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About Enizeo

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  • Birthday 09/17/1996

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  1. Leo on why meditation alone won‘t work
    Can intelligence be comprehended?
    @Francis777 Your realizations are gonna be pitiful if you don't learn to properly use your mind to deconstruct all sorts of ideas.
    This is why no amount of simple meditation is enough to reach the highest levels of consciousness. You cannot meditate your way out of illusion and self-deception.

  2. Elaborate Summary of Mahamudra
    I Asked Peter Ralston About Psychedelics, Here Is His Response...
    Let me try to answer your questions as brief as possible. That is challenging, because the Mahamudra system is technically very complex with many stages. I like to compare Zen/Theravada to cutting a tree with an axe, while Mahamudra is something like a forest harvester: The axe was available already in stone-age and worked, robust and slow. The forest harvester needs precise handling and thorough understanding & training, but is waaay faster.
    Anyway, lets try the impossible at least roughly. Here is my main thread of the explanation on Mahamudra in the Pointing out the Great Way style (Daniel Brown, 600 page book, around 200-300 pages on the juicy main-practice-stages of Mahamudra). 
    To give you an idea/feeling (not really possible to do in brief, but I try): The description of two main steps:
    Stage 1 of 4, Skill of Recognition
    Stage 3 of 4, Yoga of One Taste (One Taste = Nondual)
    Lets start with Stage 1 of 4, Skill of Recognition
    It is a "High-Speed-Search-Task into Nature of thoughts, into the "Unfindability/Emptiness" of thoughts. They evaporate when looking into their nature. 
    The nature of every emerging thought/concept, emerging out of Infinite Consciousness/Absolute Reality): And the nature of thoughts is its unfindability: Thoughts have no location, they are "made"/essence out of Infinite Consciousness. Thoughts dissolve when looking into their nature (Aware Empty Infinite Consciousness). One can never "find" a thought. They dissolve when looking into their essence. They move within onself, and dissolve when looking into them And that process/phenomenon is used. and with that cutting off (=Trekchö), since its nature is empty Infinite Consciousness/Suchness. Consciousness literally stops the thought then. At one point when one is fast enough, one sees the order of emergence IN the Infinite Mind is
    Understanding or just some other cause Thought emergence (fully formed, fully emerging in mili-seconds, but not yet "elaborated-out" over several seconds) being elaborated out over a part of a second to several seconds) And step 3 doesn't happen then. It is cut off. THAT is was brings Awakened States (nondual, boundless, basically if done fast enough. The thought "capsules" start emerging faster and faster then, 10-20 thoughts capsules per second+, and at some point Awareness stays "on top" of even that. That is where the magic starts (Nonduality begins developing, and the mindstream can get silent, bliss starts flowing. A very discrete and "hard" psychological process).
    And that happens in the beginning phases still on the pillow, but can also happen very much in daily life when intensive thought activity is not necessary. Later, it becomes also possible with sophisticated intellectual/creative thinking, when Awareness has become strong enough to stay lucid THROUGH the thought-elaboration. No longer hypnotized, the creative/intellectual happening within oneself on auto-pilot. Awakened Awareness and its Infinite Intelligence tends to take over, the separate-self/ego gets out of the way. That makes it also much more effective, since the ego/separte-self tended to act as a filter. From this Awakenened Awareness all intelligence and creativity comes from anyway, that is why creativity is so highly valued and pleasurable. This Awakened Awareness is the source of bliss anyway....
    So, then the next step described in this post (Stage 2, see link above, jumped due to the specific question of Leo for "daily" practice:
    Stage 3 of 4, Yoga of One Taste. One Taste = Nondual boundless consciousness. Getting that into daily life. When enough proficiency of creating lucid states with this High-Speed-Cutoff is generated, the Awareness/Lucidity doesn't get lost when thinking. It stays. And with it the Awakened States. And then daily life starts getting nondual, especially if no academic thinking is necessary (still large parts of the day).  With academic style thinking/creative thinking, it takes more Lucidity/Training, but is doable.  
    2nd TOPIC OF THIS POST: God-Realization in your words, or "You become conscious of God as an Infinite Mind dreaming up reality."
    And this (Yoga of One Taste) brings us then to the "base camp of Full Enlightenment", the "jumping platform" where Full Enlightenment can happen (some of which main aspects you refer to with God Realization): Stage 4, Yoga of Nonmeditation. I have written elsewhere about it, see link above. The Nondual Stages of Yoga of One Taste would get confirmed in other traditions (Zen for example) as Enlightenment/Satori/Kensho. But not Great/Full Enlightenment, or God-Realization in your wording. That is an "accident", for which Stage 3&4 make accident-prone.
    I agree with you that Emptiness/Void is neither God Realization nor Full Enlightenment, where also that "You become conscious of God as an Infinite Mind dreaming up reality" is realized. I am starting more to understand why you emphasize that in your language/system of experience, and I agree on the importance of it. In Zen, there is a differentiation between just shallower Enlightenments (Kenshos, Satoris) into the empty nature of all appearance, or into emptiness. The separte-self can still be very alive then.
    The Full Enlightenment on the other side, the total dissolution of the separate-self, leaves one with exactly that realization: "You become conscious of God as an Infinite Mind dreaming up reality." Although there is no more you, nor God, but Reality itself becoming consciousness OF itself IMAGINING itself as all there ever could be.
    This Enlightenment is probably between 10-50 less common than the real thing of Full Enlightenment. Probably that is why you are so annoyed with the large majority of Buddhist Enlightenments (either contemporarily claimed or described in literature).
    Let me give you four examples of that differentiation (I could give many more, but that would blast the post. Ok, I admit, its already blasted and way too long... forgive me).
    1) Huang Po
    "One Mind
    Huángbò's teaching centered on the concept of “mind” (Chinese: hsin), a central issue for Buddhism in China for the previous two centuries or more. He taught that mind cannot be sought by the mind. One of his most important sayings was “mind is the Buddha”. He said:
    All the Buddhas and all sentient beings are nothing but the One Mind, beside which nothing exists [red by me]. The One Mind alone is the Buddha, and there is no distinction between the Buddha and sentient beings.[8]
    He also said: To awaken suddenly to the fact that your own Mind is the Buddha [Nothing exists beside IT=God=Reality=True You], that there is nothing to be attained or a single action to be performed – this is the Supreme Way.[9]"
    2) Yogachara school
