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Everything posted by Bobby_2021

  1. Yeah I do. But I can reiterate and improve over time. No one gets everything right the first time.
  2. @Karmadhi What's all this both sideisms? There are no both sides to this. It you poke a bear and it mauls you, there isn't much to the story but that. Blaming the bear for how bad it is or for how bad the snake for biting you back isn't doing much to add to the conversation. The point is not go around poking it, especially when you have been warned not to.
  3. look st his face. Dull and heavy. The lying and contradictions get to you eventually.
  4. They would interested in dialogue and negotiations, which is absent from our leaders nowadays. Right now, US has the attitude of either you comply with what we say or get hit with sanctions. They are still living off of the winner status they got from the cold war and don't yet realise that regional hedgemons are popping up that makes this of dominance unfeasible. This kind of my way or the highway is what got us into the trouble in the first place. We need more dialogue and discussion and common sense as opposed to polarization and domination.
  5. Can you state your point directly. I don't get the crux of what you are saying.
  6. I get into random fights and heated arguments with strangers and enjoy the adrenaline rush of it. By that way, I get to research more, scrutinize my perspectives, their perspectives and generally learn a lot more than choosing to censor myself. First you have to begin by pursuing the Truth. Once you are confident you can defend the Truth, go do it. Afterall, it's the Truth. With all that said, do not trigger people in real life intentionally on controversial topics like politics, sexuality and religion. That will backfire big time. But you probably are not going to do that. In real life it's good to nod and move on. People don't even care about abstract ideals lile Truth. You could pursue the Truth more aggressively on forums like this one. You should be able to stand for your values and defend it when called for. But do it in a socially calibrated way.
  7. There is no easy way. Disappoint more people. Be okay doing that. Counterintuitively you will impress people being this way. Being around nice people is like walking on egg shells. So even the slightest aberration from the perfect behaviour will piss someone off. Instead change the norms of the group to piss people off in return for you getting pissed off from time to time. By pissing people off you will learn the right balance.
  8. Whenever you feel like killing yourself, postpone it for 2 weeks. See the progress you can make in two weeks. Spend that time in introspection. Do something new. Go out. Help someone. Make money. Go cycling. Walk your dog. Spend time in the woods. Take on a new project. Something will happen that will change your mind.
  9. As prof Mearsheimer said, if there were a solution, we would be talking about it. There is no way out of it at the moment. The fate rests upon the will of political leaders to make sensible decisions. Right now they are entirely disconnected from the minds if the general populace. Anyone who disagree with them is marked a Russian propagandists, anti liberal, anti democratic, anti Semitic etc. So you would be the bad guy to even suggest a solution, let alone gather the will to make it happen. You might even end up in their hit list. Not even kidding.
  11. What makes suffering at all good or bad in your life? Do you value suffering. Why or why not? Thoughts please.
  12. Why would you go to the gym and not lift weights? I would sleep at home instead. 😂
  13. The correct thing to do, or that should have been done is universal demilitarization. Every country would pledge to spend less on military and would take steps to not poke into each other at the same time. Give security assurances and act like it. Sadly we missed that mark that took human progress back a couple of decades. Hopefully the world would be a better place by 2030s when the dust settles down.
  14. Gaza are Sunni Muslims and Iran are Shia Muslims. They are enemies for the most part. Iran is funding those terror groups only to terrorise Israel, not because of similar value systems. If Shia and Sunni were at the same place there would be even more terror attacks lmao. They would be more comfortable living with Christians instead. Israel and US doesn't have much of shared values. Writing the constitution in favour of a specific ethnicity would be unimaginable in the US. Israel is ruled by far right and US is farther to the left. Majority of the US population don't like sending aid to Israel. Israel lobby has bought their politicians and their carrer depends on the lobby money, so they don't have much of a choice. If those politicians don't support Israel, then they would fund their opposition to the teeth and it would be over for them. If you have been following the news, you would know that America is not happy with Israel at all. This is all in contrast to the character of America who is the first to lecture every country on human rights. This is definitely clunky and awkward coming from America and the west in general including the UK. There are too many contradictions in their statements that it looks like a joke to be frank.
  15. This is not a question of Truth, but a matter of survival as a society. The societies in which the women are too liberal will simply erase itself from the gene pool, within a couple of generations.
  16. Willingly taking suffering, when you could easily choose not to, is a good way to suffer while building character. Suffering imposed on you from outside is more likely to traumatise you than grow you.
  17. The same guy would avoid all the suffering if he could. If suffering was such a transformative fire, why would he say no to all that growth. Not all suffering leads to growth. There is a certain way to suffer that builds character. You will get no character growth if you suffer after joining gangs and mafias. But if you willingly take suffering, then that could grow you as a person. But Tate took the short route, wanted to make money quickly and he is suffering for it. "He who wants to make money in a day will be hanged within a year." That's isn't an honorable way to suffer. That's a degenerate way to suffer.
  18. 500+ Lurkers. What the hell are they lurking around for?
  19. It's not "just" a 3d video. There are specific configurations of shapes that mean something. And each configurations that unfold are not random, but is placed in intricate balance with respect to each other. It's like saying language and words we use are just ink on paper or pixels on screen. They are pixels but they mean something deeper than what you see on surface. A hyper mind would be able to hold more such distinctions in it's mind and the balance it with all the other distinctions in the form of shapes. There are regular people who can use hyper mindy ways of thinking and even those people would get results orders of magnitude greater than normies. Even they have tapped into a tiny bit of the hyper mind, as much as humanely possible. What if the video you saw has all the information that human ever found out, encoded within it. It's totally possible that all of science, mathematics, religion, movies and our knowledge base is encoded with a single hyper mind. Some people actually do manage to comprehend a particular domain like mathematics or chess with a few shapes like the one you saw in the video. And they don't even require as many shapes as it is in the video. They need a few circles and lines to explain the entirety of mathematics. Imagine what these much shapes can do!
  20. @Danioover9000 US is also a hostage held by Israel. Unless Israel willingly releases them, they don't have much of a choice.
  21. Preliminary chamber is over. All the evidence in the case were in fact taken legally. The trial can finally take place now. The dates are not yet confirmed, and is subject to appeal from Tate.
  22. Chinese propagandists are looking for love. Spread some love. It's all love in the end. ♥️
  23. I am all in for Europeans growing a pair of balls and rebuilding it's military to be able to defend itself instead of sucking upto US everytime it got into a mess. Honestly it's this unholy alliance with the US that gets it into trouble anyway.
  24. This sick American obsession with cashing in on wars has to stop. This is cowardly and weak. Keep shilling more talking points for the military industrial complex. Even they admitted that their goal is to create more jobs in the US than provide real assistance for Ukraine. Zero respect for Ukrainian lives. Zero.
  25. Ukraine won't even be recognizable by the end of the year. Thanks so much for the protection. Their goal was to weaken Russia at the cost of poor Ukrainian lives. What were you even protecting? Your actions are turning Ukraine into a rump state. Every action will have an equal and opposite reaction.