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Everything posted by Bobby_2021

  1. 20th century was full of war. Socialism will not thrive under wartime and heavy sanctions. Just like Finland will not have gracious social programs if you drop a bunch of bombs on it and sanction it. You have to keep in mind that United States of America after the ww2 went out of their way to overthrow the socialist governments methodologically using everything in their arsenal from covert regime change to dropping bombs on them. How would Japan work under sanctions? How would Finland work under sanctions? How would North Korea work under sanctions? People look at North Korea and say that's socialism and it doesn't work while in reality they were forced to not work by the rest of the world with sanctions. This is not to gloss over the serious problems with socialism like lack of diversification of revenue. But those could be easily fixed. It's remarkable how liberal were the Soviet states even under heavy sanctions. But they were tipped over the threshold by the US and their allies by criminal domination and deceit. I am not a leftist at all. I am right leaning 70% of the time. I am giving credit where it's due.
  2. I don't know if Israel will disintegrate, although the path ahead is bleak. But the Zionist entity certainly will.
  3. You have been consistently denying the detremnetal effects of having lost democracy in countries abroad. When Iran lost it's democracy and plunged into authoritarianism, SD stage regression & corruption, you denied any link between the two. You refuse to give credit for the advancements they made in women's rights as they were "unsustainable". Now you cry every day for America devolving into authoritarianism and losing democracy. It's these subtle contradictions that you throw that piss me off. Well, when my views randomly coincided with leftism, you were quick to dismiss that all as "leftist nonsense" without actually addressing what I have to say. I didn't even notice that what I had to say was leftist frankly. My views were far more sophisticated than what your normal progressive or leftist would say, although the conclusion might be the same. Now how do you feel when someone else dismiss your view as a part of some group? You have been doing it all along. Yes.
  4. The problem with the social democracies and the Nordic model is that they still needed to siphon wealth from the rest of the world for it to have free healthcare and workers rights. It's quite interesting you bought up the case of Romania. Such countries with communist past indeed had free healthcare, education, and higher rates of women joining universities and workforce than their western counter parts. It's a pretty good model to aspire to once again to be honest. And none of this involved imperialism or colonialism and they worked under sever sanctions. Which makes it all the while more impressive. It fared poorly in wartime. Granted. But it was still great for the average worker. A good case study is the impact of 600 million dollar loan package given to Ukraine by the EU in 2013-14, in return for austerity measures. It actually increased the poverty rates in Ukraine and decrease pensions for old people etc. It's a crony capitalist model vs a social model. The contrast between the two models is uncanny.
  5. There will never be an AGI. Even an AGI will not help you actualize. AI will get unfathomably good at specific domains that are well defined, like chess. The more general it gets, the more it deteriorates in quality. --- I don't see anyone solving Energy or Data problem. At the end of the day, AI is as good as the data you send it. Garbage in Garbage out. And energy. Nuclear Fusion is always a couple of decades away. A bold move will be to solve either of these, but we are nowhere close. Love to see someone breaking the deadlock.
  6. That's not how this works. It's not possible to use profound understandings to pick and choose stocks. People make money from the worst stocks and lose money from the best stocks based on how they interact with the market. It's more how you play. Bitcoin is somewhat good, but it's incredibly volatile to be a stable store of value.
  7. @mrPixel Maybe take a break. It was your mistake (and mine too) to somehow keep Leo as an exception to most humans out there and let him be a figure of pristine consciousness or open mindedness or whatever. The delusion is broken and it should have been broken. Welcome to the club. Leo is just another dude on the internet. Always was. It was wrong from our part to hold him to unrealistic expectations, which frankly no one should be held to. Unrealistic expectations will backfire on those who hold them. If that's so, then it's good. It might be better to use your own intellectually original models and ditch flimsy models like SD altogether. If you can independently verify SD, then it's good. Else it's not worth using. My critisism of SD is not that it's a human construction that just fell short. It too weak even for a human construction. EDT is orders of magnitude superior compared to SD. There is no comparison. Do you have any abstract structure or guidelines of what entails a "serious view" ? How would a serious view differentiate it from the crappy views? Or do you determine it entirely based on your whim at the moment.
  8. @Leo Gura My points were general and not pertaining to this thread, although not excluding it either. 95% of the talk might be total crap, but that makes the 5% all the more important and it's on you to differentiate and not put it all in one basket. You can make a case for something from a higher perspective and a lower perspective. They may be arguing for the same exact point, but the reasoning and justifications might be different, at astounding depths. Which is why each person's view must be evaluated for itself and not in the backdrop of something else. If I argue for Trump, which I don't, my reasoning and justifications will be an order of magnitude more serious than your average retarded Maga Trumpers. I want to be heard for what I say and not as if I am a Maga lunatic. ----- Also, I think it's a serious problem that the way you use SD is too narrow. SD itself is a simplistic model only to be made for flimsy purposes. It's not rigorous enough to predict the future or something else of that sort. It's good for making arm chair analysis of the past, since you can always pick and choose. SD is an incomplete model and there is a lot more meat that you can add to it that I don't take it seriously. You don't know what's the actual green looks like. Maybe the SD green that you see now is not really green but an small taste of what's really in store. Actual green can only be made sense in retrospect.
