Rishi K Dev

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Everything posted by Rishi K Dev

  1. how to be free from emotional attachment towards a person. I always think about that person and looking for their validation, and also so worried about their loss from my life. I don't know how that person is feeling about myself, but i am so attached to the. Please share your thoughts or good related sources in internet. THANK YOU ❤️
  2. @puporing @Raze @AJBrew @Rafael Thundercat @Basman @Tyler Robinson @Ulax Thank you guys. greatful for the valuable informations.
  3. It would be nice to share a video about "dealing emotional labour in spiritual work/ self actualization"❤️
  4. Leo, can u do an episode about how to manege with fear and existential crisis which comes in the way when doing enlightenment work. Personally for me glimpsing the absolute while self inquiry is bit terrifying some times. Becoming mindful about the emotions and letting go at these times is very helpful. But can u do a seperate episode about this topic
  5. Leo can u do a video about language. Its birth and evolution, and how it takes part in self deception. Also if any one have high quality teaching about language, please share.
  6. Is it because of the fact that the language can't explain with language?
  7. I looked many resources, if you can find high quality resources about language please share?