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Everything posted by Bobby_2021

  1. I guess it is possible to make finer distinctions to see who is the shittier of presidents, but does it matter when they are continuing the same war mongering policies post-world war 2. Let it be clear that the US is already in a proxy war with nuclear Russia. Which president will take up responsibility for that? As far as Korea is considered, US has never formally technically ended the war with Korea that started in 1950. They were bombed to the ground, and you did not need neocons or Trump for that. Wars are the lifeblood of the American foreign policy.
  2. Sky news atleast had the integrity to correct it, and it a conservative media. With alternative media, you know what you are getting as far as a sensible person is considered. You have lots of options and varieties. And necessary give the absolute state of establishment media treating us like pawns for their larger narratives. You can pick you poison. Evil Establishment or naive retards?
  3. Exactly. This is a far bigger concern about your name going in history books. If you vote for someone who facilitated a genocide, then you support a genocide. Voting for Trump, saved a lot of people from absolving themselves from having supported a genocidal administration. Can't miss this. This is far bigger reason to not vote for Harris. She overseen a genocide. She has no right to run for president. And all those who voted for her are supporting her genocidal campaign. Make no mistake: Kamala is a mass murdering child killing genocidal maniac. You should be shit scared of justifying this woman or voting for her.
  4. SG is correct here. Once Trump is in power, you work with the administration to better run the nation. This is not slaving upto Trump, but the realisation that you Trump is a sign of collective underdevelopment of the general population psyche. Rather than whining about it, work with it. Do you write this of the top of your mind? Foreign policy of America was fucked the moment they handed it over to neocons. No president has any say over this and all US presidents are war criminals.
  5. Reports from Kiev's main propaganda channel. Hope all you got enough from "weakening Russia" and creating jobs at home to funnel weapons over to Ukraine.
  6. You do not have to solve any issues when you deny and blame it on spiral underdevelopment. I wonder what the degree of backlash is they need to come to terms with it. The donors pulling out their money would surely help. And it is going to happen. Most of it is common sense. Few people are able to get it right. And there are purported liberals who support Israeli genocide here lmao. In many ways supporting the Palestinian genocide was the nail in the coffin for the American empire. Trump will bring a small period of peace and prosperity although lacking substance, like a star burning bright before its death, and then spiral into misery. I had enough tried to convince people that it is better to let time teach them. Giving up now. Just like United States has undermined democracy in half of the world. Of course, the world would support someone like Trump when the non-Trumpers (establishment neocons) are hell bent on overthrowing democracy in rest of the world. And the movement will still exist even if Russia isn't funding them. Absolutely agree. Also to add to, unless people are able to vote on issues, not people, it is not a true democracy. We should build something like this. An organic system where people could directly vote on issues that concern them. Look at the abysmal voter turnout. Most people do not care about who they vote at all because they feel like they do not give enough fucks to care. This should be the scariest stat coming from the election and that is not even Trump victory. Long live Democracy.
  7. Your priorities are all messed up man. And you are all over the place except doing self-reflection. The right-wing media ecosystem has organically evolved from the bottom up. You cannot destroy that. With the exception of twitter, all the popular media are overseen by leftists, liberals and progressives. Yet right wing ideology is spreading like wildfire. Why? You cannot control it, unless you want to face the bigger backlash. Censoring Joe Rogan will lead to even more backlash, which will make him even more popular. This is what went wrong:
  8. Establishment needs war mongering narratives for cash. Trump being a corrupt moron should also corrupt this neo con establishment at least. Undo the CIA as well for the moment. This will have slightly damaging ripple effects, but that is a fair price to pay, I guess. And most importantly remove Zelenskyy from power. It is time for elections and peace in Ukraine.
  9. We could possibly see an end to the war soon. Heard they are also planning a ceasefire in Gaza in 2025. Good developments.
  10. Leo will justify the establishment/mainstream notions no matter what. That is his stance on virtually all the issues.
  11. Dems acting like they are angels is the biggest joke of all. They need to be reminded that they are merely being slightly less shitty than the orange man.
  12. They have to appeal to masses. Win the social media game. All elections from now on are going to be fought on screens.
  13. The Empathy™ gang when you tell them to have empathy for 98% of the population. "Noooooooooo"
  14. Either way pushing rainbows to general public is a terrible idea. Most people couldn't care less when worrying about paying their next rent. We should plan our operations independently of results of elections. Hedge our bets. Coming are the days of chaos and unrest, globally. Good luck.
  15. @Joshe There is good reasons to believe that Imane is a man, both from appearance and from being banned from boxing by international boxing association from boxing women. So the *likely* case is that she has a pp, which is confirmed by the medical records. Putin surely loves common sense.
  16. Insane. I vividly remember the shit that people had to get for calling out the obvious. Now you get why people distrust mainstream media because they can't accept simple Truths.
  17. Given the current level of development, Trump seems to be the inevitable choice not the better one. But who cares about this clown show anyway.
  18. Colonialism wasn't strictly profitable. But it didn't had to because the sheer destruction of the colonies effectively meant that the the colonialist maintained their edge. Zero sum over positive sum.
  19. Mike Turner says US should have a discussion to target North Korean troops in Russia.
  20. @Nilsi Great post. We are entering an age of techno feudalism. God knows how would it pan out in the next 5 years. I would say things are still about to get a lot worse before they get better, that is if any at all. It was a class conflict. Always was. They keep race and other bullshit so as to keep the slave masses fighting esch other. The slaves are always higher in number and this will always remain a huge threat to the ruling class. Once the slaves are united, it's over for them. That's what they prevent from happening. It's been successfull so far.
  21. Maybe people steal because they think they are the rightful owners of it. They don't accept ownership as a construct that applies to everyone. Everyone is for maximizing wealth for themselves. Another point is, what's the right kind of reward for anything. You own something in return for contributing something, labour or products. What's the correct balance for reward vs labour. This needs to be cleared up. Theft can happen simply by suppressing your capability to contribute thereby stealing the rewards your might have been entitled to. Milordships, with all due respect the defendant talking out of their ass. Positive sum games are rare. It's easier to rip off than going on a risky sail to find your own blue ocean. It's the people who steal the most that claims there is enough for everyone else. Not really.
  22. Is Israel actually hippy or is it a media creation to make it look hippy? I do realize the terror problem is a real threat. The only lasting solution is if the neighbouring arab states are willing to take in Palestinians in return for some favour from US/Israel. Not for this to be a precedent, but as an exception. The corrupt and backward nature of the Islamic world clashing with imperialist colonialist forces are not something anyone wish to see. It's impossible for either of these two groups to think sanely or organize a sane form of government.