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Everything posted by Bobby_2021

  1. This statement is correct. Although it's correct, a slight nuance is missed here. It's unfair comparison. India(blue) is less happier than Norway(green) because there is electricity shortage & people have no money to pay for decent healthcare in India. Not necessary because they are less psychologically evolved. Money buys happiness, even after $100k/year. You were privileged with good external circumstances which is the reason for happiness in Scandinavian countries. It's hard to not be happy when your government literally caters to all your needs. Now put a stage blue person and stage green person in equal external circumstances & access to resources, a fair comparison. You simply cannot compare two countries, since they also differ vastly in access to resources. Green dudes will be happier than blue dudes in societies with abundant access to resources, broadly speaking. But this is not necessarily always true, especially in cases when the you are indoctrinated into hippie culture instead of evolving into it. Such people do suffer hell a lot compared to genuine blue dudes. In a blue society, it pays to be blue/orange to maximise happiness because of resource scarcity. Always take into account access to resources.
  2. I won't merely call it over moderation, neither is it a mistake. It is intentionally censoring content, for a political agenda. I agree to have an appeals court. But the problem remains. Who is to decide to what type of content to censor? That must be decided a grounded stage yellow person who see the legitimacy of both sides and make subtle distinctions and nuances.
  3. You are the most unbiased person I know. So what I do is to read your takes and reverse engineer to the truth. But you seem to have some biases when it comes to some fringe green aspects. I was disappointed a bit. But glad to know that you are aware of it.
  4. Wokes are good at justifying their mis behaviour. Since everything they are doing is it to correct racism/bigotry, people are supposed/expected to forgive their behaviour and treat any destruction as collateral damage.
  5. In real world you cannot use colours to judge something. A murder commited by green or blue person must be held to the same standards and punishments. Likewise, we must focus on the behaviour first. If the behaviour is stupid, then it is worth condemning. Bad behaviour is bad. And there should be no confusion in it. People here hold spiral dynamics as a dogma as if it is some objective yard stick for reality. It's a model for sense making and that's it.
  6. Jack is not the greatest fan of one guy owning twitter. Nevertheless let's see how this goes.
  7. Lol. Younger people are more smarter than boomers. Must have an age limit to run for president. If retiring age is 66, the same must apply for presidency. Biden is having some serious cognitive defects right now.
  8. I understand. Men need respect. Being laughed at shouldn't be tolerated as a man. You must walk away from women laugh at you. You are tall and works out, that's more than enough to make a good first impression. 1) Women are not so put together like they appear to be. They do not even have 1/4 of your social skills and is even more insecure than you, especially if they have to laugh at you. Simply giggling like a fool is nothing but cope, and she knows that it hits men weak. It's their strategy. 2) Show ruthless indifference. If she laughs at you, stare right in her face. No emotions, nothing, but cold indifference. Let her know that you do not approve her of her behaviour. You are an integrious person, and you can show her your "not so caring" side if she decides to become bitchy.
  9. Senators got very close to being killed. We can't say, if that would lead to an outright collapse, but that could have been severe damage. Imagine if Trump gets wounded, how would the right wing react? Also I don't like calling people a Nazi for having disagreements with me because I am not woke. But the seriousness of Jan 6 is under estimated by RW folks.
  10. Also Bill Gates buying up farmland in the US and black rock buying up all the homes.
  11. Agreed. Apparently if gender is a social construct this is the ideal thing to do. But we have to deal with this stage green madness anyway. Hope these will be reversed soon, else more people will start identifying with these genders just to win.
  12. @Danioover9000 @vladorion I am not saying those things with conviction. It's certainly dosen't help fairness and is a disrespect to women's sports. I accept that. But difficult times calls for difficult measures.
  13. Jan 6, 2021 the biggest power structure came close to collapsing due to free speech by Trump.
  14. @Danioover9000I wish sports can have such idealistic goals behind them as we used to do it in the past. This situation is a political one. I would encourage more people to identify as their convenient gender to win. So the authorities will have to either make new categories or stop this madness, which I don't expect them to. None of this changes the fact that sports is entirely about winning. This is the only reason why sports is played at the elite level. Anything that you can do to win is fair. If you disagree, then you can do it too.
  15. After thinking on this issue and putting myself in the shoes of different people, and listening to multiple perspectives I realised that sports is all about winning. You play to win. Lia did what's she had to do to win. She is a champion. That's all there is to the story. Sports is meant to be brutally competent & ruthless. As for women arguing for fairness, I would say this is an unfair world, where genetics matters the most in sports (and nearly everything else) and those who win will have the best genetics. Biological men have better genetics than all other genders. So the winners will be biological men, in literally almost everything. So if you are in sports, do what it takes to win just like Lia did. More power to her. Whining about unfairness is not sportsmanship.
  16. The west and NATO do not honor Russia as an old super power. They are literally like "lol haha back off Russia, I am your daddy" This just creates a bigger North Korea like state who constantly keeps the whole world in tension. The correct solution is to give Putin the impression that he won. And accept his demands that are perfectly rational. (If Ukraine joins NATO, any minor border disputes, which is common in many countries quickly turns into a conflict between two super powers.) Benefits for NATO for continuing the war: 1) The west can assert it's global dominance. It can still act as the savior of the world instead of serving mutual interests. There was practically no reason for expanding NATO before the Ukraine Invasion. Now they have a reason. 2) The military industrial complex will rake billions in profit. This is the money that could have been invested into universal health care or free college. Not only that the whole reinvests more into military and war instead of welfare for it's own citizens.
  17. NATO should stop expanding as Putin wanted to. What is the point of it expanding in the first place? They do no have any enemy other than Russia. So don't go near it and there won't be any wars. Simple. But now Finland & Sweden is showing interest to join NATO. Russia is furious. NATO now has an enemy,else their existence is pointless. Now the American Industrial Complex can profit in billions as more countries upgrade their military. For those whose interest is to stop the war as soon as possible, here is the course of action. Declare Putin as a winner & Stop NATO expansion. This will be a win for the world, if their interests is to stop the war. This is adding fuel to the fire if the NATO hell bend on fucking up Russia.
  18. @Hardkillnah he said you can be Enlightened and still shoot up a school. They are less likely to commit crime, not impossible though.
  19. I thought you were a staunch leftist liberal.?
  20. What you say makes sense, and I can't come with anything reasonable against it, even though it looks somewhat threatening since I identify with my masculinity so dearly and I love it. Maybe these are all just my concerns, just like my parents had stupid concerns about me. Maybe my kids will be smarter than me the way I am smarter than my boomer parents.? But still, I can't accept the biological men in women's competition & women's toilets. That's like a reasonable claim that conservatives have real depth in and most smart people will side with them, especially since women themselves already feel uncomfortable with it. 30% of the conservatives are impossible to convince. There are many smart conservatives who could have been swayed will still remain with the idiotic conservatives who are downright homophobic, because of fringe issues like this. In short, do you think there is anything that the current LBGTQ movement is doing it wrong, or are they right all the time? Do you have any sublte criticisms of the movement? Also instead of outright silencing them, I would recommend convincing the smart conservatives to change camps. Because there are some legitimacy to their claims as I have mentioned above. Such issues do need to be sorted out. You cannot be confused and still conduct sports and daily life, atleast that's my proposition.
  21. I remember my teenage years as already being confused enough having to accomodate for 2 genders. Imagine growing up with n number of genders.
  22. Exactly my point. And behaviour changes are not because someone went all the way to deconstruct something. There could be mass murder in the streets and we will still see people say, "muh constructions". Yeah I know, what are you going to do about it?