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About Bobby_2021

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  • Birthday 04/01/1999

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  1. Multipolarity can plausibly lead to anarchy. Unipolarity will inevitably lead to anarchy. You only need to elect one moron to crash the entire structure. This really is a problem, especially felt with the direct attack on sovereign Russian territory with ATACMS and storm shadows. Basically gets to have a free pass on coups, wars, attacks etc while riding on their superficial moral high ground. China and Russia has to balance his tightly without taking the military route, but it's quite difficult when there is an unruly driver on the road. So in this case the arms race scenario is becomes real. But the kicker is that it really doesn't have to be. China has had a centrally planned economy for more than 2000 years. Expecting them to transition to some other form of government stems from a lack of understanding Chinese culture and their psyche. People don't give a single flying fuck about censorship if they get to have good houses, jobs, infrastructure and upward mobility for the lower strata of society. Ironically in America we are increasingly seeing more and more censorship and the consolidation of the surveillance state. Western values are slowly being eroded. That is on top of low home ownership or the benefits that their earlier generation used to enjoy.
  2. I'd say you would be born again in some other finite form, and that form will die and reimagine yourself in some other form and on and on forever and ever. This shit never ends.
  3. On my experiences with DeepSeek: I recently had a real life technical problem. I fed the problem into claude 3.5 sonnet and DeepSeek. Sonnet hinted at the correct solution but felt like it was doubting itself. I gave it a little more information and then I asked it to reconfirm itself. Then it thought through the prompt and eventually fixed on the right answer. The same problem I fed into DeepSeek and it came to the right answer in just one prompt. It's reasoning skills are superb. It asserted the right answer in one go. But the API is under severe load from all the users so that is a bummer for the moment. I hope they fix it so that I can use DeepSeek for the most hardest technical problems and Sonnet for more human like problems.
  4. Share you experiences with different AIs and how it helped you with specific use cases. For me the most important aspect of Claude is how much it feels like communicating with another human. So this has a latent learning effect since it always feels like some superior teacher is explaining things to you. This is a genius design decision from Anthropic. This is different from OpenAI where it simply throws a lot of stuff at you as it feels like a machine talking.
  5. We need to make it clear what does it mean to "be on top". (No pun intended.) Economic domination devoid of military is preferable. The problem with western dominance and the reason it is unsustainable is that it uses military, coups and sanctions to establish domination over others and this is self defeating. This is why China produces better AI and Russia has a far more resilient economy. Every country should maximize economic prosperity. If China can produce more phone and technology, and that is what you refer to as domination, that is a good thing. But dominating other countries by means of military and threats is self defeating. Just like chattel slavery was unsustainable because you can put people in chains for so long. This type of slavery is undesirable and unsustainable. @zazen What do you think?
  6. White supremacists at one time put forth the same argument. That one race absolutely has to dominate the others, else those other races will dominate us. Later we found out that multiple district races of people can live in harmony with each other without having to dominate each other. That doesn't lead to anarchy at all. Multi polar world is absolutely not only plausible but also inevitable. The trend is set. Each major power will have to be content with it's own sphere of influence. US, Russia, China will all get to have it's own spheres of influence. China is not seeking global domination, neither is Russia, nor is India. But they do want their own spheres of influence. They will use military if they have to. And they will win because it is closer to their borders. Seeking global domination is a uniquely western thing. You can't seriously assert that India who never once in history ever dominated another culture is just as pacifist/domineering as US or Britan.
  7. Imagine the kind of stuff we could accomplish if the west were not hell bend on bullying the rest of the world with whatever crumbs they have got and instead worked with them. The people should vote against this nonsense. Everyone hates Altman at this point. Karma indeed.
  8. I think people are missing the point of some values resulting in less slavery. If western values result in less slavery, then it is superior. But it does NOT result in less slavery. That is the point. It results in slavery across the globe. So western values are NOT superior. That is where the conversation stops. A new conversation is on WHY does western values use slavery from the rest of the world. Most people here are trying to explain why western values use slavery from the rest of the world. But that accepts that western values does need a ton of slavery. No one asked you to explain WHY.
  9. @Joshe Finally someone made good use of the code feature. Also, Where do you enable the dark mode? Is that a browser extension?
  10. Please go check the stats. Russia being a much bigger country has more or less the same standard of living as Romanians as per United Nations. Romanians do not enjoy a standard of living significantly more than the Russians. I am not talking out of my ass. But actual statistics from the United Nations. ----------- Poland is indeed better, but that means you are reaching the far limits of neoliberalism, the further east you go. Why is that Poland not as developed as the Germany or uk? Neoliberalism would not have worked in Russia for the same reason it would not have worked in Ukraine. The further easy you go the more it weakens. Vibes. Should be good for doing great philosophy. Damn.
  11. Thanks for posting! Going to take a look.
  12. Note: Remember, a retreating army will take the highest number of causalities right before collapse. The sooner this is over, the better is for all sides involved. AFU is getting pummeled. Sad to watch.
  13. West finds it a threat when Chinese nerds uphold western values and not milk them for profits.
  14. The german firewall is showing signs of cracks and fissures. Elon Musks constant appearances has a non trivial effect on this, let's say.