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Everything posted by Bobby_2021

  1. Exactly my point. You can shit on Israel as much as you want since they are holding themselves to a higher standard. Saudi do not have any such standards, bombs indiscriminately and no one will criticize them since they are a Muslim country. I am pointing out this hypocrisy. War reveals your "true" human nature. This is a reasonable response to terrorism. You have no grasp for the damage these terrorists can do to the world when we tolerate them. You need some other "fascist" to take them out. And they will be taken out. There is no place in the world for terrorism. On top of that democracy is imposing peace with violence. There is nothing out of the ordinary here.
  2. All your ideals will fly out of the window the moment you head a gun shot outside. Almost all of the Palestinian supporters are falling for this fallacy all the time. War time ideas are wholly different from peace time ideas. Throw out everything you learned from actualized, because it will not fly here. It will not help you defend against terrorists. You do not negotiate with terrorists. You do not make deals with them. You eliminate them. The longer you are willing to tolerate terrorists, the more they terrorize you. It is number one priority to eliminate the terrorists. There should be no ceasefire until the terrorists cease to exist. The best way to do that is to level their tunnel infrastructure to the ground or below it. At some point, enough is enough.
  3. Saudi Arabia bombed tf out of Yemen and they have not received even a quarter of the criticism from the internal community that Israel has got. One important lesson is this: People are going to judge you on the standards you set for yourself.
  4. It's definitely possible but not easy. You need to build the mental infrastructure for holding all that. It's not easy to build it. Is it possible? Absolutely. I don't think it's realistic. But if you put in the work then it is possible. Da Vinci did something similar. Polymaths are not that uncommon.
  5. The only thing people can do right now is to have get connected to locals or have family members who can arrange them a home. There are 100 applications waiting for a home and I wonder where are all of these people going to live. @mrPixel have you looked into the possibility of buying land and then building in it. Lot's of people are taking that route and it seems to be cheaper than buying pre built ones. I don't know when is this going to end. Also there will not be some kind of "crash" like people want to. Property prices can keep getting higher because it is an essential commodity.
  6. Seems like the IDF is making real progress destroying the tunnel infrastructure and that Sinwar Hamas leader has fled the scene. Hope the finish what they came for. Netanyahu is a respectable leader. He did not crumble even when the whole world was revolting against him. Impressive stress tolerance.
  7. At the end of the day, it is to each their own. To be real though, it does not consume "space" in your mind. Your mind has a lot more space than you can ever imagine. And even more with neat optimizations or understanding. Not having such tools when you are starting out can also be a factor. Also, I do not "try" to remember. I simply remember. There is no effort involved in this. You simply involve deeply in something and your neurons fire energetically enough, you will naturally remember. Anyhow, pick what feels right for you. The trick is to not force anything on you that feels unnatural.
  8. Also I started writing all my insights after that. But I never went back to reading my own insights. Because my mind already has them by second nature. Nevertheless, it is good to swift past them I guess.
  9. If you need a superior understanding of the world, you would need to hold a lot of information in your mind even before they start making sense. Only then, after tons of hours of contemplation, will things start to make sense.
  10. That guy is me and you are missing the point. Your mind is a mess and is not optimised to hold information. I can recall almost every significant event in my life with the exact event and dates because I trained me mind to do it. My brother can easily recall the number plates of cars even if he saw that once. The point is to optimise your mind to do it. Don't try too hard if it doesn't feel too natural to you. Anything I think is relevant stays in my mind. I am not saying that you should hold useless information in your mind like phone numbers or appointments. The fundamental reason why you cannot hold things in your mind is because you think it's somehow irrelevant. That's the problem. You think the image of your hand is somehow worthwhile while paying your rent tomorrow is useless and you struggle to hold the useless part of the information in memory. Nothing out of the ordinary is happening here. Your mind is biased against one thing. You have no problems holding the memory of your mother or spouse in your mind. Your mind does it for you. All I am talking about is to extend that capacity to more stuff around you. But you have to train your mind to do that. And don't try too hard if you can't, because you are not interested. You cannot force yourself to hold information in your mind which becomes torture.
  11. I don't know man. I don't think I will make it past 30. Got to make the most while I am still here.
  12. They are contemplating a move to gtfo Romania.
  13. I just don't get how it isn't true. Talk by giving examples to support your claims. Check the software biggest companies by market cap. All of them started in a garage or someone's dorm room. Msft, Nvidia, Amazon, Google, Meta, Tesla all had very humble beginnings. Aka a small business. But there were no govt regulations to pester them while they were growing. They made the most of the wild west. The VC funding comes only when the owners can prove that they can have viable profit generation scope in future. They still start off as small business. No one will throw money at you for fun and those that do are highly likely to fail. All big money starts off somewhere small. Still it's something to think about when government props up regulations, we are not seeing garage based businesses succeed like they used to.
  14. The point is efficiency. Not efficacy per say. Big corporations have plenty of red tape and decision makers to go through to get something done. That's not the case with smal business, especially if they are run by talented individuals.
  15. This particular point being true isn't even relevant. The government should not oppress small business regardless of whether they are efficient or not. All big corporations started off in someone garage. They are not going to grow and disrupt if government is going to oppress them.
