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Everything posted by iboughtleosbooklist

  1. Time is God's invention to help itself cope with infinity.
  2. Yeah good point, some will be more self decieved than others. But for me, the idea of "my parents don't like me" which is a really terrible belief to build your ego from, was ultimately not true. It was a simple misunderstanding. A few misunderstandings when you are young and boom, decades of false belief upon false belief, all of your own doing. You can't blame anyone but your self so you just feel like a dumbass. Leo is right, this is one of those painful realizations you don't really want to accept. But the sooner the better.
  3. One day you just started lying to yourself, and here's where it lead. Kinda fucked up thing to realize ?
  4. @Someone here The whole ego is built from a false premise. Simple as that. If you are still identifying mainly with the ego then you are deeeeeply self decieved. But it's not your fault. Ride the wave bro ?
  5. Yeah it's all you. Anything which you think isn't is pure delusion coming from a moment of lower consciousness. Now let's go meta on that and see that the absolute is dreaming up the whole lower consciousness higher consciousness duality. Literally the whole thing is part of the ride of the absolute. It's a just a back and forthing for eternity. Its So so so so entertaining, it could go anywhere, although it never really goes anywhere ?. Reality is basically just an eternal striptease - wow it looked like something almost happened there! LOOK, LOOK, something is happening! I wonder if this happening will lead to something better happening? And on, and on, and on. The Truth, is the end. That's the wall. In the end you hit a wall and that's the truth. That's the wall Jim Carrey hits in Truman Show. The only place to go once you've found truth is away from truth, until you find it again. ???. P.S. it never goes anywhere and it never ends! But it'll be the best love story ever (and not only because it's the only love story being told, if you can't see that God has good taste in movies then you have too high expectations of God).
  6. I've never even see either of you post before. I will likely forget again because I'm riding a wave. The Knower is the only arbiter of truth. I forget and then whatever is, IS true for me. The wave wishes for forgetting of truth and it is granted. Nahm will be able to back me up on the things I'm saying. How could they be wrong? It's ALL you. How couldn't it be? Where's the separation? Duh ?
  7. You created Leo by the way. Do you see? You create him in the moment. There are no YouTube videos. A YouTube video is the concept of a laptop, WiFi, pixels, 2x speed option, volume, comment section, video frame, a human called Leo etc. Etc. It's all getting dreamed up in the moment you dream it. You'd kinda expect to be able to do shit like that with infinite intelligence no? The genius is making yourself not responsible for your creation. It's all a reflection of you? Horrifying right? The ego is just the owning of everything the ego likes of reality. Really it's all you. But as god you can choose what to identify with. Atleast seemingly so. The thinker of thoughts is not you, it's God. Along with everything else. Yes that's right you are God. You are a part and a whole. The HOLON. If you don't understand this please understand you are choosing to keep yourself asleep. You are reading the words but not wanting to accept what is being said. Yes you are God. Now the trick is aligning with God's will. You are it, so you may as well own up to it ??‍♂️
  8. The ego me is me as well. It's all you. It's all me. Do you see how you are still seeing everything in the context of subject - object? It's all you. It's all you. It's all you. Without exception it's you. It's a projection of you. And the projection of you is you, including everything which isn't you. You are nothing and everything. It's all about your state of consciousness. Leo is right. In the "higher states of consciousness" it's just obvious. It's all you. Case closed.
  9. Every book every song every film was made by me. So how can I judge it? It's all my own work. It's all happening right now. Yes God can imagine a movie perfectly again and again with no differences. Not like you'd notice anyway.
  10. Am I just riding the wave or am I the wave? How could I direct the wave of my life if there's no me? Of course I can't direct it I would've directed it earlier. I'm asking you guys but you are me, and do I trust me?
  11. I'm the ultimate storyteller. I am God, even if I'm just along for the ride. I am god's will which directs this dream.
