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Everything posted by Bobby_2021

  1. But they are NOT *reselling* content exactly as it is. That would have been despicable and illegal. You cannot get any content from any AI that resembles anything from NYT or track back to it. They don't want to sue them since they did not incur any financial damages. If there were any damages, that would have been really scummy. Instead it's the opposite. Massive value has been pumped into the economy. That's anything but scummy. Programmers can now get work done faster. Researcher can do their work faster. Massive value. Why would you want to decrease the power of these models by removing data from their training sets.? It's not enough to prove that there was a violation of contract. You also have to prove some harm has been done. Nothing of that sort has happened here. So there isn't even a moral case against AI.
  2. They surely might have paid while accessing it. Once you get the content on your computer, you are free to scrap it. All they can do is to ban you for doing it. Can't say much about this since this case is one of a kind. The burden of proof is on NYT. But you can use the content from someone else, if you are significantly altering their content and creatively adding on top of it. That's basically generating *creatively new* content even if it uses the existing ones as input. That's like using a paywalled article to quote and giving your own analysis on a blog post or article. Significant alteration take place such that it's impossible to detect any similarities with the original one. I am saying you can put a case to sue them to get your content removed. The reason it's impossible to remove them is because the content undergoes significant alterations before it's fed into the model. The content as such doesn't even exist in a way that retains it's original identity. Which is the whole point. But hey you are free to sue them.
  3. Accessing it is not illegal. You could make a moral case for why it shouldn't. But all of that is in public domain. You can access it and scrap it. It is against their terms of service but it's not illegal. It becomes illegal if you post is on your name as it is. If you use that content to generate content that is creatively adding on top of it, then it isn't even a moral issue. Sort of like you can post reaction videos to the videos of other creators. But you can't post their content in your name as it is. ---- P.S. anyone who wants their content removed from their training set can have them removed. Or get any compensation for any financial damages you had to incur by them stealing your content. But none of that probably did happen. People are okay with it since they are getting more value from getting their data trained on AI rather than not training and not having an AI.
  4. Working yourself to death is not setting a good example. He has become what he was preaching against, but in a spiritual way. So I guess we are cool. Also I don't get why they posted the video of him on the hospital bed. That's setting yourself up for being a meme. They should have seen this coming. He was working overtime for some hindu rituals despite doctors warning him not to. He should have seen better and could have avoided all this. With that said, I don't like people are criticising him not in good faith, but to get back at him in some way or another. This is nothing to get at him so badly. There is no reason to set him upto superhuman standards. He is human afterall. Being hospitalised is fine. Just don't make a huge deal out of it.
  5. Most of these corporations will be dead even while you are still alive. Only Apple and Microsoft will make it long enough. The rest will fade into irrelevancy faster than you think. They might be around, but not nearly as powerful. - Strong individual protection laws. - No communism in any form or shape whatsoever. - Make the basics (Food & Shelter) of life accessible to all citizens. If not all, atleast to the most hardworking citizens. Reward hardwork. Have meritocracy as much as possible in any given scenario. - Do not let government rig the open market. And don't have too many regulations. Especially for small business owners. If any needs serious regulations, it should made exclusively for giant corporations.
  6. On the one hand you say the AI hype isn't real and isn't even worthy of attention. And then you say there is real danger in how AI companies will eventually rule the world while simultaneously asserting AI is merely a hype. Truth is that AI isn't nearly as scary as you think it is. No corporation will survive long enough to outlive a single human lifetime, unless they do some serious innovation and deliver value. And no, Apple or any big corporations isn't interested in buying your house and drain you by extracting rent. They can't just buy up everything and anything they want. That's simply not their business model. I have said this before that these corporations stay relevant by contributing disproportionate value into the economy. The doomsday scenario you mentioned is hard to come by even if you tried. This should be regarded with the same level of significance as some fringe leftists conspiracy theory. Just uphold strong individual rights and most of these things fall into irrelevancy. You are taking up needless fears. There are real problems to solve, but you are not going to solve them while spreading all this fear.
  7. I don't get why people romanticise and glorify suffering. You clearly didn't think like that while you were going through it. You wanted it to end as soon as possible. So why this glorification? Suffering is mostly you own creating. Something you impose on yourself out of your own choice. It has it's value, but nothing that is to be kept on a pedestal.
  8. Yes ofc. I like something close to real life depiction of spies. Russian, Siberian, Woman spy, etc.
  9. The only time when movies accurately depict reality accurately is if it's involving spies. I am totally obsessed with spies movies. The sheer stress they go through is truly out of this world. I just watched the series Tehran where it depicts a Mossad agent in Tehran, Iran doing spy work. Just thought it's awesome. Please recommend any incredible movies based on the life of spies if you know. Especially if it has a Russian flavour to it. They are notorious for this kind of work. Raazi is one such good hindi movie that comes to mind.
