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Everything posted by Holymoly

  1. I take it without a trip sitter 5meo I feel the danger that your actually going to die is not huge so I just leave it up to fate. I don’t know people who I feel like I want to do it with but of course it might be helpful at times depends who though I would like to take 5meo with Buddha holding space haha
  2. Is there a difference between thrashing around and going into symmetrical movement? Like are you supposed to stay still I cannot seem to sit still but the symmetrical movements and vocalization is spontaneous. Also is this experience ever not overwhelming? Is it a sign of a lack of preparation or is this just how it is at the beginning I’ve probably done about 5 proper trips with it
  3. this guys whole page is full of perfect cold approaches. https://www.instagram.com/nueskii?igsh=NzNvMnJlcnN6OWVh
  4. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=jcxLl6Ndr04&pp=ygUGS3VtYXJl Worth a watch pretty incredible haha
  5. lsd can definitely make you more witty and charismatic and less fearful when talking to women haha
  6. Is there anywhere Leo has explained his problem with Buddhism/ Buddhists? I read him talking about Buddhist rats etc, listening to David nichtern a student of trungpa rinpoche and he saying how Buddhism invites you to try and break it it’s not about belief etc so has Leo broken it ?
  7. When this happens it’s a really good chance to practice not beating yourself up, I don’t know if you have that tendency but I do and it’s actually incredible when you can stop doing that because part of the reason you a struggling to do things in these moments is because of the internal beating up that is going on effecting your self esteem like When your all like fuck I should have done somthing that’s beating yourself up. When u see it this way it’s a win win! If you talk to them and get a date awesome! If not you have a reallly and I mean really good chance to rewire your brain here I know the feeling and it sucks but your doing it to yourself if there were no girls on the walk you wouldn’t be like okay fuck I’m such a failure so yeah! I like to use the mantra “it’s okay, your fine”
  8. yeah take it with a grain of salt, remember neem karoli baba called it yogi medicine
  9. its numbs away the pain
  10. not sure how much mg in a micro scoop
  11. How to do eliminate the nausea from this substance? Does plugging help ?
  12. okay thanks will try that, i think it was about 3 micro scoops
  13. I did ingest orally but had pretty intense nausea and threw up around the 1 hour mark
  14. Yep I was too completely blindsided Elon. reading Leo share about how selfish he is actually rings so true haha
  15. No I have done 5meo plugged a handful of. Times and have smoke the 5meo mipt ever since getting nausea the first time
  16. Its dangerous because the wealth inequality will grow even more
  17. Find that out for yourself to which point you will no longer try to scream because you realize it’s futile on a deep level, it should spontaneous if it happens at all, if you are aware that you want to scream find the location in the body that the desire is and focus on it if the scream comes spontaneously when doing this then that’s fine you didn’t have a choice in a certain sense. I’ve done a lot of primal scream work and it’s becomes less and less effective the more you do it eventually leading you to a place where you realize you have no choice but to actually embrace what your feeling rather then try to externalize it. Basically it’s fine if you do it nothing really bad about it it’s just the deeper that you can know that it’s not ultimately the direction you want to go in the least time you waste thinking that it’s going to help my approach is that it should be spontaneous and I try to focus on embracing what I’m feeling rather than changing it
  18. Hiigh dose Vitamin c with pure ascorbic powder before a sesh. Like 1000mg is good but you can take much more if you take 1000mg on the hour before and after sesh. See what you can handle but it’s great for protecting the lungs and also boots the high as vitamin c is essential for serotonin and dopamine and smokers are always deficient basically
  19. Your experience sounds similar to the one described in this video
  20. Yesterday around 2pm dosage 40mg orally. The trip started quite quickly after about 10 minutes I could definitely notice the effects, DCK is known for confusion and I would say this is true it became increasingly important for me to let go as this experience unfolded. I began to notice that my thoughts were becoming jumbled and the discordant, I felt fear begin to kick in as i noticed that i was in quite the altered state and also being new to this class of drug (dissociative). The fear turned into excitement as I realised this fear will lead to growth and I had a wave of gratitude and self love come over me as I was able to witness that brave part of myself. The soundtrack pulled me in deeper and I began to contemplate all the psychedelic trips happening around the world at the time in therapy sessions and privately in peoples homes a sense of awe and fellowship came about followed by a sense of shared being/ oneness. Previous trips on other psychedelics definitely prepared me for this experience and would have been very overwhelming otherwise. I was surprised how strong the effects were from what was such a small amount of material. I had many epiphanies around relationships and how much love I have for family and was shocked by the seeming coincidences in my life and relationships, my cousin is studying pharmacology and i haven't talked to him much lately but I realised how close we actually were karmically and it became apparent that I miss him and had been cut off from that feeling. I had thoughts to go call or text people a tell them how much I love them but knew better than to act on that haha. although thinking was less linear and grounded, oddly I had increased ability to have visions and be with truth in a stable way, I contemplated healing and how some powerful healers I know personally see things such as drug use, I had become quite guilty about using drugs because I felt irresponsible, but it became clear that I simply do not know the truth of the situation with drug use, allot of people seem to think that when you leave your body with drugs spirts or entities can enter your body or something like that, this is something i know nothing about and for me to base decisions of what someone else says without having direct experience isn't something is should feel bad or guilty about. Im currently doing a 6 month therapy course and we are currently having a break, during the experience I felt that I must tell them about this experience as they are likely the kind of people who think its not good to do and I felt it would be very interesting to talk to them about why it was that I wanted to take drugs and began to have that conversation within. I began to see that what I was searching for might actually be god and that all my previous psychedelic trips had been pointing to this, I did not have a direct realisation of god but was able to see a little bit about what god realisation is and what it looks like. It made sense that god realisation is the point of life and how rare it is for people to have that experience and was likely that I would have to go very far back in my ancestors to find one that did. The music ended too quickly and I was a little bummed about that because I was really into it and did not feel like engaging the part of my brain necessary to put on new music. This brought me back to reality a bit and I started to try and practice Vipassana meditation which was pretty difficult but possible. I then stood up and walked around a bit and noticed how intense the body load is and that it is definitely not the kind of substance to drive on I ate an apple which eventually made me throw up I was able to have conversations with family and they were not aware of me being intoxicated and I was just interested in talking to them but had some difficulty paying attention during conversation. I ended the trip by catching an Uber to a kung fu class and talked to the Uber driver and could have talked to him for hours socialising was very effortless. In the future I would like to try plugging this substance because the effect on the gut wasn't great and I'm pretty sure its an antimicrobial (Does anyone know if plugging would be good for this reason? would plugging negate the harmful effects this might have on the microbiome?) People say that ketamine has potential for abuse, for me my Deschloroketamine experience was quite intense and I feel that It doesn't have that potential for me for that reason. Also does anyone know what is a good break period for these things? Thanks guys !
  21. Could someone please send me the link to plug 5meo tutorial that Leo made?
  22. Thank you for this
  23. Whenever I have contemplated sexual attraction on psychedelics its been the most exciting thing ever its very fun topic to contemplate on psychedelics.
  24. It honestly is amazing like fucking incredible though people do not understand the power in the semen