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Everything posted by Bobby_2021

  1. I am not saying that you couldn't publish a book citing gender differences. There are plenty out there. The claim was that you cannot use those books to teach students in academia. That was the context of the discussion. ------------ @Leo Gura Those people are not overly political. These are normal parents of kids who are radicalised. There are plenty of such people in the general populace. Let's just say even one woman exist who is so pissed off by the textbooks. She will take it to the court: "My lord this textbooks are so patriarchal and misogynistic Women can be engineers as men or better, if not for the hundreds of millions of years of oppression". Court makes observation: "This woman sad. Make woman happy. Pass law. Ban textbook." Courts can be used by anyone to overthrow popular stuff with or without political will. Take abortion for example. Most people want access to abortion. But courts can simply take it out given that there are a motivated small group of people who can make it happen. Which is why the structure of the society itself makes it impossible. It is meant to appease crazy people. Not for consciousness or Truth.
  2. This matter is more complicated than most people give credit to. I agree that I didn't do justice to explain it well. Taxes are necessary. But they serve a different purpose in the economy than most people think. It's just that the purpose is to not fund things. You might think that you need to raise taxes to do stuff. But taxes are here to hold the economy in shape. It is a tool used by the government on the economy. The government do not need taxes to fund its own stuff. At the end of the day, you need a functional economy. That's the first priority in economics. Taxes help in a functional economy. Taxes will not be helpful in idealistic causes like reducing inequality by taxing the rich. That is not what taxes are meant for and that is coming from a fundamental misunderstandings of how the economy and taxes work.
  3. There was no written agreement. And the offer for neutrality is under the pretext that US give security to Ukraine in form of weapons and aid. But buying such weapons and aid is the way unit getting into NATO. Putin isn't going to be fooled by this. We all know how much they will honour the "talks" as we have seen in the past lmao. You know very well that Ukraine's opinion doesn't matter just like Europe. US and Russia are the player in the game. If Trump comes of office, then he could pull US out of NATO. There is no one who is more critical of NATO than Trump. That would be the end of NATO as we know it. NATO itself is founded on the incestuous relationship of providing security to Europe in return for Europe giving away their foreign policy to US. There are too many structural issues within the alliance. Russia is a military style economy and has been for a while. Europe is a chill man's economy. They are not made for war time scenario. 2 years of war and they will quit. In contrast to the average Russian man who has a sense of national patriotic duty to mother Russia.
  4. 1. NATO DID NOT make it clear at all that Ukraine won't be joining NATO. They had an "open door" policy. There were plenty of talks and negotiations taking place in Moscow and US both in person and via calls. NATO kept Ukrainian membership open and was working towards it. Read the press release from the official US govt. Take note of the dates. All of this were happening in a span of 4 months before the Invasion. The "Ukraine wouldn't be joining NATO anyway" claims are bogus. You can make claims that Ukraine weren't really going to join NATO. But NATO membership was a real possibility. 2. Neutral Ukraine is unrealistic. Either it will be pro Russian or pro American. A candidate promising neutrality will not get elected. Just being realistic here. For the sake of argument, yes, Putin would have been okay with a neutral Ukraine. A neutral Ukraine is not a security threat to Russia. Hence no Invasion in this case. @Karmadhi Let me know if there is some ambiguity or a need for more clarification in my claims. It's childish to not see the security concerns that Russia have despite the issue being so glaringly obvious. What's even more childish is the claims that Putin wants to reclaim the former USSR and annex all of Europe. If anyone has too much land already that they could manage, that would be Russia. Give me a break.
  5. That's true. But there are insane 1% of people on the either extremes. These loud 2% is enough to overthrow the sane majority. 2%, being a conservative estimate. No way you are going to get printed on paper, men are more suited for engineering roles, and women are for nurses. That just will not happen. You can say that, but not on paper.
  6. Yes. That's why I advocated to starve her for a week. She is lost in endless psychological battles which will eventually start affecting her body also. She needs to bring her attention back to the body.
  7. It's hard to to articulate since the masculine repression is, well, it's repressed. It will not find expression unlike toxic masculinity. One striking example is in how office spaces today has become sterilized and contrived environment due to policing hy the HR departments on how men should behave in office spaces. Even complements to women are dangerous. And you cannot directly talk to women or be too confrontational. You have to be sensitive all the time. On the surface all this looks good, but if forces men to walk on egg shells all the time. Or you have to be in a different mode when women are here. A new grad complained on social media about how corporations were discriminating him for getting women placed and they revoked his offer letter. He was devastated. It's like you can't say anything that mildly offends the feminist hive mind. They say men should open up about their struggles and when they do they are met with this treatment. This walking on egg shells drives people mad. But they all repress it internally and needs time with the boys to decompress from this madness. It's also a reason why I tried extra hard to not work in office jobs. It will drive me crazy. You have lots of internalized misogyny. jk.
