has plenty of ties with the terror groups in the middleast so this is not completely unexpected.
  2. I don't think my soul will allow me to work there. But I don't judge people who do. But not all those weapons are going to bomb teenager girls in the middleast. A lot of it is used to fight against evil. So take that into consideration.
  3. Point taken. But I am not pushing Rust simply because it's my favourite. It's objectively better at the same time. Who wants a software built with memory issues and takes longer to run while consuming a shit ton of energy. There are things that makes some languages objectively better. It's not merely a matter of preference. It should ideally be a scripting language. Made only for small scripts and executing small stuff where the logic of the code is too trivial. Seems like an over kill. You need to input the whole business logic to the AI very clearly for it to spit out code. If you are describing the business logic so clearly, you might as well write the code , without having to correct and fight with the AI. AI can only do boring tasks well. It fails miserably at creative ones. It's like having a prodigious intern to help you at all time. It only has the capacity of an intern and a very good at that. It's good to have it by your side. Like Github copilot. I would not use AI for any mission critical systems, or any software that I build. Atleast not directly.
  4. Contributing to open source development in a domain of your interest is a nice idea. It's a trend to some level of free work to establish yourself before getting noticed for big roles. Having lots of half baked ideas on different fields is a good thing. All of that will be useful somewhere in the future. Diversifying is a good thing. Especially early in your career. CS is too easy to be a degree. Unless you are digging deep. The standard subjects do not offer anything deep. Except for maybe Discrete Mathematics. Good luck man. I love core CS and the philosophical aspects of it, although not proficient enough in the technical side. Hopefully Rust will save me. Not an expert to give solid advice yet. Good luck. I can tell you are on the right path already so keep at it.
  5. Yeah a new class of languages emphasising memory safety is coming out and it may even be better than Rust. But developer ecosystem is a thing. A shitty language with a huge ecosystem will be easier to get work done than a perfect language with no support or eco system. Rust has a bigger ecosystem so that will make all the difference. Carbon and Zig were even poised to replace Rust sometime before. That clearly didn't happen and I hope it won't. Rust is good enough. I don't care if these new languages are 0.0087% better than Rust. Rust is 10x better than every other *popular* framework out there witha decent ecosystem that's steadily growing. That's what matters. It's unreal to me that people will simply accept what is given to them with no concerns of broader implications or philosophy. What about security? What about developer experience? What about Scalability? You don't want your code base to grow so large that no one wants to touch it. Nobody even cares about these stuff. For me these are like the elephant in the room. People simply think, oh this is nice enough to get sub optimal work done and barely pay my bills. And jumps on to it. They are accuring tons of technical debt that their codebase would be easier to rewrite in Rust from scratch than use it to build something good or add features. Then they look for "superheros" to save them from this pit. No wonder why they get burnt out so fast. They are paying for their karma. You will have to pay either way. Rust pays it upfront in full. Like a one time investment that consistently gives it's returns over time. Other languages will make you pay by squeezing the life out of you and make you pull your hair out.
  6. I don't have the habit of preaching on social media but I already see myself pushing rust to every other dev. It's on! Most companies don't care about security until something breaks. Now they want security instead of following the correct practices like a professional right from the beginning. Prevention is better than cure. Java is my third favourite after Rust and C++. I can't bare having a runtime and garbage collector. And runtime debugging is the stuff of nightmares. How can you even track the flow of values on a variable in the runtime. Garbage collector is introducing non deterministic outcomes. Might as well use English then. 😂 Oh we have JS. Never mind. You cannot reason how the code executes because the JVM is doing most of the work. It's like a black box you have to believe in like it's the Bible. I can't get myself to code until I know exactly what the code I wrote does, preferably to assembly and the CPU. Even worse, in the workplace everyone simply want to get stuff done. How it works under the hood is of no interest to anyone. That's can't be me for sure. I would rather starve rather than go back to these inferior languages. I believe as humanity, that it's time to move on. From the olden days of clunky, awkward written code and a million frameworks, it's time to do work like a professional. A new era has come. Security, Speed & Scalability are not merely nice things to have. They are to be the basic features of every moden software. Not to mention it's climate friendly and consumes less energy to execute. No comments. Python is a joke. Java is indeed a nice language to be frank. But these things were the design choices of the 90s. All these hierarchies can induce Needless complexity if you are not careful. Also there are a lot of tools like maven and IDEs. I like a minimalist setup. I simply get in the terminal, work and leave. Peace. I can't stand all these extra stimulations. Rust allows me to get work done in a minimalist setup. That's heaven for me. Not to mention, once you learn Rust, picking up other languages are going to be a walk in the park. Rust is the best investment you can make in your programming career. My only regret is that I didn't find it sooner. Godspeed G. 🔥
  7. It can be used for everything from web apps, back end, frontend using web assembly, embedded systems and even AI & game development. High performance on par with C, low memory consumption, Safety from bugs and productivity. Easy to manage large codebases. Super scalable. It's a young language, released in 2015 that is rapidly evolving. Rust is the future. Yup. Rust is taking over. Android, Microsoft, AWS all are heavily leaning in on Rust by using Rust to build their own tools, starting support for Rust and investing millions of dollars in the Rust foundation. It's steadily growing.
  8. Just don't get excited too much. The same thing happened with msft back in the days and the hype was that they were about to breakup the company. Nothing of that sort happened. Apple, Amazon, Microsoft are all monopolistic entities.