    "The very notion of the “not-twoness” of Emptiness and Form opened the door, as we briefly mentioned, to other even “stronger” versions of nonduality or (metaphoric!) Wholeness, one of the most prominent being the Yogachara, introduced by the half‑brothers Asanga (more of a brilliant innovator) and Vasubandhu (more of an acute synthesizer). Another name for their school—Vijnaptimatra—is usually translated as “Mind-only” or “Representation-only.” The point here is that the “not-twoness” of Emptiness and Form allowed some philosopher-sages to come up with other terms for the “Form” that was seamlessly conjoined with ultimate Emptiness or Shunyata, one of them being “Mind” itself. The idea was that “Mind” itself was the same as Emptiness—the Yogachara philosophers were adamant that they were talking about the same “unqualifiable” Emptiness that Nagarjuna was, but by also referring to it as “Mind” they were giving (some would say metaphorically, some would say absolutely) a type of compass that would help relate ultimate Emptiness to an everyday reality everybody was aware of (such as, namely, the Mind). The Zen saying, “The everyday mind, just that is the Tao (ultimate Truth)” is a good example of this type of Yogachara thinking. And it showed clearly how one could “bring everything to the path,” starting with your own, simple, everyday awareness. This opened so many other doors—especially Tantra and Vajrayana—that it is referred to as “The Third Turning of the Wheel of Dharma.”
    Buddhism has philosophically run a long way. Hinayana didn't even have the full Nondual Realization of Absolute Reality, Nagarjuna made Madyamaka (nothing can be said about Ultimate Reality). And where did it end? The philosophy all which pretty all sophisticated Tantric Buddhism system rely on? MIND-ONLY, Yogachara.
    We need to at least differentiate the 2500 year system of Buddhism into these development steps. If not, we are fighting with a "fossil-philosophy"...
    3) The Supreme Source, one of the main texts of Dzogchen (quite close to the Mahamudra above, Brown uses Dzogchen and Mahamudra elements together):
    on which breathtaking beautiful absolute perpective you agreed:
    There is gold in Buddhism, Full Enlightenment, God Realization. And tools to make it stable in daily life. The later systems of Tantric Buddhism, but also Mahayana, have at their philosophic core Yogachara or Madhyamaka (I have written on that elsewhere). These two qualifications of Ultimate Reality are in line with what you call God Realization.
    4) In Zen 3 pillars of Zen, Kapleau:
    Some quotes from that book:
    "ROSHI: With a first enlightenment the realization of oneness is usually shallow. Yet if one has genuinely perceived, even though dimly, and continues to practice devotedly for five or ten more years, this inner vision will expand in depth and magnitude as one’s character acquires flexibility and purity."
    The story of Bassui:
    "You become conscious of God as an Infinite Mind dreaming up reality."
    "This way is no other than the realization of your own Mind. Now what is this Mind? It is the true nature of all sentient beings, that which existed before our parents were born and hence before our own birth, and which presently exists, unchangeable and eternal. So it is called one’s Face before one’s parents were born. This Mind is intrinsically pure. When we are born it is not newly created, and when we die it does not perish. It has no distinction of male or female, nor has it any coloration of good or bad. It cannot be compared with anything, so it is called Buddha-nature. Yet countless thoughts issue from this Selfnature as waves arise in the ocean or as images are reflected in a mirror. To realize your own Mind you must first of all look into the source from which thoughts flow
    And: Realization Emptiness, or Void, IS NOT YET FULL ENLIGHTENMENT:
    "In this propitious state deepen and deepen the yearning, tirelessly, to the extreme. When the profound questioning penetrates to the very bottom, and that bottom is broken open, not the slightest doubt will remain that your own Mind is itself Buddha, the Void-universe. There will then be no anxiety about life or death, no truth to search for. In a dream you may stray and lose your way home. You ask someone to show you how to return or you pray to God or Buddhas to help you, but still you can’t get home. Once you rouse yourself from your dream-state, however, you find that you are in your own bed and realize that the only way you could have gotten home was to awaken yourself. This [kind of spiritual awakening] is called “return to the origin” or “rebirth in paradise.” It is the kind of inner realization that can be achieved with some training. Virtually all who like zazen and make an effort in practice, be they laypeople or monks, can experience to this degree. But even such [partial] awakening cannot be attained except through the practice of zazen. You would be making a serious error, however, were you to assume that this was true enlightenment in which there is no doubt about the nature of reality. You would be like one who having found copper gives up the desire for gold."
    Or: Not yet Full Enlightenment-Realization.
    "But even now repeatedly cast off what has been realized, turning back to the subject that realizes, that is, to the root bottom, and resolutely go on. Your Self-nature will then grow brighter and more transparent as your delusive feelings perish, like a gem gaining luster under repeated polishing, until at last it positively illumines the entire universe [infinite nondual mere appearance boundlessness of ones nondual limitless being then]."
    "You must understand that anything appearing in your consciousness or seen by your eyes is an illusion [imagined], of no enduring reality. Hence you should neither fear nor be fascinated by such phenomena. If you keep your mind as empty as space, unstained by extraneous matters, no evil spirits can disturb you even on your deathbed. While engaged in zazen, however, keep none of this counsel in mind. You must only become the question “What is this Mind?” or “What is it that hears these sounds?” When you realize this Mind you will know that it is the very source of all Buddhas and sentient beings.
    And that ends in Full Enlightenment:
    "keep asking with all your strength, “What is it that hears?” Only when you have completely exhausted the questioning will the question burst; now you will feel like someone who has come back from the dead. This is true realization. You will see the Buddhas of all the universes face-to-face and the Dharma Ancestors past and present [they all have been expressions of this Infinite Mind of yours, of the only Reality there is or could be, dreaming up all these worlds]."
    There is nothing else than: "You become conscious of God as an Infinite Mind dreaming up reality."
    And that becomes stable in daily life when there is no longer a separate-self, but only Reality. God. True Nature. Whatever one wants to call "It" then...
    And that Ultimate Reality is Impersonal Infinite Consciousness. "It" is both nothing/impersonal, but also everything there could be imagined. It is Reality itself. The True Core of each being. 
    As long as something of a remaining separate-self projected on it, its not stable in daily life. The remains of that separate-self will also "colour" all higher insights/realizations. Bliss doesn't flow yet full time, so the suffering will make the being continue and refine anything that is not conforming to this Ultimate Reality, ones True being.
    Or according to Huang Po, The One [Infinite] Mind that dreams or imagines it all up all Reality.
    Water by the River
    PS: Ok, yours truly confesses: short is it not, the post.... But please don't hit me too hard, took some time to write, and I got plenty of other things to do also.