  10. I am not interested in observing further developments in this shit show. There is too much drama and nonsense and I don't want to lose any brain cells. If you want to know more of the story, follow Murdered By Crayons on Twitter/X. He is the best source of information on the Tate saga and covering all this with integrity long before this was a thing. Even all of my reporting came from reading his post on Twitter/X. Here is the link to his profile. He will keep you updated. Follow him on X.
  11. Generally speaking, go for college only if you are interested in research. Not just for the sake of a degree. For skill based jobs, you mostly don't need college with a few exceptions like Doctors, Lawyers etc. So see for yourself if you actually get value from college. The chances are that you working on yourself for those 4 years could yield greater returns. Exception apply to all these. Make an evaluation taking all these into account.
  12. I totally agree. But you don't need them to "pay" for things of common good. The government can simply fund things like it always did. Government just prints money and funds things. Think about how did American finance the invasion of Iraq. They simply didn't need anyone to pay for it even though it costs 2T. Likewise you don't need the rich to pay for things of common good. That's an additional unnecessary hurdle you are getting infront of things of common good. You certainly don't need anyone to pay for it.
  13. Don't think in terms of inequality. Think in terms of absolute wealth. USA has been phenomenal in building absolute wealth. The inequality is a feature of building astronomical wealth. I am not promoting inequality, but inequality will always be there in all societies regardless. Is US is so unequal, why are people flocking to move to US from almost all places in the world. Since that's the system that gives everyone the most opportunities for wealth. Even I used to purport the idea of a wealth tax. But there are so much obvious problems with it. Then I realised that it's impractical and politicians are merely paying lip service to it.
  14. All of them are merely actors. So it's not really incest. Russian women are crazy hot. Got to be kidding me. 😭
  15. Standing desk is good enough. Walking/treadmill desk is a waste of time. Walking is good for contemplation. Not for serious work. But standing is excellent for focused work. So get a desk that's height adjustable. Well worth it.
  16. You will not reduce inequality by taxing the rich. It's mindbogglingly hard to implement and it's yet to see if it will seriously reduce inequality in the long term. The rich will keep getting richer and that's how the system is designed. You need to simply change that system by turning the right knobs. Taking away some money from the rich is akin to throwing money at a problem and expecting it to solve everything. There are far more creative and tangible ways to reduce inequality. When you implement those policies you start to face real resistance. Even Nanci pelosi, Bill Gates and Buffet advocate for tax the rich policies because they know that this is a dead horse. Nothing good will come out of it. It's not an easy problem to solve and it requires you find a solution that hit it at the root. Tax the rich is not one of those solutions. It may be the fifth best solution to reduce inequality which comes at a huge cost of administration.
  17. Nope. Not necessarily. They can just print money and put it in your account. Or just increase the number on your bank account electronically. They are just numbers on a screen. You can choose to increase the tax rates although that has nothing to do with UBI.
  18. When you have a million followers you are also bound to have some shit heads following you. Every individual has autonomy over their own life. We are not in some communist hell hole.
  19. If multiple countries are determined to get him jailed, then he clearly did not win. He will have to face the consequences of his actions. His life right now is the worst hell for him with the possibility that it could get worse any time. Not the life you want to live. I can say all this without denying the message he speaks. But what he speaks does not make him who he is. His actions tell a different tale.
  20. People need a shelter to live. That needs to be guaranteed somehow or at least made available at affordable rates. Until then all talk of UBI is frivolous.
  21. The main risk of UBI is not people not being productive enough. The productive people who receive UBI will put enough value into the economy far more than few people who are going to be unproductive. So it will be a net productivity gain for society. The problem is not with the funding either. The real problem is the systemic issues plaguing society. You cannot throw money at them and expect all to go well. For example if everyone is getting UBI then the rent will also be higher. So the UBI will go to the landlord's pocket. So you have to solve the housing crisis first to not let the UBI money go to waste. Also the homeless people would rather spend it on drugs since they don't have anything better to do. Likewise the inflation might also be higher. This is especially the case for demand driven inflation. Capitalists will simply ask for more for products and services since they know that people have an extra disposable income they can use. So I say we should fix these basic issues first before jumping on to UBI. We should experiment this starting from the bottom section of the society. If it's not done strategically it will miserably fail.
  22. That's totally okay. The message is different from the messenger. You can agree with what he is saying and still agree that he be punished for all the wrongdoings. Which has already happened to be frank. He is looking at years of legal proceedings and confined to close observations from police while his income streams are drying up. He did crimes wherever he went. So it's natural that the consequences keep following him. There is plenty of grounds for the USA to arrest him as well. 😂 He is a blabber mouth. 😂
  23. Start with maps and countries. Check their system of governments, population, economy, location, climate, language etc. It's fun to learn.
  24. Have even more bloody wars.