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Everything posted by Bobby_2021

  1. @Danioover9000 Your posts are something that I can't be sure if your ghost friend is posting on behalf of you.
  2. What I got from this discussion is: Going by structural peculiarities 80% of the world is right wing and the remaining left ones will barely ever get to power, or even worse become right wing in the process. Basically completely disregard their flag or what they speak.
  3. The most egalitarian countries of today, the Scandinavian countries went through Nazi style sterilization in the 20th centuries aimed at minorities, mixed race and women. There are archeological evidence to suggest that they went through ethnic cleansing as early as 1000 AD. That might have contributed to their enthic homogeneity and the subsequent egalitarianism. They had a similar goal as that of Hitler. Now they are ethnically homogeneous and pretty egalitarian. I am not endorsing it, but this could have been very well the result of Nazi Germany had they won the war.
  4. Basically all of establishment democrats are right wing then. Yeah I can agree with all this but this is just making it too convenient to change the goal posts as necessary. I don't think right wing leaders use force as you make it out to be. They have their own agenda like leftists. Just because they don't use force doesn't mean that's they don't do shady stuff either.
  5. Hitler wanted to create an ethnically homogeneous society. One where races he deemed as inferior didn't exist. An ethnically homogeneous is quite egalitarian, void of any hierarchies whatsoever. You need many different groups in the first place to form hierarchies. Hitler wanted to eliminate such hierarchies. Conservatives love of a strong leader cannot be likened to their love of hierarchies. Conservatives love hierarchies for sure. But that's not what hitler had in mind. It was a quite egalitarian society. It's quite hard for an ethnically heterogeneous society to be egalitarian.
  6. Dear Leo, let me tell you something. Every single leader in this world resorts to criminal domination to hold on to power. It's simply what demands of that position. It's not because the country as a whole are underdeveloped. It's usually underdeveloped people who are fanatics of power in almost every country. As a matter of fact, it's said that you can't make $10m dollars without making enemies or having to kill people simply because there are people willing to die and kill for such positions. Maybe that number could be $50m or $100m don't know how much this is true, but you get the point. The stakes are even high in powerful political positions. And this is very intellectually dishonest definitions. You are claiming that every leftist leader who does criminal shit under the hood is right wing, because it is right wing behaviour to do criminal shit. Tf?? This is like saying Bernie Sanders is left wing but only until you find bodies in his house. But when you finally see that he did some shady shit, you simply shift your stance to say that he was right wing after all. This is sneaky play with definitions. You define left wing as objectively good and right wing as bad. I can see through it. It's not so hard. Give me one condition when leftists can do bad stuff. Atleast in theory.
  7. Nice joke. You are telling me a that a country like Russia ignored all their communist left wing history to elect a right wing leader. That's the most progressive and bold move you can think of. They are not interested in conserving their past it seems since they changed their entire politics from far left to far right. So either they are not conservative right wing, or they don't have a communist left wing past they need to preserve. Your logic eats itself. Are going to admit that Russia had a right wing past? Because conservatives has to conserve the past. That's the essence of conservatism. Big surprise, left wing can also be conservative. It's human nature to want to conserve the past. Which is why I say that conservatism/liberalism isn't a left or right thing.
  8. Putin and Kim Jong are nationalists. So are they right wing?
  9. You know how leftists won the propaganda war when terms like fascism apply exclusively to the right wing. Countries like China, Russia, North Korea are ruled by left wing ideology but they are not fascists. Lmao. There isn't just enough terms to articulate left wing dogma/cruelty. Right need to find new words.
  10. We used to have just one Israel Gaza thread, now we have 4.
  11. Perplexity AI, not sure what's the exact model, has this to say. Just that it aligns with conservative values and visions.
  12. Leo often say to choose a career path that aligns with your values, and not doing so can be detrimental to your well being in the long term. For me coding felt like a drag on my soul throughout my career. I even felt like coding was not for me even though I excelled in CS & Math at school. I really felt something was deeply wrong with me that I can't code. I knew something was really off. I even had to try some different career paths only to fail in them as well. But now I have found a language that aligns with my values and that is Rust. It's almost like I can meditate or listen to music while I write code in Rust. Rust was the language I was looking for. It perfectly aligns with my values. Rust is also the most loved programming languages as per leading survey consecutively for years. Rust gives you low level control and superior understanding of what is actually happening under the hood and I just love it. It bugs me to death when I can't understand what a line of code is doing when I read it. But Rust teaches you all that. The code is safe and secure from memory vulnerabilities. For me Languages like Javascript are outdated and there are things in the language that are totally ridiculous beyond comprehension. It's stuff built in the freaking mid 90s and we are still clinging on to it because "reasons". Mostly money. But not for me. Rust can do everything. It's rapidly growing. The job possibilities in Rust are not the greatest, but it will certainly grow in the future. There are many people with a programming background on this fourm, so I thought it would be cool to share this and know what you think of Rust. It's like finally finding what I was looking for the whole time. I simply can't love Rust enough.