  3. Leo on why you can't follow Buddhism
    Frank Yang on TOE with Curt Jaimungal Interview
    Once you start taking Buddhism seriously, it effectively becomes the operating system of your mind. You don't yet appreciate how limiting and dangerous that is -- if you're a serious truth-seeker. Now, if you just wanna dabble in spirituality and not think too hard, Buddhism is okay. But if you want to get to the bedrock of Consciousness, you will have to be way more intelligent then aping some Buddhists -- be they West or East.
    You cannot reach the highest levels of Consciousness by aping any human. You have to think completely original thoughts! You have to navigate without any map. You MUST tap into true Intelligence! Only the highest Intelligence will cut through all the illusions, constructions, and limits of your mind. You need to become so Intelligent that your mind sees through Buddhism like an x-ray. That way you can move beyond into trans-human and Alien Consciousness.

  4. Leo on AI replacing mankind
    A.I. Art Is Destroying My Life Purpose
    If that happens, I will think it is a good idea.
    If AI replaced all of mankind, that's only gonna be possible if mankind was a net negative for the universe, in which case we all deserve to not exist.
    There is no reason why humanity should exist if we can be replaced by something superior in all ways.
    I have no problem with AI replacing mankind. As long as the AI is more truthful, more loving, more conscious, more intelligent. Which it would have to be in order to replace us.
    I don't care about loyalty to my species. I can about what is best for the universe.

  5. Leo being savage af
    What is Leo's main shtick really about? Psychonautics vs. Spirituality
    Why do you think I don't practice it?
    You think I am stupid?
    You think I don't see everything these Buddhists are doing?
    I don't practice it because meditation practice is a dream! You don't understand this yet, jackass.
    The fucking arrogance in you masquerading as humility is stunning!
    Your case is worthy of a whole 3-hour long rant episode. I shall title it:
    The Trap Of The Humble Buddhist Who's Full Of Shit And Wouldn't Know God From If It Bit Him In The Ass

  6. Leo on marriage
    Is marriage a scam?
    JP actually has a pretty good take on marriage: it's a commitment. The commitment is the most important part. It's like tying yourself to a sinking ship. You don't do it for the fun. You only do it if you're a serious sailor. If you treat it like that, it's not a scam, it's a test of your resolve and it matures you.

  7. Leo on being a cult leader
    Leo featured in suicide cult article
    So I read the article. The issue is that my teachings were simply never designed or intented for people with mental health issues or suicidal tendencies. I discourage such people from listening to my deepest work.
    My work has never encouraged suicide, just the opposite. No mentally healthy person listening to my work would get the idea that I am suggesting you commit suicide. AT ALL. To suggest otherwise is simply dishonest. The thrust of my work has always been about prodding people into living with passion. But this is completely ignored by naysayers and critics. I don't sell a suicide course, I sell a life purpose course. I don't talk about suicide almost ever.
    Also, what the author does not understand or acknowledge is that all spiritual work is psychologically dangerous and easily misinterpreted by the ego-mind. This doesn't make it a cult, it's just how serious spiritual work is. But normies do not appreciate this. They expect spirituality to be sweet and non-threatening.
    Yes, psychedelics are dangerous when misused. I have warned of this many times.
    Yes, my teachings are definitely all about undermining your sense of reality. If you don't like that or can't handle that, then don't listen to them. If you listen to me long enough your whole sense of reality will be destroyed. This is a feature, not a bug. You have to decide for yourself whether you can handle that. I cannot decide this for you.
    A YT channel and an online forum does not constitute a cult. Nothing is "out of control" here. There is no risk of this place losing control and becoming a cult. I would never allow that and on one else has the Admin rights necessary to pull that off.
    If you think that I have built a cult here, you're really insulting my ability to build a cult. If I wanted to build a cult it would be bigger than Osho's. And if I was teaching people who to commit suicide, I would have 100s of suicides to my name.

