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About abc123

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  1. Body Meditation & Music listening
    Body Meditation & Music listening
    I feel like i have a lot of unconcious identification with my body areas. mostly manifested as tensions. If i do a lot of body meditation and become aware of these, and letting them go, by  relaxing... you go from less tensed and solid to a more spiritual space according to leo in his video of 'relax the body'
    is this why when we listen to music when we have smoked weed, we become more one with the music? because the attention of us is not absorbed into the unconscious body parts/tensions, and therefore it has room to focus more fully on other things. and then it feels like you can concentrate sooo much with absolutely 0 effort. basically I am wondering if body awareness increases our sense perceptions to this level as well? what are your thoughts on this? as a professional musician this is very important to me