  13. HE IS ENLIGHTENED. Here's why: A plastic bag being danced around by energy (wind is really just invisible energy) is the most beautiful thing you can possibly witness. How come? That plastic bag you see, dancing in the air - ITS AN ILLUSION. It's not real. Sure looks real. But there is infinite intelligence at play creating that appearence. This is why washing the dishes becomes so magical once you wake up, you are aware that in that moment, the universe is manifesting as hands washing dishes, water splashing everywhere, warm feelings of splishy splashy water, and it's all a dream. It feels so fucking real. Ommmmgggg what a blessing ❤️
  14. The horrible things going on are part of the illusion. It helps God cope with infinity. It's like wow my first world life is so comfy compared with being a Jew during the Holocaust. It's a part of the dream. You think "why am I so lucky" but that's part of the dream. It stops you wanting to talk with "others" because you don't know their life situation, they can always say "what about starving children in Africa" and then you can say "that is not in my direct experience" but that just makes you sound like you lost the argument. God is ETERNAL LOVE FOR ITSELF. It's literally idiotic to put itself through horrible suffering unless it seemingly wants to. You must want it. It must make sense. So yes rape and murder and everything is love, because this is basically GTA ONLINE. There is nobody experiencing that. This is your dream! Wake the fuck up! There is no animals with their own individual consciousnessess suffering away. God dreams the 21st century and it happens. Do you get it yet? All you have experienced is your own life. How was your life? Pretty good? Yeah it's gonna be that FOR ETERNITY. It's infinite okay-ness for itself. Everything that happened to you, you got through just fine. Right now in this moment you are chilling.
  15. No point at all. Either it happens or it doesn't, you have no say in the matter. Either you sustain the desire long enough to awaken or you don't. Life can easily distract you from your enlightenment goals, and probably will. Really once you know it's a dream, you can just enjoy the rest of your life safe in the knowledge that you have nothing to fear and it's all an illusion within universal mind. If you want abiding non-dual awareness then keep going, but I only see 0.001% of people really willing to do the work, and even then there's no reason to do it. It's just completing the video game. How many games do you continue playing once you've completed them?
  16. Since I was young I just wanted to be a clown and make others laugh. I'd be the best at making meta jokes or making really weird faces. My personality moulded to whoever I was with, and I'd always laugh at my own jokes, but also feel bad if they didn't like my jokes or criticised me. My whole life was a story, I just loved what life put in front of me. I always jumped from friend to friend, I'd get obsessed with one person at a time and make it my purpose to make them like me or invite me to their birthday or to sleepovers etc. Life was simple back then when I devoted myself to others. Currently though, I need nobody except my YouTube gurus and my musical heros. They are so interesting to me, but I'm aware my life appears extremely sad to others in society, especially my parents. But I know if I lived to make them proud, I wouldn't be living authentically. I'm enjoying the child state. But I've also got this GNARLY EGO. I judge so many people, I could never hang out with them. I could never do a 9-5 and surrounded myself with them. I'd rather just merge into infinite love. But this is the ego speaking, but it's so dense, it would be so painful to become a "normie" because I've built these self protection mechanisms over years. But I know I was happier when I was a young clown. But then again, this is all there is. It's already 100% complete. So wtf? Can I seriously just stay as a recluse? Do I have any choice? Is there any "better" ways to live or is that just all an illusion? Is there any difference between living a selfish life and a selfless life? I'm not hurting anyone, but I'm not helping anyone either...
  17. @RMQualtrough Why not be a psychonaut for a couple years, and figure out whether you being God is bullshit or not. I plan to do that, but life is long, I don't see the rush to dispell the illusion.
  18. It's a beautiful story made of love. It's also incredibly sad. It's infinitely meaningful, and infinitely meaningless, but overall it's good. We have no choice but to see it as good, we are stuck here, but overall it is good, as God can forget and infinitely distract itself with beautifully crafted loving stories of others. If it couldn't do that, then yikes, but it can so ❤️
  19. I am a dream character and I'm 100% ok with that. RMQualtrough is the sole dreamer.
  20. @RMQualtrough You ever gonna truly believe there's no free will? We are programmed with the thought "maybe there is free will". It's gonna be an endless debate with yourself. Just pretend you have free will, it's more interesting.
  21. RIGHT HERE BITCH! THERE IS A PERCEPTUAL BUBBLE ON THIS END TYPING THIS IN ALL CAPS RIGHT NOW. Here's some random emojis to prove how random I am and not an NPC: ???❤️????? Solipsism disproved. Now you have to persuade me that you are conscious ?
  22. @Nahm Thank you for writing all that out. I do need to do the practices, I think I understand them but I never actually did them. I probably don't want to do them because I like the idea of waking up, but actually doing it is terrifying.
  23. @Leo Gura being a murderer is not in this avatar's programming. I'm a sensitive soul.
  24. @Tim R If I take 5MEO as many times as Leo did and am still not convinced them I'm gonna be disappointed if I'm not God ?. A lot is being promised here!