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Everything posted by Bobby_2021

  1. RWs will now understand how annoying it is when they are at the receiving end of conspiracy theory peddling. Usually they are the ones doing the peddling lmao.😂
  2. Forget about physical stuff or atoms or food. What about an Idea? What if you completely new Idea? You can think of a human, a dog or a cat. What about a being that you have not seen exist, but already exists? Why can't you imagine it? Or lets say that you are going to visit a new house. Can you imagine a house without relating it to any house you have seen before? And yet every new house you see is far beyond anything you could haved imagined.
  3. You can't take a random glob of people and expect them to grow up the spiral with some sort of schemes you come up with. Allow only people who are willing to move upward spiral, come to your country. These people will integrate on their own. Select for people who are hardworking and would ace cognitive tests. Poor cognition is a good indicator of their unwillingness to move up the spirit. So let them be.
  4. It should be contested on who exactly bombed the hospital in kiev. It could have been a misfired Ukraine missile. Russia doesn't target hospitals like this.
  5. I guess it qualifies for a human level of creativity since you are creating something that no humans have came up with before. But I guess you should be able to come up with something from total scratch or a vacuum as you put it. This would be a solid notch above human creativity. God level creativity that materialises ideas into existence with no inspiration from elsewhere.
  6. @Princess Arabia But there should be something more since we do find new things every day. Why can't we just come up with it from scratch? We know something exists after we have found it and conceptualized it. But it existed even before we came to see it.
  7. Integration is not easy at all. You need a certain level of development to be integrated in the first place. People who are too dogmatic in their own ways will refuse to get integrated no matter how easy you make it to. Moreover the "developed" societies are not developed enough to facilitate integration of other cultures. You need to be at least stage yellow to integrate other societies lower down the spiral. Also, migrating in mass numbers is also going to make it difficult for integration.
  8. Some invasions are legitimate. Every country has to take care of its own existence. NATO in Ukraine is a threat to Russia. So, it was a legitimate invasion. If Iraq posed a real threat to the US, then it would have been the correct move to invade Iraq. But Iraq was not a threat at all. So it was an illegitimate and illegal invasion.
  9. You do not need unlimited powers to overthrow the govt of a small country. Russia, for example could easily interfere in the US elections or even more easily in the European elections. They also have to some degree. Just that they haven't went too far with it to overthrow other small governments. It should also bring into question; how exactly did they acquire power in the first place? The United States had to systematically overthrow all governments in South America and turn them into banana republics just so that they corporations can exploit the natural resources. Same with the overthrow of Iranian govt in 1953. America got powerful while weakening others so that they never quite faced a threat from them. Right now, the east is slowly rising to power. But you do not see us engaging in the nearly the same level of criminal domination as the west is doing. The easiest way to get unprecedented power is to engage in criminal domination and exploit their resources instead of competing with them. In that sense, other countries will never get into such power like United states unless we start acting like the United States. I hope we do not. The US overthrew everyone before they could become a threat. And they still try to thwart the democratic process of other countries even today, because they are perceived as a threat. They have been doing this even before they were a "superpower". The Imperial European nations started their colonization spree even before they became a "superpower". Indian subcontinent and the middle east were the wealthiest, liberal places in the world at the time, before the British came and it regressed a back a few stages.
  10. The only thing that's non existent is democracy. 😂
  11. He only made his money from courses. He sells dreams, not products of value. I instinctually weed out these low life scam artists.
  12. Ukraine got played by all sides, that's it's sad. Zlinskyy is a puppet of the US backed NATO and the Nazi Azov Battalion the will end him if he doesn't listen to them. How fucked can you get. 😭 His days are numbered for sure. The US, or more broadly, the west is uniquely corrupt in the way it abuses their power with neo colonial imperial style criminal domination. Regime change operations, CIA backed coups, undermining democratic institutions, using non violent means of protest to smear civil unrest, using legal warfare to subvert democracy. There are entire books written on this. You do realise that these deplorable work has intellectual origins exclusively from the western unis and they will use any means necessary from military warfare to advanced methods like non violent protest to overthrow democracies. In that sense it's uniquely corrupt. The east will not stage coups "if they could". They can, but they will not. Democracy is the most fragile thing ever, if you know how it works. The worst they do is to fund the opposition or sell weapons to your enemies. And that's where it ends. You are fearing that East will do to you what the west did to them. Which is a logical fear from your side, a case of projection. But Eastern countries seek to stop the imperialism and instead compete on business/trade. You don't have to fear criminal domination from eastern countries. Eastern countries don't have a history of imperialism, with the exception of Japan who is still nowhere close to Western imperialism. We keep the matters to ourselves, and that has been our nature, historically.
  13. The deep state gets their way no matter whoever wins. Trump is only going to make to make it slightly difficult for them. So, it is not worth the effort to not let him win at all. Do you think the most powerful people in the whole world leave their lots to a bloody election that happens every four years? Lol. That exercise is meant for democratic fools like us so that we can argue on genders and racism. They are laughing at us for getting heads deep in identity politics while they are playing class politics. Trump is also a part of the deep state, just that he will not fit in so neatly among them. That is what we want. To shake up things and hope someone with morals gets things back in order.