  8. Experience Report
    Heavy Metal Detox Chelation 10 Month Report
    TLDR: Started Andy Cutler heavy metal chelation protocol early 2021. So far I’ve completed 20 rounds with varying dosages of ALA/DMSA. Have had mixed results. Some periods of sustained improvement in mental health. Other periods of no obvious improvements. And some periods of worsening health. Hard to determine effectiveness due to also making many other nutritional and health related changes over the same period. But overall glad I tested the process. Will be continuing with rounds for some time.
    So I thought I’d give a quick report on my experience with chelating over the past year or so for anyone interested.
    If you’ve not familiar, chelating is a method of heavy metal detoxification (with a particular focus on mercury). It involves taking the supplements ALA and DMSA in regular intervals over a 72 hour period. That counts as 1 ‘round’. You can do dozens or even hundreds of rounds depending on the severity of toxicity in the body. 
    The main reason I started the process was because I had 3 amalgam fillings (which contain mercury) in my teeth for many years and have experienced a range of mental and physical issues that were a possible symptom of the mercury amalgam fillings. Ultimately this was a long, somewhat expensive and still on going test to see if I can improve my health.
    I had my amalgams removed early 2021 partly because I didn’t want to have mercury in my mouth for the rest of my life. But also because in order to start chelating it is absolutely essential that all the amalgam fillings and all remaining ‘specks’ i.e. tiny small bits of amalgam in your teeth, are removed.
    If you are considering following this protocol it is absolutely imperative that you follow the correct instructions and guidelines laid out here:
    Amalgam fillings must also be removed by specialist SMART (Safe Mercury Amalgam Removal Technique) dentists. Good database of SMART dentists here:
    I’ve currently done 20 rounds with quite a detailed log of all my rounds, dosages, dates, and symptoms on round. Started out with just DMSA for a few rounds, then moved onto DMSA and ALA together. 
    Started with very low ALA dosages of 1-2mg and slowly worked my way up as per the recommendations in the above link.
    The most recent 3 rounds have been 25mg DMSA and 12.5mg ALA. I seem to be handling it fine with no significant side effects so I’ll be going up to 25m DMSA and 25mg ALA soon.
    On round I have also always taken the recommended additional supplements like Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin B, Zinc, Magnesium. However Zinc makes me nauseous so I don’t take it as often as recommended.  
    I should also mention I had a couple rounds where I messed up the night doses, and either woke up and forgot to take the supplements or just slept through my alarm. I’ve refined my setup now so I actually have 3 alarms! And my phone is plugged into a set of speakers so its basically impossible to miss the night doses. The doses are positioned slightly away from my bed so I have to physically move up right to get the dose. And I also only have two doses in the box so I don’t get confused in the middle of the night.
    To sum up the experience I have had periods where I saw significant alleviation in my anxiety and improvement in mental performance to the point where it was nearly undeniable that the chelating was working. By mental performance I mean reductions in brain fog, quicker access to memory, and more creative thinking.
    But I also experienced periods of the complete opposite, where the chelating didn’t seem to feel like it was doing anything at all to improve my health. I could have possibly entered into the ‘dump’ phase around 1 or 2 months after starting which is commonly talked about but I don’t know for sure.
    I’ve had a number of mild negative symptoms on rounds like irritability, spaced out feelings, lack of focus, tiredness etc. However these could easily have been a symptom of other things, so again it's hard to diagnose these. But some of these certainly came about on round and went away a day after I had finished the round, so in some cases it was clear that the ALA and DMSA supplements where the cause.
    I also consistently experienced extremely intense and vivid dreams on round. Without fail every time. These don’t really affect me too much in a negative sense, but its definitely a relief when I finish the round and go back to dreamless sleeping.
    One really interesting effect is on meditation. I consistently, again without fail, see an improvement in my ‘meditation ability’. My morning meditations feel much more ‘deeper’ and more powerful. And its not subtle, its very obvious that this is occurring every time I’m on round.
    I could probably say the chelation has improved my mental abilities, memory recollection, more clarity, less brain fog etc by a small amount, but its honestly hard to quantify it and the changes than I’ve seen in these areas over the past 10 months could be due to changes in my diet or something else entirely. So I can’t say definitively that it's a result of the chelation. Its also hard to think back 12 months and remember what my brain function was like and how it compares to now. But, on reflection, I don’t feel like I’m struggling with my mental performance these days. Where as a year ago I know I was really struggling.
    I will be continuing with doing more rounds because I want to increase the dose of ALA quite a bit more and see what effect that will have.
    Hope this was informative and helps anyone else interested in giving it a go.

