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Everything posted by Bobby_2021

  1. @Chadders The answer is not necessarily, but not restricted to, raising taxes. You can raise taxes. But even more creative thing would be to create a shit ton of housing complexes that the prices of those second homes start to plummet. That would be enough of a disincentive to not hold onto housing as some speculative investment. ----------- Whya reality drives up the inequality is government contracts. Just in a day nearly 100B was given in aid to Ukraine, Taiwan and Israel. It's not money send to these countries. That 100B goes to the bank accounts of executives of Lockheed Martin and other manufacturers within the US itself. They richest people got richer by 100B by adding no real value to the economy or no hope of any future returns. Americans are scammed from the inside out.
  2. By drawing out patterns and drawing implications. You may have to wait 70 years for them to declassify the documents to get the proof.
  3. Don't complicate it. 1. IQ is genetic 2. IQ disparities between individuals are also genetic. This is all that I need from the article. That's something the article aggrees with me because there is proof for it. The rest of my arguments logically follows from these two proven statements. I don't expect a mainstream source to ever claim it explicitly otherwise for obvious reasons. They literally contradicted themselves in that article. Both can't be true. I am not explicitly stating it since it's a taboo topic. Even after accepting your claim that the article disagreed with me, I don't care about it since it's not PROOF. There is no proof for the article claiming that racial IQ disparities was not genetics. So it's merely a claim. The authors are free to make claims. Your claim was that it disproven me. Which is clearly false. If I make a claim that vax is ineffective and a study proves it, the "experts" can still claim within the same source that the vaccine is effective as per the consensus in the scientific community. Which is what happened in the wiki article I quoted. Self contradiction. Who cares about consensus or disagreements. Just look at the part that there is proof. Rest is commentary and nonsense.
  4. There was a cia led coup in Ukraine which ousted Viktor Yanukovych. I don't have proof for it. But it's true. It's also true, that the security of Israel was particularly low during oct 7 which is fishy. There could be claims made with this context that might be true, but there isn't enough proof to support it.
  5. That's the problem with using the source. Just because I link a 100 page document as a source doesn't mean I agree with every minute that's said in that source. There may be mistakes in that source. Just because there is a mistake in that source doesn't also invalidate the relevant parts of that source. These are all complexities that can derail the Also there is nothing to "disprove" my claims about racial IQ disparities. It merely states the scientific consensus, which is not proof. My claim was that IQ is genetic if I remember correctly. That also follows that racial IQ disparities are also genetic. The article is contradicting itself. That's a mistake in my source. Because it's common sense that IQ disparities in individuals are genetic. When it's individuals from different ethnicities it suddenly doesn't make it not genetics. Afterall groups are merely individuals. You are right in the sense that my source is wrong, but not entirely. Use common sense when it's valid. I can defend it with common sense and reason with possibilities. But proof not existing is not proof of non existence. Which is a common fallacy among proof askers. You made that same fallacy in the picture you linked. Nothing is being disproven right there. There was a logical fallacy in my source. Something being true doesn't need proof to make it true. Incompleteness theorem literally proves this. I agree that there is some liberalism to them. But they are not true liberals.
  6. It's really telling of the times when Hasan Piker of all is making the most sense in a talk. That woman was funny. 😂😂
  7. I don't listen to destiny. But if he is supporting Israel, as someone said in this thread, that is enough to make him disingenuous especially since he is purporting himself to be some staunch liberal. Liberal will not support Israel. Anyone doing so isn't a liberal.
  8. The problem with using proof is that it's a burden. One that no one wants to take. No one changes their mind over a proof. No one even takes rhe effort to go through the proof even if it's provided. Proof takes a lot of work from both sides. If you are not willing to put in that work, then don't make it all about proofs.
  9. Nope. Everybody would have already kill themselves already. If something is good, I want it, and no one should be denied of it. But the trick is to find what is good and what is not. Giving away power over your own destiny is usually not good. Because now is the only time when you have any capacity to change things the way you want.
  10. You do not take into account the possibility that the suffering could end while you are alive. Like using psychedelic assisted therapy for example. All of these things are under your control. You can change your destiny only while you are in the human body. That is the only benefit of being human for example. If you do not take anything into account, then you are jumping into the unknown which does take control away from into fuck knows what. It is a huge gamble. And these people have plenty of karma in them. What if they reincarnate as a rat in some sewer in LA? It is a gamble, which is not a wise choice unless you have the proof that it could get better.
  11. This is delusional. The battalion of troops deployed into Ukraine are going to dead in no time. There are taking up more they can chew. Remember the pattern in history that big empires have all collapsed by taking on wars they could not handle. European countries are playing a dangerous game, because of the delusional propaganda shoved up their ass. EU and NATO is about to collapse if they move forward with this. Dear Americans, this is why you do not have free college or free health care. Keep sending billions more to Ukraine.
  12. What about creatine? Does it also have heavy metals?
  13. I was only replying to him. Proof is ridiculous in these contexts. Even if you prove anything, it will not be accepted, emotionally. If n number of people apply for assisted suicide, will you accept all those n people for AS? At some point, you got to say no. I wonder what that point is. To covert your empathy to get something done in reality is a whole different ball game. Conservatives yap about having kids but block any social schemes that may take care of kids. Liberals yap about social programs but they are more interested in sending that money abroad to wage wars in fuck knows where. The problem plaguing these people is ignorance. Mere empathy is not enough. You need understanding and strong will. You need to be clear on what your guidelines. This is how you make things practical.
  14. I didn't say taxes are unnecessary. I said taxes do not stand in the way of social programs.
  15. If you want results within a month, take creatine not protein powder. Your diet already has enough protein. No need to supplement it further. 3g/day would work wonders. All that you have to do is to make sure to take 3L of water per day. Good luck. And put the work in the gym.
  16. GDF is a gold mine. Especially that Iraq video.
  17. Yup. The more I dig into this, the more depressing it gets. There is solution in sight and everything can go wrong at any point. What a time to be alive.
  19. Any liberal who is pro Israel isn't a liberal. I don't know what to call them. I expect these blue haired people to vouch for Palestine, but it's the opposite that happens.
  20. Not impressed by the therapist.
  21. debt-free tuition-free,billion in the initial year. 70B for free college for a year. 130B for Ukraine was already given. This could have been put to use at home. When you talk about free college and forgiving students debt, the discussion begins on how to fund it. Then he discussion turns to, how to increase taxes to fund the free college. This is where the bullshit happens. None of these discussions happen when sending billions in aid to fund genocide and wrecking Ukraine from the inside out. When it comes to discussion social programs, everyone talks about taxes. I am pointing out this bogus.
  22. And then they blame the rest of the world for Africa being a shithole. Great video.
  23. I don't give 50-50. Maybe it could be 80-20. I don't know. Which is why I say that AS is not the solution. You are free to prove me otherwise. ------- I don't intend to convince anyone out of this since it's out of my power. If you are loser and you die, you are dieing a loser. When you are living, you still have lots of time to win. Dieing is giving up on that power especially at a young age. I don't give a fuck if you are 60+ and wants AS.
  24. Because we are dirt poor in India. Women and Men are forced into high paying careers whether they like it or not. As a consequence more people choose stem fields. Even if you are man and you do not like stem, you have to study it. Women are not exception. There are not many choices here. In Sweden, you have a lot more freedom to choose your career choices. So women naturally opt for traditionalist career choices. More power to them. The idea that women faces discrimination in STEM and face more hurdles than men is way overblown to fit their narrative. In fact more women are forced into stem, because they generally pay more.