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Everything posted by NightHawkBuzz

  1. @mattm33 I'll just do it secretly I won't say it because I need to get as many votes as possible. I never said I needed to run as a democrat I was just wondering if I could but I don't have to I can still run as a republican with an anti LGBTQ agenda and win. People don't have to help me do that but I have to stand my values and beliefs. I will stand by an anti lgbtq agenda forever.
  2. @Jacob Morres I don't have to run as a dem I can still run as a republican. I can never accept the LGBTQ community in society because I know how bad of a lifestyle it is to accept. You can win as a republican with an anti LGBTQ agenda still look at Mike Johnson. Clarence Thomas wants the Supreme Court to review the decision that made same sex marriage legal. I hope we can one day overturn the decision that made same sex marriage legal and criminalize homosexuality.
  3. @_Archangel_ But that's not what happens what goes on is that instead of just being accepted into society they try to influence or force other people to engage in homosexuality.
  4. @Leo Gura Yeah because I am 100% right and I know what I am talking about. When you accept homosexuality in society gay people can become extremely overbearing and try to influence or force other people to become LGBTQ or participate in the gay community. Some people here just think that you are accepting the gay community into society but your not you are actually allowing them to potentially influence or force other people into that behavior. I told you the last step in accepting the LGBTQ community is Participation. Eventually they will try to force you or influence you to participate in that community which is why it is extremely dangerous. I just have to stand by my values because I know how dangerous it is to accept the LGBTQ community into society.
  5. @Jacob Morres Yes your environment can affect your sexuality that is why homosexuality is a dangerous lifestyle because someone's environment can influence them to be gay.
  6. @mattm33 I have explained it when homosexuality is accepted in society some gay people become very overbearing and try to influence or force others to become homosexual. They try to influence other people to become gay and engage in such lifestyle that is why it is extremely dangerous.
  7. @mattm33 No it's not gay people can be very overbearing and try to influence their beliefs on other people. I've seen it happen before which is why I can't support homosexuality because I know how dangerous of a lifestyle it is.
  8. @Raze I would have to say through my policy ideas an what I would like to implement could offer donors value.
  9. I am looking for any suggestions or ideas on what more I can potentially do in politics. Below are the things I am currently doing and have done as of now. 1. I am currently volunteering to help a candidate who is running for office and there election will be on November 5th the same day of the Presidental election. 2. I am getting my master's degree in Public Policy to be a Politician. 3. I attended a One Day Political Event specifically designed to teach me more about what it is like to run for office. I am wondering if anyone has any suggestions or ideas on what more I can currently do in politics for now.
  10. @Raze I've started to build some connections. I still need to get in touch with wealthy donors. I can working on my speaking skills as well and building a brand with a following like you said. I'm thinking the way I get in touch with donors is through my connections. Do you have any thoughts on how I can get in touch with wealthy donors or is that way through my connections?
  11. @Emerald Your totally wrong you can literally force yourself to be gay even if your not. Look at Richard Speck he was a heterosexual men that turned homosexual to survive in prison. That is proof that you can force yourself to engage in homosexuality even if you are straight period.
  12. @Yimpa This is the reason why we can't accept the existence of LGBTQ community though because it's not like the group is just apart of society. What happens is that some people in the LGBTQ community are extremely overbearing and they try to influence and force others to be gay. The LGBTQ community doesn't just exist it tries to influence, force and become overbearing to other people that is the huge problem. We can't recognize the existence of the community because this is what happens.
  13. @Emerald Exactly it's like what you said straightness is a purity and once your mind get's infected it can't go back.
  14. @Yimpa Well whether you like it or not homosexuality is a very dangerous, harmful and unnatural lifestyle.
  15. @Emerald Exactly that's what it is it's purity what's your mind has been infected and changed it can never go back to being unpure again.
  16. @Staples I support criminalizing because homosexuality is a very dangerous lifestyle that has harmful benefits for everyone in society. Gay people are very overbearing and they try to influence others to engage in such lifestyle and change the natural horomones inside there body as well.
  17. @yetineti I don't care what you say. I KNOW what I'm talking about. Your brain and body is literally hardwired to be attracted to the opposite sex and want to mate and reproduce. Anyone that's gay is literally changing the natural horomones inside their body and then trying to act like they were born gay when that's literally not possible. Your literally on this earth to mate and reproduce with the opposite sex you are literally changing the horomones inside your body to be attracted to the same sex.
  18. @Bobby_2021 That's what I am saying you can actively change the hormones inside your body to be attracted to the opposite sex. Being 'born gay" is bullshit to me and nobody will ever convince me otherwise. Your brain and your body is LITERALLY designed to want to reproduce and mate with the opposite sex. It's literally what keeps the human species alive your hormones that desire you to be with the opposite sex. Anyone that's gay has changed the horomones inside their body and decided to become gay.
  19. @yetineti It is a real problem that LGBTQ community is a very dangerous harmful community that has bad effects for everyone.
  20. @Bobby_2021 Yes and homosexuals try to influence others to become gay. Gay people can be extremely overbearing and try to influence others into such a negative dangerous lifestyle.
  21. @Leo Gura Homosexuality is very dangerous lifestyle and the it's harmful and costly to everyone in society.
  22. @Emerald I waited a long time to respond to this and It's simply because you just can. That's it you just can and it's very dangerous to be around in society.
  23. There is a new sport called Power Slap that was created in 2022 by Dana White. A lot of people might see the sport as silly. However I don't necessarily see it as silly I believe it is just proof that we just make up things to do in life and that everything we do can be considered silly with no true purpose. Every sport can be considered silly with no true purpose at all not just this one. Below is a clip of the new sport.
  24. For Snapchat not only do you have to wait 30 days to delete your account. Now if you reactivate your account you have to wait 3 more days to even delete your account again. You didn't have to wait 3 days to delete your account if you reactivated it but now they have added this which is just another way to make it more difficult to delete social media. They just keep making these apps harder and harder to delete and stay off of.
  25. Other than politics what jobs give you power and influence?