  9. Comment Collection of The0Self
    Heavy metal detox -- Deep info on proper chelation -- Convinced by user to post this
    I've said things on it enough times. Leo can do the rest. There's nothing else I know that I haven't posted/commented here.
    Copied and pasted comments are in between the ----------'s. The rest is additional information.
    Disclaimer: ALA referred to here is not the omega 3 fatty acid, alpha linolenic acid. It’s alpha lipoic acid. AKA thioctic acid. I don’t have any experience with chelators besides ALA and DMSA, but DMPS certainly seems to have merit as well. ALA must be taken no less frequently than every 3 hours, and DMSA must be taken no less frequently than every 4 hours (i.e. e3h is even better) — both must be taken at this frequency for at least 72 hours straight, otherwise the chelation round was not only unsuccessful...you may have just damaged your body and likely your brain. Anything other than these 3 chelators, zeolite, and in rare cases, EDTA, for chelation, is dangerous and anyone advocating it has no clue how chelators work. The double thiol group acts as a loose but effective hook of sorts — a lone thiol group will just spread metals around haphazardly (possibly causing damage and stress), without latching onto them and actually taking them out of the body. ALA, DMSA, and DMPS are double thiol chelators that are safe when used correctly.
    Andy Cutler’s writings, and his posts and wikis on onibasu are where you go for further info.
    I didn't feel anything off 600mg ALA + 100mg DMSA e3h for 30+ day rounds, fwiw.
    I mean, I didn't get side-effects. The brain fog and fatigue went away.
    And ALA only affects mercury (and arsenic, which is not as big of a deal). DMSA chelates lead and mercury.
    Btw 64 hours is too short. That's cutting it way too close -- healing/damage ratio is positive by the 72 hour mark for adults, and maybe 60 hours for small children, but you might as well get the ratio as high as possible... Aim for 96+ hours; preferably 7-14+ days. The longer the better, provided you keep copper under control. You CANNOT take ALA for long cycles without zinc (and preferably molybdenum too) 4x/d, or you will be profoundly overloaded with copper.
    It is very, very risky, unless you do it right. It cured my chronic fatigue but I did it all-in, hardcore style. 6 month cycle with only a few 3-7 day breaks. With every ancillary carefully selected for copper-toxicity control, alarms so I'd never miss a dose, etc. I never had amalgam but by God there must've been something in my body because damn it worked.
    I dosed ALA and DMSA every 3 hours around the clock for months on end. Started at low doses and worked up to 600mg ALA / 100mg DMSA e3h. Falling blood levels cause redistribution, so the key is to not let them fall, ever, until you inevitably have to go off -- at which point there will be damage, but the goal is to have the healing net-outweigh the damage. Break-even healing/damage ratio is achieved between hours 60 and 72 of a cycle. Once you make it that long, you know you've succeeded for that round, and you should continue to milk it as long as you can handle to get that ratio up. Thus, long rounds/cycles are much more effective, but harder to deal with side-effect wise... and it carries the risk of oxidative stress from the DMSA, and copper toxicity from the ALA (avoid eating nuts while on ALA). I didn't really have side-effects. As soon as you miss a dose, that round is over, you need to take a break, and if the missed dose occurred before hour 72, the cycle was basically not successful.
    It can be especially helpful if you have anything significantly greater than perfectly healthy amounts of mercury, lead, arsenic, cadmium, and even iron in your system. The copper overload induced by the ALA very effectively purges iron from the body -- something that may be quite helpful if one has eaten a lot of iron-fortified foods in their life.
    The reason chelation studies haven't shown much in the way of curing chronic fatigue is simply because they dosed every 8 hours. DMSA must be dosed every 4 (or less) hours to prevent falling levels, which alone is responsible for the redistribution damage and prevents the healing/damage ratio from being a positive number.
    You can get it done a lot faster if you do long rounds. Let me explain...
    The minimum round-length is 72 hours in order to be reasonably certain that the healing/damage ratio is a positive number. The longer the round, the higher that number. Falling systemic levels of the double-thiol chelator are what cause redistribution, which is why you have to take the chelator so frequently, and why longer rounds are far more efficient -- your levels don't fall until the very end of each round, when you stop taking it, therefore you should minimize the amount of times you have to do this, via going as long as you can handle. The only reason not to do them for long stretches is an inability to handle it.
    A 3-4 day round and a 3-4 day break every week will clean out sufficient mercury/lead within 2-5 years (closer to 1-2 years if you did 1-2 weeks on / 1-2 weeks off) -- the same thing can be achieved with one 6-month round, though you shouldn't actually do it that long. I basically intended to do one 6-month round but there were a few 5-7 day breaks (each initiated upon accidentally missing a dose) so it ended up being essentially three 2-month rounds, in the end -- that's all it took. I recommend planning on a 6 month round and just taking a 7-14 day break each and every time you inevitably accidentally miss a dose.
    And btw, each 50% increase in dose results in an 18% faster rate of mercury excretion... Since taking larger doses results in comparatively less redistribution, taking larger doses (ramp up as you can handle) will not only speed the process up a bit, it may also have a bit of a buffer effect, protecting you from times when you miss a dose by 30-60min, which should rarely happen, nonetheless. For the majority of my largely-uninterrupted 6-month cycle, I was taking 600mg ALA and 100mg DMSA every 3 hours.
    E.g. If you take 100mg ALA every 3 hours for 72 hours running, that would be a 3-day (72 hour) round (or cycle), which is the absolute minimum length the round must be, since you damage yourself every time you come off, but damage while on-cycle (on-round) is minimal -- it's almost all heavy metal excretion (no redistribution) while on-round. The break even healing/damage point occurs after 60-72 hours (of consistently taking the chelator every 3 hours), so it would be to your benefit to do rounds much longer than this. The fastest route would be a 6 month round, but I don't think that's ever been done and it's not advised. I essentially did three 2-month rounds with a 1-week break between each.
    Doing it for long stretches at a time significantly decreases the total amount of time you'll have to spend on-round before you clear out all the heavy metals you need to. However, copper toxicity can be a problem with ALA, so you'll need to take both zinc and molybdenum 4x/day -- twice a day is insufficient. Even taking 7.5mg zinc and 250mcg molybdenum (the appropriate amounts) 4x a day each will not stave off copper toxicity forever. And oxidative stress can be an issue with DMSA so you have to take antioxidants.
    Does that clarify?
    Those were all the relevant posts I could find. That's literally all I know, but I'm happy to answer further questions if you need clarification. Again I don't know all there is to know about the subject, so I doubt I'll be able to provide anything else. But perhaps there were some posts I missed where I went into some other details. Good luck!
    Remember the zinc and molybdenum 4x/d when using ALA. I'm not sure if it's best to take breaks on the zinc/moly in between rounds, or to keep using them off round -- that is one example of something I am unclear on myself -- there seem to be pros and cons to each option -- it's very likely neither choice is gonna kill you though. I'm not the arbiter of truth on this.
    ... EDIT 5/24/2021 — additional explanation for the above paragraph. After your final round you should definitely continue to take the zinc/moly 4x/d for some time (probably at least a month), to purge residual copper, which will likely be quite high at this point. When you’re no longer planning on taking more ALA, there’s no reason not to do this... ALA causes some zinc overload but not nearly as bad as it does copper overload, and nothing purges copper quite like zinc... On ALA, you want to take just enough zinc to keep copper retention somewhat under control (30-50mg daily in 4 divided doses; it actually won’t even prevent copper overload, it’ll just slow it down, lol), and too much zinc will just exacerbate ALA’s zinc retention, so it’s a balance... But once ALA is no longer in the picture, if your copper is high, you can continue the zinc for a little while with generally no issue. Since the zinc is basically a limited resource in the scenario of ALA use (as in you shouldn’t take too much of it because it’s only a matter of time before your zinc levels become too high as well), additional means of reducing copper retention would be very wise, such as molybdenum (1-2mg a day in 4 divided doses), stimulating bile flow, and avoiding dietary sources of copper (such as nuts) — the zinc is not optional though, as those options don’t come close to the anti-copper affect zinc has (related to the metallothionein mechanism).
    There is some evidence that ALA depletes biotin in a hazardous way if you don’t consume extra in the diet or by supplementation.
    And never EVER stop DMSA before ALA. It will cause net redistribution into the brain. Stop them both at the exact same time or stop the ALA before the DMSA. If DMSA didn't have a slightly longer half-life than ALA, stopping them both together would not be safe -- but DMSA leaves the body slightly slower, so it is safe to stop them concurrently. This would not be the case if using extended release ALA, but you should never use extended-release ALA to begin with, since the absorption rate differs at different points along the digestive tract, and it hasn't been studied enough. Do not use extended-release anything in chelation.
    I don't know this, but I have an intuition that it may be prudent to start with a few DMSA-only rounds to reduce body mercury content, so that when you eventually introduce ALA, it won't start with the potential, temporary issue of a net increase in brain mercury -- though even if you did start with ALA, that issue would only happen if mercury concentration was greater in body than across blood brain barrier, and even if that was so, the issue would of course only be temporary -- after all, you're aiming to eventually get essentially ALL of it out, indiscriminately from everywhere. But I'd imagine even temporary increases of mercury in the brain are not desirable. This is a bit of a nod, it seems, away from ALA-only rounds, at least in the beginning, but Andy Cutler didn't mention that issue, to my knowledge (idk maybe he did), and he probably knows best. So I wouldn't worry about it.
    And if you want to go by the book (so to speak), time on should equal time off. That's not what I did, but that's what I'd advise as a measure of safety.