  8. Putin isn't even interested in talking the whole of Ukraine, let alone Moldova. What is he supposed to do with it? Seriously. It's a pain in the ass to manage this war torn hell. This is the caricature portrayal of Putin which is the work of western propagandists. It's cartoonish to say the most powerful man in the world is desperate for a little piece of land lmao. In the modern world, wars are not profitable to either side. Especially for Russia, who is not drowing in cash. He was forced into invasion to address the security threat to his nation.
  9. All that Europe/US has to do is to NOT threaten the internal stability & peace of mother Russia. This war has been disastrous for Russia and still is. He is enduring that since he had no choice. He will be forced to take extreme measures to ensure security and peace. Don't drive them to that extreme. Logic has no significance when your security is threatened. It's not too much to ask for.
  10. I have a bunch of questions on solipsism that I want to clear up when I meet Leo. It's better if it's answered in person. First question is, do you really exist?
  11. Those wars have proven to Putin that it's pain in the ass to manage these conquered territories. Just like it will be a pain in the ass to manage these conquered Ukrainian territories. Those wars may have been fought with expansionist ambitious, but not so much the war in Ukraine. That era of peace was under the mutual Trust of not expanding NATO eastwards. The moment they broke the trust, would lead to a chain of events resulting in the Ukraine war. Once they arrive back in boxes, then it would lead to internal collapse of NATO. Putin does not want a war. But Eruopean countries leaders acting like he does, may lead to a war. I say European leaders. Not the European populace. European populace is not made for war. Look at the protests over killing arabs in Gaza. And you think they are going to tolerate their husbands and sons getting killed like that? It's a joke that you think it's a regional power. Looooool. Cute that you even think you can match the US military. You don't have to. Just suck up to US anytime you end up in a crisis. That crisis will be engineered by the US so don't worry. Just like Israel. I don't blame the EU states. EU doesn't want war and they act like it. They spend less than 2% of GDP on military. It's the US that gets them in trouble by their expansionist ambitions.
  12. Well it's Europe's war. Why would Europe suck up to America to deal with its own shit? Because Europe has no independent standing without US. Your reliance on US is making it obvious. Europe is not doing shit to counter Putin. Barely riding their big daddy's back.
  13. This video is textbook propaganda and speculation. Simple inciting fear with nothing to back it with any reason whatsoever. It ignores why Russia launched the Invasion in the first place. It's doesn't explain why would Russia want to trigger further invasion. Russia has nothing to gain from conquering the baltic states or even Ukraine as a whole for that matter. He didn't even wanted to invade Ukraine. It's a security threat he responded to and and that's about it.
  14. My dude, Poland is behaving exactly like Washington wants. The expansion of NATO was in point to see the weapons made in US to Europe. Buying these weapons is the way to get into NATO after which you buy even more weapons. The military industrial complex, wants to sell weapons. That means NATO has to expand. That means Russia will feel a threat. That means Russia will attack. This is happening according to the policy decisions of the Clinton Administration back in the 90s. That's called a policy. Making the buy US made weapons is the goal. Also the same policy that is threatening European security right now.
  15. @BlueOak I didn't mean to undermine Europe, but the reality is that Europe and Ukraine is caught in a battle between US and Russia. If everyone treats you like a pawn, maybe you are one. What is the foreign policy of Europe? They don't have it. Just like Ukraine. Washington decides it. What is the foreign policy of Washington? That also comes from somewhere I don't want to say but we all know.
  16. They may not be overtly explicit in their intent, but if it looks like the actions they take are suppressing my masculinity, they hate masculinity at least from my pov.
  17. I would actually allow her to die. But she should starve herself to death. Hopefully a week of starvation will bring her back to her senses. The problem is that these people have lives that are too easy, without even having emotions under control. She should had no real struggles growing up and was all over the place. She is in the freaking Netherlands. How bad could it be?
  18. So suicide is the solution? And yes, the human body is a deterministic system. We can study the inside out of it. There is a solution.
  19. This doesn't even make sense. "That will happen so we are going to let him do it anyway." None of what you are doing is holding him where he is, nor pushing him back. He is indeed going further, at an unprecedented pace. Most Ukrainian supporters have not updated their minds on what is happening on the ground. A world has changed from APR 2022 to APR 2024. This aid is merely a lifeline for Ukraine who is already on the verge of death. That 60B is not going to Ukraine. It's going to Military Industrial Complex who now has to make those weapons and then ship it to Ukraine. Russia is the one setting the terms now. You better listen to them. I have nothing else to say.
  20. Remember all the experts analysing that Ukraine will crush Russia with NATO support in the early days of the war. Those are the same people that day NATO will crush Russia lmao. All of that were pure propaganda. This was never a war that Ukraine/NATO could win right from the beginning. The earlier they could negotiate a truce the better it is Ukraine. Putin is not interested a war with NATO. Not that he is scared of it. That would be the end of NATO as we know it. Putin would accomplish what USSR couldn't. Do you think European citizens would love to let their stupid government take their lives? This situation is the right recipe for an internal collapse. There are already significant disagreements within NATO already. It's held together with support from Washington. How will Putin win? Simply drag it on for a couple of years. Let's hope we don't get there.
  21. Beautiful. More pictures please 🤩
  22. So let him gobble up even more land and natural resources?