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Everything posted by NightHawkBuzz

  1. That's true but it doesn't change the fact of how reality is. Their is so much suffering and pain that happens. Life is a very tragic thing to experience as everyone will go through something bad in life. No matter your situation that is the truth of life.
  2. @r0ckyreed Yeah because to me it's not about beliefs it's about truth. Everything I said in this post is what reality actually is.
  3. These ghetto kids I went to high school with would act like damn fools sometimes and it was actually scary to see how they would act. Like when they were upset they would start punching the school lockers with their first. Also, when they would be upset they would get into confrontations with people and they would start throwing chairs around the classroom and they had to be held back. It was honestly scary to see how these ghetto kids would behave sometimes. It was very intense and very scary at first but then overtime I became use to it because I regularly saw it.
  4. @bebotalk Yeah it's not about race at the ghetto school I went to there were white and hispanic kids who were acting the same way not just black kids. Ghetto isn't about race it's about the rough poor environments they grow up in. There were plenty of White and Hispanics kids at my school acting ghetto just like the black kids. So it's not a matter of race it's about the environment you are growing up in.
  5. @bebotalk Yeah you're right that is why I never mentioned race because it is not about race. At the high school I went to there were plenty of white and hispanic kids who were in the same ghetto environment and were acting the same way as the black kids there. That's why I didn't mention race because I know it's not a racial thing because at the ghetto school I went to other races like White and Hispanic kids were acting the same way not just the black kids.
  6. Like I said I went to a ghetto high school and then a college with more civilized people it was crazy to see the difference between how ghetto people act vs how civilized people act.
  7. @Leo Gura Your right the ghetto school I went to was extremely rough. It's like you said it was literally like trying to survive in a desert or a warzone. The ghetto kids there behave so animalistic and so much different from civilized people. There was constantly arguments happening and huge confrontations going on that would stop everything in the classroom and then security had to be called in. These ghetto kids had NO RESPECT for anyone or anything. They talked and spoke so nasty, disrespectful and rude it was crazy. These kids were so wild, crazy and chaotic. These ghetto kids were always ready to fight at any possible second and even the teachers didn't have control over the classroom because they didn't know how to handle these kids. These people were chaotic, animalistic, aggressive and wild. These ghetto kids were more like animals then people. Also the kids acted very scary, wild and crazy. Whenever these ghetto kids were mad they would do scary things like start punching lockers with their fist or they would take their frustrations out on you by going off on you. Ghetto people are the worst of the worst. If you ever get yourself into a ghetto environment like I did you'll see it's like a battlefield.
  8. Ghetto people are the worst people to be around. The high school I was at was full of ghetto people and they cause so much chaos, mayhem and destruction you can barley get anything done. There were constantly confrontations happening in the classroom that would stop any learning that was going on and it would disrupt everything. Then security would have to be called to remove the students. This would happen constantly and even one time a teacher of ours resigned after there was a huge confrontation that happened in the classroom the day before and it stopped everything that was going on. Ghetto people are the most unproductive people to ever be around. You simply can't get anything done with them because they are constantly acting so chaotic and disruptive.
  9. @Princess Arabia I agree thank you for saying this and I will ignore @Creatorbeing . It is a legitimate question as I have experienced it all first hand from the school I went to know so I know what I am talking about. I never brought up race once this is just him accusing me of stuff that I have never said or brought up.
  10. @Princess Arabia Exactly everything I said was true. I went to a school full of ghetto kids and I experienced it all myself so I know it's true. @Creatorbeing just doesn't know what they are talking about.
  11. @Princess Arabia Thank you for saying this. Your right I was just making an observation from my own personal real life experience. I wasn't at all being discriminate or prejudiced in my post. All I am trying to do is understand why ghetto people act the way they do since I went to a school full of ghetto kids when I grew up and it had a huge impact on my learning when I went to school. Everything I did say was true as ghetto people do act this way and I never brought up race at all before in my post. @Creatorbeing made it a racial thing when I never brought race once. There mind went there when my post never brought up race once so they do need to be careful asking questions that have nothing to do with the post because they are assuming things that were never said.
  12. Um everything I said was the truth being in a school full of ghetto people is extremely hard to survive in vs being in a school with civilized people. Everything I said was the truth and I'm not the cause of discrimination at all. It's people like you that have no idea what they are talking about who make stupid comments like this.
  13. Yeah I know the ghetto high school I went to was horrible. There were arguments that broke out all the time there was always chaos in the classroom. Being in a school full of ghetto people was horrible it was mayhem and destruction with the way they act. Yeah there were know it alls at my college for sure.
