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Everything posted by Bobby_2021

  1. All this happened because women are less willing to make approaches. Women in general not making approaches is ruining the chances of even women who are bold enough to make approaches since men would instantly think that something's off. You guys are huge proponents of getting men to act more feminine, cry etc. Now it's your turn. Act more masculine. Do more approaches. I can guarantee you that you will have way more chances to get into a relationship far more than men. Still you don't do it. Also I can guarantee that men get high from chasing. It's in our nature to go hunting and come back with the prey.
  2. The Israeli attack on the Iranian embassy happened with the US made F-35. Israel did not inform the US about the attack. The air strike killed 6 top Iranian officials and happened on sovereign Iranian territory. They are trying to escalate the war using weapons they got from US, since they can use that as an excuse for getting even more funding from the US. As a retaliation, Iran is all set to strike US and Israel. And you think that US is involved in a give and take relationship with the Israel. Israel will do as it pleases and US has no option but to be it's bitch. Their entire relationship screams that US is being held captive against it's will. lmao this is a joke. Why should the US face the revenge for shit that Israel started? This is getting out of hand real quick.
  3. Thanks. There is a limit to everything. Give me some solid tangible objectives that Israel accomplished for US These are pretty vague statements that doesn't mean much. Intelligence reports say that Iran is preparing to attack US in response to Israel bombing Damascus embassy that killed top iranian officials.
  4. If you want to eliminate the negative effects, then you should engage in some sort of highly creative and intellectual endeavor. All this horniness is that untapped energy trying to find expression in the form of aggression and horniness. For me, it's not semen retention, even if you are thinking about sex. While you are practicing semen retention or no fap, you should simply move on with life as if nothing is happening is out of the order. Else you are still fighting with the untapped sexual energy which kinds of defeats the purpose. Express the energy creatively that you have no time to express in low level ways.
  5. Patrick Bateman is literally me fr fr. Men do select/reject in the way he chooses to approach women. He is selecting the kind of women he wants to pursue. So men are doing the active selection and women can do only passive selection. It's still fundamentally select/reject. Men can select/reject on the basis of looks. I am a little weirded out when women are interested in me. I just don't know how to operate when women are in control. Perhaps I should let go more often. Although it doesn't happen too often. So it isn't much of a concern.
  6. Nukes are a viable option for self defence. The security of mother Russia is indeed under threat. So Putin is not joking when he says he might use nukes. The western overlords agreed to not expand NATO eastwards. They couldn't keep their promise. That's when diplomacy died. What diplomacy are you talking about? Western gangsters don't gove two fucks about diplomacy. They want to bully you and jeopardize the national security in the name of fREedOm. Putin is forced to respond to secure their sovereignty with whatever means necessary. All the west cares about is their military industrial complex and seeling weapons to kill more people. When you support the west you are doing free propaganda for the military industrial complex.
  7. If it wasn't for globalism and free trade, I would be working in some dead end job in India, working 70 hours a week, while a bottom of the barrel job from the United States only requires me to work for less than 20 hours a week while getting double the pay. All hail globalism. We need more outsourcing & legal immigration of skilled jobs. Win win for all.
  8. Nukes have done more to bring peace to the world than UN.
  9. I have two disagreements with that list. I don't think technological accelerationism and globalism, unlimited free trade, outsourcing is inherently bad. It's not bad at all. In fact that's the best of liberalism. It's creating hundreds and thousands of jobs overseas, even though the jobs involve people working to death. That's still a better alternative compared to them not getting any job at all. The jobs they already have might be even more brutal than the Apple manufacturing unit and sweatshops. It's also bringing so many dollars they so desperately need. I think the real liberals are the tech accelerationists. They are the ones who bring forth real change in the society that brings a lasting impact. So we need to max out technical acceleration.
  10. That's a great post with a comprehensive list. I like to think about conservative vs liberal as a matter of perspective. Think about a circle. When you are looking at the from inside it, you are a conservative. As you go closer to the edge of the circle and slowly pushing the boundaries, you are becoming a liberal. If you push outside of the circle into the open boundary, then you are a liberal. All you see is conservatives inside the circle. And from inside the circle, you see liberals outside of it.