  16. Less regulation for small businesses and more regulations for giant corporations. The problem is when giant corporations lobby the government to bring more regulation for the small businesses as a means to drive out competition and increase the barrier of entry. I am taking the example of corporations in the tech, IT and services space. If government is doing a shitty job in enforcing laws, then it the fault of the government. I do agree that you need strong laws against insider trading and stock buybacks. But that falls under the responsibility of the government. Absolutely. But you are forgetting that small businesses are much more efficient in producing value far more than these giant corporations. Government is not doing a good job of representing them. Monopoly will eventually result in less value added to the economy so the government has to support all the businesses to ensure a level playing field. The government sets the rules of the game. So it a corporation is abusing their power it is because the government intended to be it that way. So, the government is killing the small business in favor of big corporations. Like you said, the government should represent all of them equally as a means to amplify the economy and maximize the value added into the economy. So, the government is doing the actual abuse. The do this by adding more legal fees and overregulating small businesses and threatening to close them down for not paying some stupid fee wherever.
  17. Society will not criticize wokeism for nothing. The wokies are insufferable, naggy, intolerant, insensitive, hypocrites and bigoted. Stop being all of that and society will not humiliate you. These people act like they are the top of the world and needs to lecture everyone on how to live and govern themselves. No thanks.
  18. And all those agendas also had their own backlash. You are right. The problem is when you think wokeism agenda should be above any backlash. Which is clearly not the case. The more ideological you are, the more backlash you have to face from society. It should be a reminder to you to look into your own ideological dogma instead of blaming and labelling the cultural phenomena as a flimsy right wing cultural backlash. No sane person will nor should put up with this bullshit. If you display racism or sexism on media, you will have backlash. Blade Runner 2049 got plenty of backlash for sexist portrayal of Ana De Armas. Same with racism or any sort of insensitivity or immorality. I have accepted all that. No one is denying the backlash for racist portrayal of blacks. If you did propagate racism, you will be subjected to severe backlash and even cancellation. All those backlashes were totally valid. See here is the problem. When someone like Will Smith who is a black actor who should be against racism in real life promotes places like Dubai which were literally built using slavery from the third world. This is wokeism and peak hypocrisy. They preach equality, feminism, women's rights, climate change and in real life, they live on yachts fly in private jets and promote slavery. It is so easy to see through all this facade. IF you think people are dumb, you are sadly mistaken. They notice everything you do since the advent of social media. The hollowness of the woke message is too damn clear to ignore. I can give you 20 examples off the top of my head, and I do not even pay enough attention to this bullshit. Imagine the sheer wokeism the average person is exposed to. It will drive them mad. Hence the backlash. It is up to them how far they want to go. It's fine man. The further you go the more backlash you have to face. If you do not want backlash do not go too far. Simple. This is false. There is literally no one on the internet who produces the same content as Leo. Sometimes there are no multiple options. If James Cameroon spewed a bunch of liberal dogma in your face while you are watching Avatar, you simply do not have anywhere else to go watch Avatar. You will be destroying the brand, which is what Hollywood is doing with these big budget releases. The high budget woke bullshit is destroying their own fan base. Absolutely. Earnest viewers of the channel would also despise him. You do realize this is what happened to actors like Lily Singh who lost her entire fan base to sheer nothingness because she decided to go woke. She went from being relatable to insufferable and irrelevant. Wokeism teaches you that women should be accepted for who they are and if they are not, they are subjected to sexism. This is pure victim mentality. Which would make her unable to produce authentic content and gain viewership because her victim mentality is insufferable. This is how wokeism destroyed a true artist. I can name many more cases like this. Man, it is not that difficult, just do not be ideological. OR is it? Christianity is still the biggest religion in the world. It is far from dying out. It survived by being less ideological. Wokes have to turn down their ideological dogma similarly. This is why they need to look at themselves and be less ideological.
  19. That 1-2% of wokies are fabulously wealthy. They exert overwhelming control over the populace via the media. They inject woke agenda just everywhere. Just look at Hollywood. Imagine if Leo lectured you on feminism, gays & trans rights in every video 3 times. The viewers will be fed up with this. And there will be a huge push back. And imagine if he labelled everyone a racists for a push back while offering no explanation whatsoever. Which is the puch back that wokeism is receiving right now and it's totally fair. Honest green people take it as an insult that green values are shunned on by society. It's not the case. It's just that you are hypocritical about the way you deliver your message. The wokes should take the message and reorient themselves.
  20. It's out of possibility that we regress back to some 1800s capitalist hellhole. The modern capitalism has changed so much that they are pro regulation. The mega corporations want more regulations not less. And Govt is the one who is entrusted to not let corporations oppress the people. But somehow everyone likes to blame corporates when it's corrupt govt officials that take bribes and oppress people. All problems with the corporations comes from govt not doing it's job well. Simple as that.
  21. And whose fault is that? Maybe try not putting the government on sale?
  22. wokeness is being ideological about green stuff.
  23. It's a pure myth that giant corporations are against regulation. They are using regulation as a means to drive out competition from the little guys and increase the barrier of entry. The government is who abuses the free markets to oppress the small business folk. They call the process euphemistically as lobbying. To make it sound cute and less threatening.
  24. Yes you are correct. The enslavement comes from the government, not corporate. Capitalism and free markets have built a functional organic system that provides valuable goods and services to people. Government comes in between and takes those stolen data for surveillance. That's the scary part. They use the corporate data just to spy on you. That's far more sinister than anything that the corporations are doing. Corporations have no choice but to bend to the whims of the government since they have a monopoly on violence. You criticised Facebook for rigging the 2016 election as if it was a problem with Facebook. In reality it's always the government systems, that too a democratic one, that abuses the corporate systems and then blames the corporations.