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Everything posted by NightHawkBuzz

  1. @Emerald You can just turn yourself gay and start making yourself attracted to the same sex that's how. You can change the natural hormones inside your body.
  2. @DLH I can't accept other people's beliefs when it affects me. LGBTQ community affects me and everyone else that's why I can't just accept it.
  3. @ICURBlessings I'm not confusing gay and transgender. Gay people literally change the hormones inside of your body. The hormones inside your body literally crave and make you want to reproduce with the opposite sex. You can say I'm wrong all you want but I know I'm 100% right on this.
  4. @Alex M What I am saying is that the hormones inside your body LITERALLY make you attracted to the opposite sex for everyone. No one is born gay you literally have to change the hormones inside of your body and start actively attempting to be attracted to the same sex to be gay and bisexual.
  5. @DLH I have thought about becoming an independent actually. The reason that I haven't done it yet is because I felt like I might be stopped from moving my way up the way I want to. I have huge political goals one day wanting to become the President, Vice President or Speaker of the House and I feel like being an independent might hurt me doing so because they usually don't win huge political races like that.
  6. @ICURBlessings I'm right your natural hormones make you attracted to the opposite sex and once you change that you can't undo it. It's just a fact you can say I'm wrong but I know I'm right.
  7. @aurum Yeah but there are people who don't want to wear LGBTQ jerseys who are being forced to do so as well. And yes that is forcing someone to participate in something they don't want to do. Also, the community could be trying to force people or influence them to become LGBTQ as well.
  8. @Emerald It's actual the opposite it is a scientific perspective. The natural hormones inside your body make you attracted to the opposite sex and gay people decide to change that in their bodies. Nobody is naturally attracted to the same sex you have to actively decided to do that.
  9. @Leo Gura Yeah I agree but I still thought you may have had some suggestions or ideas though for me though.
  10. @Emerald What I believe is that your hormones literally design you to be attracted to the opposite sex for every human being. What gay and bisexual people do is actively change the hormones inside of their body on purpose as your body is literally designed for you to be attracted to and reproduce with the opposite sex. I believe it is extremely dangerous for the lgbtq community to be accepted as normal in society because it could influence or even attempt to force other people to change the hormones inside their body. Once you change the hormones inside your body you can't just reverse that, that is why I believe it is extremely dangerous for the lgbtq community to be open and accepted the way it is.
  11. @aurum That may not always be there intentions but that's what happens in society though. They either want to influence you or force you to join the LGBTQ community or they want you to have something to do with it. For example now at some sports game they are forcing the players to try to wear lgbtq jerseys for pride month. You went from just accepting the community to now being forced to have something to do with it even though you didn't want to.
  12. @Leo Gura What do you think I should do about my whole problem here though. I feel more comfortable running as a Democrat because I am half white and half black. I feel that I would be prohibited from moving up in the Republican Party the way I want to because they have never elected any person of color to be Speaker of the House, Vice President or President before. My goal is to get extremely far in politics and I feel I might be restricted running as a Republican because of my mixed race. However, I have way more Republican Party beliefs than I do democrat. I would like to pass a large amount of anti-lgbtq laws and I know I won't be able to do that if I run as a democrat. So what do you think I should do here?
  13. @ICURBlessings I would say the beliefs that are held on by Christians.
  14. Right now I am currently going back to school to get my masters in public policy. I am volunteering for a political campaign. I plan to work my way up to eventually run for congress one day. How much of a shot do I honestly have in reaching the speakership one day? What are my chances of reaching this position and what can I do to improve my chances as well?
  15. @Leo Gura I feel like you might be comparing two different things though. Race and sexuality are different to me. I have a problem with the LGBTQ community because like you said they can influence culture as much as non-gays. That's why I said there are three steps in this process when you accept a community like this. The last step in all of this participation. A community like this will try to influence or force you to engage in this behavior even if you don't want to. I won't be influenced but they could influence other people to engage in this behavior and culture by being accepted into society. I want gays not to influence culture because when they do that what happens is that they can influence other people into engaging into homosexual behavior when they weren't even thinking like that in the first place. Do you understand what I am saying the big problem with this is that they can influence or force other people into engaging into the LGBTQ community.
  16. @Emerald Yes that is what happens when communities like this are accepted and then celebrated the last step is they want you to participate in the community. Either they want you to join the LGBTQ community or you have to have something to do with this particular group. That is why I personally find this so dangerous. I believe it impacts me because these communities don't just want to be accepted in society they will then try to force or influence you to participate in this behavior.
  17. @ICURBlessings The danger is that if we allow homosexuality to be open and accepted in society as normal it could potentially influence other people who aren't homosexual to participate in such dangerous behavior. It's dangerous behavior because homosexuality is about people changing the hormones inside their body and if we allow it to considered normal in society other people could be influenced to change the hormones inside their body as wel.
  18. @ICURBlessings Yeah I don't agree with everything that Mike Johnson said in his quote I do think that trying to make the claim that accepting gay marriage would lead to support for pedophilia is very ridiculous. However I do agree with his stance that it is a dangerous lifestyle and other abnormal behaviors and lifestyle changes would have to be accepted as well. I think it is one of the most dangerous things in the world.
  19. What happens when you accept communities like the LGBTQ community is that the last step in all of this is that they try to get you participate in these communities which becomes the big problem.
  20. @Leo Gura Yeah because that's not where the LGBTQ community ends by just accepting there rights. That's why I linked the video to you to because I think it gives you an accurate representation of what happens when you accept the LGBTQ community in society. Three are three steps when it comes to accepting the LGBTQ community and the last step is the one that most people don't understand that happens. 1. First step is to Tolerate the existence of the community 2. Second step is to Celebrate the existence of the community 3. The Third step which is the one that most people don't realize comes with all of the LGBTQ acceptance is now we want you to Participate in this community in some way which is you either have to join the LGBTQ community or have something to do with this group. This third step is why I am very anti lgbtq as I know that this is what happens when a community like this is being tolerated and accepted in society. I think you and most people might not realize that there is a final step when you accept a group like this in society which is why I feel it is extremely dangerous.
  21. @Leo Gura I'm not trying to be homophobic I am just trying to explain why I believe the LGBTQ community is such a dangerous life style and why it is so harmful.
  22. @DocWatts @ICURBlessings I got a quote from Mike Johnson from article below and this is what he has said about homosexual relationships. “Homosexual relationships are inherently unnatural and, the studies clearly show, are ultimately harmful and costly for everyone,” he wrote. “Society cannot give its stamp of approval to such a dangerous lifestyle. If we change marriage for this tiny, modern minority, we will have to do it for every deviant group. Polygamists, polyamorists, pedophiles, and others will be next in line to claim equal protection. They already are. There will be no legal basis to deny a bisexual the right to marry a partner of each sex, or a person to marry his pet.” The whole article is here
  23. @DocWatts Actually I'll make it a better place by passing laws that stop such dangerous harmful behavior.
  24. @Phil King I already watched this video before. I have more things I want to accomplish that's not the only reason I am going into politics. However I just can't accept the lgbtq community. It is an extremely dangerous abnormal lifestyle that should never be accepted in society.