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Everything posted by Bobby_2021

  1. @zazen There is nothing to worry as long as you keep the anti democratic forces at bay which I trust the Georgian govt to do. They have to do a clean crackdown on these illegal NGOs.
  2. I can't take this brain rot of a channel seriously. He is the post child for anti russian propaganda.
  3. The leaders always agree with each other backdoor. These people have their families and friends in both parties. They both will fuck us over before they let anything happen to their political opponents. The real divide is between the classes.
  4. Their oligarchs care more about their people more than western oligarchs. That is all. Putin care more about Russians more than western oligarchs care about Russians or Ukrainians for that matter. Pales in comparison to what the west is doing. The most wrongdoings of Russia post-cold war has been a response to counter the growing sphere of influence of the west. You are comparing apples and oranges here. Interventionism is regressive to the development of the people. This is like suffocating a growing plant or being.
  5. @Nemra Just look at the places before and after the west has fucked over with its interference. Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, North Korea, South American banana republics, Cuba, Ukraine, Syria....And I am not even going into the colonial times. These are the countries fucked over in the last 50 years or so. Do you want Georgia to be on the same track? It is okay to make a mistake once or twice. How many times do expect to make the same mistake again and again and again? At some point you learn, right, right? Interventionism does not work. Thank God the government of Georgia is back to its senses. These are destabilizing subversive forces operating illegally most of the time for the sole purpose of enriching the pockets of the western neoliberal oligarchs.
  6. The social setting of humans does more to limit our own genius far more than nature. Nature does give immense psychological capacities, but we have no clue to detect them nor nurture them. In fact, we get threatened by these geniuses that we try to clamp down on them. The bottleneck is human bullshit. The nature has a far bigger capacity for genius. The few geniuses that you see simply happened to be born in the right circumstances + the right genetics. Think about all the people with the right genetics who could not be born in the right circumstances. They are far more common than you think. But we beat the shit out of their genius by the time they grow up.
  7. Genuinely trying to understand this. Feeding your content for AI training makes it better. Plus AI is more of you now. AI holds your memory and work and is enmeshed among the work of hundreds of millions of people into a super hive mind. Sort of. So why do people freak out over this?
  8. Arab nations have some responsibility to take in Palestinian refugees.
  9. He spews a shit ton of crazy non-sense on a lot of stuff. Typical Marxian professor. But I do not want to use that as a reason to dismiss everything he is saying. He does a good job at explaining certain kind of stuff. Like China Wolff is living within the larger capitalist framework trying to sneak in his commie ideas that miserably falls short. But when the paradigm itself is communist or leftist like in China, his ideas start to make a lot more sense.
  10. I have lost for words on this to be frank. First rule is to respect the results of a democratic election. These western funded NGOs are playing a dangerous game. The believe it is democratic only if they have the result they want and they are not even hiding it at this point.
  11. YouTube hiding a video that got 37 million views in 3 days is astounding to me. I did not even watch the video but wanted to check the view count, but it was nowhere to be seen. This should be number one on trending to be frank.
  12. America isn't ready for a competent well put white woman to be president and then you think the American hive mind would be okay with a woman of colour to be president?
  13. If only this blog post went mainstream then that would turn a lot of sensible people from voting Trump. It's a Trump victory from what I see. Three comments regarding the last point with respect to pro Palestine, anti-war, anti-neoliberal leftists. 1) They are not anti Ukraine. They are pro Ukraine in the sense that they think this war is futile, leading to the destruction of Ukraine, which is already suffering a demographic collapse. They want Russia to negotiate peace with Ukraine so that there will be a Ukraine at all. But west's attitude either you are with us or against us is leading nowhere but erasing Ukraine off the map. 2) For most of the people living elsewhere who have to directly face the consequences of the US foreign policy, weakening the US with Trump is a price to pay for weakening the American influence across the world. Which is why it's no wonder the destabilizing forces support Trump over Harris. Because stable America would destabilize the rest of the world. 3) We are living in the age of post modernism, where all Truth matters. All are included. The worst kind of views now demand representation and would be represented. So it's logical that neofascist tech bros now demand their toxic view to be represented. Anything flies. There is no good or bad. This also gives way for Trump to get represented and go mainstream.
  14. Only two of them are on YT and she is getting roasted in the comments. It is hard to watch her or keep watching her. Uber Cringe and contrived appearance.
  15. This is the kind of depth of nuance that is missing while trying to understand the model of economics in eastern socialist setting.
  16. Make a child sex doll and sell it as of 57 years old doll. Confuse the map and territory.
  17. Queers for Ayatollah khameni!
  18. Every echo chamber that I am in predicts kamala win by a decent margin. Good to see some other side as well. The GOP has polluted the polls too so take that into account as well. Overall the polls have been muddled beyond repair. No one knows the reality anymore.
  19. A painting of a child is not a child. Discussion ends.
  20. They have dug themselves into a hole at this point. I don't know if everything will be sunshine if the far rights were purged out.
  21. We need to mass produce them at scale and make them available for a monthly subscription for specific features.