  11. Unchecked immigration and open borders has to one of the biggest liberal fallacies. Most probably they themselves live in a gated society with strong security. It's not like they are going to accomodate all these people that are swarming into their country. It's also a big "fuck you" for the people who take the legal route to citizenship. Leftism has this tendency for punishing the meritorious & hardworking while incentivising the unlawful and lazy crowd. In reality people follow incentives and avoid deterrents. You need to keep this in mind while designing a society. If you make jumping border easier to get citizenship than going the legal route, then expect people to jump borders. This is so bad since this will lead to the society itself regressing a stage or two.
  12. Imagine if Texan secedes from the US. Not the newly independent puppet state of Texas is now the base for China and Russia and they do joint military operations. That's what's happening to Russia. You guys are playing to the exact traps of the military industrial complex who were looking forward to push Nato expansion to the east to trigger tensions. Else 1. why would the NATO exist? 2. who will the US sell arms to? NATO lost all reason to exist the moment Soviet Union collapsed. Buying US arms was the easiest way to get entry into NATO and escalating tensions so that they can sell even more arms. Brutal.
  13. Nothing is threatening the survival of Israel more than this war. It's said that most powerful nations collapse from the inside not the outside. It's scary how dangerously close to this, Israel is at the moment. I am genuinely concerned for the direction they are headed in. 1. US is already pissed off enough of the Israel. They might ditch Israel anytime. 2. The Iran-Russia alliance will jump on the scene and take control of the situation anytime, risking a wider war in the region. Then, things will not be so easy as flexing on broke arab nations.
  14. Yeah Hamas is to be given blame. But for how long? How much more bombings? How many more children has to lose their limbs and starve to death? How many more skull surgeries should happen without basic medication and anaesthesia? I will accept whatever number you give me. Just make it clear what your end goal is. I will accept it wholeheartedly. Also to be clear: My disagreements is with US, not Israel. I see Israel as just another middle eastern country. They can do whatever they want.
  15. If you haven't already noticed, I have officially changed my position on Israel Gaza crisis. Much of my initial support of Israel was because I emotionally identified with Israel and emphasized with them and how I would react if I was subjected to such brutality. I usually analyse and understand the situation before reacting, but the sheer amount of disinformation and emotionally charged propaganda and lies from both sides meant that I couldn't reach any worthwhile conclusion. So I didn't do any digging for a while. Now the emotionally charged passionately protesting crowd has rather died down and Truth is brimming to the surface. The Truth is that what Israel is doing right now is completely disconnected from what they said they would in the beginning. They have blocked food trucks, and even started shooting innocent civilians who were gathering to collect the food. The air dropped food has been falling on top of people and killing them in the process. Even worse the children arriving at the dilapidated hospitals with no electricity are getting their surgeries done with no anesthesia. Just imagine a doctor operating on your skull with no anesthesia. They are using vinegar and stuff to care for the wounded. Children are crying for their lives has their limbs amputated and in starving. How will the world ever forgive Israel and the US? They are fooling themselves if they think there will be no consequence for this. I don't think the Israel will change it's position because they are incredibly biased, powerful, and extraordinarily intelligent. These are a deadly combination on top of other things. The best we can do is to get the US to stop funding the war on the US taxpayers money, let alone getting Israel to stop the war. That is a good enough step at the moment. It's terrible we have had to witness this criminal war in the 21st century.
  16. @Leo Gura The question is why do they break international law in *different* degrees. No one has committed acts like Israel is doing right now with full backing of US. Even totalitarian fascists right wing states have not done any genocide of this scale anytime ever. It's always the "progressive democracies".