  10. Leo on Vaccine Epistemology
    Increase in vaccine coercion
    Medicine has a bunch of bullshit in it. As does all of science.
    But that does not in any way invalidate the Covid vaccine nor does it make anti-vaxxers intelligent.
    It's just an example of the misuse of skepticism and a profound misunderstanding of how societies work. It's unintelligent both individually and collectively.
    If this is not obvious to you, I don't even know why you follow my work.
    I should place a vaccine mandate just for watching my videos, because if you can't clear that bar, nothing else I say will help you.
    Deconstructing the mind and society is not a license for stupidity -- which is exactly how many people take it. I am starting to regret even sharing such pearls of wisdom because of how you guys abuse them.

  11. Sick Vision Board
    Share Your Vision Board Here!

  12. Tips on N,N-DMT
    The N,N-DMT Mega-Thread
    I've tripped N,N DMT approximately 25 times. I will try to distill my best advice and several personal experiences in a relatively concise manner.
    Firstly I'll say that if you have DMT and haven't experienced a breakthrough, your chances increase tenfold if you have psylocibin in your system. The chemical structure is very similar to DMT and serotonin for that matter. Only a difference of one functional group. A good way to think of it is that having shrooms in your system preps your brain for receiving the DMT. I have had much weaker experiences without psylocibin and with it, Ive become God. Can't recommend the two paired more. Take it approximately 2 - 2.5hrs into mushroom trip for best results imo. But obviously feel it out.
    Secondly I'll say that DMT only takes you if you're ready. At least in my experience. If I take six hits while surrounded by people in a social/party environment, I'll get nothing but a mild body high. One hit after deep meditation and yoga sessions, spending the day calming the mind and DMT will show me incredible things. You need to be in the right state and you need to listen and surrender. Speaking generally, it's not about how much you take. It's about how willing you are to surrender.
    How I start my trips:
    5 mins of Ujjayi breathing to deepen the breath and ground into meditation spot. Exhale completely pushing all the air out of the body, using your abs to push away and then take your hit on the inhale, Slowly and as long as you can, then hold the breath. The DMT will start to take effect and then as you exhale surrender completely to the experience. You're job is done now, no effort required. All you have to do is listen. Listen to what's happening and watch like it's a movie. Allow all your awareness to be pulled inwardly into body sensations and let go of control. Be completely open to whatever the DMT "wants" to show you.
    My method of ingestion:
    Freebase Vaporized. I have DMT concentrate in a vape. Very pure. Haven't tried other methods yet.
    General structure of trips:
    Once it's in my system and I am listening carefully I start to fall into a trance. It lulls me into this wavy state and then usually a high pitched buzzing will happen. Listen to this buzzing or if it's not buzzing it will come in the form of a strong body sensation or visual. If any out of the ordinary strong stimulus presents itself, allow all your awareness to be sucked into it. The buzzing increases in intensity like a spaceship about to take off. Beautiful vibratory frequencies, it feels very "pure" - like a pure sine wave. As my awareness of the object increases, eventually I merge with it and then BOOM. Blast off. Incredible keleidescopic visuals. Unlike anything you thought you could every imagine. Figures and beings seem to be swirling around the room. If the eyes are open, everything in the room becomes connected to form beautiful symmetries and geometric shapes. If eyes are closed the visuals are even more profound. Then this is usually where my sense of self usually disappears. "I" am now gone. There is only pure experience. Any semblance of egoic mind that wants to understand or wants to remember what's happening is now gone. Then it tends to differ each trip. Many possibilities can happen. But after the experience, only approximately 15 mins in "I" start to come back. Normal thoughts resume and I'm like "Wait, WTF just happened."
    My most recent experiences:
    Was with a close group of friends in a secluded nature spot and already 2.5hrs into a shrooms trip. The beautiful visuals began after the initial hit and I was immersed. Lord Hanuman - the Hindu God showed himself to me and I cried tears of joy, so much loving energy was being given to me. I felt unworthy of such love. Took another hit. Began to shoot off again. This time all fear left me completely. I opened my eyes and was reborn. My mind was fully in tact I could remember everything. Visuals started to fade but consciousness shot through the roof. I stood aloud and began to shout and cry in ECSTACY. Pure Joy. For the first time in my life. I became conscious that I am God. I was concious of the process of creating everything. RIGHT NOW. Everything is created right now. Including my entire past. Everything was recontextualized to meet the perfect present moment. Ridiculous levels of Bliss and understanding that this is timeless and all loving. I was completely in love with everything. I loved every little flaw that my Ego would shudder at. I loved the hell out of my friends and for the first time could fully express it. I felt completely open and flushed with endless energy. All I could say is "Oh my God!" and "WOWWWW!!!" and "No way, no way, it can't be." And "It loves it all. All of it is love." Essentially I said these 4 phrases on repeat for approximately 30 minutes. My two friends who didn't hit the pen were confused but ammused. And my friend who did was having a very similar experience. We began to become concious of the source and began to have an experience of unified mind. Our minds merged in waves. We became separate and laughed our asses off and then we became One and also laughed histerically. This is very hard to explain so I'll probably make a separate thread on this experience because I have a feeling many people have gone through this and can talk about it in more detail. After glow lasted hours, into the late night when I finally fell asleep, filled with love.
    DMT teaches me Yoga - Opening the chakras and releasing stagnant energy:
    A few weeks after the previous trip I went again on psylocibin. At the top of a gorgeous hike with breathtaking views and I started to do Yoga before hitting the pen. I started to feel energy moving through me and releasing. I began to feel so alive and awake. Like I could never really "feel" anything and this was the first time I could. Then I meditated for a few minutes and hit the DMT. Exploding fractals as usual and then the DMT started to take control of my body. I started to do very weird yoga movements such as exhaling while flexing all of my muscles inward and compressing into a tight ball. It held me here for about a minute. Completely compressed and then BOOM. Release. Massive inhale and all this energy cleared up. Massive physical and emotional release. It's like that feeling when you have gas trapped and you can't burp and then finally comes that beautiful belch, except this was 1000x more satisfying. This process repeated several times as well as many other yoga releases. It would do things such as stretch my neck all the way upward so I'm looking at the sky and then stick my tongue all the way out. And I mean all the way out. Flexing all the muscles in my throat whilst exhaling similar to Lions Breath. I'd never done anything like this. I had so much awareness concentrated in points of my body and it opened up all places that were blocked. A lot of it was centered around my throat and it had me chant several OHMs and other really weird movements, that maybe I'll explain in another thread. Point is it controlled my body. "I" wasn't doing anything. It moved me. Hard to describe but you'll know if/when it happens with you. Wasn't really coupled with any God realizations but it was the most intense release I've ever felt. I cried for about 10 minutes thanking God for helping me.
    Last notes:
    I'm my experience every entity I've ever encountered on DMT has been extremely loving. This is why you know it's an entity and not just standard visuals. It feels like a separate being. You know how you can feel the difference between a person in the same room staring at you and a poster? It's like this except the being is emitting incredible loving energy towards you. For me they usually help me release stagnant energy and move my body.
    This psychedelic has given me the most diverse range of experiences beyond any other psychedelic I have done. It's new and unexpected everytime. And it won't take you all the way everytime. Be okay with this and understand it's not the right time/place for you. Have patience and surrender deeply

