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About Mariem

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  • Birthday 10/05/1993

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  1. Hi friends, thank you for all your answers. it means a lot to me. @aurum but what's the point of pursuing success, what's the point of contribution, the world is taking care of itself .. the world is not waiting me to wake up in the morning to make a difference ... I feel like i lost all the motivation, enthusiasm and attachement to goals and achievement. I cant see a deep reason to set goals ! @poimandres is he really in control of his destiny? how can i direct my path ? I am not even capable of controlling my breathing or heart rate , it s already have been taken into account ...
  2. Hi guys! Do you think you found your life purpose? Do you feel conformable to share it with us? What does it look like to have a life purpose? Enlighten us by sharing your thoughts and ideas! Thank you!
  3. Hi @Leo Gura ! you have no idea how much i love your channel ! and you too ^^" i'm so excited to see your answer !! T_T what I want to say leo, is that in this last year after discovering your channel and self-actualization, i developed a new lifestyle : minimalism, meditation, compassion, ego death, i'm working on veganism .. I have no more this attachment to success, to achieving goals, to change the word and to create a better life.. because i believe that what matters is the quality of life, whether it's peaceful or stressful ... if i had the choice, i would go for the first lifestyle. My life purpose is to enjoy every moment of my life, to share love and compassion with all beings.. I have no profound reason to set goals and to try to achieve them, because that only brings stress, deception and fake fulfillment !! Am i becoming a Zen devil? I'am so confused!
  4. Hello, after watching leo's video about Zen devil, I'm confused and I have this question in my head that i want to share with you. if I give you the choice between two lifestyles: 1) a farmer, living a peaceful life , full or gratitude, love ,compassion.. he developed the quality of his life by meditating, becoming more conscious, less stressed and fearful.a loving person that shares his love not only with his family but with all beings around him 2) a business man, very ambitious, he has goals and dreams, big dreams, unrealistic dreams but he's depressed, stressed and unhappy..a workaholic person, even if he is working all the time he's never fulfilled, he always wants more.. will you choose the first or second choice and why?
  5. @Ryan_047 , what i learned from this forum and the inner work that i'm doing is that what matters really is the quality of the moment, being conscious aware and connected with your true self... once you get there, you'll have all kind of insights that will help you to find your life passion..
  6. @Gone if all leo's videos on youtube, and all the topics in the forum, and all those wonderful egoless people is "manipulation", well i want to be "manipulated" all the time X)
  7. @30secs , i'm so glad to hear that i'm not the only one struggling in this x) as eckhart tolle say, thoughts are little entities that want to grow that's why they use our attention. and that's why it is hard to observe them. i think that it needs some practice, and by practice i mean meditation in order to develop techniques to observe thoughts like: 1) "becoming conscious of your breath" @Naviy 2) "let the thoughts pass, like clouds give them no attention" @charlie2dogs 3)"Be gentle about the thoughts like you are holding a baby" as you said.
  8. @Naviy ok, that seems to be very useful, i'll try thanks!!
  9. @charlie2dogs thank you very much, i will apply what you said ^^
  10. @cetus56 , when i m the sky i don't see clouds they don't exist .( when i'm meditating, there is no thoughts only presence, even if a thought arises i bring my attention to the present moment and the thought dissolves). but in my daily life, when i'm not meditating, if a thought arises , an automatic identification will happens ( i become the cloud) . so either i'm "the sky" or "cloud(s)", it is difficult for me to be the sky and to observe the clouds coming and going , do you see what i mean?