  17. Omg I am so happy for you. I remember your old posts asking for thoughts on having a second baby and I encouraged you to go for it. I always like to have girl first and then a boy. Somehow the configuration is so nice, don't know why. That's exactly what you got!!! Dropping tears in my eyes right now. It happened so fast afterwards isn't it. I have some experience taking care of my nephew and he is already making us walk on the line. Lol. Girls are generally easy it seems. His mother has a friend who has a girl child and she is too peaceful. Good luck for the delivery. You will have a great baby boy.
  18. Can you tell me what is is that the US actually gained from having relationship with Israel? US got nothing but setbacks from having relationships with them. Please don't say arm sales. Every country buys weapons from US.
  19. I can understand why the US can choose not to help Israel. Why do they have to fund a genocide? If you have strong friend and you see him killing someone. Do you go kill more people with him simply because you two were strong friends? The least you can do is to run away. But the united states, the torch bearers of democracy & freedom and LGBTQ, is doing the killing. I really don't care what Israel does. It's a lost cause. They can do whatever they want. Only what the US is doing. Check the distribution of the Jewish diaspora. All those nation states complicit & aiding in genocide had a high number of jews compared to, say, Ireland.
  20. 95% of Islam are of sane people who don't support this. But it's hard to ignore the loud minority. They dictate the terms these days in every faction.
  21. This is such an intellectually lazy argument. Why does anyone do anything? It's survival. That's the answer to anything. You are not saying anything here. If US had no regards to social justice, then it wouldn't have made it illegal to use foreign aid to fund a genocide. We know pretty well that the US and EU were willing to take plenty of pain to punish Russia. That lead to inflation all across the world. Even now all we are asking is to stop sending FREE aid to the Israel. That's solely because jews bribe them into changing their foreign policy. Israel bullies the US into a pro Israel voice at the UN. When something comes against Israel, US is expected to use it's veto power to block it. If something comes in favour of Israel, US is expected to push it hard. Even abstaining from it is protested by Israel. This is like that love hate relationship where Israel is abusing US for money by domination and manipulation. Is it characteristic of US to finance a genocide for survival? This is going to threaten their survival if any, by triggering a wider was in the middleast.
  22. Every other country in the world buys weapons from the US in billions. That's not a strategic partner. That's normal trade. US is not dirt poor that it needs Israel to buy it's weapons else it will go broke. Biden losing the election is not enough of a pain for you? Their entire narrative is lgbtq and women's rights. Sure, that sits well will financing a genocide. That too on the brim of a new election.
  23. Again, if they were buying weapons from the US, I would understand how the US would benefit. That would be a normal relationship. Why would you send billions in foreign aid, financed by American taxpayers, for Israel? 4 billions dollars in weapons for FREE. What do you get in return for the foreign aid that you are sending? US is responsible for enforcing law on itself. Law is to be followed within the country. Just like there is nobody to enforce law on China. There are Chinese laws to be followed in China. Giving foreign aid to commit genocide is an illegal activity that happens within the United States. Someone idealistic like Bernie Sanders could easily move the Supreme Court over the issue. It's not that wild of a possibility as you think. That's called buying & owning US politicians. And this money comes from within the US, from firms and hedge funds owned by the jewish diaspora in the US. Not from Israel.
  24. Well, getting your reputation tarnished as a genocide enabler comes a lot. That a pretty good reason to support Palestine. There is a big difference between doing nothing and enabling a genocide which the US is doing. Do you even realize that it's illegal for US to allow for foreign aid that results in genocide activities? Something suspicious when you do illegal stuff to suck up to Israel. Why is US going through immense pain to support Israel? Israel owns your country. Accept it. US and Israel is being increasingly isolated from the world stage. This is becoming a joke at this point.
  25. This is the answer. Jews or people with a strong Israeli bias own the US politicians. This is why US supports Israel *unconditionally*. If US was supporting Israel for diplomatic or strategic reasons, it would have been understandable. It's a give an take relationship. But this is a take-take relationship where Israel gets billions in funding and US gets nothing in return. But their politicians would get hundreds of millions. If you don't believe me, just tell me what strategic advantages is the US getting from having relationship with Israel. They did get 9/11 and the name of a genocide enabler in the 21st century violating their own laws and constitution. Anything else?