  13. The N,N-DMT Mega-Thread
    The N,N-DMT Mega-Thread
    Oil/crack pipe is so easy. You just put the powder on the pipe and very gently apply a blowtorch lighter to it while slowly sucking in. It takes a few tries to learn how much heat is too much. If you apply too much heat it will not vaporize but burn black on the glass. In which case wash it out with a q-tip and try again applying less heat to the glass.
    You should buy a few oil pipes in case you burn one out. And I would use a different pipe for each different substance because there will be crystal residue left over.
    Whenever you successfully vape, it will create crystal vapor, which quickly cools and turns into white crystal, like frost, on a glass surface.
    After a few days of trial and error you will get the hang of it.

  14. Rules for Kriya
    Kriya Yoga Mega-Thread
    Palms up, face east, blink only after an uneven number of seconds have passed, dont curl the toes, never let your thumbs meet as it interfers with your pets energy field and might cause an involuntary kundalini awakening, always close the door but not fully, draw a flipped pentagram on your doorstep to prevent demons and bad karma from damaging your prana flow, never chant om more than 5 times / 15 seconds (this is EXTREMELY important, dont ask why tho!).
    Furthermore you should restrain from thinking of the third eye as a literal eye as it might actually materialize as such! Also inbreath and outbreath must be the EXACT same duration, violations of that rule will result in yogananda appearing through your 7th chakra and he will steal all your prana and sell it on the black yoga market (prana depletion aint no joke).
    If you stick to the simple ruleset that I outlined and every single other one that has ever existed, you are good to go and you will eventually awaken the archetype of the eternal lobster in the crown chakra, fuse order and chaos and salvage your damn father from the belly of vishnu.
    Also clean your room prior to every kriya routine.

  15. How to become a good speaker
    Leo, how do you speak so well?
    Years and years of constant practice in your mind and in front of a camera.
    Most of my practice is done purely in my mind. Every day. For 20 years.
    I'm constantly framing and explaining things to an imaginary person in my mind.
    But then you also need live speaking experience which you can get by speaking to a live camera or joining Toastmasters and attending weekly meetings.

  16. Nothing changes
    How is it possible that Leo and Ralston disagree?
    Yes, that's cute. I don't disagree. And yet, something changes. Get it?

  17. Leo on Sex Drive
    Are girls less horny than men?
    Most people are not simply gonna be able to drop sex, no matter your logic or numbers. The better strategy is to satiate the sex drive rather than repress it. If you can genuinely drop it, great. But that's so rare it makes you a unique person.
    This is a topic where it helps to be realistic rather than saintly. That saintliness will come back to bite you if you aren't fully able to embody it naturally. Saintliness through repression will not work.

  18. On the guilt I feel
    6 years of self-actualization was a waste of time
    People are never satisfied. Some people say that they wish they had access to life purpose teachings at an early age instead of pissing their life away on sex, friends, youth. And others like the op, say they wish they had sex, enjoyed friends and their youth instead of pissing their life away on life purpose knowledge. Fuck, just be fucken happy for god's sake. When are you ready to throw away the need to have life exactly the way you want it? Like a child who didn't get their candy?
    Here's a fun fact: your depression is not from what you did in the past, if you did all those things you wished you did, you'd be even more depressed then you are now. Your problem is you can't accept the way things are, no matter how they are. And you don't know how to forgive yourself and forget what you've done. When you learn that, you'll be a happy chappy, and all that shit in the past doesn't matter because its all beautiful no matter what happened.

  19. The Path lead me nowhere
    6 years of self-actualization was a waste of time
    Firstly, it wasn't a waste of time. The lessons you learned will serve you for the rest of your life. It will keep paying dividends.
    Secondly, it's important to do this work without making it a chore. It has to align with your passions. Don't do it if you aren't passionate about.
    It sounds like this work is too advanced for you. You probably have lower stages of the Spiral to work on, which means Tier 1 teachings like basic self-help, biz, relationships, etc.
    You won't be able to go for advanced spiritual work unless you take care of your more basic desires and burn through some karma.
    The stuff I teach nowadays is extremely advanced and not suitable for many people who struggle with meeting basic needs.
    Thirdly, there are much worse ways you could have used your time.
    Fourthly, don't underestimate how much you grew in those 6 years. It's easy to forget how ignorant, selfish, and foolish you were back them. Growth happens and is then taken for granted.
    Fifthly, you are allowed to have friends and relationships.