  9. Intersting how Trump is so stage orange that he turns into orange. He is showing his stage of development.
  10. They wanted to make Gaza unlivable for Palestinians.
  11. Yeah Trump is the biggest reaction to having their status quo made fun of.
  12. Damn. Bro did not hold back.
  13. I don't expect you to change your mind. Please take this as constructive criticism. - Acknowledge that there are other people who are as smart or even smarter than you, at least in the specific domain of interest. - People who are actually interested in complex and deep conversations are only going to be repulsed away from your arrogant domineering style. You can be the intellectual alpha without having to announce it at the end of every post as if it is adding to the conversation. - Every person literally thinks they are right and wouldn't comprise on their positions. So I don't get what you are trying to prove here. - This domineering style is not what apt leadership entails and it is becoming a meme at this point. If everyone is pointing it out, then maybe there is something that you can change. Imagine if everyone on the fourm copied your exact style. Every thread would be flooded by narcissists. I don't want to see more apology videos and posts. You make them and go back to the old behaviour. Above all, I don't seriously expect any changes, so take it lightly. I think this is baked in your DNA and wouldn't change to be honest. And that's fine.
  14. It's the hate within you that is causing all the emotional distraught if you are honest, not the wars from outside. As far as the wars are concerned, they are a manifestation of the hate they carry, for reasons that were outside of their control.
  15. What's the guidelines supposed to do?There is nothing which says that felons or rapists make up for bad presidents. Besides that every US president is a war criminal. So I don't see how that matters so much.
  16. If you have a problem with that, you have a problem with democracy. In a democracy if people decide they want a felon or a rapist to be their leader then so be it. Ultimately it's the people who vote and decide. Getting a job is not based on voting or democratic values.
  17. Woke left self appointed DEI hire law girl vs Straight white billionaire playboy felon crony capitalist businessman. Pure entertainment. This is peak America. Totally hooked.
  18. If @Princess Arabia says it's enough said it's enough said. No more talking. 😌
  19. That's abstract knowledge which is he is pretty good at. But you put it to test in the real world and that's when he falls short. Which is completely fine. It's hard and no one should be expected to have such deep & perfect understanding. But Leo is deluded into thinking he is the mastermind of everything and ends making cringe mistakes out of arrogance. He sets himself to unrealistic standards. Leo is the intellectual Alpha male. Alpha in his own mind, but cringe to someone who looks from the outside.
  20. These events were years or even decades in the making, not occuring in a vaccum. You should have seen those events coming, for someone who claims to know everything. Predicting that Trump would never become president is not understanding human nature. There is nothing more human than to elect Trump. It even more American to elect Trump. Trump is the perfect American president, which is why he is going to get elected twice. The cursed & dreaded statement. "Circumstances have changed" You could justify literally anything by making this statement. Literally anything. Circumstances will always keep changing.
  21. Don't be so emotionally distraught. Understand why it all happens and what causes them to engage in all this self destructive behaviour.
  22. @Hardkill The bottomline is that Kamala is unpopular and unlikable. Getting an actually popular person to run the elections is better for the democrats, especially in the long run and possibly in the short run. Trump was always popular among republicans so he didn't need a primary in 2020. It was sort of understood that he would win it, so why bother with an election. Imagine if Republicans didn't have a primary in 2016. They might have missed out on a strong candidate like Trump. Likewise internal elections gives rise to strong leaders from within out of nowhere. Else you will be stuck with established candidates with big money backing that are bloating the system.
  23. @Hardkill Internal elections only make the system more integrous and clean. Leaving big money to decide the leaders is self defeating in the long run.
  24. @Ero How much immunity did the security apparatus of your country provide in countering the mafias and corruption? The problem arises when the immune system gets too much power and control that it begins viewing every random thing as a threat. Until then it's all good. Viewing every random thing as a threat and proceeding to eliminate it will result in a self fulfilling prophecy, where it indeed becomes a threat. This is exactly what's happening now with the security apparatus.
  25. Ok fine, then don't claim that you are a democracy. If some radical right wing faction can come to power amd dictate the entire course of a nation, without the people voting for them, then it's not a democracy. I thought these right wing nut cases got into power because the people voted them to power like in a democracy.