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Everything posted by Bobby_2021

  1. Not the psychological depravity. Don't go that deep. I mean in superficial terms only. For example Trump says fuck climate fuck climate change fuck the planet anyway we make money. Pro trumpers do not care about the planet anyway. But the climate activists claims to be supporting the planet and their actions suggest that they still harm the planet anyway. That's what JP takes an issue with.
  2. JP takes an issue with the fact that blue hair activists have a higher moral standing in society, and wants to bring them down to the level of other factions in society. Society at large do accept that Trump is narcissistic and impulsive moron. The people who support Trump are openly claiming they support who he is. But not for the sjw activists, which he takes an issue with so hard. Sjw activists claim to be supporting moral good but end up doing shady shit which is what his major issue is.
  3. Let's not attribute everything about Communism to one man like Marx. He had plenty of ideas and some were genuinely bad like giving workers the rights to manage the means of production. Stalin understood better in the sense he advocated for the state to control the means of production on behalf of the workers. We have to be fair in the sense that capitalist experiment has also went through a couple of upgrades. The first capitalist experiment resulted in the great depression. Then neoliberal reforms came after Keynesian economic reforms. Western style capitalism had plenty of version upgrades. Marx was version 1 of communism. Reagan's neoliberal reforms is at version 3 of capitalism We have to compare similar versions of the eastern and western experiments. Being fair to both sides here.
  4. Being sent to prison for wanting to improve society is depressing to say the least. We human beings have no clue what we are doing. Not respecting basic stuff like privacy and private property will not allow any society to advance no matter how idealistic they poise themselves to be.
  5. My sympathy is for the people of NK.
  6. Open source is basically taking the work of the developer community for free. Corporate devils leave out nothing. Everything will be weaponized. The value we get is usually a second order consequence of the competition to drive each other out.
  7. It's communist China still today. They actually evolve with reforms like they are supposed to with changing times. If you are fixated on silly reductionist notions of communism, then that's what you will see. Communism as conceived by Marx was multifaceted and complex even incorporating developmental stages. A society isn't static. It's constantly evolving. Communist china is implementing communism infront of our eyes. Modern day China is communism implemented in the real world.
  8. The North Korean collective psyche has been harmed so much by the devastating bombings that they need nukes to make sure it doesn't happen again. It's an aggressive self defence posturing. You should have some sympathy to understand the North Korean hive mind instead of casting them as some evil villan. If you think any country at all would dare harm the US, you are out of your mind. The actual threat for the US is not existential, it's ideological. They can't allow a leftist, or even worse, a communist success story. This is why they violently suppress every leftist uprising every single continent of the world in true neocolonial fashion. Coups, bombings, regime change operations, propaganda, psyops, you name it. Even Cuba is an ideological threat to them.
  9. I wish the world moved on really to be frank. The post war sanctions enacted are still in place to this day. Maybe we could really move on and lift sanctions like we did to Vietnam. But whatever.
  10. Nobody is even contesting you on your claims on the USSR. How about you study China instead?
  11. @Leo Gura I am not a simpleton to be making stupid claims. You can learn and improve from the systems that your parents lived in. No one denies that they were rotten systems. But when new systems are introduced that takes the good parts of them, you should appreciate the evolved system for what it is and not reduce it to some crappier version of it. China is the best case real world implementation of Marxism. And it's not capitalism like you like to claim. Just allow human beings to be wrong okay. Yes they fucked up in the past. And they came up with an improved system. But the trick is if you can recognise how the new system is evolved from the traditional capitalist socialist systems of the 20th century.
  12. Because it has went through awful history. Defending a (questionable) genocide and the worst bombing campaign in history doesn't look well on you either.
  13. @Leo Gura Implementing utopian ambitious ideals runs the risk of turning into a cluster fuck. Occassionally when things do not turn into a clusterfuck, you should acknowledge that it could be done at all. At least the possibility if it. That requires an appreciation of complexity, appreciation of multiple perspectives etc.
  14. This thread has a lot of room to work with. We need to be discussing a lot on how Marx saw the world.
  16. NK doesn't do that on a national scale. I am sure they have something similar to black rooms and Guantanamo bay. Within their limited means. Through integration with Russia + BRICS. I don't see any other way they can thrive. The west has thrown them under the bus. BRICS will give them a second chance. It's not like the 90s anymore. NK can look upto more countries other than the collective west to do business with.
  17. It would be inaccurate to refer to China as capitalist.
  18. My response is still the same. Put things in perspective. NK has to do horrible things to survive because the US has bombed all infrastructure that facilitate means of honest living. You will resort to heightened levels of corruption if your house is bombed and family is destroyed. Of course there will be corruption and dark stuff. But it's not like these doesn't happen in the west too.
  19. Have you read torture methods by the CIA? Psychological torture methods at that even? Every nation state does kind of stuff.
  20. Only 40k dead? I bet the actual number is close to 100k. deception all the way. What's really interesting is if Israel being a contrived and fragile society even survive with such high levels of deception in 2024. Hezbollah needs to prolong the war enough to keep Israel bleeding and not let Bibi accomplish his political objectives and the succeeding party would not be remotely interested in anything war or brutality. Whoever playing the long game wins.
  21. @Lyubov You are detached enough to make an honest assessment of the matter. Great work.
  22. @Nemra If the hospitals could access the electronic equipment for logging patient information if not for sanctions, then of course you could serve more people. Of course you can serve a lesser section of the people if you have to maintain all systems with pen and paper. If you are so concerned about unequal access then lift sanctions. 2. Defectors always exaggerate. This is typical of all people escaping countries that were victims of past colonial oppression. The people who are more eager to leave are also the people most disgusted by the regime so they will spew their hatred of it when they finally escape. You need to take suh reports and put it in context. 3. As far as their nuclear program, you are talking about country that has been levelled by the US. The first job is to ensure that they will not get levelled again. So nukes are a vitality. There is no questioning this. Healthcare comes after nukes. This is a trauma response of a country that is recovering from the biggest bombing campaign in history. 4. Corruption will be a thing. What else do you expect? Destroying their livelihood means they have to resort to corruption to survive. There will be plenty of corruption. That's because US had no regard for civilian life and international law.
  23. Sanctions in North Korea are particularly damaging because US has effectively bombed them to stone age before enacting sanctions. All civilians infrastructure from paddy fields to dams were levelled. Obviously when you make survival difficult, then they will resort to corruption. That's because making an honest living has been rendered shit by the US war machine that doesn't respect civilian life nor international law. Then you can blame them for being corrupt like the true neocon regime propaganda tells you to do. ----- US lifted sanctions on Vietnam in 1994. Look how much their GDP grew after that. There are second and third order effects of sanctions too that are being dismissed in linear calculations. And also sanctions do not affect all countries equally. NK was simply hit too hard. And despite all that they still have medium level of living standards even as far back in the 90s. That's no small feat.