  13. Yeah this is a splendid way to accrue technical debt which you have to deal with or the dev that comes after you. I don't know the specific work you are doing. I am not a fan of copy pasting code and barely getting an application to work with no idea what's happening under the hood. It's just not my style. Anyways you do you.
  14. What are the causes of your hearing and eyesight issues?
  15. I am 25 in a month and suddenly I feel like I am in a rush to do many things. Time moves faster unlike how it used to be a couple of years ago. Till 22 everything was so bloody slow. Now it's moving at rocket speed. There isn't just enough time. How do you cope with this? By living every moment with intention? Will that help. I feel like it's a losing game.
  16. There is no evidence to suggest that the performance or quality has a linear relationship with the number of parameters either. Only if it were that simple. Overfitting is a thing. You might as well use a smaller model that is trained on high quality domain specific data. The quality will ultimately depend on the code you give as input. Which we can accept has plateaued. What if I tell you that thing where you take a picture of a website and the AI spitting out the code for it was there since 2018? AI can excel in only well defined environments. The real world is anything but that. AI will help you code problems where you have certainty, faster. What is certainty? If you are certain enough of the problem, you might as well code it on your own rather than input the problems to AI, go through the nightmare that is reading and understanding code and accuring technical debt while deploying the AI code to production. In chess for example, the goal is clearly defined. So you can make excellent models to achieve a clear goal. That's is not the case in programming.
  17. Coding something is ironically not about coding. It's about knowing that "something". Which is something that only a human can do. Coding the solution for quick sort is knowing how to sort something first. And that's where AI will struggle amd produce shitty code if you are not careful with the requirements. You might as well code it right away in a pro language like Rust. Coding is the easy part. Which AI can do. But there is a lot that goes behind it like that iceberg meme. That's something AI can't do.
  18. I will believe them when they stop conducting 7 rounds of interviews to hire software Engineers for their own company. All of this is to build hype to pull in more investments. Just empty words and more emotionally charged statements. Lulz. It's always they are going to replace engineers. When are they going to finally do it? 😄Wake me up when it's done.
  19. Oh cool. It makes you 30% faster. It's a big leap from that to making coding obsolete. I never denied using AI as a nice helper. But that's kind of it. There will not be a gpt5 which is going to reduce the time you code by 60%. That's not going to happen. We have maxed out the capabilities of AI for the moment. Any jobs that should have lost now to AI have already been lost.
  20. My point is that you don't need to tax the rich to get funding for projects. And I was not accusing you personally.
  21. Are you serious? We bury nuclear waste deep underground. And it could be done on site. Look what companies like Deep Isolation is doing. The similarity is this: Start with some good intentions, get lots of people on board and deliver the opposite results of what you promised. Instead of alleviating suffering, it caused even more of it. We don't need to tax the rich to do these things. You didn't tax the rich before going waging a 2 Trillion war with Iraq. That's how easy it is. AOC is fooling you. It's a complicated topic for another fay. Conservatives are a minority in the cities. You cannot blame conservatives for everything. Libs are in the majority in the cities where housing crisis exists. I think you are dialing it down a lot. Having a college degree used to really mean something. Now everyone is kind of accepting it's becoming a farce. The declining value of papers in academia are also a thing. Anyways we can agree to disagree.
  22. Nah. Not the slightest chance in the world. AI will create even more jobs by having people fix all the shitty code and vulnerabilities it may produce. But I can see how coding will no longer be the cool job that it used to be. Anyway I am not counting on any possibilities.
  23. What we are seeing right now is the declining value of college & media. Mostly due to the influence of stage green politics. My point is clear. Green values are counterproductive to society similar to how the leftist policies killed 100 million people depsite their good intentions. You accuse other people of being underdeveloped, but don't acknowledge the importance of bringing development to more people and how green policies are blocking all that development. Using inclusive admission policies are decreasing the value of colleges. Blocking nuclear plants projects and making it more expensive. Making affordable housing more expensive by NIMBYism and unchecked immigration. The home owners are mostly wealthy liberals living in a secluded area. Are few examples. I mean, the similarity is so striking although the intensity is much lower to what happened in soviet Russia.
  24. My dude we are still using dead plants and metals to keep the lights on just like we did 5000 years ago. Just because we got more more dead plants to power us doesn't make it any better. This is still the scarcity age like 5000 years ago. Nothing has really changed. Pathetic state of affairs. The bare minimum is nuclear fusion or harness the energy of sun. Until then it's sticks and stones all the way.