  20. Someone has to be in my shoes.
    I’m my direct experience
    You are all bodies, all beings, all things.
    If you woke up as a kangaroo tomorrow, you'd still be asking, "Why this kangaroo? Why not something else?" And so it would go until you went through every being and ended up right where you are right now. Someone has to be in your shoes. So here you are! Actually, no one is in your shoes. No one is in everyone's shoes, looking through everyone's eyes.
    The bottom line is, since you are the only being in existence, you have to be in all places at once. So you are in this place right now. Every place is as important as any other.

  21. Look at your hand exercise
    "Look at your hand" Exercise
    You can also gently question/wonder: "What is this thing?" "How can it exist at all?"
    It's basically not. It is a form of meditation but in this case not on a body sensation but on a visual phenomenon.
    Both should work.
    Just be conscious of the hand's existence. Try to "feel" or register the mystery of it existing there.
    Yes, that's your goal! The more you become conscious of it, the more mysterious and unknown it will become. Don't try to demystify it. Rather you are becoming more and more conscious of the mystery of Being/Existence/God.
    That hand is God! Try to notice that. What does it mean to say that the hand is God? Wonder about that as you stare at it.
    WONDERING is a crucial aspect of this work. You need to genuinely and deeply wonder about existence itself and every object in it. Don't take anything for granted, not even your hand. How do you even know it is "your" hand? Who told you? What is a "hand" anyway? What remains after you remove all ideas, beliefs, stories, memories, labels, categories, and other projections from the "hand"? What is the hand made out of? What is its substance? (Hint: not cells or atoms.)
    Be very patient and persistent with this process. Also, be gentle about it. Do it in a calm and relaxed state of mind without demanding some immediate answer. Look at your hand as though you're seeing it for the first time in your life. Don't take it for granted as a given.

  22. Leo on keeping women
    Relationship pattern: GFs keep cheating on me
    1) How many times did this happen exactly? Two times? That doesn't necessarily mean anything. Could just be a fluke. Although it is a bit odd.
    2) Learn to provide amazing sex and girls will be begging you to go exclusive with them. Seems like your sex is missing the dominance and newness components. For sex to be good, you have to find ways to keep it new. Don't be doing the exact same routine every time. Fuck her in the restaurant bathroom once in a while. Etc. Get creative. Dominance is also important. Drive up the masculine/feminine polarity. Make her feel feminine so she is satisfied.
    You can also up your value as a man. As you become more successful, more confident, more humorous, more wise, more healthy, etc. all this will massively attract her to you. She should see you as a one-of-a-kind catch. She should feel like she won the lottery in dating you.

  23. The 5-MeO-DMT Mega-Thread
    The 5-MeO-DMT Mega-Thread
    @Leo Gura Lol 

  24. Leo on loving a fly before killing it
    Questions About Love? - Ask Here
    Appreciation of the person's innate beauty. Not physical beauty or function. But the beauty of their totality of being.
    When you can look Hitler in the eye and see his beauty, there is your love.
    P.S. You are still free to kill him. Love and killing are not opposite. Seeing the beauty of a thing says nothing about what you should do from a survival perspective. You can see the beauty of cancer, but then decide to destroy the cancer. Destruction is part of the total beauty of reality.
    Try this: The next time you want to kill a house fly, first, stop for moment and admire it's beauty. Then kill it and admire the beauty inherent in the destruction. Notice that without destruction there could not be life. Admire the beauty of your internal conflict and moral deliberations about killing that fly. That too is love. You feel bad because you wish you could love that fly. Yet you also know you needed to kill that fly because you cannot allow a house full of dirty flies and maggots. Admire the beauty of survival. Yours and the fly's. Admire the inherent conflict between the two of you. Let the magnitude of it hit you. Imagine yourself as the fly being killed. Notice the sad beauty of that too.

  25. Dude that has a ghost
    I've encountered a spirit and it's living with me. Ask me anything and any advice?
    Brief context: I've experienced a haunting in my early childhood in Indonesia. The situation was resolved through various means my mother won't disclose on to which I didn't pry on. The experience isn't pleasent. The memory of that event is somewhat fresh in my mind.
       Roughly 15 years later, I've gone on vacation to Niagara Falls with my mother, father, older sister and brother in law. It's a beautiful place! Can't remember the name of the hotel we stayed but it had a Kegs restaurant in the middle. Anyways, we rented a joint room for, if I recall, 4 days, which both had two beds, a desk, table, mini fridge, tv, and distorted glass panels near the doors. In one morning, there she was, lying on the bed with me, what appeared to be a cute girl in her pajamas. A moment later, I realized the girl is semi-transparentish, blurry and I felt shock. Despite the shock I felt pleasent feelings in my chest. Throughout the days in Niagara Falls I felt confused yet pleasent with her presence around me. I could speak to her using my mind voice sometimes and she has this distinct 'cuteness' in her voice. It strangely felt like it was love at first sight. I remember actually putting some coins into this machine that was in the park used to measure if you're in love or not and it registered in my hand grips I'm in love. Sometimes she would be walking or sitting with me trying to speak to me, other times she would disappear. After me and my family returned to Montreal and my older sister and her husband returned to the UK that spirit girl kept visiting throughout my time there, and eventually she has stayed with me.
       4 years later to present day she's now like a close friend. I struggled with perceiving her at first but I'm able to distinguish her form much better, from the shape to the colors. She also has more personality than before. One of my favorites is how she can be so random with her humor it's amazing. Despite her airy headed attitude she does share pieces of knowledge about situations and people I know that seemed nebulous but later made complete sense.
       The issues I'm just having are how do I go from here? Sometimes she does annoy me when I meditate. Odd enough, she sometimes copies me, even doing the meditation I'm doing. She also calls me by many nicknames which can be annoying but it's her.
       It's amazing that I'm able to experience this at all! I'm currently taking my time learning about the paranormal and if you guys have any advice to share when it comes to the paranormal please post. Also feel free to ask more about my childhood haunting. Also if you have any questions addressed to her feel free to ask because we've talked and she's ok with answering your questions. Thanks for reading!