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Everything posted by thombee

  1. Here's something that sometimes helps me as a people-pleaser, not sure if it will help with you but give it a go and test it. Whenever I think, "omg what will he/she think of me?", instead of flinching at the thought, I go into it FULLY. I actually visualise myself as the other person. So for your boss example, I would imagine that I am the boss. So I see myself in third person delivering the news that I am going to quit. Then I notice how I (as the boss) feel in response to that news. If you're a people pleaser like me, you'll notice that usually whenever someone else inconveniences you, you never get angry but are always accomodating and pleasant about it, right? So with this visualisation trick, we leverage our people pleasing tendencies and put that ON the boss! So now as I am the boss, when I see myself handing in the resignation letter, as the boss I'm not mad but very understanding. I've tried this a couple times and it always seems to put me at ease. Give it a shot! I'm so bad at explaining stuff, hopefully that made sense, lemme know if you need clarification.