  9. Sleep early. If you are well rested you will naturally wake up early. Make it easier for you to wake up early by going to sleep early.
  10. Apple has really won over capitalism. The best thing US govt can do is to routinely fine them over stuff. They don't even care about that anyway.
  11. Just make it public and we will send you "donations".
  12. Does that mean he will get away with not paying?
  13. Very important to acknowledge this. Which is why I don't go out of my way to criticize him. He was admitted to a hospital in a critical condition and people are criticising him for it. Jeez give it a break. Yeah he overworked in some unfortunate circumstances. Sometimes we do that as humans. Just allow it.
  14. But they are NOT *reselling* content exactly as it is. That would have been despicable and illegal. You cannot get any content from any AI that resembles anything from NYT or track back to it. They don't want to sue them since they did not incur any financial damages. If there were any damages, that would have been really scummy. Instead it's the opposite. Massive value has been pumped into the economy. That's anything but scummy. Programmers can now get work done faster. Researcher can do their work faster. Massive value. Why would you want to decrease the power of these models by removing data from their training sets.? It's not enough to prove that there was a violation of contract. You also have to prove some harm has been done. Nothing of that sort has happened here. So there isn't even a moral case against AI.
  15. They surely might have paid while accessing it. Once you get the content on your computer, you are free to scrap it. All they can do is to ban you for doing it. Can't say much about this since this case is one of a kind. The burden of proof is on NYT. But you can use the content from someone else, if you are significantly altering their content and creatively adding on top of it. That's basically generating *creatively new* content even if it uses the existing ones as input. That's like using a paywalled article to quote and giving your own analysis on a blog post or article. Significant alteration take place such that it's impossible to detect any similarities with the original one. I am saying you can put a case to sue them to get your content removed. The reason it's impossible to remove them is because the content undergoes significant alterations before it's fed into the model. The content as such doesn't even exist in a way that retains it's original identity. Which is the whole point. But hey you are free to sue them.
  16. Accessing it is not illegal. You could make a moral case for why it shouldn't. But all of that is in public domain. You can access it and scrap it. It is against their terms of service but it's not illegal. It becomes illegal if you post is on your name as it is. If you use that content to generate content that is creatively adding on top of it, then it isn't even a moral issue. Sort of like you can post reaction videos to the videos of other creators. But you can't post their content in your name as it is. ---- P.S. anyone who wants their content removed from their training set can have them removed. Or get any compensation for any financial damages you had to incur by them stealing your content. But none of that probably did happen. People are okay with it since they are getting more value from getting their data trained on AI rather than not training and not having an AI.
  17. Working yourself to death is not setting a good example. He has become what he was preaching against, but in a spiritual way. So I guess we are cool. Also I don't get why they posted the video of him on the hospital bed. That's setting yourself up for being a meme. They should have seen this coming. He was working overtime for some hindu rituals despite doctors warning him not to. He should have seen better and could have avoided all this. With that said, I don't like people are criticising him not in good faith, but to get back at him in some way or another. This is nothing to get at him so badly. There is no reason to set him upto superhuman standards. He is human afterall. Being hospitalised is fine. Just don't make a huge deal out of it.
  18. Most of these corporations will be dead even while you are still alive. Only Apple and Microsoft will make it long enough. The rest will fade into irrelevancy faster than you think. They might be around, but not nearly as powerful. - Strong individual protection laws. - No communism in any form or shape whatsoever. - Make the basics (Food & Shelter) of life accessible to all citizens. If not all, atleast to the most hardworking citizens. Reward hardwork. Have meritocracy as much as possible in any given scenario. - Do not let government rig the open market. And don't have too many regulations. Especially for small business owners. If any needs serious regulations, it should made exclusively for giant corporations.
  19. On the one hand you say the AI hype isn't real and isn't even worthy of attention. And then you say there is real danger in how AI companies will eventually rule the world while simultaneously asserting AI is merely a hype. Truth is that AI isn't nearly as scary as you think it is. No corporation will survive long enough to outlive a single human lifetime, unless they do some serious innovation and deliver value. And no, Apple or any big corporations isn't interested in buying your house and drain you by extracting rent. They can't just buy up everything and anything they want. That's simply not their business model. I have said this before that these corporations stay relevant by contributing disproportionate value into the economy. The doomsday scenario you mentioned is hard to come by even if you tried. This should be regarded with the same level of significance as some fringe leftists conspiracy theory. Just uphold strong individual rights and most of these things fall into irrelevancy. You are taking up needless fears. There are real problems to solve, but you are not going to solve them while spreading all this fear.
  20. I don't get why people romanticise and glorify suffering. You clearly didn't think like that while you were going through it. You wanted it to end as soon as possible. So why this glorification? Suffering is mostly you own creating. Something you impose on yourself out of your own choice. It has it's value, but nothing that is to be kept on a pedestal.
  21. Yes ofc. I like something close to real life depiction of spies. Russian, Siberian, Woman spy, etc.
  22. The only time when movies accurately depict reality accurately is if it's involving spies. I am totally obsessed with spies movies. The sheer stress they go through is truly out of this world. I just watched the series Tehran where it depicts a Mossad agent in Tehran, Iran doing spy work. Just thought it's awesome. Please recommend any incredible movies based on the life of spies if you know. Especially if it has a Russian flavour to it. They are notorious for this kind of work. Raazi is one such good hindi movie that comes to mind.