  14. I want to start off saying that I am not judging anyone being a cashier or putting this career down in anyway. I am curious though what happens to people in life that some end up on very different paths than others. I am curious what the differences are in life that have someone working as a cashier as there job at a store when they might not want to be doing that vs someone who is viewed to be highly successful and famous in life. For example what are the differences in life that make someone end up being a cashier at Jewel who might hate that job vs someone ending up being seen as highly successful like Donald Trump or Taylor Swift who like their job. Like what are the things that happen in life that make people end up on these very different paths?
  15. @Leo Gura I agree it is about ambition. But do you also think it has anything to do with the parents you were born to as well? Some people were saying that Donald Trump and Taylor Swift were born into money and influence while the cashiers of the world are not so that might also play a role in it. Do you think it does play a role or is it only ambition? Like for example Donald Trump inherited 413 million dollars from his parents. Some would say that gave him a big advantage in life because he was born into money and influence while the cashiers of the world did not inherit a large sum of money like that from their parents and didn't have the same opportunities that Trump had.
  16. I am asking this question because I look at someone like Donald Trump who was born to rich parents and this did have a big affect on his life. He went to some of the best schools, lived in the best environments and had the best upbringing. Also the biggest thing of all is that he inherited 413 Million dollars from his parents. Him being able to inherit that type of wealth significantly contributed to his success in his businesses and him being able to win the presidency. He never had to worry about money and him being born into parents that were wealthy made him be able to succeed in life. Then I look at people who don't come from rich parents who have a much harder time in life going to the worst schools, living in poverty and not having the advantages that someone like Trump had. Also all of the disadvantages that a person has who is born to poor parents sometimes can stop them from succeeding in life because they just didn't have the same opportunities available. I am wondering how big of an affect do you think being born into rich parents has on someone succeeding in life instead of them being born into parents who aren't wealthy.
  17. It's definitely a huge advantage a person who inherits 413 million dollars like Trump, that plays a huge factor in someone becoming successful vs a person who comes from a poor family and doesn't have those advantages.
  18. I agree it does. Going to a rich private school vs going to a shady public school makes a huge difference in your survival chances.
  19. I'm talking about individual success. I am saying inheriting a large amount of money like he did gives you the power and influence in life that most people wouldn't have. He was able to become president and one of the reasons is because he was rich on his own and was able to use a lot of his own money to become the president. I am saying money gives you a better chance of survival and it gives you opportunities for power influence a lot of people wouldn't have.
  20. True I am just saying being born to rich parents puts you in a good chance on succeeding in life even though you never had to work for it because you are most likely going to be in the best schools, environments and have opportunities to do things that most people just don't that are poor. Also, inheriting a trust fund of 413 million dollars like Donald Trump did is absolutely huge in helping you becoming successful like.
  21. It might be BS but it helps though look at Trump if he came from poor parents he might not be the success that we know today.
  22. @Heaven Yeah I mean like Donald Trump success. He inherited 413 million dollars from his parents. That type of money and the lifestyle he lives give you access and power to things that most people simply just don't have. Coming from wealthy parents your chances of succeeding a much higher simply because you will have more opportunities than some people.
  23. What I have noticed in life is that there are SO many people who treat basketball like it is everything. There are so many communities and people who treat basketball like it is the most important thing in life. There are so many people who treat basketball like it is the only thing that exist and that anyone who achieves success in that particular area is just so much better and important than everyone else. Also in society there are so many basketball players who get placed on such a high pedestal and they have so many people looking up to them. I guess I am wondering why so many people in our society treat basketball as if it is just everything in life and that the people that become successful in it are just so much important than everyone else.
  24. I have decided that I want to become a politician. I have 40 things that I am trying to accomplish in politics. I am wondering how can I ensure that I have the best possible chance of winning a seat in congress when I decided to run? What are some things I can do to make sure that I win?
  25. I was watching MSNBC earlier this week and they said if Trump wins the presidency again he will become the most powerful man on the planet. So I am wondering how can any politician not just Trump become the most powerful man on earth? When I was watching the program they explained that it is because he will make sure everyone in his administration does exactly what he wants them to and they will be loyal to him and not the constitution. I'm wondering though are there more steps to this that Trump is going to do that will would make him the most powerful person in the world? How does something like this even happen? How can any politician not just Trump even become the most powerful person on the planet? I guess I'm just curious to know what they fully mean by this and how this even works in terms of power?