  14. Leftist progressives do support American imperialism by supporting NATO expansion. In fact, it is the conservatives who argued against NATO expansion. Entire villages in Ukraine are full of widows thanks to this bullshit expansionist American policy. Having Trump would put an end to this so that even more women and children will not lose their fathers and husbands. If some Americans get fucked over with Trump, I will consider it acceptable compared to the plight of having young men getting killed in wars. They also have families and people they love. Maybe spend some time thinking about them too. Do you think the average nazi who silently supported Hitler should face consequences, even though he did no crime on his own? Afterall it is Hitler govt who orchestrated all the crimes while those who elected him sat on the sidelines and watched. If you think the average Nazi is innocent, then so are the average Americans for the crimes of the state. The real world is such that all citizens would have to face the consequences of their govt. See that it is a natural progression of the consequences of their own actions. If there is no pain, what is the incentive to stop the subversive activities abroad? This is the self-correcting mechanism of the universe at play so that US does not cause too much chaos abroad.
  15. The people in China are suffering for the actions of the CCP. But the problem is that Americans are oblivious to the suffering of the people elsewhere even when it is caused by the US govt. They will even feel morally superior because they are the direct or indirect beneficiaries of American hegemony. So, it is only fair that they pay the full price. This is the problem playing with snakes. It will come back to bite you. This is by design. I do not wish collective punishment. Now that the US is struggling with their own democracy, the rest of the world can live in peace. For that I am happy.
  16. Let me guess. Alphabet agencies (deep state) did it for him. Either way, he will never be convicted. Either have endless power or a good lawyer and your past never comes to haunt you.
  17. Using the supreme court to overrule the state is a standard regime change practice used by the United States to conduct subversive activities in democracies abroad. There are even books written on it. It's a pleasure seeing the snake they let loose bite them back in the ass. The supreme court has massive powers, and you only need to convince 4-5 people to be on your side, which is a little easier than convincing hundreds of millions of people to be on your side. The supreme court can easily strike down democratic reforms simply because they can and nothing more needs to be said.
  18. They wouldn't be arrested because they're are not doing the actual crimes. They will get someone else to do it for them. There will be several layers of plausible deniability or even decoys in the way. And they have connections with the heads of investigative agencies to botch the investigation before it getting any further. With the tech, power, information and connections at their disposal these things are too easy to do. That's what the deep state is: It's the heads of all the security agencies collectively operating in shady ways. The last audit of the cia was in the 60s or 70s. Ask yourself what are they hiding. Why do they have immunity from audits? Because they do plenty of illegal stuff.
  19. Eliminating hamas was a lofty goal from the beginning. I thought they could make it. He is nuts. Seriously worried about the existence of Israel. Hezbollah is a whole different beast. I hope Bibi won't mess this up.
  20. It could be, but it's highly likely to be the other way around. They got the money first and became liberal. The order of events do matter. Showering any society with money will make them liberal for obvious reasons. Same would be true for Mississippi or Texas, given geographical factor don't stand in the way. Any politician standing in the way could be bought and sold. Good observation. --- I agree that conservatives criticising California doesn't make sense. I am criticising them from a socialist point of view. But they wouldn't be conservatives if they had so much money thrown at them. Ironically, California criticising conservatives for begin backward and illiberal doesn't also make sense because conservatives states simply didn't get what they needed to be as liberal like California did. They are the capitalist hell that they seek to dispel. Geography could have played a part. Geography was a significant factor in attracting investments like @Raze mentioned and the same factors also could make a society liberal. I don't know about the specifics of their colonial history. Being the last to be colonized means that geography protected their wealth, from getting stolen from them, directly or otherwise. Geography is akin to be naturally blessed with wealth, which then attracts even more wealth.
  21. I might be wrong. But from what I understand, California is rich simply because a lot of rich dudes decided to invest it all in a nice place for themselves, inflating the prices to sky and normies started flocking in to get a share. It's just a shitshow of elitist forces draining the workers who share rooms with 4 other dudes while paying rent 4 times high as some place else. All that rent is going into the hands of the established elites. The big wages you get are almost meaningless since the cost of living is too damn high to sustain. So basically be filthy rich to be in the top 1% and cali works for you, or be exploited by the top 1%. Not a model that other states should be following.
  22. The biggest gaslighting here is that a country infamous for overthrowing democratically elected governments is somehow "progressive". Only deluded American wokies believe this and some of them are even starting to doubt themselves. Get real for a second. The only progress you made is in the number of genders you could come up with.
  23. Yeah It's indeed a strawman. Made on purpose. So that you get to feel what I feel like. I replied with a strawman to a strawman which you came up with "muh American exceptionalism.. muh global police, stability..." lmao If you give thoughtful and insightful analysis, I would reply likewise. I am not going to give insightful analysis on Americans gifting the world stability lol. Americans are infamous for destabilizing entire governments while getting their ass whopped by local forces.
  24. As I said, sweet poetic justice. You are seeing karma in real life ladies and gentlemen.