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Everything posted by Bobby_2021

  1. The existence of Israel & it's allies are an existential threat to many countries in the middleast who have been subjected to totally frivolous illegal invasions on childishly false pretext like WMDs. Iraq war was a total bloodshed and a larger destabilizing force in the middleast. Once a region has been destabilized, then even more radicals take power. These countries have grown weary about the actions of Israel & US in the past and have been building up to counter it. They have grown stronger while US & Israel have become much weaker than what they used to. Israel is trending on dangerous grounds here. People often miss how the larger deeper workings of the collective hive mind. Bad things you did in the past will have consequences. It's not like you get to escape scot free. I don't have any opinions on anything. My mind has become too numb to care. But I would like to see if anyone else see what's actually going on.
  2. Hezbollah is the resistance to the larger far right Israeli occupation push. They will resist illegal occupation everywhere. Occupation may not be reason for attacks. But Hezbollah has made it clear that they will attack illegal settlements so you could expect more such attacks in future, wherever there are settlements and illegal occupation. Context matters a lot. You are not allowed to build a playground in illegally occupied territories. You can't build a playground in a warzone. These are undisputed territories which are subject to conflict. So it's wise to not bring kids into these territories. I am not giving my personal opinions on anything. I am just observing the fact that disputed territories should expect attacks and more will come in the future. Someone else has to enforce the law when one party is doing illegal stuff. You have to respect the law. I changed my mind once. I was fooled by CNN into thinking US & Israel has been a green freedom loving progressive people. The reality is far from that. It's a war loving capitalist machine.
  3. Added Context: Majdal shams is illegally occupied part of Syria, currently administered by Israel. If you illegally occupy places, there will be consequences for it. Sad that these children had to be the victim of those attacks. The adults who engaged in the illegal occupation should take more responsibility and stop the occupation. These bombings are a resistance to the illegal occupation of Israel. This is just the context. Not my opinion. This doesn't justify the bombings. But occupying other territories will be met with resistance.
  4. Me learning about Israeli politics everyday.
  5. If you don't want to be compared to Nazis, then don't do Nazi like stuff.
  6. Pretty much this.
  7. For real though Democratic party should also have a primary and internal elections. How can you represent a democracy when you don't have a democracy within.
  8. Let's not pretend that either parties give a shit about Ukraine.
  9. A lot of silicon valley culture has to fo with promising unrealistic stuff and then working hard to deliver it. If you make it, you are a genius, and a con, if you don't.
  10. AGI or whatever, will always remain 3 years away. For silicon valley tech bros it will be two weeks away and some already have it. There are real structural and social problems with AI. Your best shot is human + AI. AI capacity is fixed. So it's the good old human vs human that's going to make all the difference. It's other humans that use AI effectively are the ones going to replace you.
  11. How the US intervention turned Ukraine into a rump state should be studied for the next 100 years.
  12. By observing what's happening in their streets. Search for "European Migration Crisis" on YT. If a bunch of warlords with guns can cause half the population to regress, than imagine what would happen if they constantly interfered with it. Which is what the former colonies had to got through. Lower stage obviously has high corruption. Hamas and Hezbollah is the resistance to the larger corruption Israel is doing in the middleast.
  13. I would engage in detailed discussions only if you want to actually discuss something with facts and examples and make progress. Most people just want to talk over each other, pigeon hole ideas and throw accusations. My mind is too sensitive & sophisticated to indulge in this shit. If there is something I want to talk about I would rather do it in a new thread rather than arguing about it in the posts. In posts I would rather make one or two line statements that doesn't mean much. No more detailed discussions, unless you first prove that you are serious.
  14. It's not an extreme. Society is a indeed a house of cards and is highly sensitive to foreign interference. See the disruption caused by migration in "highly developed" countries like Sweden. Their streets are turning into a shit show and crimes have gone upto the roof. All this happened simply by accepting a bunch of foreigners. Now imagine if the foreigners came to a country with lots of power and funding and wants to intentionally destabilize a society for nefarious purpose. They would absolutely do it. Think about the insane corrupting effect of hamas on Israel. They regressed all the way to a freaking genocide simply by a foreign interference. So yeah society is a house of cards that have to be maintained. This is why you can bring a society to it's knees by criminal domination and subtle ways of destabilization like migration. Infact unchecked migration is a tool in CIA's playbook to destabilize a nation from the inside out. This will lead to the regression in development of the society as a whole.
  15. Thanks Grandpa. We will miss you and the dementia memes. Happy retirement.
  16. These reports don't evoke any shock anymore. It's like it's a daily occurrence.
  17. At the end of the day results matter. Is he a con man if he delivered results?
  18. @hoodrow trillson Steve was pretty overrated. He was a genius marketer and had command over people. Wozniak is who powered him from behind. Steve and Elon are pretty similar in that regard.
  19. @nerdspeak Read a couple of your previous posts. You did an incredible job at explaining something so incredibly sophisticated and difficult to grasp. Most people denying the reality is because they are shielded from realizing the true enormity of the subtle exploitations going on. Good job.
  20. @Rafael Thundercat Let's not assume that the jungle people were "developed in their own way". It's okay to assume they were underdeveloped. It's just that development takes freedom from interference over long time. Else it will only lead to regression. This is why the west is adamant on the Monore doctrine. Not a single power could assert it's influence on the entire western hemisphere. Because interference would result in their decades of developmental efforts plunge into shambles.
  21. @Space Based on my conversations is there something I could have done better?
  22. @Space WhatsApp and Instagram were making losses in hundreds of millions or close to a billion, even after it was acquired. It was bleeding money before the acquisition too to the point of unsustainability. It had to be acquired by FB to reach where it is today. The issue you are raising about Musk is not what we were talking about. He was emphasizing vision while I was saying that he was better at management & execution. Look back at earlier conversations. Your points are agreeing with mine that Musk is a better manager that could induce some order to a badly managed company. Is this a court order?
  23. "Corruption existed before western intervention". Wow what a brilliant observation. I didn't see it coming at all. What I mean is that such societies have corruption & underdevelopment in them **exclusively by western intervention**. I proved it with n number of examples, which you might perceive as noise when you are overflowing with alien consciousness. I am not backing down to titillate his Ego. Both of us cannot be right at the same time.
  24. It takes more vision to light a spark from scratch than for that scratch to become a wildfire. Musk had a vision. But the foundation was already set for him, more or less. Growing a company from scratch needs more vision than coming in between and taking it over. If Musk wants credit for Vision, he should have founded a company rather than playing corporate politics to oust their visionary founder. Are you going to say that Zuckerberg is a visionary for buying up WhatsApp and Instagram when they were making losses and getting it to be billions in profit later lmao? Consider that my noise in this thread which is far below your alien consciousness. I don't want to deal with your triggered response. The only self deception I did was to think that you were open minded and open to considering multiple perspectives and only because you marketed yourself as such. You are no different than Musk lol.